
Fortnite Players On Switch Will No Longer Be Matched With Xbox One And PS4 Cross-Play Parties

Cross-play being removed to eliminate advantages due to better performance.

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crazyCoconuts1907d ago

After all that fuss, reality sets in...

Eonjay1907d ago

Epic made the decision because it disadvantaged Switch players but I wonder who had the advantage now in mobile: Switch or touch input.

Fluttershy771907d ago (Edited 1907d ago )

I would think it disadvantaged both sides, because of the hardware capabilities of the Switch of course, but also the console's internet service. I don't play this but I would expect some lag (and lag diminish the experience both sides).
This is like a huge hit for Crossplay with the Switch in my opinion, because if Epic/Fortnite (probably one of the most popular games right now and one of the richest devs) cannot make it work, what's left for the rest?

TK-661907d ago

"Epic made the decision because it disadvantaged Switch players but I wonder who had the advantage now in mobile: Switch or touch input."

it's easier for many to try and use this as a "see cross-play bad" when the reality is that the game has a bug that disadvantages weaker hardware which by the sounds of it would also affect PC and mobile players. Perhaps people should be looking at Epic for having a balance breaking bug rather than trying to make this about crossplay.

UltraNova1907d ago

Xplay should have never been a thing, unless full parity in performance, controls and gameplay is guaranteed between all targeted platforms.

naruga1907d ago (Edited 1907d ago )

Crossplay ....what a BS thing from the start ...Sony knew about it but still thousand of wannabe "named" gamers (probably people who never touched seriously a gamepad)wanted or cried for the opposite ....i want to see their cries now after their so beloved Nntnedo departs from the "MS -created" mockery called crossplay

GTgamer1907d ago

We tried to get Shawn layden to comment on how he feels about this news and this was all we got https://youtu.be/bj63nhV3Vu...

gangsta_red1907d ago

"Sony knew about it but still thousand of wannabe "named" gamers"

Sony knew it eh? LMFAO, wow, the absolute delusional fanboys.

Funny that theirs still crossplay between Xbox and PS4, something Sony didn't want either.

""MS -created" mockery called crossplay"

Quick, let's find a way to blame MS!!

1907d ago
gangsta_red1907d ago (Edited 1907d ago )


Quick, let's be as ignorant as humanly possible and not use one ounce of thought and just blame MS!

"This means Switch players will automatically matchmake with mobile players and other Switch players. However, it doesn't mean Switch players can no longer play with PS4 and Xbox One folks. To do so, they'll just need to party up, similar to the way mobile and PC players will only play with each other if they're in a cross-play party."


Too funny

Codewow1907d ago

You can use controllers on mobile.

Name Last Name1907d ago

I can't believe the amount of hurt people still have because Sony allowed crossplay lmao!

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 1907d ago
Jin_Sakai1907d ago (Edited 1907d ago )

“Cross-play being removed to eliminate advantages due to better performance.“

Everyone should’ve seen this coming. Cross-play is overhyped and only a select minority care about it. Sony should’ve never have allowed it.

PoopsMcGee1907d ago

Hopefully, Rocket League will be next.

ExplodingJuice1907d ago

I agree. Crossplay is just what people latch on to because of stupidity.

SuperSonic911907d ago (Edited 1907d ago )

This fiasco just accentuate how weak and disadvantaged the Switch platform is.
Heck even on mobile Fortnite does 60fps!
Its good that MS had to drag Nintendo through all of this PR BS - both got exposed in broad daylight!

Dang! PS4 is just untouchable.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1907d ago
StormSnooper1907d ago

It was a PR ploy. Now reality sets in.

1907d ago
Silly Mammo1907d ago

Should we add crossplay to the growing list of MS broken promises?

RacerX1907d ago

@gamingunited and @silly, X1X has the best performance of all available consoles. How would MS take any blame for Nintendo's weak console?

EddieNX 1907d ago (Edited 1907d ago )

Just to clarify, Switch users CAN still play with people on Xbox one and PS4.

Swith players are not only up against mobile players but also fellow Switch players and the same goes for mobile players.

