
'Fortnite' Is So Popular It Could End Steam's Decade-Long Dominance

Epic's new store and a growing number of big publishers that are pulling out of Steam are finally putting Valve in a position where it has to make some changes.

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kevnb1997d ago (Edited 1997d ago )

no its not that popular.
However if they make it super easy to get unreal engine projects on to the store many small devs may love it.

porkChop1997d ago

If you release your Unreal Engine game on the EGS Epic covers your engine royalties with their 12% cut of the game. Basically you don't even pay the engine royalty that way. That's huge for indie devs, that gives another 5% revenue back to the dev on top of the low EGS cut of 12% vs Steam's 30%.

kevnb1997d ago (Edited 1997d ago )

Well then I expect a lot of indies to pop up on the store.

Christopher1997d ago

It will be immensely popular for offline games. I doubt it will be as such for MP games.

kevnb1997d ago

@Christopher You're probably right since multiplayer is more expensive to make and riskier, especially for small devs.

roadkillers1997d ago

Good scare Valve into releasing all the games we want them to. Portal 3, half life 3, left 4 dead 3, Dota 3 (three'd it in there for the laugh)

Cikatriz_ESP1997d ago

This is the first thing I thought of as well. They can’t afford to be complacent anymore, their platform will need a killer exclusive.

rainslacker1997d ago

I'm sure they will. But with indie devs, putting it in as many places as possible is usually the best way to return a profit. The good thing about PC gaming store fronts is that they're all fairly easy to get onto. It costs nothing to list on the stores, although you have to follow individual store front policies. There is no reason for them to really leave Steam other than Steam's cut of the sale, which is more attractive with Epic. But I'm curious if that will be maintained. Steam just kind of charges industry standard for such things, and Epic may end up doing the same thing.

It may mean that Steam would have higher prices by these devs though, as they would want to maintain a level profit margin on each sale. That could make people leave Steam and try other services. It wouldn't be a mass exodus, just attrition over time. But I doubt Fortnite alone will cause that, and its not likely to ever really be that dire for Steam since they pretty much set the standard, and continue to do so for too long now. They're entrenched. Same way Ebay won't go down because of better auction sites for sellers. You sell where the customers are....the customers don't usually just come to you.

opc1996d ago

you're exactly right about customers.

Years from now I think Amazon will be the one to topple steam. They already have Twitch, they've already been giving away dozens and dozens of games building up people's libraries. I think it's the most watched platform in the world.

If they start adding more features and open up a robust store inside of their client and app backed by amazon... they'll be in a strong position.

However Steam has a huge head start when it comes to features

SegaGamer1997d ago

People are getting carried away with Epic's store, there really is nothing about it that would make me pick it over Steam.

Mystogan1997d ago (Edited 1997d ago )

It's just a damn store... You download the game and never open it again until you buy another game.

I don't get why people are so obsessed with steam it looks terribly outdated. I prefer the windows store any day. You get play anywhere titles and some gamepass titles(not a focus right now but it works) What benefit does steam have? Nothing...

BehindTheRows1997d ago (Edited 1997d ago )

What benefit does Steam have?

Let's see..... Games that actually work and don't have tons of installation issues on Day 1. Updates that don't take a year to complete. A FAR bigger library, etc, etc... Of all the stores to compare Steam to, the Windows Store is, without a doubt, the worst.

@SegaGamer: Exactly.

Amplitude1997d ago (Edited 1997d ago )

Achievements, big picture mode, ridiculous sales, a good way of organizing all your games, screenshots and forums, super easy to re-download, feature lists, cross-game chat (voice and text), cloud saves... i could go on for hours. Its not just a place to buy games its a place to play games and manage games as well.

I don't play any PC games unless they're on Steam tbh, and i never play games unless i launch them from Steam. Even just the ability to track my play time in Steam is pretty sweet. I love me some stats.

SegaGamer1997d ago

All of the things BehindTheRows and Axecution have mentioned. Also, the best of lot, the deals. Nothing beats Steam sales. I'm not just talking about on Steam itself, Humble Bundle and Fanatical offer the best deals for Steam keys. Nothing comes close to being as good as it.

If I want, I can get Steam Keys on Ebay too, it's a bit more risky because they may be sold by people that can't be trusted, but at least the option is there.

Steam is pretty much everything it needs to be for a PC gamer. Some people say Steam needs to be taken down a peg or two and needs a kick up the ass, but they never give clear reasons why.

