
Sony Just Canceled Its PAX East 2020 Attendance Because of the Coronavirus

Sony just canceled its planned PAX East 2020 attendance because of the coronavirus outbreak, which means no The Last of Us Part II demo for you.

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Spurg1574d ago

Ermmm...nah...that's an excuse.
Why aren't the other publishers canceling as well?

Alexious1574d ago

Maybe they are less cautious?

darthv721574d ago

It does sound like an excuse and a well timed one at that. I dont see why they can't phone it in. Stream their presence to the rest of the convention goers.

RazzerRedux1574d ago (Edited 1574d ago )

Ok.....what? So some folks are actually suggesting that Sony is using a global viral outbreak to get out of a video game event now? Seriously?

lol....you can tell when a new gen is close at hand. People get stupid.

darthv721574d ago (Edited 1574d ago )

@razzer, their reasoning is their reasoning... even if it does seem coincidental. But it could also be out of respect for those effected. I mean when the WTC got hit by planes, even Sega canceled propeller arena out of respect because of the nature of the game, the timing of the incident and what not.

no doubt sony's big game to be on display at PAX east would likely have been TLoU2. a game about a contagious outbreak that threatens humanity. And to show it off during what many see as an outbreak of a contagions disease... yeah.

Im not saying this will cause the game to get canceled (like Sega did) but it is just 'interesting' their decision to back out of an event that is thousands of miles from whence it originated. Even with the one case that is being treated it still is not enough to warrant such a decision but hey... there is always Pax West.

And be honest, if it was anybody but Sony people (on here) would be calling them out and saying they are scared or got nothing to show so they wont be missed.

RazzerRedux1574d ago (Edited 1574d ago )


Why even bother speculating? The virus is real and happening in a big way in Asia (hmmm, Sony has a ton of employees in Japan. Hey! That's Asia!) This is fanboy nonsense. Folks that don't like Sony are going to make a big deal out of it. Microsoft gets the same crap all the time. It is ridiculous.

"And be honest, if it was anybody but Sony people (on here) would be calling them out and saying they are scared or got nothing to show so they wont be missed."

And wouldn't that be stupid? So.....why say what stupid people say?

Reefskye1574d ago

A telecommunication expo was cancelled in Spain a week or so ago because of the coronavirus so its not unheard of

SyntheticForm1574d ago

I can't believe certain people are actually trying to fault Sony for putting safety above all else, or spin things to make it seem like Sony has no cards to play.

This is a deadly coronavirus and safety takes precedence. Period. Nobody cares about your ridiculous brand humping, but they do care about lives.

This is a new low on N4G.

Ceaser98573611574d ago

Some people are ignorant and feels coronavirus is fake but news flash just because you didnt face it its not deadly isn't it ? A neighbor of mine, her relative passed away last week due to CV

There was a confirmed case of COVID-19 two weeks ago in Boston. Everyone is being cautious.


I wont be surprised if GDC gets cancelled.

TheKingKratos1574d ago (Edited 1574d ago )

So fanboys trying their best to act like Sony is scared .... because reasons unknowen
And trying to downplay a global viral outbreak virus

This is indeed a new low for you guys

ilikestuff1573d ago

Health above video games. I doubt them missing a show is going to hurt them or anyone That much.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 1573d ago
gangsta_red1574d ago

Does make you wonder. If I was Sony I would definitely take the opportunity to show off anything at this point.

Thundercat771574d ago

I am glad you are not Sony and you obviously don't care for the safety of other people.

SolidGamerX1574d ago Show
gangsta_red1574d ago Show
remixx1161574d ago Show
rainslacker1574d ago

You've really reached a new level of low. Seriously. Not with your first comment, but the follow up one.

in response to your first comment, why would it make us wonder? Sony doesn't seem to be taking every oppurtunity, nor do they seem worried about it. They aren't reacting, they aren't rushing to announce things. You make it out as if Sony is somehow the one at a disadvantage, and is the one that will be scrambling while MS talks about how they don't consider Sony competition.

gangsta_red1574d ago (Edited 1574d ago )

As usual every thing revolves around fanboy logic. Which is funny considering you made comments earlier wishing Sony would show anything in order to take the limelight off MS. So I would think this would upset you seeing how this was an opportunity for Sony to show something off.

"Sony doesn't seem to be taking every oppurtunity, nor do they seem worried about it."

Not according to the actual articles that state otherwise, eh Slacker.

What I find hilarious is this concern Solid and for that matter you have that the wise Sony (as a whole company) would catch the coronavirus if they step foot in Boston.

These "confirmed" cases that solid linked are less than a few here in the entire states, hardly what I call an epidemic of disastrous proportions enough to cancel showing off games I'm Boston.

"You make it out as if Sony is somehow the one at a disadvantage, and is the one that will be scrambling while MS talks about how they don't consider Sony competition."

No.. this is only you ...again thinking what you only want to think and then arguing with me as if I made mention of this. A low you always seem to reach with no problem.

If he actually had a non silly point to refute.

RedDevils1574d ago Show
CaptainHenry9161574d ago


You told him 😁💯

AmUnRa1573d ago Show
1573d ago
rainslacker1573d ago (Edited 1573d ago )

Wishing they'd show something is a lot different than getting all on their case for not showing something. My wishing they'd show something is just so people will stop acting like they're scared, and to finally get some news worth talking about. The last couple months have been pretty dry.

