
What Is Rockstar's Problem With PC Gaming?

ScreenGurus Shaun asks why PC gamers are yet again being left out of the Rockstar party with upcoming Red Dead Redemption 2.

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Eonjay2792d ago

Because it doesn't make them any money. Consoles make money for these guys.

TheOptimist2792d ago

Are you living in 2010? Because I would have agreed with you back then

Red_Renegade2792d ago

with some of the crazy stuff you say, he's prolly okay with you not agreeing. if rockstar doesn't wanna make a pc game, that's up to them.

2pacalypsenow2792d ago (Edited 2792d ago )

If it was such a huge money maker for them, they would release on PC. I'm sure they will release it later. They are just focusing on consoles for now just like GTA5

TheOptimist2792d ago (Edited 2792d ago )

Umm... I don't mind skipping RDR, but saying that PC doesn't turn profits is downright bs today. As I said I would have agreed back in 2010, definitely not today. Because even if it doesn't make as much profit as the consoles, I'm pretty sure it is significant enough to give competition and it definitely has more profit than Xbox if sales alone ae to be considered.
Thanks for letting me know something which I knew and of course deviating from the topic, since it's about profit, whether Y or 2Y, they are businessmen, and they'll go behind every profit they can get their hands on

morganfell2792d ago


Since you have access to the development costs for PC for Rockstar as well as the cost incurred for troubleshooting PC issues, associate profit margins, projected profits for reallocation of assets, please share this treasure trove of insight.

FACT: You have no idea of the cost incurred on Rockstar for a PC version. And it isn't just cost for the PC. If they allocate X amount of resources for a PC version they make Y amount of dollars. But if instead they allocate X amount of resources back to the console version they make Y x 2 amount of dollars. These are matters to which neither you nor I are privy. I grant the benefit of the doubt that Sam and Dan Houser understand their situation far better than you or I.

JackBNimble2792d ago

I guess you're just going to have to wait for a port of the game

Cindy-rella2792d ago

Im a pc gamer as well and it puzzles me to see other avid pc gamers being stunned as to why certain development studios would rather have their games on console first then pc or just consoles.

fr0sty2791d ago (Edited 2791d ago )

Rockstar agrees with Eonjay. They are in the business of making money. If there were money to make in the PC space that would make the development efforts of releasing on PC worth it, Take 2 would make them release a PC port. Obviously the ends do not justify the means for them, because they have chosen not to do it. They are not going to ignore a chance to make millions of dollars if it is really worth it in the end.

starchild2791d ago

You console fanboys are ridiculous. You aren't gamers. All you do is hate on PC, hate on Nintendo, hate on the other console brand...that's all you do. You never defend what's good regardless of platform, nor do you stand up for what's right for gamers in general. You're nothing but corporate cheerleaders.

Kingthrash3602791d ago (Edited 2791d ago )

I'm sure you'll get it after console gamers have been playing it for years.
Pc has several factors that make them not want to focus on them first.
Like gta, they will sell it console let it make money then develop red dead pc if it sells enough. You gotta remember red dead isn't as mainstream as gta is. They know what to do. They are letting it pay for itself. That would be my guess.

Not feeling so master race right now tho huh.

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen2791d ago (Edited 2791d ago )

The problem with PC gaming?


RedSoakedSponge2791d ago


Just be optimistic dude ;)

2791d ago
DarkZane2791d ago

It's not that PC doesn't make them money, it's that console versions make them a lot more money, so those take priority.

BG115792791d ago

If it isn't money, then what reason would the have ?
Seriously, which other reason would they have ?

RosweeSon2791d ago

Indeed they go for Profit, where are the profits in Piracy, oh there are none.


You're also forgetting the fact that Rockstar generates killer profit from microtransactions on consoles. I highly doubt PC players are a fraction of that revenue

Obscure_Observer2790d ago


That was low. Even for you. You're pretty much everything Starchild stated above.

When comes to Scorpio you said "why buy a Scorpio if you can build a PC?". And now this?

You spit on disappointed PC gamers's faces?

Looks like the ROTR exclusive BS hasn't teach you nothing.