I'm pretty much perfectly happy with it.

rainslacker1997d ago

The benefit is that they don't have to offer up all these incentives to have the customers come to them. That's what a developer will look at. To someone selling something, you go where the customers are. As an ebay seller, I don't go to smaller auction sites as much to list, because there are fewer bidders or buyers. This means more work, for usually less sales. The cuts may be less from those sites, but they offer up less of the back end, such as payment processing or selling management tools.

Same with these stores. While on PC, its easy enough to have multiple clients that people will use, the non-publisher sponsored storefronts can't compete with the customer base of Steam. It's possible to be successful on them, but realistically, while Steam may take more of a cut, the sheer number of entrenched users makes it hard to just pass up completely.

Store fronts like Origin or UPlay are a bit different, because they have significant content that people may want, so people will go there for that. More often than not, people aren't going to be exploring other options for smaller games, or a specific feature.

Steam doesn't have to offer up those features to their users for right now.

I'm not saying Steam shouldn't consider changes, just laying out a dose of reality.

For the criticisms I've seen of Steam though, they do not just sit around raking in money. They do make a client, they do offer up an infrastructure to keep people invested in it, they do have the mind share. They have a community of users which dwarfs most all other internet forums. They have standards for the games released on the system....which I admit change often and sometimes without warning and sometimes not to the benefit of the devs. They can help promote games, and offer up discoverability options both at random, or through incentives that developers can buy into.

Epic has more of a chance to compete with Valve because of their presence in the industry, couple with their own content. Microsoft has a better chance to compete with Steam because of it's integration into several popular products....namely Windows and Xbox, plus, having their own content. But even they are looking at ways to attract the consumer to them, because they know that to be successful, they have to get people to use them. If they can't offer more benefit to the consumer, that the consumer at large actually cares about, then they won't do that. MS can't just make a store and hope people will go to them....but they can offer up play anywhere, or XBL linking, or things of that nature. While those are natural things to offer, if people aren't interested in using the MS store, or worse, really dislike MS enough to not give them a look, then Steam is still going to beat them.

The reality of the situation is that while these services may make money for these companies, chances are, they aren't going to topple Steam anytime soon. Steam won't lose users in the short term because they have significantly more content. They may lose some users to other services over the long term through natural attrition, and newer gamers may get used to other store fronts before becoming enamored with Steam. But that is a long road.

opc1996d ago

It may be outdated but currently no other PC client offers a big picture mode. So....outdated is better than nothing. In-home streaming. Family sharing. Their controller support is far and away the best in the entire industry. These are all areas were it seems like no one else is even attempting to make moves.

CaptainCook1996d ago


Microsoft offers unlimited cloud saves, Achievements, cross-play, Cross-save, no extra clients, screenshots, record, voice and text chat, groups, etc..

Amplitude1995d ago (Edited 1995d ago )


yeah i grab games on the MS Store too but only the exclusives and sometimes the Play Anywhere stuff aha. Forza <3
Their store is a little different in the sense that it's like i'm buying a console game that i can also play on PC. I'm totally cool with that but even it has quite a few issues. Like any sort of modding is impossible and it still lacks all the steam features

(Actually nobody has even mentioned Steamworks for mods and updates but that's another enormous selling feature of Steam)

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1995d ago
porkChop1997d ago

This is good for gamers and devs. Valve needs pressure, that's what keeps them on top of their stuff.

Imalwaysright1997d ago

I agree. If Valve feels the pressure then maybe they'll haul ass and finally give us Half Life 3.

Sgt_Slaughter1997d ago

They're working on VR titles, that's what is taking up their time for now.

Now is one a Half-Life title? Who knows. Could be existing IPs or new ones.

Elwenil1997d ago

I don't mind Valve having a bit more competition, but really there already is a lot of competition out there, just none to match Steam one on one. I don't like monopolies anymore than the next guy, but I am tired of having a dozen launchers on my computer. I have games through Steam, Origin, Twitch, as well as other services I have to keep up with to download games like GoG, GamersGate, GreenMan, D2D, and the list goes on. I've been buying games online for almost two decades. I'm positive I own games out there somewhere that I don't even remember the login and password to the site that I bought them from, much less remember what games they were. This nonsense of having exclusive sales rights to various games is only going to make all of this worse.

SegaGamer1997d ago

The exclusive rights stuff worries me, it could go the way of movie streaming. People keep saying competition is good, but if it means me giving out more money than usual, then it's not good business from my point of view.

WitcheRivia1997d ago

I'm not going to download the Fortnite Launcher to give money to the Chinese.

America First. Steam First.

Christopher1997d ago


Tencent is a publicly traded company that is owned primarily by Naspers, also a publicly traded company out of South Africa.