When I said they arent worried about it, I meant not showing stuff. Not saying they were worried about the Corona, which apparently they are. If Sony were worried about what they have to offer, they'd be showing stuff. What they had to show at PAX is not something they need to hide from the public.

I personally think the concern about CV is overplayed, as I state elsewhere in the thread if you want to know how I feel about it. But as I said in those comments, the over concern is the perception that exists, and making a decision like this based on that belief is not the same as them being afraid to show anything. Are sony over reacting to CV? Probably. Does that have anything to do with whatever content or announcements they may or may not have? Unlikely.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 1573d ago
MasterCornholio1574d ago

"UPDATE: Today, Sony Interactive Entertainment made the decision to cancel its participation at PAX East in Boston this year due to increasing concerns related to COVID-19 (also known as “novel coronavirus”). We felt this was the safest option as the situation is changing daily. We are disappointed to cancel our participation in this event, but the health and safety of our global workforce is our highest concern."

Why would they cancel it if it wasn't for that?

Spurg1574d ago

Because no one else so far has cancelled on the event and everyone is anticipating what Sony will show.

gangsta_red1574d ago

Is the situation dire in Boston USA?

That's why it's strange they would cancel that event.

Tekken666341574d ago (Edited 1574d ago )

"Sony Just Canceled Its PAX East 2020 Attendance Because of the Coronavirus"

host it online, host it online, host it online!
just a suggestion.

MasterCornholio1574d ago (Edited 1574d ago )

So why did they cancel it?

For real this time.

Also they were not going to have a press conference there to my knowledge. Just some booths showing off some games. At least that's what I'm reading from the article.

rainslacker1574d ago (Edited 1574d ago )


Companies are cancelling all sorts of travel and events all over the place. I think it's unnecessary and reactionary because the chance one catches the coronavirus is pretty slim when you look at it statistically. But, that doesn't mean that these companies think this same way.

Sony already spent the money for this. They have no reason to cancel for any competitive reason. They had something to show, and its something that everyone is ready to see.

1573d ago
+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1573d ago
bluefox7551574d ago

There have been infections in the US, and it's starting to look like this is way bigger than the media is letting on.

bluefox7551573d ago (Edited 1573d ago )

@septic "I completely trust what the oppressive communist chinese government tells me! The propaganda videos of citizens saying 'Everything is actually great guys!' are just Russian bots! All the footage of corpses being left to rot are just trolls! Ignore the fact that most major US corporations are in bed with the chinese government! Nothing to see here folks!"

DOMination-1573d ago

It's just the flu anyway what's the big deal. Just dont he old and you'll be fine.

brrdat1574d ago

I'm sure spurg on n4g knows more than people who actually work in the industry!

Zeref1574d ago

Definitely sounds like an excuse. Haven't heard any other publishers cancel yet.

MasterCornholio1574d ago

Maybe they are just being overly cautious?

That certainly is a possibility.

Zeref1574d ago

Yeah noh, I don't think there's even cases of Corona virus in Boston. It's just a great excuse to not attend.

I would be less suspicious if there were other companies not going. But Sony in particular has been cancelling events left and right. So what the hell is going on?

MasterCornholio1574d ago (Edited 1574d ago )

But Sony was only going to have a few booths where they would show upcoming games and provide demos.

Why would they use the Corona virus to cover-up the cancellation of attending PAX East?

Are you suggesting that they were somehow banned from an event that they spent months planning?

Because if true I haven't heard of anything like that happening. I would assume that it would be big news.

I'm just looking for an answer besides "feelings".

Thundercat771574d ago

And you definitely sound like a person who doesn't care about anyone around you. Safety comes first.

rainslacker1573d ago (Edited 1573d ago )

Not a publisher, but facebook announced they were cancelling today.

Obviously, your comment was made before they announced that, but my point is that just because it hasn't happened yet, doesn't mean it won't. I'm sure not all those companies have any extenuating circumstances of possibly being scared to show up, so why is Sony being criticized as just making an excuse. Facebook has absolutely nothing going on that they need to hide from to have to use an a convenient excuse.

What events has Sony been cancelling left and right? They never planned on going to E3, so that wasn't a cancellation. This is the only other thing I know about they cancelled....unless I miss something. I think maybe hyperbole is getting the better of you.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1573d ago
REDGUM1574d ago

Maybe they are being silly instead of helping by not spreading the virus.

Although disapointing surely health comes before games?
They are not the only ones to have canceled a large show, it says in the article that the Mobile World Congress 2020 was also canceled. Maybe the other groups that were supposed to attend could help too by not attending and eliminating any possible risk of infecting & sharing the virus too and reschedule the event to a time that is less contagious?

An online event may satisfy the unsatisfied?

MasterCornholio1574d ago

I can believe that theory. But what I honestly can't believe is that Sony is using this as a cover-up for something else. Still those individuals haven't given me a response yet so I assume they can't come up with a good reason for a cover-up.

Christopher1574d ago

Does this mean the people that would be there to set up and manage the demo stands are out of Asia? Couldn't Sony ship the materials needed to a U.S. dev team and have them stand-in for this stuff?