Plus, the pool is only going to be Switch users vs. mobile users if it’s a solo. If you join someone on PS4, XBox, and PC, and you’re a Switch player, you’ll be included in that pool.

TheUndertaker851907d ago

This is true and confirmed by Epic Games. Players on any platform will still be able to group up and play together if they do wish. When randomly searching for a match Switch players will no longer be pooled with PS4 or Xbox One.

Kumakai1907d ago (Edited 1907d ago )

Yeah. That the switch is a POS and ps4 Xbox and pc players still cross play...

Vizigoth041907d ago

Right? Like people didn't put actual thought into this other than "Oh but it's what the media says the players want, it'll be consumer friendly." Come on Sony. Come one. Budge a little.

trooper_1907d ago

Well, well, well, Sony was smart not to waste valuable resources on crossplay after all.

Where o where are those so-called gamers clamoring for this?

1907d ago
Kiwi661907d ago (Edited 1907d ago )

So what is the excuse for Sony having crossplay last/this gen then if its a waste of resources

Zeref1907d ago

dude, you can still play with your friends on PS4 and Xbox One. When you're alone it puts you against mobile and other switch users. And when you're in a party with PS4 and Xbox players you will be put in the console pool.

It's not removing crossplay. It's just changing the matchmaking a little bit.

Zeref1907d ago

you can still play with your friends on PS4 and Xbox...

TheUndertaker851907d ago

Yes, it has been confirmed by Epic Games. Crossplay is not being removed. Pooling however is changing.

TheUndertaker851907d ago (Edited 1907d ago )

“There was some confusion earlier about whether this meant that Switch owners would be able to play with Xbox One and PlayStation 4 owners. Epic Games reached out to confirm that this was indeed the case, but the pooling changes would result "an on-average better per-game experience" for both mobile and Switch players.”

I like made up reality too /s

Zeref1906d ago

PS fanboys are so quick to justify sony's anti consumer actions.

EddieNX 1906d ago (Edited 1906d ago )


They've finaly exposed themselves as the laughing stock of the gaming comminity.

The most Immature ,.entitled bunch on N4G.

SurgicalMenace1906d ago

I do have a question: How is Sony anti consumer, when they have delivered generation after generation for the last 25 years? You would think that they would have been gone with being so anti consumer.🤔

Don't let your entitlement blind you to the truth that this only has to do with serving a purpose that you want. If this were something that didn't benefit you, you would be saying nothing. Hey, how about you buy the consoles you desire to play on, last I checked Fortnite is free to play on all avenues. Goofy

TheUndertaker851906d ago (Edited 1906d ago )

@SurgicalMenace: Ugh. Sony has been a company for over 25 years. 🤔

Nintendo as a company is over a hundred years old. I’m not sure if you know but companies rebrand all the time. Typically because they’ve either become known as anti-consumer, their products flop, they enter new industries, they get bought out. There’s a rather long list.

Sony was also not always known as Sony.

This is one example of an anti-consumer stance by Sony within the last 25 years though.

Their refund policy isn’t exactly consumer friendly either.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1906d ago
+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 1906d ago
ArchangelMike1907d ago

I bet Sony will be rolling their eyes right now.

SuperSonic911907d ago (Edited 1907d ago )

So no more #survivetogether crap?

Basically Epic is saying when it comes to cross play Switch is the losers platform.
So if Epic knew this was the case why did yhey still push this crossplay agenda of MS?
To think that Sony got so much public crap gor this crap cross play...
another big L for MS and Nintendo

gangsta_red1907d ago

I'm reading these comments and I'm just floored with how ridiculous some are.

Crossplay is still available between Xbox and PS4, nothing changed there. How is this even an L for anyone?

And how is this an agenda of MS when this is a game by Epic and that Epic was pushing to happen. This doesn't even effect MS in the slightest bit, because (once again) there's still crossplay between PS4 and Xbox.

And there's crossplay between mobile devices and Switch. But yeah...MS agenda that Sony knew all along and was getting crapped on for it....poor Sony.

rainslacker1907d ago

They should be elated if this was actually a big issue. I mean, apparently, lack of cross play will cause a system to fail, and with Switch gaining on PS4, it means that Switch will now fail.

