
Sony's plot for PS3 Trophies. Could KillZone 2 be 2009's GOTY??

The latest TQcast covers some very interesting topics, including one that has many gamers guessing. What is Sony planning to do with the PS3 trophy levels?? And could KillZone 2 be 2009's game of the year?

TQcast EP47 from the new TQ headquarters, and through the skype scene.

* The future for 360 and PS3
* PS3Trophies could be more valuable than you think.
* Could KillZone 2 be 2009's GOTY??
* mO DiNeRo to turn on his 360 for one game….
* KillZone 2 Beta impressions
* Resistance 2 impressions
* Biff goes where most TQfam has gone
* Nacho Libre is like a friend.
* How HD-DVD can make a come back.
* Juice watches his first blu-ray movie
* A very short exclusive preview of the TQ mix tape at the end of
the cast.
* Plus your video games, movies, album, and very special drink tip
brought to you by Captnnapalm plus much much more.

Raoh5690d ago


* How HD-DVD can make a come back.
* Juice watches his first blu-ray movie

LOL, i stopped right there.. let me get this straight... during these economic times.. you want movie studios to switch focus, funds, insert new hd dvd players and dvd's into the market......

LMFAO i almost clicked the link


Sarcasm5690d ago

What you mean? HD-DVD doesn't need to make a comeback. All their fanboys went to digital distribution, which is the new Blu-Ray killer!

Jamegohanssj55690d ago (Edited 5690d ago )

LOL! This is full of fails. When I saw PS3 Trophies could be more valuable than you think I stopped because it's old as hell.


theKiller5690d ago

no doubt it will be the best FPS of 2009, sony is releasing a lot of mega games in 2009, so its hard to tell from now!

jtucker785690d ago

DD "will" be the blu ray killer ... at some point a long way away in the future but not for several years.

The masses will eventually all adopt blu ray and then when DD (after a long time) reaches blu ray quality (which it is nowhere near yet) then the techies like you and me will adopt it and then a couple of years later the public will.

But at the moment DD HD Movies aren't much better quality than upscaled DVDs. They may be 720p, 1080i and occasionally 1080p, but that is all they have in common with blu ray.
If you don't know that there is a difference between a low bit rate download that is 1080p and a blu ray disc, you need to educate yourself.

And for quality downloads of blu quality you need to wait for HDDs get even cheaper and download speeds to increase, which won't happen in the US without an infrastructure change.

If you are a movie quality lover then the only option at the moment is blu ray, which is being rapidly adopted.
So in that case, if you aren't bothered so much by quality - then what is the point in HD DD? You may as well just buy a DVD upscaler, then you can save your whole DVD collection.

If you want the quality of blu ray, then currently there is still nothing close.
Look it up on the web.
Compression, bit rates etc. 1080p does not equal blu ray.

Blu ray will be around for a while longer. Have no doubt.

Oh, and don't forget that EVERY major Hollywood studio is behind blu ray too and is pumping them out. Every movie TV commercial advertises DVD AND blu ray now. And considering that there is no format even close .. blu ray is here to stay.

PopEmUp5690d ago (Edited 5690d ago )

DD to take over I would be dead by then

Perjoss5690d ago

Killzone 2 GOTY 2009?

probably not, Blizzard are rumored to be releasing Starcraft 2 in 2009.

xionpunk5689d ago

Yeah I don't think Sony has to worry about DD overtaking Bluray for a while.

disrupt3r5689d ago

Im a bit confused why everyone thinks DD will be the format of choice. Does anyone think that everyone that is currently downloading movies for free (you know who you are) will all of a sudden start paying for them?

Regular people outside of internet nerds will always prefer a physical copy of something, over a digital copy IMO.

Thugbot1875689d ago (Edited 5689d ago )

DD is already taking over. Ask how many people have netflix or blockbuster and how many have watched a DD movie. Then ask how many have watched DD shows from ABC, NBC and all the major networks that do it now. Then ask how many have paid for DD movies from xbl. Also go to some of these peer to peer sharing sites you will see people downloading boot leg copies of movies, its been going on since early 1999. They even have sites up on the web were you can see what's in the movies now.