Most others at PAX aren't changing but they're almost all from the West, even Japanese companies are sending Western representatives to the show. Not sure why Sony couldn't do similar.

Knushwood Butt1574d ago

What does Western have to do with anything?

Regardless, of course they could send people to the event, but the whole point is they don't want to, to safeguard their staff and other people at the event. It's entirely possible that some of their own staff have the virus.

It amazes me that people on this site are trying to make light of this outbreak. People have died, some people cannot get medical help, and there are people on this site sat behind their thin veil of web anonymity making thoughtless and quite frankly stupid comments.


Christopher1573d ago (Edited 1573d ago )

1. Incidence of outbreak are almost absent in North America.

2. There's obviously a much higher incidence rate in Asia.

3. While people have not died, there is also the issue that people continue to carry the virus for long periods of time once contracted.

4. This issue was present when they announced the event, so why wasn't that an issue before? it was only 6 days ago, not three weeks.

5. There are conventions happening every day in the U.S. right now where people are meeting, showing off products, and then going back home.

6. None of the above is ignoring the Caronavirus as it is, but it's also not ignoring the statistics we know that says that based on everyone else still attending PAX and the extremely low incident rate of the virus in the U.S. alone, let alone North America, that it is not as dangerous of a situation.

6. None of your last paragraph has to do with a U.S. based convention because people can get medical help and there are no deaths in the U.S. There's literally systems set up for this in areas where conventions happen. We've had. literally, 15 cases of the virus in the U.S., almost every single one being from someone coming in from out of the country (specifically Asia-based travel) and their family members.

8. Anonymity?

9. Absolutely nothing about this is insensitive to those who died just because we recognize it seems weird to announce it 6 days ago and then cancel it when the incident rate for the virus itself has been declining in that week, let alone has practically no presence in the location in which the convention is located.

Some stats, in case you want them: https://www.worldometers.in...

Knushwood Butt1573d ago

Aside from the Western comment my post was a general observation of some of the comments on this thread so I'm not going to go through your bullet points one by one, but the stat link you provided shows that the number of infections and deaths continue to increase. And due to the incubation period being at least 7 days these stats are a week out of date at best.

The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to this virus.

The number of infections where I am is increasing.

Christopher1573d ago

***but the stat link you provided shows that the number of infections and deaths continue to increase.***

Outside of the U.S. and almost entirely within Asia, specifically China and S. Korea with Japan having some new cases but very few plus those from the cruise ship.

***The number of infections where I am is increasing.***

Which is, again, in Asia (Japan, right?). And, IIRC, is mostly due to people from the Diamond Princess cruise ship and those infections/deaths are primarily elderly (80+).

It sucks that this is affecting people, but things like this affect people every single day somewhere in the world. And it's at a level that even the CDC has only put a travel warning on mainland China and has otherwise said to refer to the destination country's own information for further details. The United States otherwise has zero restrictions on travel or congregating due to this virus or any other.

Knushwood Butt1572d ago

The link you shared now says 20 new cases in the US not including citizens that were on the Diamond Princess.

That's a >100% increase.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1572d ago
SolidGamerX1574d ago

Ok so since you seem to know everything why did they cancel for real, whats the excuse for?

TheScotsman1574d ago

Nice, corona virus is a real problem and you belittle it, oh dear.

Chucky20031574d ago

So I'm sorry,I'm trying to understand if you're dumb ,blind or stupid that you don't understand the gravity of that virus,who cares what others are doing,this issue is a real threat,but for you it seem matters more a console that actually the security of people.You're dumb man

gravedigger1573d ago (Edited 1573d ago )

Yeah, in Italy in Venice, there is a carnival. Just one coronavirus case in Italy so far, but bunch of tourist canceled their trip to Venice. Never less tourist in Venice till now. So, what's an excuse, hm? Money, bad winter, climate change?

gamer78041573d ago

well it could be they had more people coming from eastern areas where traveling from there could put them at risk and others at risk. I'll never condemn a decision thats based on maintaining the health of people. Sure it might have a financial benefit for them, but if the reason is wellbeing then I support their decision.

1573d ago
T2X1573d ago

Actually, the Japanese Government may have played a hand in this. They are a small country and probably were worried about the virus spreading there. IDK, maybe just a thought? It must have been quite a concern for them to outright cancel it.

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 1572d ago
banshyork1574d ago

Naughty Dog says they have more to share closer to launch.

GamerRN1574d ago

Clearly they aren't ready, because Chicago isn't even on the radar for Corona...

AnotherGamer1574d ago

Please don't use this as an excuse for them not attending.

gravedigger1573d ago


1 infected can cause problems.

GamerRN1573d ago

I'm an RN. This Corona thing is overblown. 1 infection isn't a concern, it's an infection. Honestly, it's a lame excuse

Ron_Danger1573d ago (Edited 1573d ago )

Why does it sound like you’re working PR for the virus? 😂

And solid logic... an infection is an infection... pack it up boys, we’re done here.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1573d ago
Duke191574d ago

Um... Pax is still going on? Sony backing out has nothing to do with safety, its not like Boston is in lockdown. This is a joke on Sony's part

yoshatabi1574d ago

Wow that went over your head didn't it?

travestyj1574d ago (Edited 1574d ago )

What a bunch of nonsense. It has everything to do with not risking the health of their employees. PAX is attended by people from all over the world and Sony would have to fly people there from all over the world to interact with a ton of people for days straight.

