
PlayStation Quietly Shuts Down a Game's Servers With No Warning

"PlayStation has quietly shut down the servers of one of its games with no warning. More specifically, if you're wondering why you can no longer play an online match of Killzone: Mercenary on PlayStation Vita, it's because servers have been shut down. Reports of the servers being turned off began to flood in this morning, and we've since confirmed with PlayStation Support that the servers have indeed been shut off."

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1445d ago Replies(6)
Jin_Sakai1445d ago

Right after the last PS Vita owner was killed.

deleted1444d ago

"They may take our Vitas, but they'll never take... OUR FREEDOM! Alba gu bràth!"

cammers19951444d ago

Probably a protester somewhere.

Elda1445d ago

That's why I got rid of my Vita because Sony stop supporting it especially with first party titles. I love their home consoles but I won't buy another handheld from Sony seeing how they treated the Vita.

Sol4ris1445d ago

In a world where the Switch exits, there is zero need for a new handheld, especially one from Sony.

Elda1445d ago

There is always room for competition. Personally for me I won't buy a Switch because of my lack of interest of their exclusives. I'll stick to my home console of choice which takes care of my gaming needs.

jznrpg1445d ago

The Switch is a nicehandheld but Sony could easily make a superior machine spec wise and not go the proprietary card route and support it better and it could really do well. Now will they take that risk I’m not sure but I loved my Vita and hope they do. Id love to have remote play with a Sony handheld and PS5 .

King_Noctis1445d ago

“ Sony could easily make a superior machine spec wise and not go the proprietary card route“

Do you see the irony in your statement?

MeteorPanda1444d ago (Edited 1444d ago )

you mean the switch that has an aweful eshop setup, no bluetooth, having to use a phone for voice chat, controllers that are shoddy (expect the pro) horrible friend management and overly expensive games that never drop in price?

yeah lm sure this can't be challenged lol.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1444d ago
blackblades1445d ago

There are still games coming to it, shouldnt abandon it just because 1st party.

Elda1445d ago (Edited 1445d ago )

When I buy a console I buy it because of 1st,2nd & 3rd party exclusives first & foremost,I don't buy a console solely for multi-plats knowing you can play them on other consoles & PC. My main reason to buy the Vita was because of Sony's first party support the games I was mostly interested in. Once they stopped my Vita just collected dust,so I traded it in for the SNES Mini which I happen to enjoy including adding more classics on the little box.

goldwyncq1445d ago

Sony truly did the Vita dirty.

JackBNimble1444d ago

And somehow Sony get's a pass and no one cares .
I personally own a vita and I do care . Sony fans are blind loyalist hypocrites.

rainslacker1444d ago (Edited 1444d ago )


Sony got a pass because not enough people had the Vita to make it into a big deal. I have a Vita, and I do care that they dropped support too soon. Overall, I wasn't unhappy with the Vita, but that wasn't because of Sony's doing, but rather 3rd party support providing me with games that I was happy to play on the system.(I like the more niche Japanese games).

But, at least for me, there isn't a pass should I be in a position of having to decide to buy another portable from them. That isn't something I'd jump on board for, and I'd express that reluctance should that time ever come Sony wants to jump back into the market.

I will defend the fact that Sony did indeed support the system fairly well early on. I will criticize their decisions of the memory card, although I understand the reasons behind it. I'll praise how good the hardware actually is. And I'll criticize Sony for dropping 1st party support pretty early, and how much they neglected the system after the PS4 was a runaway success.

In the mean time, the people I see most upset about Sony's dropping of the Vita are the actual Vita owners. By a wide margin. The others that love to just criticize Sony seem hung up on other things as they try really hard to make Sony look bad in areas that they are more successful in, thus have more people that care about that stuff.

Nitrox1444d ago

Who’s giving Sony a pass? Vita owners (like myself also) have been very disappointed and even pissed off with the fact that support and games seemed to dry up after the first couple years. I doubt Sony will make another go at handhelds for quite some time, if ever, but if they do you can bet it will be looked at skeptically by even the biggest PS fans.

