
PlayStation and Xbox Take Very Different Approaches to Next Gen

IGN: Sydnee Goodman talks about how PlayStation and Xbox seem to be taking very different approaches to next gen after PlayStation boss, Jim Ryan, says that PS5 games don't have to run on PS4; but, new PS4 games do have to run on PS5 and there's a PS5 conference coming June 4th.

averagejoe261473d ago

Yep. Sony focusing on amazing new games and Xbox focusing on nostalgia and old games

Actually1473d ago (Edited 1473d ago )

How do you know neither has shown their first party offerings yet?

Hayter4561473d ago

Do you say that about PSNow?...

RosweeSon1473d ago

Which they are limited on as well 🤷🏻‍♂️🥴 😜 who wants to play binx the cat. Halo collections already remastered and there’s a newer better version of Forza most years I don’t really get what’s to go back for on Xbox 1000 games 10% off which are worth playing 10% of that which are top notch. So about 10 games. 🤷🏻‍♂️✌🏻 ;🤓

King_Noctis1473d ago

Why do you keep ignoring new MS’ games?

AngelicIceDiamond1473d ago (Edited 1473d ago )

Fan fiction.

You make it sound like MS is solely only focusing on BC which would be stupid. Or let's ignore games they already have announced and more being announced In July. Just because they're doing BC better doesn't mean that's all their doing.

But that's the new N4G fairy Tale now. Since you guys love imagining and pretending.

neutralgamer19921472d ago


No doubt about it there will be games only available for PlayStation 5 coming from Sony while every game coming for Microsoft can be played on last generation consoles along with PC

And people who are saying Sony news support PlayStation 4 Yes they are supporting it with two of their biggest games. I feel like since the last 3 years of Xbox 360 and this whole generation Microsoft Xbox team and their fans have been saying just wait just wait till next year just wait till next year this has become my E3 slogan for them. If the last of us part 2 and ghost were being made by Ms they would have delayed them to launch alongside Xbox series x this is how much confidence Sony has they are releasing them on current gen consoles

Edito1472d ago


They don't have to... Sony is Committed to knew experiences no PS5 games on PS4, and Microsoft is committed to same games on all Xbox consoles and PC so yeah you will be playing new games with last gen experience because they will have to make a new game run on Series X and the original Xbox One...

Imortus_san1472d ago

"Sony focusing on amazing new games and Xbox focusing on nostalgia and old games">


Game Pass focusing on amazing new games and PS Now focusing on nostalgia and old games

DarXyde1472d ago


For me, Burnout Revenge and Ninja Gaiden Black would be cool to revisit.

JesusBuiltmyHotrod1472d ago

Aimotussan...that is whataboutism and has zero bearing..Gamepass does not move the needle for MS at all...they are getting destroyed to this day..Gamepass is a good service, but fanboys grossly overrate it's importance.

UltraNova1472d ago


You should first learn the difference between a game service and actual games.

darthv721472d ago

It should come as no surprise that the initial batch of launch games for a new console generally are starting life on their previous console. Unless, of course, the new console never had a prior release. Like when PS1 came out or the og xbox. Sony not making cross gen games is their choice. MS making cross gen games is also their choice. There is no rule that they both have to do the same thing.

And yes, there will eventually be SX games that wont work on the previous XBO but until that time comes... MS is making sure people have something to play if they have not upgraded to the SX. I plan on getting the SX so those initial games will take advantage of the SX but just not 'full' advantage. And that is usually the case anyways. It isnt until after the first couple of years that we really start seeing what the new hardware is capable of. Keep this in mind, games like Last of Us 2 and Ghost of Tsushima are still running on the same hardware from 6-7 years ago. And look how much better the devs got at understanding the hardware over time. That is the creativity and experience with the hardware more so than the hardware itself. Next gen will be no different.

4Sh0w1472d ago (Edited 1472d ago )

Thats BS, 95% of all the games this gen could be scaled back to run on 360/ps3. Sure it would mean at least 1 or a combination, possibly all of some things like less effects, lighting, physics, lower framerate & longer load times but you're buying the hype if you truly believe most of these games this gen or next gen CANT BE DOWNSCALED to play on older hardware while existing in all its glory that the devs intend it to be with the newsest hardware available. ITS A SIMPLE MATTER OF WILL & BUDGET.