But fear not. Tomorrow is another day. What comes around, goes around. ;)

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 2790d ago
OoglyBoogly2792d ago


Just on Steam alone there's well over 5 million owners of GTA 5 for PC. PC, hardly, is a loss for them in any way shape or form.

So yeah, no.

Eonjay2792d ago


So it looks like your are a misinformed, or you don't have insight into the volume that console push. Like 5 million means anything to a R* lol! Either way, please look at this and tell me where the hell the money is. What should you be doing as a AAA developer right now. Focusing on PC? No, because you and your team deserve to receive return on your development costs.

AnotherProGamer2792d ago

The money they make on consoles is significantly higher though


TheOptimist2792d ago

You do realize that that list includes PS3, PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One- 4 platforms. Also let's not forget the delay- On PS3 it has been out for 3 years, on PS4 for 2 years and PC for 1 and a half year. So yeah all platforms plus time delay play a huge role

Agent-862792d ago

@Eonjay and AnotherProGamer
That graph you link to is not very informative. First, it shows no monetary values on the left axis except for $0M on the bottom. What are the values for the middle and top of the graph? It shows no incremental values. Second, the title of the graph is "Additional Content Revenue". That sounds like DLC to me and not actual game sales/revenue. Of course, PC gamers have mods and DLC sales will be lower on that platform.

Also, as other people have pointed out, the console figure includes 4 platforms (PS3, PS4, Xbox360 and Xbox1) which all had their own development costs and revenue produced. To have an accurate comparison, we would need to have game sales/revenues for all 5 platforms on an individual basis. In a fair comparison, I believe the PC platform would compare very favorably. 5 million plus sales on a single platform is pretty damn strong.

devileyed2791d ago

Both MS and Sony take around 45% of game sales and steam takes 15%-30% depending on the arrangement so I wonder how much money they really make between the two .

Vegamyster2791d ago


Red Dead R2 will only out on the PS4 & Xone, if you compare just the PS4 & Xone sales of GTAV to PC:

PS4: 11.94m

Xone: 5.06m

PC: 6.4m (Also came out 6 months later)

iloveallgames2791d ago

Superdata doesn't have access to any of steam's sales data, you are looking at physical copy only for PC.

XanderZane2791d ago

Yeah but on game consoles...
"Within 24 hours of its release, Grand Theft Auto V generated more than $800 million in worldwide revenue, equating to approximately 11.21 million copies sold for Take Two.
As of 31 December 2014, the game has shipped 45 million copies to retailers, including 10 million copies of the re-released version for eighth-generation consoles.
As of 18 May 2016, the game has shipped over 65 million copies across all platforms."

Almost 60 million sold on game consoles. As I said, Rockstar knows where the money is coming from. RDR sold over 12 million on game consoles.

hiredhelp2791d ago (Edited 2791d ago )

You forgot the numbers that sold on pc from R*warhouse for pc players digital code plus legit cdkey sites adds up to nearly double.
So you kids saying that No cos more cost effectiv and make more on consoles ... Its true your right But PC numbers has doubles in past 2-3 years with more people from consoles have bought or built themselvs a pc too sales have risen.
If R* felt PC wasnt viable why are the same devs that put GTAV that doing red dead do all versions of gta on pc LA nore pc midnight club racing pc list grows.
3rd party devs in tidays industry use engines that are able to put game on all formats if needed.
But yeh consoles will be first they did miss us first RD but im confidant sane mistake wont be made.
Agree or dusagree :) I dont care kiddies.

krazeecain2791d ago

@Eonjay @AnotherProGamer SO?! That's well over $250 million. It does NOT cost that much to port to PC, and is a HUGE amount of money regardless of what you're making elsewhere. Also keep in mind that the PC version came way, WAY after the first release on last gen console. The fact that they still sold 5 million copies is amazing.

Rockstar is clearly being incentivized somehow to delay or eschew the PC releases of their game. Their excuses for doing so don't make any sense in the context of other publishers.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2791d ago
ShadowKnight2792d ago (Edited 2792d ago )

The more the platforms it's on the more profit they'll make. I hope it does come to PC in native 4K 60fps it would be nice, but if not oh well got the console to play it on.

