
Diablo: Immortal is Ok, Unlike Blizzard’s Entitled Fan Base | COGconnected

COGconnected: So you all feel "betrayed". You wish you could have had your precious Diablo 4 announcement. Instead, you got a mobile game. Well, how about before you take a dump all over it, why not check out how Diablo: Immortal actually plays?

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CyberSentinel2046d ago

I’m approving your article or clicking on your clickbait link. 👎🏾

Nitrowolf22046d ago (Edited 2046d ago )

Sad thing, with a title like that people are gonna come in here and call them out.

I suggest everyone to just ignore it, move along. It’s bait and they know it. Why go call people out for a preview of the game? You know there’s an agenda when you have to word the title like that

One comment here equals more coverage for this article.

I will say, people are upset for various reasons, my main issue why bring a mobile phone game to a pc centric event. You ain’t winning your fan base over with moves like that

Cobra9512046d ago

Well, I clicked on the main page link, to bring me here and express my derision for the source of the headline. I have no intention of giving that source a click. In short, I'm supporting N4G, not those other cretins.

fr0sty2046d ago

I don't see what the fuss is about, Diablo is well suited for a touch screen interface. As long as we get a proper console/PC diablo soon, I'd say let them have it.

Nitrowolf22046d ago (Edited 2046d ago )


It’s not that the game is coming to mobile is the issue, it’s that as I said, mostly cause they presented a mobile game to the wrong audience, followed by the lack of news that there will be a new one coming to pc . Even if it’s a far ways out, they could have just hinted.

That right there is why many feel betrayed and are upset. Blizzard showed up and presented a mobile future for Diablo without telling its main fans that there’s something Igor them coming

Skull5212045d ago

What fan base? I think Blizzard fans realized the old Blizzard is gone and Activision has reared it’s ugly head. I don’t think Blizzard has fans anymore after this announcement.

UCForce2045d ago

This is bad move from Blizzard.

MeteorPanda2045d ago

aye, l'm not clicking, l'm just pissed anyone thinks a grand announcement was a mobile game to pc fans was appropriate

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2045d ago
Godmars2902046d ago

Really reason to blacklist the site.

CaptainObvious8782045d ago

Nothing to see here, folks. Just another npc "journalist".

Nyxus2046d ago

Any mobile game is an automatic pass for me.

Godmars2902046d ago

1) Controls.
2) F2P = Psychologically designed to make players spend more than any reasonable suggested retail price, or worse, to exploit addictive personalities. Specifically targeting those who unfortunately could end up spending thousands.

PhantomS422046d ago

Insulting people you want reading your article is not exactly how you get them to read it. The title alone is sad and pathetic, don't need to read any more.

Cobra9512046d ago

Exactly. You don't have to get past the headline to know they're just looking to pick a fight. They're not roping me in. This N4G comment page is as far as I go.

pwnmaster30002045d ago (Edited 2045d ago )

Dude I swear gamers are the most sensitive group lol. Man/women up kids. They already damn near confirmed it’s being made. It’s probably not just ready to be revealed. There is several games to play right now while you wait

PhantomS422045d ago (Edited 2045d ago )

You're clearly missing the bigger picture if you think this is only about Diablo 4 not being announced. But here we go with another "you aren't allowed to speak up about bad decisions, flaws in games like RDR2 or the way developers treat fans".

InKnight7s2046d ago

Oh here we are fanboys are crying and dying do defend there fav money sucker [devil]opers

Godmars2902046d ago

Or exploit the situation for hit/traffic/money.

Kabaneri2046d ago

With the amount of support Diablo 3 got from the community, and the amount of different versions they have released, its pretty disappointing we got this mobile trash instead of Diablo 4.

Snookies122046d ago

It's not even the fact that this game exists... It's the fact that they spent development time on this, instead of Diablo 4...

Granted, it could have been a small team, or perhaps the main team is working on WoW Classic and Warcraft 3 remake. Still though, they must have known how much fans wanted a new full entry into this series. I don't understand why they're surprised by the backlash.

arkard2046d ago

It's a Chinese team, it's outsourced. It's still stupid of them to do this. It would have been one thing to do it behind scenes and launch it, but no, they literally dedicated part of blizzcon to it.

rdgneoz32045d ago

@arkard. Exactly. They dedicated blizzcon, a convention that fans spend hundreds or thousand or so to attend and a similar amount on PC gaming rigs, to a mobile game from China that will have MTs up the ass. Basically an insult to their fans in attendance .

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Celebrate the Diablo Anniversary with March of the Goblins

Come celebrate the 1-year anniversary of Diablo IV and the 2-year anniversary of Diablo Immortal! There are heaps of rewards to mark these celebrations with a bounty of devilish goods across both games.

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anast10d ago

This game is about to get buried by Path 2.

LordoftheCritics10d ago

Still no global chat or group finder.

The emptiest MP game ever made.

OtterX10d ago

1 more month then I can celebrate 1 year since i stopped playing and uninstalled the game.

Walalon10d ago

We are on the same team brother!

Rynxie9d ago

I uninstalled d4 after they kept screwing over the sorc build and I beat the game. I also uninstalled immortal after reading the end. I actually went back to d2r here and there.

just_looken9d ago

The only thing i enjoyed in D4 was the mp side but after they gutted my hunter build then again wanted me to grind for over hundred hours each season i too quit like you.

Its insane though a year has already passed.

Daeloki8d ago

Hard pass, gave it a chance on launch with a friend, but we made it a bit past act 1 only to realise how tedious it was.


Diablo Immortal Devs Talk Tempest Builds, PVP Balance, and More

Game Rant sits down with Diablo Immortal developers to discuss the game's new Tempest class, its variety of playstyles, balancing it, and more.

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anast20d ago

Looks like a whale and shareholder meeting.


Diablo Immortal Devs Talk Creating Completely New Class for the Franchise

Game Rant sits down with Diablo Immortal developers to discuss the Tempest and the team's approach to designing an all-new class for the franchise.

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anast22d ago

"Creating Completely New Class for Whales"

staticall22d ago

«Tempest» with water and lighting, blue-green color scheme, wow, so original. I've got a new idea - «Volcano» with power of fire and earth, brown-red color scheme, ain't it great?! /s

Cinematic in the trailer is so cheapely made, for anything Blizzard-related, it's such a shame. Also, looks like they combined monk and blood knight(?) abilities, kinda makes it look like an afterthought.

How the mighty have fallen...