
Overwatch Mouse and Keyboard Players Will Get Banned

It seems as though that there's a lot of angry Overwatch players that are getting destroyed over other Overwatch players who prefers to use the mouse and keyboard set-ups. But in reality, these players that are complaining just aren't good at the game.

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2672d ago Replies(7)
italkgame2670d ago

How are lies allowed on here?> Overwatch players on console won't get banned for the use of mouse and keyboard. People are taking the Trump era really serious, alternative facts lmao

MyDietEqualsGames2670d ago

Bastard article is worry trolling.

bluefox7552670d ago (Edited 2670d ago )

You haven't been around very long if you think misinformation started with Trump. https://www.washingtonpost....

italkgame2669d ago

I didn't think it started with Trump. It started way before that.

PurpHerbison2669d ago

The spreading of misinformation has always been a thing. It has just been extra bad these last few years as more and more people gain access to the internet. The internet can be such an amazing platform but very rarely is it used for good things.

2670d ago
Artemidorus2670d ago

I can see the generation differences already, people on consoles were encouraged to buy a keyboard and mouse to match the PC counterparts on a joint server, now it's banned on games like this.

Sign of the times, I dread to think how many more rules are on the way in ten years time.

RedPill862670d ago

It isn't banned. Never will be.

luckytrouble2670d ago

Bans are unlikely. We'll probably just see a patch that limits the functionality of devices that allow use of mouse and keyboard during games, either on a game or system level.

That said, the console versions of Overwatch were made and balanced for controller play. By circumventing this for higher precision controls, you become a minority with an advantage that isn't necessarily easy to replicate for all players. On PC, it is balanced against controllers in favor of precision mouse and keyboard inputs.

If someone wants mouse and keyboard on FPS games, get a PC. That is the long and short of it. Don't buy a home console if you want a PC experience, and don't put yourself at an unfair advantage because you just aren't content mastering the same control method as 98% of the player base.

RedPill862670d ago

They can't be patched. Can't be banned. Blizzard has no legal right to ban them or detect them. They would have to go through Microsoft. And Microsoft wouldn't do it because they're working on it for all games. Not a good way to start that off by banning Overwatch players (one of the worst games to play with these devices as the in game settings sucked).

kaizokuspy2670d ago

Lol its their game. They have every legal right. You accept their terms of service when you connect to their servers.

RedPill862670d ago


Dead wrong.

Third party tech that goes through the hardware is not under their control. Their terms of service cannot override that of the consoles. Period. You're trying to convince the crowd that a single game developer can pick and choose what hardware is allowed to be plugged into your console. They have zero legal standing to do so. They can only ask Microsoft, who will decline because they themselves would then have to bend to every developers whim. And the hardware list doesn't end with XIM. You'd then see headsets and scuffs and chat pads and all sorts of stupid things being banned from each individual game. What's the use. Hardware companies wouldn't bother anymore if a developer could just say no. What's next? Certain brands of PC components can't be used in PC games? Get real. Developers cannot tell you what hardware you can use on console. You're a God damn idiot. Period.

Cobra9512669d ago (Edited 2669d ago )

I know what you're saying, and I agree with you in spirit. Blizz have no right to dictate to Sony or Microsoft what kind of controllers to support, or how to support them. Issuing ultimatums to the console makers is beyond ridiculous. However, they do have every right to impose rules on players using their game on their servers. I just hope they recognize reliably the difference between players using mice and those who are godly good with a controller.

Edit: Your "Dead wrong" post right above is dead right. Well said. Except there was no need to get personal.

rocketpanda2670d ago

How will Blizzard be able to implement a patch that blocks certain peripherals on a system level without without Sony or MS approval. A software patch won't be able to do that alone.

