
Could The PS5 Be The Most Impactful Home Console Ever?


On this week’s show we discuss the PS5’s SSD and how it might be way more important than most are letting on. We dive into the highway robbery that is the Game Gear Micro, discuss who Xbox could gain some sort of traction in Japan, and so much more

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Axonometri1453d ago ShowReplies(8)
garos821453d ago ShowReplies(2)
1453d ago Replies(2)
Minute Man 7211453d ago

Wait til DF breaks down this console.

Atticus_finch1453d ago

You won't like that either. Lol

Minute Man 7211453d ago

Why bro???? I got no problems with the PS5

Shane Kim1453d ago

Agree with minute man. Let us see these consoles in action first.

Thundercat771451d ago

Before, when MS started with their Teraflops propaganda, many jumped to say the the Xbox was going to be superior but now that devs are saying that the PS5 is going to be superior, some say, "let's wait til DF".

xX-oldboy-Xx1453d ago

Richard isn't a shill at all, notice how DF have stopped 'if we zoom in 400%' shenanigans on their videos.

I've already heard all I need to from John, Tim and especially Mark.

PS5 is a game changer - by the time the market catching up, they'll be releasing their 2nd batch of 1st larty titles.

And theyll likely blow away the 1st batch of titles that have already blown the industry and gamers away.

Babadook71453d ago

Spider-Man 2 going to be spectacular with that I/o.

cabbitwithscissors1452d ago

They'll be doing their best to downplay the differences, and probably say buy the game for the console that you prefer rather than getting the game on the best platform available which they would probably do if the XSX was the one on top.

CaptainHenry9161452d ago

Wait til DF breaks down the upcoming exclusives

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neutralgamer19921453d ago

Can't wait to see what sony will showcase at the event. GT and demon souls are pretty much confirmed

Horizon 2 gameplay
Possibly socom reboot

Just throwing out my thoughts no inside information

Scissorman821453d ago

I need that Silent Hill reboot too. :)

neutralgamer19921452d ago


It feels like that's the worst kept secret in gaming

mandf1453d ago

Where is the info on demon souls

morganfell1453d ago

Info on Bloodborne surfaced too.

neutralgamer19921452d ago


It's been confirmed by pretty much anyone and everyone who could have inside information including the guy who use to be at kotaku jason

morganfell1453d ago (Edited 1453d ago )

I can't imagine what it would be like on my 3 favorite maps in Breach - Sujo, Sandstorm, and my personal favorite because it was the hardest to win as a SEAL, Enowapi. I miss hearing Feral yell Frag Out! and the sound of an M14 running.

remixx1161452d ago

No frostfire or desert glory?? Come on homie those are classics.

neutralgamer19921452d ago


A complete edition of BB with dlc with 60FPS at native 4k and no loading or bare minimum loading would be good for fans

NotoriousWhiz1452d ago

A socom remake would be a day one buy for me. I'd have to see if I could get my old college roommates to join me since we used to play socom 2 together on the PS2.

morganfell1452d ago

Those are classics and so is Fish Hook. But I am referring only to the Breach Maps from SOCOM 2 :)

morganfell1452d ago


I can't but help feel that is coming. We may not see it on Thursday but I definitely think its in the cards.

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All Call of Duty Black Ops Games Ranked

The Nerd Stash: "Developed by Treyarch Studios, Call of Duty: Black Ops games are some of the best in the series in terms of gameplay, story, and -- of course -- Zombies."

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Report: Black Ops 6 to Be Another "DLC" Download for Call of Duty HQ; Same With MW3

It seems Black Ops 6 will be another "DLC" download added to the Call of Duty HQ app for all platforms when it launches later this year.

purple1015h ago

this news makes the choice easy, Concord it is, - totally different, but happy for a change, not played any other shooter for about 5-6 years now

Kaii4h ago

Yeah, they are adding more extensions to make the entire streamlined experience more convoluted.

P_Bomb18m ago(Edited 15m ago)

Omg why? The bloat! It’s already at 180GB last I checked.


Take-Two Is Quietly Killing Private Division

In recent weeks, reports have surfaced that Take-Two is shuttering Kerbal Space Program 2 developer Intercept Games and OlliOlli World developer Roll7. Now, IGN has learned that not only are these closures imminent, but they are a part of a larger move by Take-Two to either sell off or shut down the entirety of its indie label, Private Division.

Inverno14m ago

Jesus. The AAA space is gonna implode on itself. We went from "indie is the future" to shutting down devs who make smaller budget games to make way for games that take 7 years to develop and blow through half a billion bucks with almost nothing to show for it.