What you think they made up an excuse so they don't have to show off a few game demos at PAX? That's all they were going there to do. It's not like they were going there to announce anything.

Majin-vegeta1574d ago

"Insert Billy Madison insult"

gangsta_red1574d ago

Lol, the irony of not showing a game about an outbreak due to an actual outbreak

1573d ago
UltraNova1574d ago

Well Sony should know if Clickers are out and about, right?

The Wood1574d ago

Can't lie. .. .that's funny

gangsta_red1574d ago

That's why I'm here big homie

m2stech1574d ago (Edited 1574d ago )

nice one, also those people with dislikes mustve had a shitty day

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1573d ago
Ausbo1574d ago

This is a joke. The flu happens every year and it’s a much more deadly and common virus than the coronavirus. Yet, events still happen every year.

If this event was taking place overseas, it would make sense. This makes zero sense

Neonridr1574d ago

it's true.. thousands die a year from the basic flu. I think the cause for concern is because this strain is extremely aggressive. That being said, there isn't an outbreak in the US.

Rude-ro1574d ago

Over twenty cases in America so far...
But you do realize what creates an outbreak right?
You know, not being cautious.

A video game convention, with hundreds of hands touching multiple items ie controllers mouse and keyboard plus a company that would need a lot of employees to oversee booths... with said employees from the country that had an outbreak ... I think being cautious is doing EXACTLY the right thing:

Just think of how the American gaming media would react if something were to spread from the convention.. avoiding that alone is reason enough.

UltraNova1574d ago (Edited 1574d ago )

Its not just one strain. This virus affects immuno-compromised groups of people, mainly kids, elderly and immunosuppressed individuals. Regular people, can beat the virus, provided they follow common sense guidelines that are the same for flu.

As for Sony not attending PAX due this virus, I can't really blame them for being cautious.

GamerRN1574d ago

I'm an RN in the ER of a major hospital, and I can tell you there is little concern for them to come to Chicago

Neonridr1574d ago

@Rude-ro - 20 cases.. I mean not exactly panic inducing. My comment was to highlight the fact that while everyone is making this thing out to be the next super disease, the common flu is responsible for a considerable number of deaths. I never said that going to a convention was a good idea.

RedDevils1574d ago

@GamerRN You're a nurse not a scientist or any person with a important role or good insight of the situation. Why would anyone take your words?

UltraNova1573d ago


From my professional experience most people never seek medical attention, especially when they are afflicted with common flu symptoms, so to that end hospitals are always the last to know, usually when its too late. That's why these viruses either break out(outbreak) en mass, contained when positives are found or even go unnoticed in same rare cases. This is why I cant fault anyone exercising caution these days.


No need to attack people like that. He is at least a health professional who can easily have access to better and valid info in situations like this.

Atom6661573d ago


An ER nurse is far more important than a rando who offers no insight into the topic and can't offer an actual rebuttal to their comment without insulting them.

Hungryalpaca1573d ago

Someone doesn’t understand how outbreaks happen.

There wasn’t an outbreak in China either a couple months ago.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1573d ago
AngelicIceDiamond1574d ago

So there was a case in February 5 just a few weeks ago but officials say there's no real outbreak in Massachusetts. Basically saying its really no different than another flu virus every year. So the overall risks are low. there has to be a better reason for Sony pulling out of the event. Considering there's a handful of cases but no OUTBREAK and far from it.

cell9891574d ago

There’s a reason China put Wuhan in complete lock down and built 2 hospitals in 10 days. This isn’t the common flu(which we have vaccines for) this one is highly contagious and deadly. Do some research on the topic

1574d ago
SolidGamerX1574d ago

Still waiting for all these people who think they know more than Sony does to tell us what this "better reason" is.

AngelicIceDiamond1574d ago (Edited 1574d ago )

I dunno maybe they wanna save a little money. They've been penny pinching as of late. Building a next gen console is pricey including running ads and building games for it. They're gathering their resources and stream lining the PS division. Plus they still have current gen stuff to take care of.

1574d ago
RazzerRedux1574d ago


2,130 confirmed deaths from coronavirus from only 75,757 cases. Not "just like flu".

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1574d ago
brrdat1574d ago

i'm sure ausbo with 0 knowledge on the subject beyond google searches knows more than people who actually are involved in the dustry!

Ausbo1574d ago (Edited 1574d ago )

I work in an ER ya loser

RedDevils1574d ago

Doesn't make you know anything Ausbo. The virus could hit you like a truck and you still wouldn't know why.

Edgelordsupreme1574d ago

The common flu doesn't spread as quickly, it's pretty clear there is an huge difference between coronavirus and the common flu. The speed of people getting infected and the rising death toll is pretty indicative of that. 2000 PEOPLE dead in a handful of months should be seen as alarming, and Sony playing it safe should be applauded.

Krogzie1574d ago

I, too, remember when approximately one tenth of the total human population was put under quarantine due to the flu.

goldwyncq1574d ago

Coronavirus might not be as common as the flu but it’s much more contagious and deadly.

AnotherGamer1574d ago

Thats is the flu, but this is a virus which is more deadly and spread quickly.