Shiii if Sony/Micro/Devs wanted to they could make ANY next gen game devs wanted with latest high end ray tracing, vast open world, 4K 60fps, graphical beast with no thought in mind of current gen, downscale & port it. I mean these are essentially computers of which all have very similar architecture of various power levels. Its always been true that when dev said X wont run on Z they meant in its current form. BUT if you cut a) from X you got it running on Z, albeit at lesser performance. Sony here is clearly articulating they are just not willing to do that...not unlike previous gens, micro on the other hand has chosen to buck that trend, gamers should be happy as long as of course they put forth the effort to make impactful XSX games.

DJStotty1471d ago

Yeah because all that 3rd party showing for xbox series x was all "nostalgia and old games"

Don't be mad that xbox may have better BC options for the consumer, demand the same from your plastic manufacturer.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 1471d ago
IGiveHugs2NakedWomen1472d ago

Jim Ryan does have a point. Why would you spend millions of dollars developing and manufacturing new consoles if you aren't going to create new games that make full use of 3D audio, SSD speeds, and increased processing power? I find it odd that some seem to think that doing things that undermine sales of consoles is a good idea.

UltraNova1472d ago (Edited 1472d ago )

Exactly. Imagine for a minute if Epic went to MS wanting to showcase their U5 engine on their platform and MS asked to make it run on Xbox one too. How would that go? Can you imagine how would that demo look like on Xbox One? Would Epic be able to deliver that kind of fidelity or would they have to significantly limit their vision due to orders of magnitude slower IO speeds, CPU and GPU? Worst yet, how would lumen and nanite look like? Would those features even be showcased? How much would they have to sacrifice to be able to make it run on last-gen?

Sure they could downscale everything to make it work but that's not all there is to it; the entire game dseing would have to be gimped too to run on xb1. That's exactly the predicament I wish devs won't have to find themselves in while developing their games going forward, having to allocate time and resources in gimping their tech/vision instead of focusing on making their games as advanced as they can and that's exactly what they'll have to face for the next two years in order to release their games on Xbox SX. What does this mean for 3rd party games on PS5? Fortunately, Sony 1st party will not find themselves in that situation.

That's the difference in both approaches, one advances things and the other limits them.

I'm so happy Sony and MS are taking a different path.

fiveby91472d ago

I plan to upgrade to a PS5 first. I can play any Xbox exclusive on my PC or my X1x. I don't see a need to upgrade to the XsX at launch.

LimpTool1472d ago

So when Horizons comes out next year on PS5 all PS4 owners will be SoL then. You'd make more money when it works on both consoles. Develope for the PS5 and port it to PS4.

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen1472d ago

Well if you want to play Horizon Zero Dawn 2 you'll buy a PS5. That's how exclusives work.

rainslacker1471d ago (Edited 1471d ago )

MS is taking an either or approach. You can't have new gen games and support older hardware, so they'll just support older hardware, and make cross gen ports for the new.

Sony hasn't made it's full plans known with releases yet, but historically, they have continued support after a new gen starts, and still provide new gen games at the same time.

In the past, MS has just left behind the old gen, and made stuff for the new, so this time they're just taking the other extreme.

Whether that's good or bad I guess depends on your perspective.


Sony sold millions of copies of H:ZD because it was one of the first games that was truly what I'd call a next gen game. It probably could have been scaled back some for PS3, but memory issues may have prevented it. Regardless, pushing it to PS4 only, helped sell PS4's, which is what Sony wants. Same will be true with their next gen games.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1471d ago
JesusBuiltmyHotrod1472d ago (Edited 1472d ago )

Yeah Sony being in a position to Support both PS4 and PS5 launch simultaneously with exclusives while MS is way behind is different.

JesusBuiltmyHotrod1472d ago

@actually..Ms has said no Xbox Series X exclusives for 1-2 years...my explanation as to why is above, they do not have their first party ready and cannot do what sony is doing, supporting both PS4 and ps5 launch simultaneously..

UltimateRacer1473d ago

Glad Sony are taking there approach, no cross gen games just PS5 titles from the start, another load of kick ass exclusives to come from there studios, going to be incredible.

alb18991473d ago

I'm not convinced that is the right way or the only way to do it right.
The first year of a new generation no game takes really advantage of the new technology so, I don't think that you will see amazing difference between what ether of them offer.
Plus, is good to don't have the pressure to change generation because there's still support and you can play with your friends no matter in what generation they are in to. Plus the Smart Delivery is just so good and the compatibility.
The AAA games take really long time to make so when they are ready, we well be impressed and almost everyone will have the new console.

