
TGS Review Golden Axe: Beast Rider

Golden Axe is like a cross between Heavenly Sword and Konan, with a little more gore. Just incase you was wondering, that is a very good thing.

Lets give a brief background on the storyline then. You play as Tyris, the last survivor of the Sisterhood. You have to battle your way around the world using your sword, magic and brains to help you succeed. You are given the task of fixing the Golden Axe, which will help win the battle and save the remaining Dragon.

That is it in a nut shell, now down to the nitty gritty of the game!

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Elven65706d ago

I had high hopes for this game, but it's Golden Axe so I will be getting it eventually.

TheColbertinator5706d ago

I knew it.Since they cancelled the co-op,it was inevitable

Elven65706d ago

I personally haven't played the game but by the looks of it if the game is focused soley on Tyris Flare they would have a hard time getting another character into the story for coop. Unless of course, they pull a fast one and have some random dude has the second player.

lamigol5706d ago

"Here and there in the game you will be placed against a task to open a gate. Its not just a standard, walk up and turn the switch though, NO. You have search around and figure out how to push two buttons on the floor at the same time"
WOW !!!! This game is gonna test my brain to the max. Typical SEGA fare then. I used to enjoy this type of game when I was 10 but now it just doesnt stand up. I couldve predicted that score some time ago. Oh well, im glad in a way, had it been a surprise hit it would have been another £30 - 40 I just dont have. About 10 games I want between now and mid November. Me thinks this will be one of the more favourable reviews too, hes not exactly an expreienced journalist by the sound of it.

Mr_cheese5706d ago

Nah but still a good review.

Elven65706d ago

So far according to metacritic this is the highest review the game has gotten.

HeliosHex510d ago

Agreed. Don't forget to include the classic red/white one piece for the amazon.

Fonsecap510d ago

We definitely need a good golden axe Game, dotemu should definitely do it, and Capcom should remake final fight

RetroCaptainSteve509d ago

As long as it's not like Streetwise, I agree.

Fonsecap509d ago

There was nothing "wise" about that game 😅


14 Games That Made The Worst Transition From 2D To 3D

Not every game made the transition to 3D as smoothly as Mario or Zelda. Here are 15 games that made the worst transition from 2D to 3D.

KwietStorm_BLM2807d ago

Why do you have a screen from Street Fighter X Tekken for Street Fighter EX?

gamerben2807d ago

Iirc you couldn't "move in a circle" in EX like the article states either

gamerben2807d ago

Lmao also, worms 3d wasn't even a first person shooter at all either... It was turned based like the original games... Someone didn't research

KwietStorm_BLM2807d ago

Yet I have 2 disagrees lol this site never ceases to amaze.

zodiac9092807d ago

@KwietStorm Don't you know this is not "News 4 Gamers" anymore, it's "Negativity 4 Gamers." A Place where if you say something complementary or ask for some helpful advice, no one gives 2 shits. But AS SOON AS you say something opinionated or controversial, get ready for a riot, mass homocide, and a lynchin' bro.

zodiac9092807d ago (Edited 2807d ago )

Uhh summa lumma dooma lumma

WheatBread2806d ago

The SF EX games were actually pretty good.

KwietStorm_BLM2806d ago

They didn't deserve to be printed on disc.

Bass_fisherman2806d ago (Edited 2806d ago )

This article could be made 10 years ago lmao

KaoSouL2806d ago

I actually played the Street Fighter EX games way more than I'll ever play SFV.


5 of the worst rebooted franchise games

Joe from GamersFTW writes about 5 of the worst games that have happened as a result of rebooting a video game franchise

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c00lvilKid693165d ago

Duke Nukem really was awful. It was sad trying to see people defend it.

Yukes3165d ago

I thought it was great fun!

Sorry, can't keep it up. Such a disappointment.

Yui_Suzumiya3165d ago

I enjoyed it and as far as I remember, I was the only one defending it, lol. I was actually giving it a 10/10 on sites to counter balance all the idiotic troll reviews.

lordmiffter3165d ago

Can someone put a pillow over Sonic's face and hold it down until he stops struggling? It'll be an act of kindness.

Skellytorx3165d ago

Oh god. Some of these were shocking to play!

GamerGabs3165d ago

So many disappointments. It's so sad when a well loved franchise looks like it's dying in front of your eyes. (I miss you Sonic, I hope you come back some day)

ConboyAdam3165d ago

I dunno, I think these games are great in a certain way. They're a fantastic counter argument against reboots in general and that at least is something

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