Ausbo1574d ago

Spread quickly? Possibly. But it’s not as deadly

RedDevils1574d ago

Possibly are you stupid? read the news, radio tv. The chance of over 2k+ dead under a month are very likely as the Chinese government keep thing tight and not release outside of China

DafunkyRebel1574d ago

Flu don’t get an entire city of 35 million on lock down my guy. Use your brain

rainslacker1574d ago

I think the media is hyping this up to be much bigger than it is. The Corona virus does spread easier and has symptoms set on faster to the point they aren't as treatable, but the chances that one will get catch the virus is still statistically pretty low. There are those higher at risk, and traveling can increase the risk, but I think it's not something that people need to worry about.

But, just because it's not something that people should have to worry about in their day to day lives, but the perception is causing things like this to happen. I don't think there is anything more to it than these companies reacting excessively to the situation, not some kind of conspiracy to cover up any kind of problem they are having.

Atom6661573d ago

I'm just disappointed that the media hysteria is affecting things that I enjoy rather than their endless US election coverage...

I guess they're being careful not to let it get so far out of hand that they impact their moneymaker.

As to the topic, I agree. I assume many companies would see overseas travel + conventions filled with other travelers as probably just not worth the risks right now.

But I'm going to keep partially believing that they canceled in support of the Sacred Symbols guys getting screwed over by pax.

KillBill1574d ago

The claim of the flu being much more deadly is simply false. Point being that the flu though much more common and affects millions is treatable and leads to a much smaller percentage of deaths to those that might contract it. While coronavirus is new and has not yet spread as wide as the flu is not currently treatable and by far leads to a higher percentages of deaths by those that contract it.

To give you an idea Japan is now trying to use AIDs medications in attempts to fight a virus that can be contracted by breathing and has no vaccine.

There is everything pointing to the fact the coronavirus when it hits mainstream populations will kill much more people each year.

AnubisG1574d ago

True, thousands die from flu every year. The death rate of flu is 0.02% while the death rate of covid-19 is close to 3%. 3% might not seam like a big deal but it is a big deal. The deadliest virus known to man is ebola which has a 50% death rate.

So don't downplay the coronavirus outbrake. When have you seen cities being corantined over the flu or hospitals being built in a few days for the flu? Exactly.

Wasabi1574d ago (Edited 1574d ago )


**"So don't downplay the coronavirus outbrake"**

You just downplayed the virus yourself when you stated it was only 1% more deadly than the common flu and has a mortality rate 16.6 times less lethal than ebola.

RedDevils1574d ago

Wasabi, could you go to China to give us a first hand experience so you can tell us all is it deadly over there? Thank.

RazzerRedux1574d ago (Edited 1574d ago )


3% is not 1% more than 0.02%
3% is 2.98% more than 0.02%

Wasabi1573d ago (Edited 1573d ago )


Why would I need to go to China to understand the lethality of Covid-19?


Regardless, Your correction doesn't alter my point that putting '19 (1% OR 3%) and Ebola in the same sentence does nothing to emphasize the seriousness of the virus and only serves to downplay it's lethality.

Ad hominem reply Razzer.

AnubisG1573d ago (Edited 1573d ago )


I don't think you understand what I was saying.

I wrote how deadly Ebola is to give people context that THE most deadly virus we know of has a 50% mortality rate. That is the deadliest one we have and compared to that flu is 0.02%. I said this because Ausbo said that thousands die from an illness every year that has a 0.02% mortality rate yet he thinks that the corona virus is nothing to worry about which has a 3% mortality rate that is much higher than the flu. 2.98% higher in fact which is a lot and cause for concern. It isn't as deadly as ebola thank God but it is no joke. If you think that 2.98% higher mortality rate is downplaying that you don't understand the %.

I'm sorry that the facts I gave you made you think I was downplaying covid-19. I'm not. I was just trying to give context.

Wasabi1573d ago


**"I don't think you understand what I was saying"**

You told someone else not to downplay the virus whilst in the same breath comparing the virus with Ebola.

You could not have presented facts that downplayed the virus any more.

AnubisG1573d ago


There is no getting through to you, is there?
Let me brake it down to kindergarten level so hopefully you'll understand.

Ausbo said: flu bad. Much bad than covid-19.
I said: flu bad, sure but covid-19 is much more bad but not as bad as the worst virus we know of.

So, if flu bad and dangerous, covid-19 is much more bad and dangerous. It will cause you much more booboo than flu.

I hope you undersrand now.

Wasabi1573d ago (Edited 1573d ago )


How does anything you've just written challenge the point I made?

You made a statement telling another user not to downplay the virus, whilst at the same time downplaying the virus yourself.

That's my point, I don't care what Ausbo said, it's irrelevant to my comment, I replied to what you posted, not what another user wrote.

AnubisG1573d ago


You just don't get it. It's ok. Let us move on.

Wasabi1573d ago (Edited 1573d ago )


**"You just don't get it. It's ok. Let us move on"**

I "get it" just fine, it's just that your comments are nonsensical and without point.

You also said this..

**"When have you seen cities being corantined over the flu or hospitals being built in a few days for the flu? Exactly."**

So, You're comparing the flu, a virus that is well known, understood and vaccinated against the world over against Covid-19, a new virus that is not vaccinated against and compared with the common flu virus has proven to be only 2.8% (thank you Razzer) more deadly.