UltimateRacer1473d ago

Games like Killzone Shadowfall, Infamous second son etc took advantage of PS4 right from the start because they were only on PS4 so Sonys approach does and will work with PS5, it’s the right way to go no question but your entitled to your opinion, Peace.

alb18991473d ago (Edited 1473d ago )

They took some advantages but how successful were does games?
They were average games and the real difference was shown one or two years later.

thecodingart1473d ago (Edited 1473d ago )

They took some advantages but how successful were does games?
They were average games and the real difference was shown one or two years later.
” - alb1899

.. You are entitled to your opinion man... but I don’t think anyone can take you serious after these comments.

RosweeSon1473d ago

It worked for ps1/2 and 4 so I don’t see why them releasing games from day1 for the next gen console is a bad thing. Games console I don’t understand why this is a hard thing to grasp for a fair few and Microsoft but it’s about the Games for your games console 😑🤷🏻‍♂️ 🤣 it worked for pretty much every other console manufacturer previously the main times it didn’t work is crazy ideas always online etc and Nintendo have some mad ones but they see them through good or bad they’ll still support it for a few years. The main times it doesn’t work tho is lack of support lack of games and just bad ideas all round. Nintendo found that out after wii u and a very slow start with 3ds Sony found out with Vita and especially with ps3 hence PS4 corrected it big times games from day one vita ports of some brilliant games even stole gravity rush 2 from vita and went ps4 only games galore and you’ll win the war 🤓✌🏻😜

alb18991473d ago

And that's your opinion.

UltimateRacer1473d ago

Funny thing is I recently watched a digital foundry video we’re even now they praised both Killzone Shadowfall and Infamous Second Son saying they both hold up really well for early gen titles.

alb18991473d ago

I never said that it is a bad thing what I did said is that there are more than one way to do things right and that I think both have oposit aproch but both can be right.

alb18991473d ago

You just said it: "they both hold up really well for early gen titles."
What that implies? ;)

xX-oldboy-Xx1472d ago

alb1899 - It implies that they were technically very solid upon release.

The games Sony releases at launch on PS5 will likely be the same.

But let's not split hairs - at the end of the day Sony 1st parties are competing amongst themselves.

WWS will show what next gen consoles are about. And Thursday is when it all starts.

OB1Biker1472d ago (Edited 1472d ago )

'is good to don't have the pressure to change generation "
Oh come on.
Ps4 has incredible support and cross gen play was announced last year already.

outsider16241472d ago

Some of you guys don't understand at all.
This is about setting up next gen. You got to make console enticing enough for the millions of casuals out there. If every game is playable on xboxone, xboxX and pc...what is the reason for people to buy the Series X. Thats the question. Please explain to me how you're going to sell the new console.

If MS were the only console manufacturers, then yeah. But they have a competition, and not just any competition, they're up against Sony's Playstation.

Sony's trying to transitioned from current gen to next gen. Those who still wants to play on the ps4, they can. They still got TLOU2 and GhostofT coming up. With the Ps5 you can still play ps4 games but at the same time New Games/ Exclusives playable ONLY on Ps5. They may not take advantage of the system right now..but they're giving you a reason to play Next Gen Games not capable on Ps4.

Exclusives sells consoles. Why do you think MS purchased all those studios. So they can create new IPs for the Series X but those studios don't/ won't have time to release their games on time for launch. That's why they won't have Exclusives for the Series X until 1-2 years.

Feel free to debate with that.

Knushwood Butt1472d ago

'But let's not split hairs - at the end of the day Sony 1st parties are competing amongst themselves'

So true, and somehow they keep going one better, to the point that when, inevitably, one of them doesn't, it will still be an extremely high quality product.

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen1472d ago (Edited 1472d ago )

Consider this. If Xbox Series X games can be played on PC and Xbox One what would be the reason to spend $500 on a Xbox Series X? Minecraft at 4K/60FPS?

Games1st1472d ago (Edited 1472d ago )

They are using the main strength PlayStation 5. Making games quickly with single platform, by balancing ease of development with power. PS5 is easier to developer for than PS4. Dead time was 1-2 months, now under a month. Developers will gain more experience and put out more games throughout early years.

JesusBuiltmyHotrod1472d ago

Total nonsense..Sony is supporting PS4 and PS5 simultaneously, MS is behind on their first party projects, and are spinning it as they are..

JesusBuiltmyHotrod1472d ago

@ALB..the sales figures are out there..Shadow fall sold very well and Infamous sold 1 million in it's first 9 days./.....either way nice strawman, no one said anything about sales, stop spinning

alb18991472d ago

You are right, if nothing changes in the next 3 months you are right 100%. I can't argue with that.

