
This is next-gen: see Unreal Engine 5 running on PlayStation 5

Eurogamer: "Epic reveals the revolutionary Unreal Engine 5 - with a stunning tech demo running in real-time on PlayStation 5. We spoke to Epic to find out about this true generational leap."

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1490d ago Replies(4)
darthv721490d ago (Edited 1490d ago )

This is just the tip of the iceberg for both PS5 and SX. I hope UE5 gets adopted by Sony. We can pretty much assume MS and Epic are still buddy buddy but Sony only had one game of theirs (Days Gone) used UE4 while many of MS games used it.

UltraNova1490d ago (Edited 1490d ago )


Why would Sony stray away(in any capacity) from in-house engines, like Decima? To be on better terms with Epic? Although Epic choosing Sony instead MS for their new Engine reveal is strange, to say the least.

That said, new, revolutionary tools/features like the ones showcased today by UE5 get adopted and become standard by the industry, in some shape or form. I'd argue Sony should double down on Decima; they should upgrade it spesifically for ps5 and make it available for all PlayStation Studios while studios will reserve the right to choose. Now that doesn't mean 3rd party engines will be off limits, of course not. Engines like UE5 will have their place in certain projects like Days Gone you've already mentioned.

Anyway, this demo was everything we wanted to see(almost) and it made me even more anxious to see more next gen games from both sides.

PS: They sure are making things harder for me...that is, sticking with my PS4 Pro until the PS5 Pro comes out. Damn!

TripleAAARating1490d ago

@darth.. I'm sorry, been reading your comments for a while now and they always amaze me at the levels you go to try and "micro" downplay everything related to sony and PlayStation 😆... most people wouldn't catch on cause your remarks are so subtle... so you're saying you "HOPE" sony adopts the use of UE5 because MS uses epic's engine in most if not all of their games?? Completely IGNORING the FACT that Sony's first party studios optimize and design their OWN
proprietary game engines for their titles? with results few in the Industry could surpass or even match.?... Lmao it's like you are alluding that what they did before was so "meh" to you that you hope they adopt the Unreal Engine for their future games so they can produce something impressive to you... 😂 man just stop.

1490d ago
russo1211490d ago

Simply amazing stuff, Big congratulations Sony and Mark Cerny!

darthv721490d ago

@nova, you are right. Im going to stop talking about Sony and Epic. I mean I was thinking that by using a tried and tested 3rd party engine would make game development easier and quicker instead of long and drawn out. i know some of the time spent making games like HZD and GoW were due to the creation of the game engine itself. And all that time and effort really paid off in the end. Times have been changing and with power at an all time high I figured they would probably want to churn out games on a semi quicker scale than what we got previously. And using a 3rd party engine that demonstrates many new features that are not yet present in any of the in-house engines seemed like a good solution.

But you are right... there is no reason Sony cant get their teams to refine their existing engines with new features inspired by UE5 and improve on what they already have. And because they already have something working then development would naturally be easier and quicker due to already having experience with said engines. My apologies for that.

@AAA... same goes to you.

Mr Logic1490d ago


You realize using UE is not free, right? So Sony can use it and pay royalties or rely on their highly experienced engineers to improve their existing engines and pay $0 in royalty. Seems like a no brainer to me.

TripleAAARating1490d ago

Lol there you go again, WHY would you suggest sony use new features "inspired" by UE5 for their upcoming exclusive titles... We have YET to see a PIXEL produced from any Sony first party teams.. so essentially what you're saying is that they would never be able to produce anything (within a relatively acceptable time frame to you) and more impressive than what was shown in this UE5 showcase, so they should resort to using features inspired by it resulting in ALL of Sony's first party Studios to pay royalties for using epic's assets in their games for the remainder of the upcoming generation. 😂😂😂.. seriously man think before you speak, or maybe this just highlights my point of your subtle downplaying anything Sony.

Realms1490d ago


This is a third party demo showcasing what third party developers could achieve, we all know Sony's first party studios are going to push the PS5. So as impressive as this demo is I suspect Sony's in house studios are going to blow people away.

