
The creator of Mario wanted to make some insane changes to GoldenEye

The creator of Mario wanted to make some insane changes to GoldenEye on the N64

Fist4achin2283d ago

That's absolutely hilarious. Fast forward to current and we have the tea bag!!!

2282d ago
gangsta_red2283d ago

Even Michael Jordan missed a jump shot every now and then.

But wow, was Miyamoto ever off the mark on that one. Just goes to show the mindset of some developers from different coltures.

dillydadally2282d ago

I think the article is actually the one that is missing the mark and is pretty misleading. Miyamoto didn't really want that scene in the game - he was trying to mock the violence in it and put it in perspective. He would never have actually put that scene in the game, but then he would never have made a game like that to begin with. He didn't call the game "tragic" and "horrible" because he thought it was bad - he called it that because he thought it was completely inappropriate at the time because it depicted shooting real human beings with realistic faces.

That might seem silly at this time with the games we have, but back when Goldeneye released, it was one of the first that "realistically" depicted shooting human beings. I can remember my brother at the time being shocked by it as well, and he was only 21 at the time and was hardcore gamer. My 15 year old self played it non stop, but even I was aware of the controversial nature of it. It wasn't too long after Goldeneye released that the Columbine High School shooting happened for example.

gangsta_red2282d ago

You're points make sense and it would be hard to believe that Miyamoto actually wanted this in the game.

I wasn't aware of any controversy around Goldeneye though especially when FPS games at least on PC were very popular. Maybe because I was exposed to much more violent games that I found Goldeneye tame or rather didn't think nothing of it at all.

-Foxtrot2283d ago

Lol. Was he living in the real world? Has he seen a James Bond film

meganick2283d ago

This was back in the day when Nintendo really didn’t want violent content on their consoles, especially games they themselves published. Still, I’m glad he didn’t get his way on this.

_-EDMIX-_2283d ago

Absolutely agreed this is actually one of the biggest reasons that Nintendo basically lost the entire Home console Market and went portable only.

Nintendo spent a lot of that generation trying to tell developers what they should do with their games this overstepping of their boundary literally had Developers going elsewhere when Sony created an option for them so I would say every time Nintendo said no and intervened in someone else's game Sony would say yes and let the system essentially be a blank canvas.

Nintendo's attitude towards mature content on their systems is what inevitably lead to so many developers going somewhere else at the end of the day their job was to create a system not tell other developers what they should or shouldn't create on content they do not legally own.

That hostile aggressive atmosphere on top of not even listening to developer needs is what gave so much fuel to the PlayStations existence

2282d ago
Jinger2283d ago

We love you Miyamoto, but damn I'm glad you weren't involved with GoldenEye haha

AizenSosuke2283d ago

Lmfao my bro just no, Love you though'

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Nintendo, Xbox, And PlayStation Have All Now Abandoned Twitter/X Integration

The latest Switch firmware update kills off support for the Elon Musk-owned social media company.

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Jin_Sakai18h ago

Could care less. I use consoles to play games not for social media.

Cacabunga4h ago

Social garbage should be abandoned altogether.. the world is stupid since these things got introduced

senorfartcushion2h ago

I would say YouTube was more to blame for this weird unrest we are seeing at the minute. That platform has given license to some of the stupidest people to build advice channels for kids growing through their formative learning years. It's no wonder there are so many incels around.

z2g1h ago

The world was stupid before that. Social media just let you see it.

z2g1h ago

It’s for posting content like game captures, not responding to your boo’s pool pictures.

But F twitter anyway

CrashMania17h ago

And nothing of value was lost, that site is a cesspit.

purple10116h ago(Edited 16h ago)

correction, was a cesspit,

now more of just a swamp / everglades / marshland

gold_drake14h ago

not sure who actually used it in the first placd

Vithar3h ago

Good, Twitter is getting worst than 4chan

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Atlus Fes Event Report

Atlus Fes 2024, an event to commemorate Atlus' 35th anniversary, was held in Akihabara, Tokyo on the weekend of 8-9 June 2024.

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LG_Fox_Brazil1d 15h ago

Good thing I wasn't there, I would've left my entire pay check


Ubisoft Forward: Official Livestream - June 2024

Ubisoft Forward is back and live from L.A. with an exciting line-up of games and announcements. Watch live June 10 2024 at 12PM PDT/9PM CEST. Preshow starts at 11.30AM PDT/8.30PM CEST

Garethvk1d 19h ago

Star Wars Outlawa has some real potential. I loved the Fallen Order games but the abundant timed jumps at times took me out of the narrative as they could be come frustrating. The branching options and status with factions looks great.

-Foxtrot1d 19h ago

Prince of Persia 2026…REALLY? And that’s all they had for us…a candle.

Jesus. Imagine if they didn’t give it to a shitty support studio and tried to sell us a sloppy remake years ago

Now we have (no hate on quality here) two PoP games no one asked for. We could have been anticipating a Warrior Within remake by now.

Elda1d 18h ago

LOL!! They should have even announced it. They should have just waited a year from now to announce it with some gameplay. Lame.

Terry_B1d 19h ago

Sorry for everyone who watched this ;)

LordoftheCritics1d 18h ago

Where's the quadruple A games?

Elda1d 18h ago

No surprises just updates on existing games & games that have already been announced. A lame show.

-Foxtrot1d 18h ago

The "could have been an email" type of show.

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