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 1472d ago
neutralgamer19921472d ago


whole purpose of new consoles should be that games are possible on them which are not possible only last generation consoles. there is absolutely no way a game that is built for ground up for PlayStation 5 or Xbox series X should be able to run on last year and consoles how is that even possible when we have to take into effect the SSD the stronger GPUs and CPUs. The SSD factor alone shouldn't make it possible

So that in itself will hold back a lot of games that Microsoft will make because they have to support console which is 12 teraflops and console which is one teraflop


Yes and they are supporting PS4 with 2 if their biggest exclusives yet to come out. Sony knows 3rd parties will continue to support PS4 for years because of the install base so they can focus on next generation

Something Ms should have wanted to do and leave this gen behind where they got manhandled by Sony/ps4

starchild1472d ago

Infamous Second Son could easily have been scaled down to run on the PS3. It wouldn't look nearly as nice or run at as high of a resolution, but it could have been done. It didn't even look as good as Assassin's Creed Unity on PC, so this idea that it was doing things that no other gaming device could possibly handle is just nonsense.

--Onilink--1472d ago (Edited 1472d ago )

A game built from the ground up that simply cannot be done on the previous gen wont be coming out on the 1st year anyway. And usually the more technically advanced those launch games are, the more they lack in other areas, because those games dont have the luxury of delaying for polish or extra content.

Killzone is still a looker, but it was just decent. Ryse also looked great and it was mediocre overall. The closest one I would say was Infamous (which did have a couple more months) and even then most of the side content in the game was incredibly repetitive or boring, especially compared to Infamous 2

neutralgamer19921472d ago


Yeah I don't think so the ram factor alone won't make it possible. But PS3 was on another level the cell processor is Uber strong even now if developers actually knew how to use it


Get ready for June 4th I think Sony will prove it otherwise. They have been getting ready for next gen for past 3 or so years and many of their developers have had ample amount of time and they are the ones who gave a lot of feedback to cerny . Ps5 is the easiest console to develop for since ps1. I know what you are saying in the past has been true usually early on consoles don't get excellent games but I think this time might be different

starchild1472d ago

Nope. It's part of the reason a console like that will never be my primary gaming device. I bought my PS4 Pro only around three years ago and it could easily run any game they make for the PS5, except with reduced settings, resolution, etc. They are only concerned with getting you to buy their new console. Now a perfectly good piece of hardware is going to be effectively dead, because consoles for me are only for the exclusives anyway. So if my PS4 Pro gets no further exclusives then it only got three years of life, which is pathetic.

I prefer PC because you have such tremendous backwards and forwards compatibly. My current PC will have no problem playing upcoming next gen games, but it also has backwards compatibility with decades of PC games. Compare that to Sony's consoles where you get no forward compatibility on the PS4/PS4 Pro and only partial backwards compatibility on the PS5.

Knushwood Butt1472d ago

If you bought a PS4 for the exclusives, like you say, then you have access to every exclusive released during the PS4's lifespan.

OB1Biker1472d ago (Edited 1472d ago )

When you think of it, it's a bit like crying because you have to upgrade your 7 year old PC to play the latest games.

outsider16241472d ago

What rubbish!! Are you a developer?
You think Second Son will run on a 512 mb ram machine? Easily scaled down to what? No npcs, less buildings, lets not even talk about lighting and the graphics.

3 years of exclusives? Lol...stop lying man.
If you really bought your pro for exclusives you'd have a whole lot of exclusives from 2013 (for cheap too) till July this year.

They are only concerned with getting "you to buy their new console."

They have done this practically for generations and have always become the top selling console. If you feel that Sony are just forcing you to buy a new console. You should stick with PC and enjoy it or better yet get the Series X and play all your old games at 4k 120fps.

remixx1161472d ago


Exactly his argument is dumb as hell, he knew damn well the limited time frame of relevance that comes with purchasing a mid gen upgrade. It's always been like this so I'm confused why he's treating it like it's something brand new.

PS3 had 512 mb ram, PS4 had 1.8 tf. Trust me when I say those are limitations don't and I'm positive most devs don't want to be held back by.

Saying "just downscale" doesn't work because there is a point where you can't downscale to fix it unless you want to remove entire chunks of the world, disable functions or reduce certain physics actions and even then it still may not be enough.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1472d ago
Imortus_san1472d ago

Incredible like this gen? were they have 6 great games out of 100?

rainslacker1471d ago

Did they so no cross gen games? I think they'll probably still have some. Maybe not their big blockbusters. But they have said that they'll have next gen only games, which is counter to what MS has said for the early gen.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1471d ago
Godmars2901473d ago (Edited 1473d ago )

I think MS is conceding the console war while pretending they're still in it. Are more focused on BC, cementing themselves in gaming culture, while putting the Xbox brand into a position where its physical box can be phased into irrelevancy. Be a multimedia app playable on PC, phone or TV via streaming.