UltraNova1490d ago (Edited 1490d ago )


Hideo Kojima managed to take an engine foreign to him (Decima) and make a game in less than half the time it took Bend studio to make DG, that used Unreal. Hideo Kojima of all people...let that sink in for a minute. If that doesn't say something about Sony's internal game engines I don't know what does.

That said Sony games take longer than other big 3rd party games simply because they are known for their high quality bar and creative freedom they allow their studios. So if games like Spiderman, Bloodborne, GoW, Uncharted 4 etc etc take more time than usual in development then so be it, it's worth it in my book.

Joona101490d ago

⚡⚡ add me. ➤➤ You won't bedis︆︆appointed! ✅✅ write me ✅✅==>> g︆︆︆︆g.︆︆︆︆gg/ivxpp

bouzebbal1489d ago


" I hope UE5 gets adopted by Sony"
lol why should they? just compare previous UE with Sony's 1st party graphics engines. It's day and night..
UE always had terrible facial animations, which is crucial if you want to make a gorgeous game immersive.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 1489d ago
_dangerclose_1490d ago

Proof PS5 is definitely a BEAST like the developers have been saying all along.

lelo2play1490d ago (Edited 1490d ago )

Looks good. Ran at 1440p 30 FPS (no ray tracing) on PS5.

oasdada1490d ago

Better than whatever xbox showed.. ill take this in 1080p than any of the last gen thing in 8k

deleted1490d ago

I've never had my head blown so good!

Tapani1490d ago

It looks like next-gen, for sure!

Neutral thoughts: 1440p 30fps upscaled to 4K for PS5, and maybe native 4K60fps for PS5 Pro? I'd presume 1800p 30fps for XSX, which is a really small difference. Might make sense to upgrade from PS4 Pro to PS5 Pro. Especially with a huge backlog and after tuning Pro to reasonable noise levels!

Fantangoooo1490d ago

Finally something to feast on. I was expecting something of this Level from inside Xbox but this makes me feel a whole lot better about next gen. we need to now see actual games showing this level of fidelity then I can part with my money with all smiles

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1489d ago
MatriXcian1490d ago

So PS5 shows off next gen better than XSX so far, this is only the beginning.

XBManiac1490d ago

And does it with developers showing it. Developers, developers, developers!

Manic20141490d ago

I think that's a bit of an overstatement - this is a tech demo of course. I think the best is still to be seen from both sides.

_dangerclose_1490d ago

Spin it all you want its still running on PS5.

anubusgold1490d ago

Yeah and i find it funny that Epic ignored the fact that Intel is stuck on pcie 3.0 where Amd is already on 4.0 and already had 4.9 speed drives when x570 motherbords launched you can buy 4.0 drives for almost a year now. Corsair Force MP600 M.2 2280 1TB PCI-Express Gen 4.0 x4 NVMe

senis_kenis1489d ago

anubusgold > Corsair Force MP600 uses Phison PS5016-E16 8channel controller vs 12ch on ps5. Still much lower iops on pc vs ps5 ssd solution. And has no decompression hardware.

Donnie811490d ago (Edited 1490d ago )

Yeah that dynamic 1440p 30 FPS no ray tracing has Microsoft shaking in their shoes I’m sure

MatriXcian1490d ago

I don't care if the games are 1440p and 30 fps if they look like the demo shown. The fact is this blows away anything MS has shown too date. This is what we ALL were looking for this is next gen.

Cupid_Viper_31490d ago


It doesn't matter if it's dynamic 0.053p running at 0.0000045 FPS with whatever other bullsh!t spec you might want to spout in an attempt to downplay it. Because what my eyes just saw is downright SUPER IMPRESSIVE! And 1080p, 4K, 2K, 0.5K doesn't have a single effect on that at all.

Not once during the video did I stop and go "but is it running @ 4k?". Not once...

The PS5 is Impressive and some of you are going to have to come to terms with that. The sooner the better though.

1490d ago
Donnie811490d ago

Come on guys I’m just messing with ya. The settings are pumped up so high on this the series x itself could only run this on dynamic 4k.