Sony already approves licensed kb/m from Hori, for Sony to turn around and suddenly patch it out would create even more issues. The Xim emulates controllers. Good luck to Blizzard if they are going to try and ban.

opinionated2670d ago

Blizzard has sold its soul lol. They will literally cave to anything their base screams about. It's too bad their base is a bunch of ignorant identity warriors and sore losers. I think that's why I can't get into games like this. I thought the beta was great but I was waiting for a 20 dollar sale. After hearing about the endless crusades of the overwatch community on here I just scratched it off entirely. Blizzard is weak and the vocal base is garbage.

I don't play ranked anything, I couldn't give a fuck less. A majority of the time it's because I'm just not good enough to play on ultra competitive. I don't make excuses and blame everyone else, that's bitch made. The tryhards that are terrible at games make them unbearable. Stop crying.

zaherdab2670d ago

ohhh mighty opinionated guide us with your wisdom ... or not ... it's just a mater of balancing their games so that they are enjoyable for most players .... when you're in a competitive match on console with the supported control method being the controller and some douche gets mods that allows him to get an edge on you using hardware not skill it's frustrating as hell and it's good that they listen to their fan base ... even though in this specific instance they actually said they cant do anything about it i think articles are just clickbating and putting words in blizzard's mouth.

anyway whether you get it or not is up to you and i couldn't care less but if you want to get it to play with a mouse and keyboard just get it on the pc... most these players just suck on pc and are using the mouse and keyboard on console coz it gives them an unfair advantage.

opinionated2670d ago

Lmao chill I'm not guiding anyone, I simply made a statement. I'm not getting it at all, I already said as much. It's not because of the mouse users, I already said that too. It's the other 50 fanbase outbursts that killed the game for me. I wouldn't use a mouse, I'm a console mostly gamer so I'm more comfortable with a controller even on PC.

zaherdab2669d ago

you are complaining about other players complaining ... calling people "ignorant identity warriors and sore losers" just because they think it's unfair to be pinned against players that gave themselves an unfair advantage ... it's their right .. they paid for the game knowing the only supported method is a gamepad and they should have the right play a fair game.

just because you don't play competitive doesn't make everyoen else that calls out something being unfair a sore losers .. or identity warrior or whatever ...

opinionated2669d ago

I'm not complaining about anything, I made a statement. I don't play it, I couldn't careless. I just said why I haven't bought it yet. It's because of the sore losers and ignorant identity warriors. Nobody has the right to a fair game. The devs can screw you if they want and there is nothing you can do about it except stop playing. Your rights have nothing to do with it. Do you have a right to complain? Sure. I also have a right to accurately describe the vocal user base of overwatch as utter trash.

No, just because I don't play competitive doesn't mean the overwatch base are those things. The stories on here show that they are those things. I gave my thoughts on blizzard, the community and why I haven't bought it. I accepted that blizzard is weak and the vocal base is trash, that's why I haven't bought it. It's not just this article it's many articles. The overwatch base is the saltiest in probably the history of video games.

zaherdab2669d ago

Sorry dude ... just calling people names doesn't mean you are right ... you don't have to agree with them and they are trying to get their voice to the developer as they are "opinionated" as well i don't see anything wrong with fans giving feedback and the developers listening and acting on feedback ... it's what makes the game fun and has made it a success so far.

I don't mind whatever you say ... it's just this name calling thing that whether it's you or someone else uses as a way to get their argument more "appealing" that i don't understand ... get your opinion as loud and flamboyant as you'd like just a bit of respect can go a long way... but it's up to you :) and i don't have anything else to say... you can trash talk me all you want in your answer if that satisfies you.

opinionated2669d ago

I'm not insulting people just to insult them. I was describing them. You don't have to agree with me but I think it's blatantly obvious. I never said the game wasn't successful and I don't think it's necessarily wrong to give feedback and have the developers grant those requests. I disagree with the feedback in this instance and many instances of the fanbase complaints. It either has to do with "representation" and identity politics or somebody complaining about "smurfing" or some other crybaby sore loser excuse. I'm not name calling, those descriptions are within context.