Eonjay2792d ago

Oh I think it will but first you focus on where the big bucks are. Remember they said that GTA 5 cost something liek 250 million to make. You can only get the money back on consoles. PCs will have you bankrupt spending that kind of money.

_-EDMIX-_2791d ago

Yes but it does not need to be day 1.

consider that they could still release it on PC after the fact, Rockstar just doesn't see a reason to be developing on 3 platforms concurrently.

kneon2791d ago

Not necessarily, it depends on the costs associated with supporting another platform vs the potential revenue. Many PC gamers wait for a steam sale before buying, so I expect the average selling price on PC could be much lower than on consoles.

Kurdishcurse2791d ago

there will never be a native 4k game on the pro. people need to accept this. either way, since my ps4 has been degrading in performance, ill be getting a pro very soon. ive heard itll have higher frame stability. bloodborne killed me with ita fps drops. hopefully similar issues in games will be adressed in the pro.

shauzy2791d ago

how does it come to pc in "native 4k 60fps"

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2791d ago
annoyedgamer2792d ago

CD Project Red would like to have a word with you.

_-EDMIX-_2791d ago

Because their game cost more?

kevnb2792d ago

I feel like they think they double dip when they delay the pc version.

starchild2791d ago (Edited 2791d ago )

That's exactly it. They want to release it on PS4 and XB1 and then later release it on PC, PS5, etc. They did that with GTA5 and it resulted in a lot of people double dipping.

It's a terrible business practice. If they're going to screw PC gamers, unlike the other 99.9% of developers, then they don't deserve my money and I won't be buying their games on my consoles either.

Nathan_Hale532791d ago

Sad you are getting dislikes Starchild. It is true. Expecting double or even triple dipping is immoral and anti-consumer. It is also true what you said on a comment up. A lot of console gamers are so anti-gaming and are overly loyal to their console of choice. All they do is hate.

Mr_Writer852791d ago


Then just wait?

If you double dip and then cry about it you are a moron.

There is nothing wrong with double dipping, you have no right to dictate to anyone how they spend their money.

Either just buy it on console, or wait.

And it's not like R* would half arse the port, you will be getting THE best version of the game.

Sure other develop on all 3 but how many of those games run as best they can Day 1 without any patches needed?

I see The Witcher 3 mentioned, yet it was a mess on consoles compared to PC and has needed several big patches to improve performance.

Look at Arkham Knight what a buggy mess that was on PC.

I'd rather wait and have the best possible version for my console of choice then a buggy mess.

Surely selling customers a buggy mess of a game and fixing it later is more anti consumer than double dipping?

Eamon2791d ago

The real reason why is because Rockstar doesn't want to make a simple port. As with GTA IV and GTA V, they develop PC versions that are optimized for different hardware and for user-created content i.e. mods.

Also, they focus on console versions first to make the most amount of sales possible before releasing a PC version. After all, loads of people (inc myself) have bought GTA on console before buying it again on PC. That's a double sell. They know it happens because that's how madly popular GTA and Rockstar are.

In the end, it's about releasing a great product while maximizing profit. I predict that a RDR1 remaster will be announced shortly and it will come to PC.

Psychotica2791d ago

So when I bought GTA V for the PC it was at cost?

XanderZane2791d ago

Rockstar probably see most PC gamers are a bunch of pirates. I'm pretty sure they know where their biggest fans are and it's definitely on game consoles. Just because Rockstar allowed RDR to be B/C on the XB1 it caused sales of the "Red Dead Redemption - Game of the Year Edition" game to increase by 6000%. That was just on one platform.
Rockstar knows they will sell millions of copies of this game on game consoles with minimal pirating.

Gravesinger_2791d ago

PC gamer here, with over a thousnad dollars in PC games across Steam, GoG, Origin, Battle,net and Uplay, Can you back up your "Rockstar probably see most PC gamers are a bunch of pirates." statement with evidence? If not, please kindly sit down and SHUT THE HELL UP. Cheers.