EazyC1473d ago

I hope you're wrong, it's not a good thing for any of us if Sony is the only show in town when it comes to serious gaming.

The Wood1473d ago

Wait Nintendo and pc do exist.

rainslacker1473d ago

When I think about it, I think I'd rather see Nintendo compete in the home console market in the way that MS is now, rather than care if MS continues or not. But I think Nintendo couldn't do that with MS still in the market. Nintendo would have to make a few changes, but I believe if they managed to take a more "mature" approach and added a few games that aren't as cartoonish to push more mature sensibilities, then they could get back to being a major player in the hardcore high end console market. It's not that their games aren't good, its that their presentation is not going to be something that is perceived by the masses as something that appeals to them. Or more aptly described as not diverse enough in terms of presentation.

Godmars2901473d ago

Between MS maintaining a console presence, even if in name only, Nintendo and Amazon trying to come in -maybe even Stadia - Sony's not likely to become complacent. In that regard at least.

Seem to have actually learned from their mistake with the PS3.

kneon1473d ago


They were not complacent with the PS3, nor were they taking their position for granted. People whined about the price but it was actually a steal for what you were getting. It came out of the box with features that xbox would only add years later. And it was by far the cheapest blu-ray player on the market.

It was a bargain but people seem to think that consoles shouldn't increase in price every generation, even though most things in life do.

King_Noctis1473d ago

“ Wait Nintendo and pc do exist.”

Based on alot of people here, Nintendo is not in the competition and PC is not a console.

Godmars2901473d ago

It was complacency, of a sort, making system architecture difficult to use, and by default hard to port to other systems, as a way to manipulate the market. By all counts they used the same tactic with the PS2 so only repeated it. Because of that move which pissed off devs, an exec's off comment which along with the $600 MS beat into the ground, they hurt themselves.

Thing is, that price when BR players were twice the price, the PS3 as an early BR media center was an extreme bargain.

Ausbo1473d ago

Godmars has been predicting the downfall of Xbox since I joined this site over a decade ago. Ignore him

Veneno1472d ago

Choices and competition are good and important but when you weigh what is in front of you instead of spewing the tired old lazy " Sony Monopoly" lie you will realize that the reality is that Xbox dropping out and a new company filling in the spot would be more healthy for the console market.

Realistically if Xbox dropped out, It's totally viable for Sega to find investors to revive the Sega brand of consoles because everyone loves Sega games, they just made too many mistakes with hardware. As I've said in the past I think it would be killer if a European company like Ubisoft or perhaps a UK company would enter the console market. PC machines made in Europe were very popular back in the day. There's already a legacy. And Europe has an abundance of developers.

But these scenarios would only be possible if Xbox were to drop out as there would be more opportunity. So tired of hearing the ridiculous " we need competition" ignorant comments. Competition is constantly coming in even now. Who would have thought that Google, Facebook, and Epic would have entered the ring? No one saw that coming.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1472d ago
-Foxtrot1473d ago

It makes sense to be honest.

Get people drawn into buying a brand new Xbox console one more time and you have 7 years or so to put your new vision for the Xbox brand in place. Maybe these new studios after the first game or so will end up focusing on Gamepass

If Microsoft ends up putting a small exclusive title on Nintendo consoles, and I mean a full on Microsoft exclusive (not something second party) then it could be a sign of them slowly turning themselves into a publisher, wanting their brand on as many devices as possible, could be why Horizon is coming to the PC because Sony knows this. Who knows what the future has it store.

Godmars2901473d ago

"If Microsoft ends up putting a small exclusive title on Nintendo consoles,"

Or, just keep buying studios committed to multiplatform releases that include the PS4. Aside from Minecraft, isn't Outer worlds on PS4?

UltraNova1472d ago


The outer worlds was to be released on ps4 long before MS acquired the studio. They had to honor the previous contract. Now, if tOW 2 comes out on ps5 then you'll be on to something,

Kabaneri1473d ago (Edited 1473d ago )

MS is playing the long game... they know they can't beat Sony in console sales but they're making the right moves to become a permanent force in the games industry. Just look at all their recent acquisitions and the partnership they have with Sony on the Azure servers. Sony is using a strategy similar to Apple with their closed off ecosystem. It will be interesting to see which approach results in more profits.