I'm not trash talking you at all dude lol. When have I attacked you personally? I have done no such thing. I'm not even making an argument, I don't care if it "appeals" to anyone it's just my opinion lol. I'm explaining my first post that you seem to have taken personally but it wasn't directed at you. I didn't even trash you when you mocked my intelligence so I don't know why you are acting victimized all the sudden lol. That mentality would line up with the overwatch base though, just saying...

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Every PlayStation Studios game available now on Windows PC

Windows Central writes: "Many PlayStation Studios games that are ported to PC get dedicated PS5 DualSense support, which allows users to experience haptic feedback and adaptive trigger support without actually having to own a PS5.

According to Hermen Hulst, head of PlayStation Studios, it's still the company's intent to launch the bigger single-player games on PS5 first, before later bringing the games to PC. This might not be the case for multiplayer games however, which are considered okay to launch simultaneously on console and PC."

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ocelot071d 1h ago

My guess is after god of war. Probably last of us 2 that's a almost 4 year old game now and by the time it's released on pc it will be more than 4 years old or close to 5.

Elda19h ago

Every old Playstation game that is now on PC.

shinoff21839h ago

Right. I definitely see what a headlined from a website named windows central was trying to do though. It's cute little wordplay to help out the green box

Flewid6388h ago

Are PlayStation games no longer good or worth playing once they are old?

Elda8h ago

I'm guessing my comment went over your head.

XiNatsuDragnel18h ago

Good at least they can sell hardware


Former Activision studio Toys for Bob partners with Xbox to publish its first game as an indie

Former Activision studio Toys for Bob partners with Xbox to publish its first game as an indie. This is something of a homecoming, as Microsoft owns Activision.

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Obscure_Observer1d 11h ago

Very very early in development. Still, fantastic news!

Let´s GO!!!

Lightning771d 9h ago

I guess.

How come they didnt either let them go or sell Tango and others to another publisher? Not saying Ubisoft, EA would be any better. (Capcome would of treated them right )

At least it wouldn't be MS of all ppl destroying them.

MS really should let go Tango go like they did TFB here.

darthv721d 9h ago (Edited 1d 9h ago )

one was under Bethesda (Tango) the other under Activision (TFB). Clearly each one handled the separations of their subordinates differently.

Obscure_Observer1d 9h ago (Edited 1d 9h ago )

"How come they didnt either let them go or sell Tango and others to another publisher? Not saying Ubisoft, EA would be any better. (Capcome would of treated them right )"

Perhaps because Zenimax and ABK handles such matters differently based on their own internal policies as "independent" publishers.

Whoever, chances are it´s simply because MS didn´t wanted Tango or Austin to be acquired by competitors and develop new bangers for them, giving MS a bad rep in a possible future. Which could also be the reason why they ensured an exclusive partnership with TFB and its new game, before anyone else.

Sad and disgusting. But it is what it is.

Lightning771d 5h ago (Edited 1d 5h ago )

"Whoever, chances are it´s simply because MS didn´t wanted Tango or Austin to be acquired by competitors and develop new bangers for them, giving MS a bad rep in a possible future."

MS has a bad rep now because those studios are no more. I rather them sell the studio continue to make multiplatform releases, while MS continues to focus on whatever they're doing. If they didn't want Tango around they should separated from them or sell them to, like they did TFB.

It's inexcusable, they have options on how to handle studios they don't want anymore with killing jobs. Not just MS but the rest of the industry also.

Sad and disgusting sure how many will get shut down next year or this year even?

I don't trust MS decisions and motivations at this point. You have to admit they make one dumb move after another.

Obscure_Observer22h ago(Edited 22h ago)

"MS has a bad rep now because those studios are no more. I rather them sell the studio continue to make multiplatform releases, while MS continues to focus on whatever they're doing. If they didn't want Tango around they should separated from them or sell them to, like they did TFB."

Imo, MS separated from TFB because they didn´t had a game associated with Xbox yet, unlike Tango.

"I don't trust MS decisions and motivations at this point. You have to admit they make one dumb move after another."

Fair enough. It was indeed an epic dumb move from them to close Tango.

