
Xbox Project xCloud on Android is Almost Flawless | Gamerheadquarters

With home network testing Xbox Project xCloud on Android is almost flawless streaming the games to your device without the need for a console.

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Jin_Sakai1583d ago

Please tell me the magic that xCloud uses that others aren’t so I can believe it’s nearly flawless.

darthv721583d ago

The magic is the strength and reach of their network. I havent used stadia so i have no experience but i have used PSNow as well as remote play and both do okay for themselves but since being in the xc beta it is really good even on my old S6 and ATT 45mbps internet. MS has really put forth a lot of funding to build a strong backbone for their data centers and it shows in how quick and easy it is to jump into a game from my phone.

I can see why Sony would partner with them to help with their streaming needs.

rainslacker1583d ago

So strength and reach of network. In other words, it's going to depend on if you're within the cherry zone of where their servers are located? In other words, it's performance is going to be dependent on other factors?

The magic isn't about it working better, just that it an work better for more people if what you say is the case. This kind of sounds like it's not the best solution for the masses, because one's experience is going to be anecdotal.

GottaBjimmyb1583d ago

@rainslacker yea, that is how things work, more densely populated areas have the benefit of more advanced infrastructure. Not very hard to understand and not new. IDK where the idea that everyone needs to be able to have something or it shouldn't exist has come from...

1582d ago
KillBill1582d ago

Key words that say it all "strong backbone".

darthv721582d ago (Edited 1582d ago )

Rain, I am in Sacramento California... I'd hardly call that a cherry zone (not with our shithead governor) but it is fairly close to the bay area which is probably where the central valley server farm is located. But the takeaway here is I'm also using ATT which doesnt have the best track record for speed and performance and yet I still get a good result on the beta. So somewhere between MS and me there is magic happening and it certainly isnt ATT.

Christopher1582d ago (Edited 1582d ago )

***that is how things work, more densely populated areas have the benefit of more advanced infrastructure***

Someone should inform Houston, Texas about this concept.

***Rain, I am in Sacramento California***

You have ISPs in your area that provide 1000Mbps rates. That's inside a bubble. That's better than what I've gotten in the DMV region (400Mbps up/down) and in Houston (250Mbps down, 5Mbps up). I'm assuming your up is not 1000Mbps potential, but it's gotta be way more than the 4k required 20Mbps.

rainslacker1581d ago

Except the point is, people's experience will vary. What may suck for one customer on one service, may work great on another service. Lots of dependencies to say if streaming will work for someone, and it's been said often, so MS "magic" as darth explained seems more like a matter of circumstance for the user.

I mean, unless people should just move somewhere where the internet doesn't suck. Kind of remember that notion not going over too well some years back.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1581d ago
Sonyslave31583d ago

Ms got that azure network that Sony and Nintendo are using.

1582d ago
1582d ago
1582d ago
King_Noctis1583d ago (Edited 1583d ago )

Instead of asking the question in a mocking tone, maybe sign up for the beta, wait for the invitation to arrive, download the app, and try it out yourself?

I know, that takes a whole lotta effort than just coming here and mocking the service.

MadLad1583d ago


Nah. Noctis was just being logical and straightforward. Your take on it though ..

Jin_Sakai1583d ago

“Instead of asking the question in a mocking tone, maybe sign up for the beta, wait for the invitation to arrive, download the app, and try it out yourself?”

I don’t have a way of testing the service. Maybe I’ll wait for a DF technical analysis? Regardless, there’s no magic happening that doesn’t plague all other streaming services. If there is please inform me.

shiva11582d ago


"I don’t have a way of testing the service. Maybe I’ll wait for a DF technical analysis? Regardless, there’s no magic happening that doesn’t plague all other streaming services. If there is please inform me"

When u r really waiting for PS5 goodness with those blue glasses on, you would definetely not have a way to see what other colours look like.

You just need to take those glasses off and put some transparent ones to see the world.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1582d ago

As if someone with a PS5 avatar would be satisfied with ANY positive MS news.

1582d ago
Jin_Sakai1582d ago (Edited 1582d ago )


“As if someone with a PS5 avatar would be satisfied with ANY positive MS news.”

Now we’re bringing avatars into the equation? I just call BS when I see it.