Godmars2901473d ago

People have been saying that since OG Xbox. They were suppose to match Sony with their 2rd system, then outperform them with the 3rd. This was before OG got dusted, 360 "won" or the X1X crapped itself out the gate.

We have literally seen their long game with the results being the Xbox brand is a joke internationally while needs to be propped up domestically. They're talking system power, doing nothing of real substance with it, while actually being all about streaming, old libraries, new bought IP, and above all games as services with emphasis on 'Pay Me".

EazyC1473d ago

Eh... the way I see it, MS have diluted their brand to a dangerous point...they started to falter sometime around when Kinect was announced... They kept pace for a while but Sony has been dominating for years now.

neutralgamer19921472d ago


Og Xbox
Xbox 360
Xbox one
Xbox x
Xbox series x

What long game they started out last and they are still behind Sony and nintendo. For the last 10 years their E3 slogan is wait till next year

starchild1472d ago

You live in a bubble, Godmars. Most gamers are not hardcore fanboys like many of you on this site. You're a tiny yet vocal minority. Most normal people do not see things in black and white the way you do. The fact that Samsung greatly outsells Sony in TVs doesn't mean that Sony is seen as a "joke" internationally. The fact that iOS has a much smaller market share than Android does not mean that people view iOS as a joke platform. There are still tens of millions of people that buy Sony TVs, iOS phones and Xbox consoles. Just because they aren't leading in sales doesn't mean they are irrelevant or seen as a joke.

UltraNova1472d ago


You are right that hardcore gamers are the minority but that's also why you are wrong because the vast majority of Xbox owners (casuals) could care less about buying the new Xbox since they can simply stick with their existing one to play MS games whereas Playstation casuals will have to buy a ps5 to able to play new Sony games. You either are in the race to win (MS still makes consoles) or you're not. In other words, as long as MS makes consoles they'll either win or lose in that respect.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1472d ago
Spurg1473d ago

"Are more focused on BC"
They are not more focused on BC. This stems from way back to the reveal of Xbox one where Don said absurd quote like" If you want backward compatibility then you're truly backward". Xbox one was heavily criticized for not having BC.
Phil and team have that feature in the console whether people will use it or not its there choice. The BC isn't tacked on either is a unique feature different from how BC usually works. Plus the fact that you guys are not criticizing Sony for BC is astounding as their library is supposed to be superior and will be locked on the Sony consoles and for that generation only. I'm guessing Sony gamers much rather spend money on a 4k remaster later down the road which may be Sony's intension.

"I think MS is conceding the console war while pretending they're still in it."
What does that even mean? Acquiring 9 studios and having a stronger focus on core gaming with high end hardware...how does that mean they are conceding.

"while putting the Xbox brand into a position where its physical box can be phased into irrelevancy."

"Be a multimedia app playable on PC, phone or TV via streaming."
I'm sorry I thought you were describing Psnow.

See now that goes again what you just said about "phasing into irrelevancy" as being on those devices will multiply is relevancy.

You just don't have any argument.

Godmars2901473d ago

They are not going to have any Series X games for their Series X console when it launches. When they do, they're also going to be on PC. They may be on phones via streaming. That doesn't sound like any focus on console hardware.

And they've bought studios before. Rare, if you actually look at their history under MS, literally exemplifies the best and worst of what MS does with studios they buy.

"I'm sorry I thought you were describing Psnow."

When we were talking about PSnow, we weren't talking about current gen, AAA high profile day-one releases. When I'm talking about irrelevancy I'm talking about hardware, not the Xbox brand itself which, again, is not strictly the hardware.

MS's next system, which wont have anything to justify getting it day-one except better looking titles from older hardware. Or, as MS themselves have said, years after their newest hardware is out.

Hell, they may not even have or be talking about one new system when their one new system comes out. Wont emphasize power, rather cost.

AngelicIceDiamond1473d ago

"Are more focused on BC"

There are just more excuses being made here. So them talking about BC recently isn't foreshadowing them scaling back or narrowing down on anything, it's just a feature, a feature that MS at the beginning didn't believe in.

"while putting the Xbox brand into a position where its physical box can be phased into irrelevancy."