Donnie811490d ago

To ol dude down below saying I’m butt hurt I’m not at all I’m pretty sure my reply was factual. But no need to get mean can’t we be civilized:)-

cannon88001490d ago

@Donnie81 If you think the "Tower of power" is going to be significantly better, you're shit outta luck.

itsmebryan1490d ago

It's funny how specs don't matter once PS5 doesn't have the superior specs. Smh

Benficaman1490d ago

1440p 30fps that obliterates everthing that microsoft showed. We play games, not resolutions.

ps5fanboy1490d ago

imagine how much more better on a newer ps5 build with more power and rtx on??

_dangerclose_1490d ago

Wasn't the next Assassins Creed just announced to be running at 30fps on series x the other day? Sony has nothing to worry about either apparently.

Donnie811490d ago

Actually dangerclose ac Valhalla is confirmed to run at at least 30 FPS they have never said no 60. It’s a shame if both the ps5 and the sx don’t run it at 60. Because both should be able to do it easy

Vasto1490d ago


You are so mean. LOL

azizlksa11490d ago

Three years ago you were gaming on 720p 30fps

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 1490d ago
AnubisG1490d ago

Correction: PS5 show off actual next gen while xbox didn't.

fathertime44641490d ago

So ps5 shows off a video and it's all high praise.... double standard again

Nyxus1490d ago

'PS5' didn't show off a video, Epic did. And this wasn't hyped by Sony as some time of next gen gameplay reveal. Epic just used the PS5 hardware to showcase their new engine.

IRetrouk1490d ago

Sony didnt show off anything, epic did.

Ron_Danger1490d ago

You think a direct feed from a ps5 dev kit is the same as PC in engine cut scenes with estimated performance for XSX?

That’s sad dude

notachance1490d ago

this is the day when I realise false promise and surprise demo should be judged the same, thank you fathertime4464 for showing me the way

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1490d ago
Prem8tuaProcrastin8a1490d ago (Edited 1490d ago )

You must of missed the hellblade 2 trailer. You do realize what they showed will look even better on xsx? It's superior in every measurable way apart from I/O throughput. That ain't gonna make up the gap.

gravedigger1490d ago

Hellblade 2 is a target render cutscene. This tech demo is ACTUAL GAMEPLAY.

Prem8tuaProcrastin8a1490d ago

@gravedigger how is it gameplay? It's A TECH DEMO. There is no "game". And btw, don't be thinking that because it's on ps5 it means it will look any different on any other next gen platform, here's what epic have to say on the matter:
The key features we're debuting will work across all of the next generation console platforms," adds Sweeney. "We don't have performance comparisons, we can't share performance comparisons, but this is a feature set you can count on with that generation, particularly micro polygon geometry with the Nanite technology and real-time global illumination with Lumen."

fathertime44641490d ago

Its gameplay because its ps5 dude that's all it is.
It doesn't matter if it was scheduled by sony or a tech demo by epic. If it has ps5 in its title it's as good as a flawless 50karot diamond. Nothing anyone says can take away the flawlessness of this video because it's based on information regarding the ps5

gravedigger1490d ago

"@gravedigger how is it gameplay? It's A TECH DEMO"

Surely isn't cut-scene like Hellblade 2. Did you ever played tech demos? Like UE4 Tech demo few years ago. UE5 showcase actual was gameplay. Cheers!

gravedigger1490d ago

You have bunch of tech demos which are playable from start to finish. UE4 tech demo was playable.

Prem8tuaProcrastin8a1490d ago (Edited 1490d ago )

@gravedigger the hellblade 2 trailer had gameplay in it. And this is A PLAYABLE ENGINE TECH DEMO, NOT GAMEPLAY AS SUCH, AS ITS NOT A GAME. Gonna look even better at 4k on xsx too.

gravedigger1490d ago (Edited 1490d ago )

" the hellblade 2 trailer had gameplay in it.And this is A PLAYABLE ENGINE TECH DEMO, NOT GAMEPLAY AS SUCH, AS ITS NOT A GAME. Gonna look even better at 4k on xsx too."

No, it didn't have gameplay part at any section. Literally nowhere, otherwise, everyone would see it. It was literally a cut-scene. A target render. At 24fps and 3840x1608

You don't play cut-scene at 24 fps. You watching it.