If anything this downplays '19 even more, as if it had been preempted and vaccinated against in the same way as the common flu it is likely to have been infinitely less lethal.

So, of course we don't see "hospitals being built in a few days" for the flu, due to the reasons I outlined above.

If you're going to resort to name calling (Kindergarten?), at least present a decent argument in reply.

RazzerRedux1573d ago (Edited 1573d ago )

"Ad hominem reply Razzer."

Incorrect usage.

"Ad hominem (Latin for "to the person"), short for argumentum ad hominem, typically refers to a fallacious argumentative strategy whereby genuine discussion of the topic at hand is avoided by instead attacking the character, motive, or other attribute of the person making the argument, or persons associated with the argument, rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself."

"you stated it was only 1% more deadly than the common flu"

My reply was directed directly at that statement so no, it wasn't ad hominem at all.

AnubisG1573d ago


Oh Wasabi. You are a lost little person.

First off, it wasn't me who compared the flu to covid-19. It was Ausbo. He claimed that the flu is deadlier. What I did is simply state statistics which for some reason hurt your feelings and you choose to look at it in a way that it downplays covid-19's seriousness. That is only YOU who is doing that. I just put it in context how deadly covid-19 is at the moment. Vaccine or no vaccine, it does NOT matter at this point. A claim was made that the flu is deadlier and right now, covid-19 is deadlier than the flu and that is a fact.

It doesn't matter what I tell you because you made up your mind and act like a child who doesn't have the comprehension of an adult and you don't even understand that I did not call you any names at all. Show me where I called you anything before. Now I'm calling you a child. All I did before is to try and make my point as simple to understand as possible. I was simply preseting facts and you got all up in arms because of it.
Fact: covid-19 is deadlier than the flu.
Fact: ebola is deadlier than covod-19.

That's not downplaying, that is just a fact, nothing more nothing less.

But if you want to be offended and feel that I downplay covid-19 for some reason, than feel this way. It's all you. Everyone else understood what I sad but you. I'm done with you and your childish thinking.

Wasabi1573d ago


**"rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself"**

The argument is that it's hypocritical to tell another user not to downplay something whilst at the same time presenting facts that (unitentionally) downplay the very same thing.

You pointing out an inaccuracy in my math did nothing to diminish my argument, therefore by the very definition you presented you are making an ad hominem argument because you are attacking a facet of what I wrote rather than addressing the "substance of the argument itself"


No need to resort to insults.

Again, nothing you have written diminishes the point I made.

RazzerRedux1573d ago (Edited 1573d ago )


**"rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself"**

The words "rather than" mean contrasting two things. So to chop the sentence in half and focus only on the second part doesn't make sense at all. An ad hominem attack requires that I make comments about YOU personally *rather than* your argument. Pointing out your mathematical mistake is NOT an attack on you personally. Now at what point did I attack your character, your motive, or any other attribute about you? Answer: I didn't.

Furthermore, where did I even provide an opinion on your overall argument at all? Same answer: I didn't. I corrected your mistake. Where did I suggest that correction undermined your point? Again, I didn't.

"You attacked your opponent's character or personal traits in an attempt to undermine their argument."

"Ad hominem is a Latin word that means “against the man.” As the name suggests, it is a literary term that involves commenting on or against an opponent, to undermine him instead of his arguments."

"Description: Attacking the person making the argument, rather than the argument itself, when the attack on the person is completely irrelevant to the argument the person is making."

Wasabi1573d ago (Edited 1573d ago )


You don't realise it, but you're making my arguments for me.

**"when the attack on the person is completely irrelevant to the argument the person is making"**

You pointing out an error in my math does nothing to change the fact that comparing Covid-19 (3% mortality) to Ebola (50% mortality) only serves to highlight the fact that the virus has more in common with the common flu than it does a lethal epidemic.

**"commenting on or against an opponent, to undermine him instead of his arguments."**

Posted as a link by You. Why not offer an opinion on the debate in hand rather than commenting on an error in math?

This is a message board, not a maths class. I don't comment on your many errors in grammar for this very reason, try to focus on the debate itself and the topic in hand.

**"An ad hominem attack requires that I make comments about YOU personally"**

I don't think that you grasp the concept of an ad hominem argument Razzer, the very fact that you have presented numerous links that argue my point for me confirms this.

An Ad Hominem argument does not exclusively need to be about the person, it can also be based around motive, political or religious beliefs or simply the highlighting of irrelevant facts that only serve to undermine a person or point of view rather than offer genuine discussion of the topic in hand, education rather than Google is a wonderful thing.

I'd like to point out the FULL original link that you posted.

**"refers to a fallacious argumentative strategy whereby genuine discussion of the topic at hand is avoided by instead attacking the character, motive, or other attribute of the person making the argument"**

You are attacking math, that's an attribute. The fact that 2.8% does nothing to dispute or dimish my argument makes your argument Ad Hominem.

RazzerRedux1573d ago (Edited 1573d ago )

"You don't realise it, but you're making my arguments for me.

**"when the attack on the person is completely irrelevant to the argument the person is making"**"

There was no "attack on the person" at all so how does this make your argument for you?

"You pointing out an error in my math does nothing to change the fact that comparing Covid-19 (3% mortality) to Ebola (50% mortality) only serves to highlight the fact that the virus has more in common with the common flu than it does a lethal epidemic."

