
Overwatch Switch hands-on: This isn’t just a gimmick, it’s genuinely something quite special

Iron Galaxy and Blizzard have teamed up once again to bring one of the biggest multiplayer phenomenons to Switch – and it’s a far better port than most people were expecting

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1698d ago Replies(4)
Pepin1698d ago

To be fair, it still looks and feels great running at 30fps

Thunder_G0d_Bane1697d ago

Destiny 1 was 30fps and it was still an awesome shooter.

Got this pre-ordered for my Switch from cdkeys cause its nice and cheap on there £23. The gameplay of Overwatch on switch looks rock solid.

Pepin1697d ago

There's this little nudge you can do when you're manually aiming and tilt the screen to modify your aim (which can be toggled so it only comes on when you're ADS) and – honestly – it's some of the most satisfying shooting I've done on Switch

Neonridr1697d ago

Destiny 2 is 30fps.. Destiny on consoles has always been 30fps.

Thunder_G0d_Bane1697d ago


I know that but i play Destiny 2 on PC at 100fps so that's why I specifically mentioned Destiny 1 lol.

Gemmol1697d ago (Edited 1697d ago )

Since you misunderstood what he said since you only going against other switch owners everyone is shooting at 30 frames there’s no advantage to anyone so the game not being at 60 do not affect the game in any form unless you have it on another system and then switch to the switch and even if you did switch from another system you eventually get use to it takes me one hour top

Don’t forget destiny runs 30 frames on Sony and Microsoft system and no one complain

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1696d ago
Yi-Long1697d ago

The gorgeous art style chosen for this game lends itself to still look great on less powerful hardware. Also, obviously, the arena's are relatively small, and I believe max amount of players in 1 match is 16 (8 vs 8 in one of the modes).

EddieNX 1697d ago

This is a portable version of the game. Once people accept and understand that the all of a sudden it is pretty amazing.

Yh we know your vanilla ps4 can run it at 60fps but there not what this version is about.


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