Again if that was remotely true then they would release the S Series with no X version in sight and no plans for a mid gen X Series refresh. A console that would be 2 to 3x faster than Xbox One One X and would last no more than 4 years then be out dated then phasing out the console and would want you to invest in PC and other devices later. While all the X Series major specs and features being only on the newest high end PC's and devices while the Series S will oy have half the feature. XGP would of released on PC, phones, Tablets etc first then console second. Smart Delivery would on be between X1 and PC etc enticing gamers to go on PC and again other devices. None of those things are happening with any
if MS directions and announcements. So your theory is vastly unfounded.

If X Series fails then yes they'll do a slow phase as you described.

Godmars2901473d ago

All I'm reading is that you agree with me, only you've tried to write it like you don't.

Have to wait for MS to actually put something out, literally show their hand, but things come off as this being, if not an expensive yet empty gesture, then their last honest push into the console market. And if they're already talking about a cheaper, less powerful or disc-less version of the Series X before its even actually out, guess where I'm putting my money.

Yeah, it not MS. Not either. Not yet anyway.

xX-oldboy-Xx1472d ago

Angelic - "So them talking about BC recently" - thats been their natrative for the last 4 or so years.

It's going to be a long gen for ms.

AngelicIceDiamond1473d ago

I'm sayin I would agree if the console fails or under performs then I can see a slow phase out. But everything you described has no evidence or any backing or logically what you said makes no sense from their direction lately. But It's hard to tell what would be consider a failure in a sense in MS eyes.

Godmars2901471d ago

How are you going tell MS considers their system a failure when they've done everything to either remove or confuse public sales information? Have throughout their time in consoles shown levels of denial and delusion. A "we"re *ALWAYS* doing *GREAT*!" mentality that's actually effected their products when their other mentality is "put it out now, patch it later."

neutralgamer19921472d ago (Edited 1472d ago )


I think you have a legit point Ms rather their games be playable everywhere and selling a box isn't important to them but selling Xbox live and gamepass memberships are important to them and those can only truly succeed if you have your own hardware

Godmars2901471d ago

Game Pass is on PC, will be on phones and maybe TVs, m'dude.

1472d ago
+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1471d ago
-Foxtrot1473d ago

I just feel Microsoft has something up their sleeve with sticking with last gen, and it's not because of them being super nice.

Why have all that power then decide to let last gen hold you back in some areas. It'll be used as an excuse down the line, just you watch.

AngelicIceDiamond1473d ago

Well everyone complained MS dropped support to early on their last consoles now that they're supporting the old console for a little while longer ppl complain.

So what's really the outrage here? At least make the complaints consistent.

The Wood1473d ago (Edited 1473d ago )

C'mon man you know what people are saying. They dropped support for the 360 in the final 3rd of last gen and this gen was worse than last gen in regards to output and unit sales. They know they aren't global like their main competitors so banding all of the platforms together under the guise of leaving nobody behind is definitely their best chance of competing. Some call it 'gamer friendly' some see the swerve especially in comparison to how they tried to enter this gen and the metrics they used to hold dear. Being gamer friendly is being consistent with quality output for a generation not just a portion. I'm glad each company has different approaches to be honest. Each to their own.

The Wood1473d ago (Edited 1473d ago )

C'mon man you know what people are saying. They dropped support for the 360 in the final 3rd of last gen and this gen was worse than last gen in regards to output and unit sales. They know they aren't global like their main competitors so banding all of the platforms together under the guise of leaving nobody behind or being gamer friendly is definitely their best chance of competing in the mindshare department. Some call it 'gamer friendly' some see the swerve especially in comparison to how they tried to enter this gen and the metrics they used to hold dear now being irrelevant. Being gamer friendly is being consistent with quality output for a generation not just a portion. I'm glad each company has different approaches to be honest. Each to their own. Unit sales will still matter as will quality exclusive output.

I'm well glad Sony will make dedicated next gen only games. I'm not dropping x amount of p on new hardware that is being held back or hamstrung. I expect the internal teams to reach for the stars

MIDGETonSTILTS171473d ago

They are pitching $500 hardware upgrade without any unique software for 18-24 months.... this has never been done by a console launch.

Chevalier1473d ago

Its not BC that is the issue. Its this supposed 'support' you speak of. Set the low bar in games and thats where Xbox is this whole generation. Next gen should be easy to step over the low bar.

Godmars2901471d ago

No immediate 1st party support for their new console(s)?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1471d ago
rainslacker1473d ago

It's all about game pass. The games they have for the XSX launch can run on this gen, so if they can manage to keep their current user base engaged in Game Pass, it helps to give them time to improve game pass, and hopefully, people will not become impatiant with next gen games.