Should we throw away our PS4s and boycot PS5 because they gave up on the vita? That would be stupid and doesn’t make someone a hypocrite.

Idiot fanboys on this site need to quit constructing straw men to make themselves seem more woke than other gamers...

DarXyde1445d ago

Persona 4 Golden in my opinion makes Vita totally worth it.

Elda1445d ago

Nice game but I'm not going to hold on to a Vita just for Persona 4 while no other games drop that I'm interested in.

Angrymorgan1444d ago

Plot twist...the ps5 is a handheld...dualsense doesnt have a touchpad.....its a screen 😳😳

rainslacker1444d ago

I feel the same. I'd probably want one either way, but Sony dropped support of Vita way too quick once the PS4 took off. They didn't see the point in trying to make Vita a thing when they could just make money off their home console, and that was kind of a kick in the balls for Vita owners.

Vita was a great machine overall, hampered by some poor business decisions. It actually did have quite a few good games from Sony it's first couple years despite what people said, but Sony stopped caring about 3rd party support before 3rd party support really got going. It's a shame really, because the sales of more niche games on the system was pretty high for a portable, despite it's install base.

If Sony puts out a new portable, I'll give it time to see if they'll remedy the mistakes they made with the Vita. Until then, it'll be low on my list of things to get.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1444d ago
Spurg1445d ago

hmmmm....the fact that the kill the last person who was using the vita and the killing of a server of a ps vita game. Could PSP successor be announced soon?

RazzerRedux1445d ago

"the fact that the kill the last person who was using the vita"


monkey6021445d ago

It's a joke regarding the Last of Us 2 state of play that's going around

Profchaos1445d ago

Could always just be a mistake and they will come back. Sony normally gives a heads up

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Epic Games Faces $1.2 Million Fine Over "Unfair Practices," Plans to Fight Back

Epic Games is facing a $1.2 million fine by the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets over "unfair practices" in the Fortnite shop.

Sciurus_vulgaris16h ago

It might be cheaper to simply pay the fine. Fighting said fine could cost millions due to court and lawyer fees. Fortnite generates well over a 100 million in each month, so Epic has plenty of cash.

franwex8h ago(Edited 8h ago)

But if they did pay it, then they are basically admitting that they did something they weren’t supposed to be doing. If they fight it, they may win and continue to have a sense of urgency for their micro transactions thus making more money long term.

Goodguy0159m ago(Edited 57m ago)

Meaning more suits to follow from others if they don't fight as well.

Not a fan of Epic nor fortnite and their micro transactions. But the game is heavily supported and is free to play, all store items are completely cosmetic.

7h ago
Furesis3h ago

I'd fight back too. These are kinda meaningless reasons to fine someone like really for THAT. It's like they just wanted to make money or something.


Dev Gets Windows 11 To Run On A Nintendo Switch, Don't Try This At Home

The OS works, but it barely crawls along on the Nintendo Switch's older ARM chipset.

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OtterX8h ago

Yeaaa... no. It's cool to say that you got it running as a bragging right, but this is completely unusable. I like how he hits the screen while trying to type! X'D

Vits1h ago

I mean it always start like this. Ubuntu was the same, started with just being able to load the GUI, now people can play classic PC titles like Fable and Warcraft 3 as well as emulate GC, Wii, 3DS and PS2 on their Switch. With Windows things are definitely harder because Windows on Arm is pretty garbo, but who knows in a couple of years.


The Finals Underperforms for Nexon in Q1 2024

Nexon has released its financial statement for 2024's first quarter, and it looks like FPS The Finals isn't proving the hit the studio was hoping for.

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BlackDoomAx21h ago

Too bad for the best fps there is atm...

Sgt_Slaughter14h ago

The market for games like this is too over saturated to make a dent in other established games' player counts. Trying to start all over with a whole new multiplayer meta and grinding to get better is not feasible when there's already a ton of similar games that have come out before it.