My guess even though I don't have numbers is a heck of a lot more people then those that own BLU RAY. One would think if DD was such a bad market you wouldn't see more and more companies putting there content on it.

psnDevistator3565689d ago

BlueRay will be around for awhile.

Reasons- Sense Of ownership when having a disc. You just can't get that out of pure digital.

Space- HD movies are Extremely large and I think until we perfect Flash Based Hard drives(More Space- Optimization)

Pirating- Will probably take off more than ever if Digital Downloads were the ruling force.

Digital Downloads will probably later on rule but I think the sense of having something physical will be hard to give up.

All this applies to Games also.

ThanatosDMC5689d ago

Killzone 2 being GOTY 2009... im not sure since there will be a lot of other game that will come out before 2009 ends. Chances are something will copy Killzone 2 before the year ends. They're probably in development right now.

BLuKhaos5689d ago

I don't think Sony is worrying about DD seeing as they're the ones leading in DD too.Look at how many full games they have available for DD while all MS has is "TEH EXZCLUSIVES DLCZZZ" and "TEH NEXZTFLIXERSZ",and Nintendo has nothing.

theEnemy5689d ago

I've stopped reading at that lines too.

Raz5689d ago

Just smoking, kicking back and talking sh*t, right? I wasted 3 minutes of my life scanning for Sony's plans for trophies, just to hear you mumble incoherently about what YOU think it SHOULD be; and another 2 writing this comment.

I want my 5 minutes back.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 5689d ago
el_bandito5690d ago (Edited 5690d ago )

KZ2 GOTY 2009?

If it was 2008 it may have easily won GOTY honors. But 2009? Man, its just the 1st quarter of that year. You'll never know what may come up. Besides, why do we talk about 2009 GOTY, its not even Christmas yet this 2008.

BTW Props to Guerilla for the good work on KZ2. It looks really promising.I'm gonna get it as soon as it hit the stores.

The Matrix5690d ago

Let me just be blunt and honest: If God of War III comes out next year, Killzone 2 will be runner-up at best.

YogiBear5689d ago

I completely agree with you. Kratos will destroy all that he surveys.

jkhan5690d ago

GOTY hhmm. I doubt it.
But I am pretty sure it will be shooter of the year and Best multiplayer of the year.
With FF-XIII, Heavy Rain, Alan Awake and if God of War 3 comes out then it will be pretty obvious who gets GOTY award. But Killzone 2 will be contender none the less.

gamesmaster5689d ago

GOW3, just saying it makes whats left of my prostate quiver. It'll make devil may cry 4 look like a rather distasteful joke.

p.s. I'm not in jail yet.

plain rice5690d ago

PSN store credit should be awarded to users that reach a certain level or when obtaining a Platinum trophy. That would be sweet!

RememberThe3575690d ago

but they can't afford to loose any more money.

chasuk085690d ago

Dont act like you know how much money is in Sonys pocket

Cenobia5689d ago

Does Sony or even the developers of a game get money for rentals though? Because I see that type of strategy increasing rentals but not sales. I wouldn't buy a mediocre title for trophies, but I might rent it if the trophies meant something (more than your level).

And then you'd have developers dumb-ing down the games trophies for more sales (or rentals if they even see that money). I don't think a real monetary reward system would work.

It'd be awesome for us, but I don't think Sony would really benefit.

tortella5690d ago

anyone who played the BETA will tell you that KZ2 is indeeed 2009's GOTY

Panthers5689d ago

While it will be HUGE, I am sick of shooters getting GOTY. It needs to be something else. Heavy Rain maybe?

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Lightning771d 5h ago

Then gets shut down the next day. They should know better than to talk crazy like that.

XiNatsuDragnel1d 1h ago

They'll get shut down that's how Microsoft work

gold_drake1d ago

watch it get shut down tomorrow haha

Skuletor4h ago

It was probably already decided yesterday


"And then Phil Spencer took it as challenge..."

Elda5h ago

They better worry because Avowed doesn't look all that.


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