What it comes down to is that if they don't have games for game pass for the current owners, they will lose out on subs, because I think they now that the XSX has to do a lot to become a major player for next gen.

some of the things they're doing are the right direction to go, but they just aren't in the position yet to actually deliver. What remains to be seen is how it all pans out, and what they'll eventually deliver. But as it stands, Game Pass is more important to them, and their future streaming service is going to be just as important. If they make more money there, they'd drop the console market quick enough, because why fight so hard when Nintendo can make plenty of money without catering to the high end console market, and Sony has such a firm grip on the high end console market.

AngelicIceDiamond1473d ago (Edited 1473d ago )

It is a bad thing they're not dropping X1 immediately now, ok. I guess it all determines how their exclusives will look across X1 and X Series. If they look fantastic Then X Series only games will look much better. If Halo Infinite not only looks better and plays drastically better on X Series. Then the X Series will be a easy sell. I've used Titan Fall as an example because That game sold better on X1 than it did on PC and 360. 360 being way more popular than X1 and the X1 still sold way more even after the after math of its terrible philosophy. Why? Easy, advertisement.

Everyone loves talking about history so it should make sense here. Watch Dogs on PS4 sold better than the PS3. That bundle also helped it.

MS will work that exact same magic with X Series. Like I said if whatever they show looks good on X1, looks better on X Series then I imagine X Series only games to look much pretty ground breaking.

That all remains to be seen.

Baza1473d ago

Focusing on a truly next gen experience. Im on board.

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Search and Destroy is nice, but Black Ops 6 should have more one-life game modes

Search and Destroy remains one of the most popular game modes in CoD, but Black Ops 6 players want more variety.

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Shiro1731h ago

The mode from mw2 prisoner rescue was really good. Hope they bring that back. Only mode in my I played.


Xbox Has A Lot To Show That Couldn't Fit In June Showcase, Could Be Revealed At Gamescom 2024

Xbox allegedly has a lot more games to show that it couldn't fit in June's Showcase, and they are likely to be revealed at Gamescom 2024.

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blackblades19h ago

So what they gonna show next June then?

just_looken2h ago

Pro versions of the console and or rumor's of the next console specs.

Obscure_Observer11h ago


I wonder what could those even be?

We already got both 2024 and 2025 packed!

just_looken2h ago

but 2027 is when the next xbox drops so the schedule demands pro versions and the start of hype train for next gen.
2000 xbox
2005 360
2013 xbox one
2020 series x/s

andy852h ago

Very much doubt they will be bringing out a pro version. They'll move next gen slightly early to try and get the jump imo

jznrpg1h ago

No point in a Pro version if they still demand Series S parity Bs

NotoriousWhiz1h ago

They're definitely not moving to next gen early. They may release a next gen console early, but it'll probably be another 3 years after release before they launch any exclusives. It'll effectively be a pro model until that point.

porkChop2h ago

We still haven't seen Contraband from the Just Cause devs, or the fantasy RPG with dragons from the Hitman devs. They've got a lot of 2nd party stuff in the works.

cthulhucultist18m ago

They still have under development:

Clockwork Revolution
Outer Worlds 2
OD (Kojima Project)
Project Mara
Project Maverick
Elders Scrolls 6
Fallout 5

however many of these are in early stages and can not be shown.

Realistically we can expect more gameplay from the reveals in June (State of Decay gameplay perhaps?), some footage of Towerborne that was missing in the showcase and perhaps a small trailer (even cinematic) for Contraband and/or Clockwork Revolution.

I would be so confident though. MS usually hypes Gamescom and ends up being a snoozefest focused on developers talking

PhillyDonJawn2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

Halo and a rumored new ip. I was wondering why they were missing

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The Last of Us Part 2, FFIX Remake, RDR & Other Unannounced PC Games Leaked

The Last of Us Part 2, Final Fantasy IX, Red Dead Redemption, and other unannounced PC games have apparently been leaked.

Read Full Story >>
Furesis12h ago

I mean yeah we have known for a while now and this just validates it more. Nothing official yet but... c'mon let's not play dumb here. I'm more interested in the other titles tho, i wonder what those are.

Petebloodyonion2h ago

The information is confirmed, as Epic Games has made an official announcement on the matter.

"[Update] After publishing our story, we received a statement from Epic on this matter (via an Epic PR agency):

“We released an update tonight so third-party tools can’t surface any new unpublished product titles from the Epic Games Store catalog.”"

neutralgamer19922h ago

RDR would be an instant buy for me even though I have played it before

MajinRose171h ago(Edited 1h ago)

The Last of us Part 2 better be steam deck compatible. 🙏🏾🙏