
Hackers find “official,” usable PSP emulator hidden in PS4’s PaRappa

Sony threw redrawn textures onto 2007 PSP version for last year's PS4 "remaster"

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Teflon022214d ago

I didn't click the article but I'm assuming this means the PS4 game is really just a emulated psp game?

TheUndertaker852214d ago

Yes, that’s exactly the case. PaRappa the Rapper Remastered on PS4 was found to be the PSP version with an emulator and higher res graphics. The main takeaway is that there is a working PSP emulator for PS4 and Sony has it.

gangsta_red2214d ago

I wonder how many other "remasters" have done the same.

kevnb2214d ago (Edited 2214d ago )

Probably almost all of them, I keep telling people “remaster” is just a bs marketing term. Games weren’t mastered to a disk like a movie would have been, so how could they be re mastered?

Teflon022214d ago

Not likely much as that's one of the only games that came from PSP. The other few that are likely the same would be the Loco Rocos and Patapon titles. I'm not sure what else but they need to add those titles to PS4. PSP games are alot easier to emulate than PS2 or PS3 so it would be a great Idea imo

TheUndertaker852214d ago

I just wonder how many emulators Sony has running for PS4. You’d have to imagine if they have a working PS2 emulator along with a working PSP emulator they also have a PSOne emulator among other things.

PSOne titles on PS4 physically is unlikely to happen though as the PS4 doesn’t have a CD diode. So no CD reading ability.

Minute Man 7212214d ago

Sony also has the Cell emulator

kfk2214d ago

Redrawn textures is not the same thing as just "higher res graphics."

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2214d ago
Cajun Chicken2214d ago

Yeah well, I wouldn't care if they did the same for Powerstone Collection, Daxter and a few others.

Teflon022214d ago

Please Power Stone collection, though I'd hope they would add online

kevnb2214d ago (Edited 2214d ago )

This is what Sony has been doing since the 80 gb ps3. They build emaultors but force you to pay per game to use them instead of letting us use the disk. Mind you to be fair I’m not sure how a ps4 could read a Umd. The ps3 and ps4 both have locked off ps2 emulators as well.

TheUndertaker852214d ago

I think it may beg the question. While PS4 can’t really read a UMD could digital rights be transferred? Japan at one point had a program that would convert UMDs to digital for the PSP Go as well.

The story also talks about the existence of a PS2 emulator Sony uses for PS4 as well with Classic titles.

kevnb2214d ago

I’m getting disagrees for the truth...

Kribwalker2214d ago (Edited 2214d ago )

that’s because people don’t like to be made aware of the fact that they are paying for games they already own again. If it was just upgraded textures on a psp game repackaged and sold, it doesn’t look that great. Really it’s what the Xbox Onex has been doing to games for free if you already own them

Goldby2214d ago

No your getting disagrees because you didn't need to rebuy ps2 games to run on the ps3. Pop it in, if it's the 60 it works no matter what, if it's the 80 if it's supported it just the same. There wasn't any having yo rebuy games in ps3

TheUndertaker852214d ago (Edited 2214d ago )

@Goldby: Both of which were replaced and eliminated as an option. Also, not all 80GB PS3s supported PS2 backward compatibility. The only models that did were the 20GB, 60GB, and some 80GB models.

40, some 80, 120, 160, 250, 320, and 500 variations did not support PS2 backward compatibility short of rebuying from PSN if the option is available.

PSOne games are playable on any model both physical and digital.

2214d ago
TheUndertaker852214d ago (Edited 2214d ago )

@TrashCanMonster: The kicker is that the PS3 version isn’t much more than the version they released for iOS with tweaks to compensate for a TV screen versus a mobile screen.

The iOS version is the PS2 version with upgraded textures and resolution along with achievement support. The mobile versions also support cloud saves with a Rockstar account to continue on another device. I wish consoles allowed use of the same cloud save.