Of course, in the real world, cross play isn't an issue at all, and it won't help or hinder system sales, but sometimes one has to address the arguments that people bring up on why cross play is important. It's not like we didn't have many articles citing cross play as one of the reasons why MS would win next gen.

Kryptix1907d ago

I've never and nobody I know has bought a game or bought a console because of cross-play. It's an extra feature, but not one that should be mandatory. Couldn't give a rat's @$$ if Xbox has a small community, I'm on PC, baby!

And with Master Chief Collection announced for Steam and already projected to be more successful than the Xbox version, Microsoft is slowly moving away from their failure.

Let them dream though. Bubble's going to burst any moment inevitably.

SpaceRanger1907d ago

I’m waiting on those that we’re ready to hang Sony for being “anti-consumer” to have the same conviction against Epic.

1907d ago
Kryptix1907d ago (Edited 1907d ago )

"It just works"

And it didn't and you can clearly see that community being almost non-existent.

There will be no articles about this kind of problem because at the time, it was all just clickbait for "journalists" and the weird Xbox community needed something against Sony at the time it had nothing, even till this day.

gangsta_red1907d ago

Except you can still do crossplay between all three consoles... so I guess you'll be waiting for a long time.

EddieNX 1907d ago (Edited 1907d ago )

You can still play with people on Xbox and PS on Switch.

This is just another classic example of people spinning some none news out of control like always on N4G.

For clarifications, Switch players are not only up against mobile players but also fellow Switch players and the same goes for mobile players.

Plus, the pool is only going to be Switch users vs. mobile users if it’s a solo. If you join someone on PS4, XBox, and PC, and you’re a Switch player, you’ll be included in that pool.

-Foxtrot1907d ago

"This is just another classic example of people spinning some none news out of control like always on N4G"

Well to be fair you would know about that...


Sono4211907d ago

Eddie, seriously give it up man.. it just looks sad.

1907d ago
1907d ago
EddieNX 1907d ago (Edited 1907d ago )

People are clearly misinformed, I'm here to provide some clarity.

What's hilarious is all the Sony fanboys commenting on here XD!!!!!!!

'crus pleh fukcin suucks Hur dur, Swetch is weak'

Cmon guys, easy you'll hurt my feelings ;( .... /S XD

gangsta_red1907d ago (Edited 1907d ago )


Damage control? L.M.A.O! That is so hilarious to read...you know what else is funny to read...

Crossplay is dead! Sony was right!!!

"This means Switch players will automatically matchmake with mobile players and other Switch players. However, it doesn't mean Switch players can no longer play with PS4 and Xbox One folks. To do so, they'll just need to party up, similar to the way mobile and PC players will only play with each other if they're in a cross-play party."

"There’s good news for friends playing on different consoles: They can still invite each other to play Fortnite, regardless of platform. It’s just random matchmaking that comes with the new restrictions on player pools."

Eddie is speaking the truth, Switch players can still crossplay with PS4 and Xbox. But for some reason Microsoft's evil plan of crossplay for a game made by Epic has crashed and burned and now there's much celebration needed...even though Switch,PS4 and Xbox can still crossplay with each other...

Got to love this site!

SLiSH831907d ago

He is right tho, it’s only for solos.
Switch can still play with any other platform out there. But if you’re doing a solo it’s going to be with people of that particular pool of systems.
I thought that was always the case w solos

SierraGuy1907d ago (Edited 1907d ago )

I'm still trying to understand why they would allow a 30fps machine to pool with 60fps machines.

Fortnite isn't much of a demanding title graphically and the switch quite simply cannot handle it.

Also when you party up with a teammate on switch you will have a major disadvantage.

TheUndertaker851907d ago (Edited 1907d ago )

This is truth. It has been confirmed by Epic Games. The developer of Fortnite and the company who created Fortnite crossplay. Here’s another source to add to gangsta_red too.

“There was some confusion earlier about whether this meant that Switch owners would be able to play with Xbox One and PlayStation 4 owners. Epic Games reached out to confirm that this was indeed the case, but the pooling changes would result "an on-average better per-game experience" for both mobile and Switch players.”