Still, all to be forgotten, like always have. This is not the first time a big publisher shuts down a beloved and/or successful studio out of nowhere and certainly won´t be the last. Do you remember Lionhead? Do you remember Evolution Studios? Yeah... both were beloved studios and yet, those companies kill those studios in q blink of an eye and got away with it.

anast19h ago(Edited 19h ago)

The studio boss made some money from this transaction. Once the game releases, the studio will get chopped up.

-Foxtrot1d 11h ago

Manages to buy their freedom especially after all the shit Microsoft has been doing with its studios lately


Goes right back to them as partners.


darthv721d 9h ago

Id venture a guess that TFB working directly with MS was a better outcome than working through Activision to get to MS.

VersusDMC1d 7h ago

From the article...

"Toys for Bob spun out as an indie back in February after Microsoft instituted sweeping layoffs that impacted 86 employees, which was more than half of the staff"

I doubt those 86 employees enjoyed the Microsoft experience over Activisions.

Inverno1d 7h ago

MS shuts down studios because of lack of resources and then helps these guys by giving em resources. Also MS is what forced them to buy their freedom in the first place? What kind of logic 😂

Chevalier1d 4h ago

The best thing is that the company that is worth $3 trillion and owns the company instead of Xbox lacks resources. How the hell does a company worth $3 trillion making a measly $70 billion purchase they 'can't' support. Lol

BlindMango10h ago

The reason they would need to "partner with Microsoft" is simply to make a game that's part of a franchise that Microsoft owns. Meaning they're probably going to make a new Spyro game - they're still an independent studio, but are making a game in a franchise that Microsoft owns. It's kind of like Remedy partnering with Rockstar to be able to make the Max Payne remakes.

shinoff21839h ago

It was probably the deal to get released from Ms

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 9h ago
Sciurus_vulgaris1d 9h ago (Edited 1d 9h ago )

Xbox’s gaming division seems to still function as 3 semi-autonomous sub-divisions, Xbox Studios, Bethesda and ABK. The three main sub-divisions can seemingly shut down or build studios and set up partnerships independently. This would explain why Bethesda can recently shutdown studios, while ABK spins off one studio, while building a new one. Plus, Toys for Bob could be spun off by ABK, only to immediately re-partner with Microsoft.

Chevalier1d 4h ago

That's absolutely 💯 BS. Any sane 'autonomous' company would NOT put their games on Gamepass day 1 like COD will lose probably billions.

Also they're all under Xbox game studios so any autonomy is an illusion.

PhillyDonJawn15h ago

No, I'm sure MS can and does step in when they want something done specifically but I'm also sure they let them also work independently

shinoff21839h ago

I highly highly doubt this. Ms controls all. The guys aren't gonna be allowed to just shut something down like that without approval. No way

Elda1d 4h ago

Either a kiddie game or something uninteresting.

Obscure_Observer21h ago

Don´t worry. You won´t be playing it anyway since their next game will possible be a next gen Xbox console game.

Elda20h ago(Edited 20h ago)

Don't worry about my comments.

PhillyDonJawn15h ago

Right probably something like astrobot

romulus2315h ago

Nah he said "uninteresting", lots of people are interested in Astro Bot.

Elda13h ago

Never Astro Bot. Astro Bot looks better than any exclusive released on XB this entire generation & believe there hasn't been much.

Asplundh12h ago

Crash 4 was good, so I'm hopeful.

PhillyDonJawn11h ago

Hey you said that about SOT and looks like many ppl on PS is playing it. You also found bugsnax interesting ffs your opinion hold no weight lol.

Elda11h ago(Edited 10h ago)

Bugsnax is BS, tried it & quickly deleted it. It's a game that fits right on Gamepass. PS5 owners that are probably playing the boring SOT you could count on one hand. LMAO!!...don't try to come for me.

PhillyDonJawn8h ago

So you admit bugsnax interested you enough to try? 😂 someone gotta call you out on the foolishness.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 8h ago
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Sony shares big new PS Plus stat, but not the one we want to see

PlayStation Plus has improved the split of PS4 and PS5 players on its priciest tiers, but Sony continues to hide total subscriber numbers.