The thing is Rockstar is a third party. Sony isn’t. Sony has the ability to allow the emulation to occur on their console. Rockstar doesn’t. Though Rockstar used the emulator provided by Sony for the task in all likelihood. So to that extent I’d ask you to consider that fact. However I do believe in your argument as well in premise.

kevnb2214d ago (Edited 2214d ago )

I think some of you don’t realize any ps4/ps3 can play ps2 games when you hack it. And almost every one of these games running on emulators have upgraded nothing except render resolution, no new textures.

Mmmkay2214d ago (Edited 2214d ago )

You bought a licence to play the game on the PSP. No reason it should work on future consoles.
Or are you saying VHS tapes should play on a BR player? Vinyl records on a CD player? Makes no sense.

G3ng4r2214d ago

Your argument makes no sense and is somewhat irrelevant. If you own a game it is legal to play a rom of said game for free. Sony is selling you glorified roms because they are anti-consumer ever since ps3.

kevnb2213d ago

If you buy a CD or whatever you can easily copy it and even transfer the data to another medium. Poor argument.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2213d ago
rainslacker2214d ago

They have no obligation to provide you with the means. They also don't have a set up like me does to be able to get the approval to run those games.

Would be nice if they did.

But they aren't forcing anyone to do anything. People choose to buy these games.

Outside_ofthe_Box2214d ago

The emulator for PS2 isn't a universal emulator. It's game by game basis. Sony could do what MS has done for XB1 by adding games to the collection as they get them to work for the emulator though.

kevnb2213d ago

No it works on almost every game, hackers are using it right now.

TheUndertaker852213d ago

“The same basic methodology also seems to work with copies of PS2 games, though these need a little bit of extra massage and recompilation with special tools to fool the PS4 into making them work with its built-in PlayStation Classics emulator. Tests so far show this basic method working on games ranging from Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 3 to Klonoa 2, the latter of which didn't even work on the PS3.”


Theres actually a link for the story in the one here as the methods are very similar.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2213d ago

Nintendo Issues DMCA Notice to Remove 8,500 Yuzu Clones

Nintendo made a significant move by issuing a DMCA notice to take down more than 8,500 clones of the popular Switch emulator, Yuzu.

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gold_drake29d ago

thats so crazy haha.

it will never disappear.

darksky28d ago

The more they try to stop it, the more publicity it gets. The fact is that Yuzu will forever live on torrent and other sites. Nintendo is fighting an uphill battle.

Inverno28d ago

Another 8,500 will take their place. Smh


There is nothing stopping these people from working on Yuzu clones and sharing them on torrent sites. Nintendo or anyone else cannot do shit about torrents or usenet.

lucasnooker28d ago

lol Nintendo keep fighting this but it never ends. Why do they feel the need to persist? I guess they are in too deep now they have to

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Delta, a new all-in-one Nintendo emulator launches for iOS

The new Nintendo-focused emulator for the iPhone is now available with support for several classic systems.

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jznrpg44d ago

How long until they get sued and it gets taken down? I say a month or 2


Sued for what? It's just an emulator no ROMs are with it. ROMs are easy to get anyway, but with iPhone you can't just copy and paste like Android unless it's jail broken I think. Anyway Nintendo should be more concerned with their ROMs up to torrent for years for all of their concoles, but then again they can't do nothing about it, they never will and I love it. 🤣

NotoriousWhiz44d ago

As long as it isn't emulating the Switch, it'll be fine.

44d ago
Knightofelemia44d ago

Won't belong before Nintendo bangs on Apple's door to have the emu removed. Like I say you take down one six more take it's place. Problem is people are putting emu's on such stupid platforms. The good emus are the ones not on stupid platforms like a red target. The good emu's are word of mouth and keep a low profile.


If Developers Won't Save Their Games, Emulators Will

TheGamer Writes "The only way to preserve gaming history is through emulation."