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 1907d ago
1907d ago Replies(2)
Sgt_Slaughter1907d ago

Due to poor optimization on Epic's part, yet people will use this for their agenda and go "SEE? CROSSPLAY BAD! SONY GOOD!"

Rude-ro1907d ago

Can you tell me exactly what a monopolizing business like Microsoft is actually after with cross-play?
Is it to limit or control hardware?
Is it to open up another avenue of attacking their competitor?
Or is it a push from third party developers so that they can create services/gamepass type approaches to charge monthly fees for?
I mean... what is the reality here in this billion dollar industry?
Or do you really think it is just about letting two consoles install base play together?
If so, I have bridge for sale if you are interested.

TheUndertaker851907d ago

...This is about Microsoft crossplay how? I thought Fortnite, the title listed here isn’t from Microsoft. Isn’t that why Sony allowed it?

Then doesn’t Epic Games, the developer of Fortnite not have their own crossplay setup? Ya know, the Epic Games account?

Come to think about it... How did you add Microsoft to this conversation again? 🤔

I think you may need that bridge more than others. You need it to fill that gap.

Rude-ro1907d ago


If it is not about Microsoft, who is it about?
Sony has offered more cross play titles and for longer than any other console on the market...so why is it they who are getting attacked? It makes no sense.
EVERYONE under the sun knows that the best hardware gives an advantage per gaming.
That’s why many console players do not want to play against pc players.
Everyone knows that unless the game is coded to make up for its lack of power, the ps4 and Xbox one x has an advantage over Nintendo’s switch.

Who has the most money in the media out of all the consoles? Microsoft.
Who is suffering from a dying install base due to their lack of software? Microsoft.
If the install base is dying, where are they going? To the competitor.
What is the best part for any company about service plans? People commit, but then stick with it. What does this do to a competitor? Removes their ability to compete due to most people do not want monthly financial responsibilities for multiple devices for one hobby.
How can Microsoft keep this door open? Cross-play and cross-save. Remove the locks of having one service so people can come and go per whatever trend marketing has created.

Microsoft’s entire focus for the last 5 years is this very aspect.
They are fighting for more than a “console”. For the last 20 years, Microsoft has only worked hard on creating strongholds on consumers needs in order to keep their relevance in any aspect they are in.

They are a trillion dollar business because if this.
What do you think they are trying to do when the facts clearly outweigh the pr attack on crossplay.

Atom6661907d ago

Do you have to answer a riddle in order to cross your bridge?

This article is about Switch and mobile cross play, too. Believe it or not, cross play isn't a Microsoft issue. The goal is to expand user bases, increase player retention, and yes, make money off of games. The makers of games...like Fortnite...want those things. Platform holders want these things. Gamers interested in MP want well- supported and populated games.

To respond to one specific point, though. You do realize that a company rejecting crossplay in order to protect its interests in a fully closed system is much more monopolistic than being open to it, right?

RauLeCreuset1907d ago


You hush now with that context talk. You know we aren't supposed to consider any of these developments in context. We're supposed to pretend Xbox's sudden crossplay interests are unrelated to their standing in the console market and expressed interests in bringing their services to competitors' platforms.


Sony protecting their closed ecosystem is not monopolistic. That's essentially them staying to themselves as opposed to, say, creating a trojan horse to get onto other platforms to make your competitors' customers your own.

Rude-ro1907d ago

“Crossplay is not a Microsoft issue”
The cloud based giant that is trying to remove the importance of hardware to control software? That company?

What this articles topic points out... who is controling all of these “crossplay” articles?

Really? So Sony not opening up to Microsoft is monopolizing their brand?
You do realize that, across the globe, Microsoft’s os has been THE largest contributing factor to the largest hacks and information theft in history? Maybe other companies do not find the value in opening up to Microsoft? Just maybe?
See, the beauty of owning and controlling most tech media sites, is the release of information.
What was it, last year when Windows was responsible for THE largest hack in history? But Sony’s breach on a console was worthy of news that went well past a year.
Monopolizing would be buying and soaking up other businesses to protect self interest. To force open closed doors to use other means to strangle our competitors. To drive demand. Marketing and business 101.
Sony approaching cross-play cautiously is not monopolizing, it is protecting its interests. Opening said door to Microsoft opens the possibility for Microsoft to gain controlling interests. Such as internet providers thanks to the net naturality law that was cut. Throttling through third party developers etc...
The door is not a simple hello everyone approach in billion dollar business world.