You want to make an argument then instead hitting the disagree button and going off topic tell me the magic happening that doesn’t plague all game streaming services that supposedly make xCloud a near flawless experience.

Stadia was so fast that they used the buzzword “negative latency” and we see how that went.

NeoGamer2321583d ago

Why don't you just watch the video. You don't have to believe. Just watch it and you will see.

1583d ago Replies(1)
SPEAKxTHExTRUTH1582d ago (Edited 1582d ago )

Why not go research the “magic” yourself instead of low key trolling and being lazy

lazyboyblue1582d ago

It works. That's the only magic it needs.
That and Microsoft aren't forcing it on anybody or pitching it as the future of gaming. It's just there if you want it.

1582d ago
SyntheticForm1582d ago (Edited 1582d ago )


Not sure about "magic" but they do have quite a solid infrastructure, and that goes a long way. So far in fact that Sony, a direct competitor, will be taking advantage of that tried and true avenue, using it themselves, but not before paying for it.

1581d ago
+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 1581d ago
timotim1583d ago

Microsoft's world wide reach dwarfs both Sony and Google. Where's your nearest datacenter...that's a major component. This is why PS chose to partner with Microsoft on that front.

Ricegum1583d ago

Luckily the majority of PlayStation owners aren't interested in streaming games.

Ripsta7th1583d ago

then why da f did they make PS NOW?

1583d ago
AnubisG1582d ago (Edited 1582d ago )


If MS is going down this path, there won't be an Xbox platform within 10 years. This will be their last physical console and after that Xbox will be a "virtual" console that will be able to be reached from any device. Than slowly it will become something else and you will have zero choices but will have to put up with digital and streaming and your gaming will be up to your internet speeds or availability. Also, Xbox was dead last in every single generation it has taken part in. So what are you talking about? Playstation has always been and always will be the superior console experience.

ReadyPlayer221582d ago

Sony would be stupid NOT to expand PS Now into next gen. I guarantee it'll be a talking point for them as it will for MS. Especially when you have big money players like Google and reportedly Amazon coming into the market.

343_Guilty_Spark1582d ago

I thought they all have PS NOW

timotim1582d ago

You will be in for a rude awakening when you see how Sony expands on PS Now in the future. It doesn't really matter what you think "PlayStation owners" are interested in, when Sony themselves are...

1582d ago
Kurt Russell1582d ago

Maybe the majority are not interested. But as a Playstation owner myself, I am, it will be incredibly useful to fit within my current lifestyle.

akbennyewu1582d ago

And luckily the vast majority of all gamers don't give a shit about VR, but we don't get into that fact ever when talking about innovating features.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 1582d ago
GottaBjimmyb1583d ago (Edited 1583d ago )

Yea, and Amazon absolutely blows both google and MS away, so if they ever were interested in doing so, they could compete. They seem to have dipped their toes in a few times, but could be interesting.

1582d ago
KillBill1582d ago

Only in scope of sales. Amazon markets to a lot but infrastructure wise Azure has the wider footprint covering many more regions with more data centers. Each of the major public clouds has their own market focus and the reason Sony chose Azure is simply because it is the best cloud system for what console gaming needs. https://www.forbes.com/site...

1583d ago
NeoGamer2321582d ago

I wouldn't say Microsoft dwarfs google. MS seems to have 55 data centers worldwide and Google about 22 (Did quick counts on their web sites).

Double in those numbers is not dwarfing. People need to pay attention to Google. They are a big cloud player. Amazon and MS are the top dogs right now, but Google has both the capability and skills to be up there with them.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1582d ago
PS4Gamer19841583d ago

Legit question. Why is there endless love for Xcloud but endless hate for Stadia?

GottaBjimmyb1583d ago (Edited 1583d ago )

Honestly, I think the reason is two-fold:
1. MS doesn't often let their product lines die, so it is a safer bet to invest in the ecosystem.
2. Xcloud is a direct platform alternative where all purchased content can be used on your console, PC or other devices. Stadia is streaming only.

Basically, flexibility and brand strength. Google has done some really cool things, but they have really weakened their brand, at least when putting their name on a product, it doesn't really add much to it.
Nexus, google health, google talk, google hangouts, picasa, inbox etc, etc, etc.