Just because a business is based out of China, doesn't mean that money goes to "the Chinese" or their government/people. Most of the money Tencent makes from its subsidiaries goes to people across 130 countries.

And this "America First" crap is just saying "I'll stick by these people who haven't evolved things and take money from the same people I apparently have a problem with rather than look towards competition in the market that will force them and others to evolve."

anonymousfan1997d ago

Yeah... I don't think we should be taking WitcheRivia's comment too seriously but damn reading stuff like that is depressing lol. SMH

Sophisticated_Chap1997d ago

Most executives in China's largest corporations are members of the Chinese Communist Party, so publicly traded or not, the Chinese government has a hand in almost all large Chinese corporations.

Christopher1997d ago (Edited 1997d ago )

***Most executives in China's largest corporations ***

Well, that's a horrible exaggeration. Some are, such as Tencent's CEO. But, it's still a publicly traded company and most involved aren't a part of the government. They do have to adhere to China's laws, but that doesn't mean they are complicit with them or funding them. Let alone that I already told you the majority holder of the company isn't even from China at all.

And, China has such a hand in these corporations that this was the news just a few days ago https://n4g.com/news/222531...

opc1996d ago

"I'll stick by these people who haven't evolved things..."

What other company is evolving PC gaming as much as Valve? They are the only company trying to make PC gaming accessible from the couch with a big picture mode, their controller support in the past two years has been incredible, they are making moves with Steam Play so that windows games can be played on linux machines. Steam workshop.

Christopher1995d ago

***What other company is evolving PC gaming as much as Valve? ***

CDPR has GOG and sells DRM-free games.
Microsoft is bringing console games to PC, some even to Steam.
Microsoft just put out a multiplatform accessible controller and their controllers have been standard on PCs for over a decade (not sure why you promote Steam for this as their controller is still rarely used in games).
Microsoft has buy 1 play on both console and PC.
With all of the 'things' Valve does, Indies still lose out to their horrible algorithm that doesn't actually promote new games well unless they are popular to begin with.

The only real thing Steam has done recently is Linux, and that's more niche than VR.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1995d ago
rainslacker1997d ago

Tencent doesn't even own a controlling interest in Epic. It's something like 40%. While that's a significant amount, Epic is still independent.

But if you really think about your statement, you must not buy much at all. There are very few companies in the US that don't have Chinese investors. Sony, MS, Nintendo, every mobile phone maker, pretty much every electronics maker, the companies that make your appliances, the people who make your furniture or clothing, the banks which have the mortgages on your house, or the mortgages on the apartment you rent. Every car company. The ISP's which you access the internet with especially.

Any major publicly traded company worldwide has Chinese investment. You might as well go and live in the woods and live off the land, with nothing brought.

Redemption-641997d ago

Don’t think he/she knows

opc1996d ago

maybe he didn't buy it on gog?

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purple1011d 17h ago

adds between 8.3-15.3 milliseconds of latency on the game they tested, - no thanks

darksky23h ago

Base latency is 130.8ms and frame gen takes that up to 139.1ms. A 7% increase in latency is hardly a deal breaker.

Zenzuu23h ago

That's hardly a deal breaker and not really noticeable. Even the folks at Digital Foundry said so as well.

darthv721d 17h ago

Impressive results... sadly I don't have a 120hz display. I was thinking this technique could increase fps on any game that supports it regardless of the display.

purple1011d 16h ago (Edited 1d 16h ago )

I have a vrr telly in the lounge,

On another point, what if it were the other way around where the developer aims for higher fps, then used something like pssr to make the resolution higher, that might be better?

Any which way, PS5 pro sure looks interesting now, being they have already doubled frame rate, with JUST just this fsr3.0

sagapo22h ago

It’s up to dev’s to implement FSR 3 support tho but most probably will I guess (hope).

Eonjay8h ago

Yes it would increase the framerate but it would add more noticeable latency. The impact of latency goes down the more natural frames produced. So a monitor that can push bast 60 will naturally allow the game to operate much smoother. Add VRR to this and now you have a much more enjoyable experience.

BlackDoomAx23h ago

Can it deliver the 60fps dream?

purple10114h ago(Edited 14h ago)

no, it delivers approx 80fps.

which is why I say why not target 60fps with this new tech and use the upscaling pssr, (Sonys version of Nvidia's DLSS, that seems so popular in the pc realm)

then we have best of both, better believe ps5pro will be doing all the above.

andy8523h ago

Now I've extensively tried it I'm not too fussed about 120 fps. Give me a locked 60 and more details and I'm more than happy

anast18h ago(Edited 18h ago)

120 is a bit slow. My eyes can't look at anything less than 260fps.

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