Dragonscale1907d ago

@rude, good points but you may as well p1ss in the wind.

Atom6661907d ago

Ah, another Netscape fanboy, eh?

I know, I know. Microsoft is paying Epic to make Switch players play with iOS users and then pay nintendolife.com to write about it to attack Sony. It's all part of their goal for global domination.

trooper_1907d ago (Edited 1907d ago )

@Atom: Did you just call a company protecting its interests a monopolizing entity?

Boy o boyo...someone needs a lesson in Business 101.

Atom6661907d ago

Nah, I said the closed system approach was more monopolistic. Would you not agree that a closed console ecosystem is not an example of a monopolistic market?

No one is calling Sony a monopoly, but neither was Microsoft to the degree people think. Just ask the courts.

1907d ago
+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 1907d ago
2pacalypsenow1907d ago (Edited 1907d ago )

OK so is the fact the a game is poorly optimized giving people a disadvantage, not a valid reason to stop cross play?

Bad optimization is common in gaming, also the switch has weak hardware.

TK-661907d ago

It's a valid reason to add the OPTION to disable crossplay like many advocate for. Sea of Thieves even does this so why is it so hard for Epic to add that option for all of you who oppose this feature?

2pacalypsenow1907d ago (Edited 1907d ago )

If they do that people unaware of the disadvantage will flood epic with complaints.

TK-661907d ago

"If they do that people unaware of the disadvantage will flood epic with complaints."

Then Epic can just educate them about how to turn it off when they complain.

2pacalypsenow1907d ago


Its cheaper to just disable it.

SierraGuy1907d ago

How about weak inferior overpriced hardware?

TK-661907d ago

"Its cheaper to just disable it."

Ah, I never considered how much of a financial burden a simple options setting would be to a hugely successful game raking in billions. My apologies for being so short sighted.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1907d ago
JackBNimble1907d ago

Agenda? The agenda has been against Sony... what are you talking?

1907d ago
ILostMyMind1907d ago

"people will use this for their agenda"

You already did.

1907d ago
kayoss1907d ago

No one said Crossplay was bad. Majority of the people said Crossplay is not necessary. A lot of Playstation owner have voiced their opinion saying that they dont care for crossplay.

1907d ago
rainslacker1907d ago

It's worth looking at at how one system can have an advantage over another with cross play. That in itself doesn't make cross play good or bad, but this is going to be something that happens from time to time. It happens occasionally with PS/PC cross play. It's mostly about finding the balance on the developers part. Some put more effort into it than others.

In this scenario, it's not really that big of a deal, because it's not exactly what the headline implies.

Dragonscale1907d ago

Aaah so the switch being technically inferior is down to 'poor optimisation' eh. Lol.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1907d ago
BLow1907d ago

Where are all the Crossplay fans? This should be the hottest article out there right? Where's all the outrage? I thought fps didn't matter? I want that same energy y'all put up against Sony to be the same for this.

Well, let's sit back and see what actually happens and all the excuses we will hear about this....

darx1907d ago

Relax dude, it's only video games.

jojo3191907d ago

Best comment of the day. LOL

Ricegum1907d ago

"Relax dude, it's only video games."

Oh, is this your go-to comment now that Sony doesn't look half as bad as you made out? Of course. Christ, some of these Microsoft fans, anything to save face.

1907d ago
RauLeCreuset1907d ago

Where was this comment 50 crossplay articles ago?

(It's sad that number may not be an exaggeration.)

Dragonscale1907d ago

Its no just him that needs to chill or had you not noticed. Its the defenders of xplay who are the hottest under the collar lol.

trooper_1907d ago

When that whole argument over crossplay falls apart, we now resort to its only video games?

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1907d ago
spicelicka1907d ago

Sony had an issue with it being on xbox, which has the same level of performance. Very nice mini outrage though.

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