1582d ago
KillBill1582d ago

Had to down vote you on that simply because in the past MS is actually known for putting their toes into a product line and then when things turned in the slightest they cannibalized assets and dropped products like a hot potato. Just to recall Zune and Nokia to see that history full blown. Their current market plan is to stop doing exactly that but they are not known yet for having reached that certainty point they want.

The reason Stadia is getting hit hard is because they are doing what MS stopped doing. They aren't putting enough focus behind the project and treating it with less emphasis than it needs to survive. MS has a new marketing focus that is directly focused on what xCloud and their Azure has to offer. As you mentioned with the push MS is doing towards an eco system with their product use that allows a wider availability and potential bigger push. Microsoft is trying to do what Facebook did where they are making it so their product is seen as more than just a single concept and allowing more connectivity.

darthv721582d ago

@bill... you do realize Zune wasnt the only portable media player line to be effected by the ipod... right? There used to be countless brands of media devices before the ipod but it came along and killed them all and Zune was like the last one to stand up to it. In the end it too succumed but not before it proved you could have a quality portable media player that wasnt tied to a single store or system (like the ipod).

But all that doesnt really matter once smart phones started incorporating all of those functions and Zune was rebranded and actually still exists but more of an app in Windows 10. Groove music carried on and is now Xbox music because they have been folding all of these smaller projects under the same xbox umbrella. Sadly the zune hardware is long gone but between the Zune HD and my ipod touch... the Zune was clearly the better of the two. And it still works (unlike my ipod)

AnubisG1582d ago

I hate them both equally if that helps.🤣

MasterCornholio1582d ago (Edited 1582d ago )

Because you can still play your games natively with Xbox. Also Stadia is still a mess.

XBox4eva691582d ago

Fanboys. Xcloud isn't any better than anything else, it just has the power of millions of xbots screaming from their caves behind it.

bluefox7551582d ago (Edited 1582d ago )

MS has much better marketing. That's why you see an endless supply of positive articles about them, despite them being in last place. Unfortunately for them, most people see through it I think.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1582d ago
Donnie811582d ago

Xcloud is fantastic but I just don’t see myself using it much. Call me old fashion but I like my controller and a big screen while chilling on the couch

LOGICWINS1582d ago

It really depends. I play my Switch in handheld mode most of the time despite having a big screen TV that upscales the image and makes the colors pop for the simple fact that I’m tired when I get home from work. I just prefer to lay on my bed and play in handheld mode. When I get the Series X, I’ll be playing via XCloud on my iPad very often.

Donnie811582d ago

Yeah that’s a good idea. I got a surface pro that would be sweet for that

autobotdan1582d ago

Yeah at my house I play on my tv. But I use X-Cloud at my work on my lunch hours

ginsunuva1582d ago

.... You can stream to a TV and play with a controller genius

KillBill1582d ago

Though that defeats the purpose of it if your console system is already hooked up to your TV. xCloud is not looking at replacing consoles it is simply looking at being an addition to what you can do with their services.

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Microsoft is experimenting with ad views for access to hundreds of Xbox games

Free games? In THIS economy? Well, in exchange for your eyeballs at least. (Figuratively, not literally... although don't give them ideas.)

What you need to know

• Microsoft Gaming CFO Tim Stuart recently described how in the future, you may be able to view ads to gain access to Xbox Game Pass.

•Recent Xbox Series X|S code strings we've seen seem to corroborate this, with the ability to earn 15 minute blocks of Xbox Game Pass access in exchange for watching ads.

•Game Pass across PC, Xbox, and Cloud features hundreds of games in exchange for a low monthly fee.

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darthv72172d ago

Hmm..... I used to earn GP by way of searching with Bing but I hear the rewards program is being revamped. I still earn points but it seems they did change the amount you get per search. I dont know how i feel about this. It sounds like they are going the Youtube route where right in the middle of something you are enjoying, an ad pops up and you have to sit through it (if it does not have a skip option after 5 seconds).

I pay for my GP access, so this wouldnt really bother me but I can see it affecting plenty of others. It reminds me of the rumor about how some game companies (EA, Ubisoft) were toying with the idea of running ads before you ever get into the game. Like the old days of renting movies from Blockbuster and not being able to skip the previews (yes, some DVD had a non skip option for previews). I pay for stuff so i wouldnt have to deal with ads, but even now they are encroaching the very things i pay a premium for.