Yes, I understand the point you are making. No need to keep repeating it. Once again, I never said my correction invalidated your argument.

"**"commenting on or against an opponent, to undermine him instead of his arguments."**

"Posted as a link by You. "

And? I have not commented on or against you to undermine you instead of your argument. Are you seeing the pattern here?

"Why not offer an opinion on the debate in hand rather than commenting on an error in math?

This is a message board, not a maths class. I don't comment on your many errors in grammar for this very reason, try to focus on the debate itself and the topic in hand."

The percentage delta was the crux of your argument and it was in error and I simply pointed that out. Why are you making such a big deal about being corrected? You could have just said "Thanks for the correction, but my point still stands". You decided to pretend that the correction was a personal attack. And you continue to do so. lol.....it simply isn't.

"I don't think that you grasp the concept of an ad hominem argument Razzer, the very fact that you have presented numerous links that argue my point for me confirms this."

I'm not the one suggesting these two sentence contain a personal attack:

3% is not 1% more than 0.02%
3% is 2.98% more than 0.02%

"An Ad Hominem argument does not exclusively need to be about the person, it can also be based around motive, political or religious beliefs or simply the highlighting of irrelevant facts that only serve to undermine a person or point of view rather than offer genuine discussion of the topic in hand, ."

Incorrect. You've changed the meaning of ad hominem to suit your needs.

"education rather than Google is a wonderful thing"


"**"refers to a fallacious argumentative strategy whereby genuine discussion of the topic at hand is avoided by instead attacking the character, motive, or other attribute of the person making the argument"**

You are attacking math, that's an attribute. The fact that 2.8% does nothing to dispute or dimish my argument makes your argument Ad Hominem."

"the character, motive, or other ATTRIBUTE OF THE PERSON"

Math is not an attribute of YOU. By your definition, every argument made is ad hominem.

Wasabi1573d ago (Edited 1573d ago )


**"The percentage delta was the crux of your argument and it was in error and I simply pointed that out"**

No. It wasn't.

The crux of the argument was that by comparing Covid-19 (3% mortality rate) to the Ebola pandemic (50% mortality rate) there was a "delta"of 16.6x, meaning that the Anubis had unintentionally downplayed the the virus himself, the very thing he had chastised Ausbo for.

Instead of contributing a point of view to the discussion you opted to take a cheap shot at an obvious error that had little to no bearing on the point I had made.

**"Incorrect. You've changed the meaning of ad hominem to suit your needs"**

No. I have provided numerous examples taken directly from the links you posted of how the definitions you provided apply to the point I am making, You are simply choosing to ignore them.

**"Math is not an attribute of YOU"**

Mathematical ability is a personal attribute. You chose to ignore the argument presented and take a cheap shot on an obvious mathematical error, ie you chose to point out an error in a personal attribute rather than addressing the substance of the argument itself. It's akin to responding by saying "it's You're not your" it's not an argument in of itself.

**"There was no "attack on the person"**

You are the only person that has used the word "attack", I have used the word address in all cases other than quoting links that you posted or in reference to terminology used by you.

**"You could have said Thanks for the correction, but my point still stands"**

You mean like I did, here...

"...compared with the common flu virus has proven to be only 2.8% (thank you Razzer) more deadly"

and in my initial reply...

"Regardless, Your correction doesn't alter my point that putting '19 (1% OR 3%) and Ebola in the same sentence does nothing to emphasize the seriousness of the virus and only serves to downplay it's lethality"

RazzerRedux1573d ago (Edited 1573d ago )

"No. It wasn't."

Sure it was. You made two points. One was about Ebola. The other was that there was only a 1% difference between coronavirus and the common flu.

"You just downplayed the virus yourself when you stated it was only 1% more deadly than the common flu and has a mortality rate 16.6 times less lethal than ebola."

"only 1% more deadly than the common flu" is a key point in your argument.

"Instead of contributing a point of view to the discussion you opted to take a cheap shot at an obvious error that had little to no bearing on the point I had made."

lol....a simple correction with no malice or insults at all is a cheap shot now? Please.

"No. I have provided numerous examples taken directly from the links you posted of how the definitions you provided apply to the point I am making, You are simply choosing to ignore them."

Simply false. I have addressed them all and explained how you have been continuously wrong. I'm hoping when we are done here some of it will sink in and you will understand.

"Mathematical ability is a personal attribute. "

I pointed out a mathematical error which you have acknowledged. I said nothing about your mathematical ability at all.

"you chose to point out an error in a personal attribute"

Why do you keep making false statements? I made no comment about any personal attribute of yours in any way. You are just making shit up and you know it.

"You are the only person that has used the word "attack", I have used the word address in all cases other than quoting links that you posted or in reference to terminology used by you."

I'm sure you think you made some awesome point there. Sorry but you didn't.

"You mean like I did, here...

"...compared with the common flu virus has proven to be only 2.8% (thank you Razzer) more deadly"

and in my initial reply...