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banger88328d ago

How do you preserve a game that requires a persistent internet connection? Many future games will be online-only even for single-player. We'll only be able to stream games and you'll have to be connected at all times. That's the disgusting future of gaming.

blackblades328d ago (Edited 328d ago )

That's true, MK11 for example require there server and online for even single player content. Some people out there did make a server etc for some games on a emulator I think. Maybe one day they'll upgrade emulators to be online for todays way of gaming. Also for companies to not be like nintendo

Inverno327d ago

It's possible. Take a look at PlayStation Home, it was shut down years ago and now through PS3 emulation, and emulating PSN, they've brought it back online.

DickyD1226327d ago

That whole psn revamped project is amazing.

jznrpg327d ago

Many of those games aren’t worth saving to me.
I’m sure some will be but I try to stay away from anything online only. There are old online only games that are up and running for the ones that are worthy but some will die like they should.

cammers1995326d ago (Edited 326d ago )

That's like EA and Maxis how they lied and said SimCity 2013 required a server to play because it was too powerful for our PCs but then like a couple months later a hacker made a crack to play it offline and ea shut up about it and finally made an offline mode. 🤣

Persistent internet connection is DRM. Plain and simple.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 326d ago
XiNatsuDragnel327d ago

Emulators are the future of gaming because console makers aren't going to do squat imo.

Christopher327d ago

Yeah, they totally aren't going to maintain BC support for past-generation games on current-generation consoles. I can say, definitively, that this is not happening at all.

XiNatsuDragnel327d ago

It's like I'm waiting for all nintendo console games on the switch 2 I understand licensing and stuff like that but they gotta make effort or ppl will do it for them.

mastershredder327d ago

ugh…unless they own their game outright, that save/preservation bs you are spewing (the flavor of the month club) is not on them.

neomahi327d ago

This is some sticky territory because I don't buy current gen consoles for games I played yesterday. I move on. Phil Spencer and Xbox design and make THE WORLDS MOST POWERFUL CONSOLE like they have Napoleonic Syndrome and then they want to use all that power to backward compatability and games that look like they should be on the PlayStation, that's why you want the worlds most powerful console? I buy new hardware for new gaming experiences and new games. I'm hearing a lot of current gen gamers (that are older) now talking that with the elimination of physical media for a more digital audience and not letting up on DLC, microtransactions, loot boxes, and season passes, we're smarter than all that and can mic drop and leave at any time. We don't want remasters and remakes. Sure, its fun to remember when we were kids and how much easier life was, it was a simpler time, but we don't want the same old experiences, thats what nostalgia is for, no, we want something new. We want new games that push hardware and promote innovation. Not the same experience repeated over and over. Pushing emulation is just going to force developers to have to remake games over and over because they'll get pirated otherwise and then they can't focus their energy and attention on new experiences and ideas to create nostalgia for the current generation of gamers either, they'll have nothing to look back on. And all the DLC, loot boxes, microtransactions, season passes have got to stop. Maybe its just like my parents use to see when the things they had disapeared and theres just never anything I'll be able to do about it, but there was a time when you bought a game and you got everything with it. Now, before the game goes gold, they dissect it, the game goes gold and then they sell you the rest of the game to pick your pocket for more money. You really think Capcom didn't think ahead with Street Fighter 6. That they thought that at some point they'd integrate Rashid and Akuma and 4 other characters into the game when they got around to it? IF you really think that then you don't deserve to play games, their Season Pass DLC characters are already done and sitting on a HDD waiting for someone to press the upload button, it's all done and has been done and SHOULD have shipped with Street Fighter 6, but because we've gone to GAMES AS A SERVICE business models, this is what we get. Street Fighter IV on the PS3, you played and unlocked additional characters, thats how it used to be, now Capcom wants to sell them too you, but the same is said for Dead or Alive, Guilty Gear, Blazeblue, Mortal Kombat. Theyre selling you games with content you should have already gotten, but they've picked it apart to sell you the rest later for more money, That's dispicable!

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