This whole thing is just..... a bad idea.

purple101172d ago

I remember those dvds with non-skippable adds! Wow that takes me back.

Plague-Doctor27171d ago


Yup. You'd have to pop in the DVD before going to the bathroom, grabbing a snack, etc

172d ago
shinoff2183172d ago

Such a shame cause even if you don't think this is a big deal what's next they put ads on ultimate gamepass and the free one gets more. This is disgusting. Yes even if Sony goes this route I'll feel the same. We got enough ads in this world ffs

purple101172d ago

Some recent studies show the average person sees 4000 adverts a day

ChasterMies171d ago

The average person should start using ad blockers.

ChasterMies171d ago (Edited 171d ago )

“even if Sony goes this route I'll feel the same”

This isn’t a “both sides” issue. Sony has never had ads on the PlayStation Home Screen but Microsoft has laden Xbox’s Home Screen with ads since the Xbox 360. Microsoft has put ads on Windows 11 OS! Microsoft is basically the bad guy from “Ready Player One”.

shinoff2183171d ago

I know that hence the key word If. Sonys never given an indication of this where as ms definitely has.

Christopher171d ago

I mean, it's not never, but it's not like Xbox. Sony has promoted things with icons on the XMB, it's just really rare.

EvertonFC171d ago

They could do GP free with ads, GP £20 per month without ads, which one would the casual/hardcore choose ?

Christopher171d ago

"Hi, we've received your comment submission. Please watch this 30s ad to finalize and publish your comment to N4G.com. Thank you."

We're just having our eyelids forced open more and more every day it feels like.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 171d ago
ApocalypseShadow172d ago

You don't say?/S

You mean the company that puts ads on the dashboard, tried to force a camera on Xbox One to push ads is experimenting with ads for game pass access? No. You must be joshing. Lol

Wouldn't put it past them.

crazyCoconuts171d ago

Getting people locked into subs and advertising to them is what passes as innovation at Microsoft.
At least they're keeping Sony on their toes with the threat of competition

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PC Games That Are Better With A Controller

Here are some great PC games that are even better with a controller. In fact, one can say that they're meant to be played with a controller.

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shinoff2183276d ago

That's why I don't mess with PC gaming for the most part. When I game I'm relaxing. Hard to do that with a keyboard and mouse. That's just my thought on it.

I'm still hoping bethesada adds real controller support to the og fallout or re release them on xbox like what was done with wasteland 1

276d ago Replies(1)
Shiore2u274d ago (Edited 274d ago )

What exactly is so hard about using a keyboard and mouse compared to a controller when subjectively relaxing? Do you game upside down on a crossbar?

Daeloki274d ago

At least in my opinion, with a controller I can lay back comfortably in my couch however I want. Keyboard + mouse would require a table and chair, and requires investing in ergonomics not to completely mess up my back (not saying the couch is good for my back either but achieving comfortability is easier). Again, emphasizing that I'm speaking out of opinion, and I agree with you that concepts of relaxing and which is better are both very subjective matters. All in all I don't think it's a particularly good article since it really boils down to personal preference.

ApocalypseShadow275d ago

Next up:

Article on "Controllers that are best played with a game."/S

HellspawnPR1981275d ago

Anything that is not a shooter or doesn't have a crosshair.

Minute Man 721268d ago (Edited 268d ago )

My old ass Xbox 360 Rock Candy controller still works fine today "For the Players"


Five Games to Play While Waiting for Armored Core 6

The newest From Software game is just around the corner. These are five excellent games to play while waiting for Armored Core 6.

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Si-Fly292d ago

Can I suggest BG3 as a 6th? It’s helping me pass the time quite well.

anast292d ago

I'm still trying to finish WotR.

DivineHand125292d ago

With the release date being just a little over a week away, it may not be a good idea to burn yourself out on mech games until then.

RavenWolfx291d ago

i want a Chromehounds sequel so bad...

raWfodog291d ago (Edited 291d ago )

Surprised that the article didn’t mention Mechwarrior 5: Mercenaries if we’re talking about mech-related games.

ZeekQuattro291d ago

It was an odd article imo. Like why are games that feature a handful of mech themed levels in there. When I think of mech games I don't think Halo and Wolfenstein no matter how fun those levels were.

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