"Regardless, Your correction doesn't alter my point that putting '19 (1% OR 3%) and Ebola in the same sentence does nothing to emphasize the seriousness of the virus and only serves to downplay it's lethality"

If only you had left it at that and not fabricated this ad hominem nonsense we would have been fine. But you couldn't help yourself obviously. If we are going to embellish on what cheap shots are then start there. Unfortunately for you, I had to correct you twice. Once on the math and a second time because you didn't understand ad hominem. If nothing else, I am happy that I educated you on its proper usage whether you admit it or not. At least admit it to yourself and not make the same mistakes again. You'll be better off.

I'm done here. You are resorting to fictional accounts of what has been said.....as if it has disappeared from above somehow. lol. If you want to continue conjuring fiction then please do. Maybe someone here will read it, but it won't be me.

Wasabi1573d ago


**"You made two points. One was about Ebola. The other was that there was only a 1% difference between coronavirus and the common flu"**

Crux: The basic, central or critical point.

You took a cheap shot, got called out and now you're arguing irrelevant points to try and save face. We both know exactly what the "crux" of the argument means and it most certainly isn't two points, it is however EXACTLY the definition above, which is to say that my comment focussed quite clearly on the downplaying element of the comment and not the minute % difference you appear seem to be fixated with.

**"a simple correction with no malice or insults at all is a cheap shot now? Please."**

The fact that the comment featured no malice or insults does not negate it from being a cheap shot, which is exactly what it was.

**"Simply false. I have addressed them all and explained how you have been continuously wrong. I'm hoping when we are done here some of it will sink in and you will understand"**

You haven't addressed anything Razzer, you've simply done what you always do, took a cheap shot in order to present a contrary opinion then backed up your argument with nonsense whilst completely ignoring the very obvious points I made that completely negate your numerous ill thought out comments whilst simultaneously demonstrating how little you understand the concept of the ad hominem argument.

**"I pointed out a mathematical error which you have acknowledged. I said nothing about your mathematical ability at all"**

But why if not to try to undermine? It was clear that it was an obvious error, the % difference is not something that my very obvious argument hinged on , it's very clear to me what your intention was when you posted your comment.

Why do you keep making false statements? I made no comment about any personal attribute of yours in any way. You are just making shit up and you know it.

You attempted to undermine my argument by basing your comment on a personal attribute (or lack of), it's not a false statement for me to point out that your reply was in AH, nor was false to point out your response addressing the "crux" of the argument as I have already explained to you.

I'm sure you think you made some awesome point there. Sorry but you didn't.

The no substance comeback, again you make a statement I point out your inaccuracy you reply with nonsense.

**"If only you had left it at that and not fabricated this ad hominem nonsense we would have been fine"**

An alternative view of this would be, you make an ad hominem response - I call you out for it, you trawl the internet for definitions that support what you're saying, I point out that your definitions actually support my argument. Faced with this, you then move the goalposts (again) and say I'm making it all up. lol.

**"Unfortunately for you, I had to correct you twice"**


**"If nothing else, I am happy that I educated you on its proper usage whether you admit it or not. At least admit it to yourself and not make the same mistakes again. You'll be better off"**

You are beginning to sound ridiculous Razzer.

**"I'm done here. You are resorting to fictional accounts of what has been said"**

Lol, now you're just trying to have the last word in the vain hope that I won't address your response. unfortunately for you I'm happy to call out your nonsense as long as you keep writing it.

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 1573d ago
Hungryalpaca1573d ago

Someone hasn’t been paying attention. Corona has been deemed more deadly than the flu if left untreated.

China is panicking like mad right now.

And yes it does make sense. The outbreak is in ASIA. Sony is JAPANESE. That’s in ASIA.

“Sony are pussies for not going!”

Sony goes and gets people infected


T2X1573d ago (Edited 1573d ago )

Exactly. Were talking about people possibly spreading a dangerous and possibly deadly virus vs. some people getting to see some video games. Guess which is more important? BTW, I went to PAX east, I live 4 miles away from where it was held. You're not missing anything much. Endless lines, thousands of people and no cell phone reception! I know first hand because I got separated from my friends and didn't see them for hours until we were ready to go home and had to meet in the parking lot! I am also old and my back hurt from standing up for hours in a crowd and wandering around. Plus...NO BEER!! Ugh... LOL.

rainslacker1573d ago (Edited 1573d ago )

I know over in china there are a lot of people concerned about it. I was in lowes last week and a lady was buying up all the face masks, and I asked what she was doing, and she said that she was sending them all over to china because they couldn't be found for purchase over there. Hundreds of boxes. The lady working there getting them down said that someone came in a couple days before to buy a bunch to use at the airport, because the airport didnt have enough supplies. They would have sold the ones the one lady was buying but they didnt have them in stock at the time.

There is definitely concern. While I'm not worried about it in my day to day life, obviously people are reacting to it. I think thatd all this is here. Possibly over concern, but perception is what it is

antarius1573d ago

Wow such ignorance! Do some research, other than the token, low numbers coming from WHO and out of China. It’s a biological weapon that got loose and its killing a lot of people. You dont quarantine entire cities for a simple flu bug.

If you think I’m tinfoil hat wearing, just look at articles about how American businesses in China are having to stop operations soon because theirs no people to work their factories.

This on top of Chineses citizens, risking arrest, uploading videos in their phones About what’s really going on. It’s over a million infected and probably some 50k plus have died from it.

Sony is doing the right thing by keeping people from a chance at being exposed.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 1573d ago
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