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mandf1d 15h ago

lol acting like it’s equivalent to ms numbers

Mr Logic1d 14h ago

Uh...They're definitely not equivalent.

"Microsoft’s Xbox Game Pass service now has 34 million subscribers."

"the total number of PS Plus subscribers across all tiers was 47.4 million"

darthv721d 14h ago (Edited 1d 14h ago )

That PSN number seems like it should be much higher... especially when you consider that PS4 alone has a sell through of over 117m. To not even be at least half that is rather interesting.

To the XB side, having 34m to an install base of roughly 50m (XBO sell through) or even 85m (360 sell through) is a greater percentage of unit to member ratio than PSN.

bloop1d 10h ago

That's not the "gotcha" you think it is Darth.

darthv721d 10h ago

^^it's not supposed to be bloop.... it's just an interesting observation.

Einhander19721d 8h ago


"That PSN number seems like it should be much higher... especially when you consider that PS4 alone has a sell through of over 117m. To not even be at least half that is rather interesting.

To the XB side, having 34m to an install base of roughly 50m (XBO sell through) or even 85m (360 sell through) is a greater percentage of unit to member ratio than PSN."

Have you ever heard of a PC before? I hear they are pretty popular.

fr0sty1d 2h ago

MS started lumping gold subscribers in with those GP numbers... keep in mind.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1d 2h ago
shinoff21831d 13h ago (Edited 1d 13h ago )

What. Definitely more os plus subscribers but that makes sense due to actual console sales

Darth the difference between the bases are huge your right but you gotta think. Ps players buy more games, where as the Xbox base relies on gamepass for their gaming. So it makes perfect sense

darthv721d 13h ago (Edited 1d 13h ago )

What makes perfect sense though? You say PS players buy more games... so then logically there should be more PS+ subscribers given the increased number of online multiplayer games in the PS4 generation alone. The PS4 was the first time that + was required for online play much like Gold was for 360 users.

Keep in mind we are talking subscribers, not simply XB/PS users. I assume you meant to say offline single player games, which is most likely true as well. That gen also saw a significant increase in games with an online component comparted to the previous gen.

victorMaje1d 12h ago

I for one will be going back to essential at the next renewal. When I feel a game is good & right up my alley, I’ll check trusted reviews & just buy it.

jznrpg1d 11h ago (Edited 1d 11h ago )

I have the top tier until 2028 as they gave me a massive discount for all the years I had left but I’ll most likely go to essential as well. I buy my games but my kids do use the service occasionally. They do prefer to own their games as well since any game can leave the rental service at some point and they don’t like that idea. They mostly use it to demo games then ask me to buy games if they really like it.

RedDevils1d 7h ago

For me, I will cancel it all together but unfortunately I still have it till 2030 lol

meganick1d 11h ago

I would like to see Sony add a fourth tier of PS Plus for people who just want to be able to play games online without any of the perks like monthly games, store discounts, or anything like that, and it should cost $20 annually, $30 maximum. There’s no way I’m paying $80 just to play games online. Even the original $60 fee was too much, and I would often wait for sales to re-up my subscription.

P_Bomb1d 7h ago (Edited 1d 7h ago )

Essential is too expensive, I agree. We’ve got one Essential and one Premium sub. Dropping the Premium when it expires.

gamerz1d 4h ago

Just let my subscription lapse for the first time since 2010. Will sub again every now and then for a month or so to access my old ps+ games but for me it's the end of an era.

DivineHand1251d 3h ago

Let those numbers continue to drop because it is now too expensive. $80 per year just to play online. I noticed they didn't offer any discounts on the subscription or controllers during this year's days of play for the first time in many years and they will feel it when people choose not to renew.

My subscription will lapse next month and it will stay that way until further notice.

KevtheDuff1d ago

There were savings on subs and controllers here in the UK? I bought a controller yesterday in the sale..
It would be weird if those deals were not in other territories too?