I really don't know what you're trying to prove. Accept that UE5 showcase is tech demo with gameplay and surely bunch of devs praise the PS5s SSD. You won't see UE5 tech demo at 4k on XSX. Really. XSX isn't that strong.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1490d ago
1490d ago Replies(2)
+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1489d ago
IRetrouk1490d ago

I really want that playable demo to turn into a game, I know it probably wont but my jaw dropped a few times lol.

AnubisG1490d ago

It will if enough people will talk about it and request it.

IRetrouk1490d ago

True, hopefully people flood the vids and stuff with requests lol

Prem8tuaProcrastin8a1490d ago

You mean like when everyone talked about the Samaritan demo? Still waiting on that.

KwietStorm_BLM1490d ago

It's Epic. No it won't. They do this every generation.

silenthillstrangler1490d ago

We'll see better, imagine the next god of war.

IRetrouk1490d ago

The more the better👍

ApocalypseShadow1490d ago (Edited 1490d ago )

Actually Kwietstorm and Iretrouk, Epic did make a game using the assets of Unreal Engine 3. Remember this?

Look at the enemies. Do they seem familiar? Gears of War. You're right. They may not make a game from tech demos. But they did with this one. I was disappointed they didn't make one with The Infiltrator.
But I think they could make one now for next gen systems. Here's hoping.

silenthillstrangler1489d ago

You'll soon forget about it when the the real games start coming out.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1489d ago
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Konami didn't recover after ditching Kojima, but this Metal Gear revival is its best shot

With Kojima gone, a lot is riding on Konami's revival of Metal Gear.

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Jingsing14h ago(Edited 14h ago)

Not really, Konami is basically in name only and like so many other Japanese studios that have come and gone they are just going to be an IP troll and milk that cow until it is dry. Also one of the advertised features is playing the game from a different camera view while everything else remains the same will just result in making the game easier like what happened with Twin Snakes.

Cacabunga10h ago(Edited 10h ago)

If this turns out good and gamers support it we will get the other ones.. i really hope we get MGS original in zanzibar, Peace Walker and Portable Ops remakes after this one.. they are related with naked snake

Portable Ops was sooooooo good and underrated

gold_drake7h ago(Edited 7h ago)

Konami might not be super active in the videogame business anymore, or less, but they still make a ton of money with their collections and pachinko machines.

and their castlevania series on netflix is really successful also.

just_looken5h ago


Your dislikes shows this sites situation

Konami has been doing all of that for years now like there contra games or mgs ports

mgs survive anyone

isarai14h ago

When are people going to learn that all Konami is doing with these games Is licensing them out? They are not trying to revive their game development Branch and they are not the ones developing this. It is studios that came to them and asked to use the license to make a game and they have been doing this pretty much since MGSV

jeromeface11h ago

Remaking all his work reaks of desperation. The only reason they are getting away with it is everyones deep love for the series. If delta is successful (which as of right now it should be), they'll be sure to remake all of them.

Redgrave9h ago

Big shoes to fill, and compared to SH2 - this is as much a 1:1 remake as you can get. You can still see the PS2 bones in the movements and how the cutscenes have the same angles. If anything, I'd have preferred the reverse.... with SH2 being closer to a 1:1 remake but prettier, and have MGS3 have a little more freedom.

Ideally, MGS3 with a MGSV skin in terms of gameplay and freedom of approach. This is more like a high budget remaster than a remake. Having recently replayed the Bluepoint remaster, this is going to be like that same experience but even prettier.

But, as with both MGS3 and SH2, nearly impossible shoes to fill if not outright so. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Such is the legacy of these GOAT titles.

Inverno8h ago

It's a one to one remake, using the same voice recordings too. Not a reimagining, no new content thus far announced, just a straight remake of a game that already exists, but now with prettier graphics. There's no revival, they proved they can't make anything related to MG after Survival. They'll just remake all the games and people will eat it up.

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Develop:Brighton’s Indie Showcase competition returns this year, and here are the ten finalists

We have the ten finalists for Develop:Brighton’s Indie Showcase competition right here, so take a look ahead of the event next month.

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Sonic Alchemy: Crafting the Musical Universe of Remedy Games

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