ONESHOTV22791d ago (Edited 2791d ago )

really now i own over 400+ games from stream- origins -GOG and uplay- battlenet and i have never pirated and game and it's a good thing i work for my money so i can buy whatever console pushes the best graphics if there are no pc version so what am i as a pc gamer missing out on ? and let me tell you i own red dead redemption on the ps3 but i have never put the disk in my ps3 becuase well i had better things to play and i wasnt hyped in wanting to play it in the first place. if anyone wants proof i can put in the disk right now so it registers on my account becuase i know you people on this site

XanderZane2791d ago

It's pretty much a know fact that games are pirated more on PC platform then any other in the entire world. Don't really need any evidence. But if you want a little proof about the subject, here you go. http://www.pcgamer.com/the-...
Next time do some research before opening your mouth.

That's nice. You're one of the 10-15% who doesn't/. Congrats. Meantime little Johnny down the street has over 500 games from Torrent on his PC that were pirated. For every one of you, there are 10 other PC gamers pirating the same games you own.

2600Thunder2791d ago (Edited 2791d ago )

That's not at all true; if you google around at their sales on a year LATE release of GTA V and GTA Online for PC you'll see the masses in profits they made and continue to make on residual online sales. I purchased it for the 360, then PS4, then PC and have been glad to do it with the high amount of content they gave us. I am assuming they are going to do this again so fans who own and want it on PC will buy it twice or more like me.

I am a PC gamer so it's ok with me, and as I said, if they keep the great content coming and don't chop RDR2 to bits like every EA game, then I am happy to support them. They are one publisher worth paying extra. However, I said the same about Bethesda, so we'll see.

For now, EA could use a spanking from RS.

_-EDMIX-_2791d ago

I wouldn't say all that because they wouldn't be porting all their titles to PC if that was the case, I would say it's simply because it cost them too much money to develop on so many platforms.

if they're not getting the same ratio in regards to profit it might make more sense for them to just bring it to the platform after the fact , then development concurrently considering their games are already massive and extremely expensive to develop in the first place adding another platform just raises the cost unnecessarily.

Erik73572791d ago

Your an idiot, gta 5 sold 5 million units. Yea thats not a lot compared to the rest of console sales but ITS STILL 5 MILLION. That's STILL a lot of money.

Antifan2791d ago

Its more of a technical reason than it is about money. PC is a open system, so R*`s whole virtual online economy could be exploitable by mods.

Nathan_Hale532791d ago

Numbers say otherwise. Steam alone sold 6 million copies not including other means of buying the game, and Steam sells shark cards. Let's say steam takes 12% of the cut of $360,000,000. That is still $318,000,000 made from Steam alone. That is a helluva lot of money.
If GTA sold on PC along side of console, the number would probably be bigger as some people don't want to buy the same game twice or three times. I believe the choice is anti-consumer.

N311V2791d ago (Edited 2791d ago )

It's not just these guys. Consoles typically account for about 95% of all game sales. For example, NPD reported the follow values for retail and digital game sales in North America (August 2016);

Console Software $273.7 million
PC game software $14.2 million


This knowledge helped me understand why PC ports are often poor quality as well.

Nivekki2791d ago (Edited 2791d ago )

Your knowledge is skewed.That doesn't include data from Origin or Blizzard.net, two of the biggest outlets for pc gaming. One of the biggest games for pc at the moment, Overwatch, is not given a look in. I'm not saying pc gaming would overshadow console gaming if that information is known, but at the end of the day it means that data doesn't hold water. NPD data as well isn't all that accurate, they don't have the information for everything as much as a lot of people believe. A good percentage of it they make up.

And there's also the fact that North America doesn't equal the world.

There's this little game you might have heard about which is League of Legends, that's quite popular in places that aren't called America.

Orionsangel2791d ago

I think it's because of all the pirating in PC gaming.

lelo2play2791d ago

Consoles always give Rockstar more money so obviously their priority will always be console version of the game. Like or not, that's the simple truth. PC version of Red Dead Redemption 2 might arrive later on.

Now ... claiming that the PC version doesn't make them any money is just plain stupid. GTA5 says hi.

RosweeSon2791d ago

Exactly release on a system where people pay... as it should be or release on a platform where a vast majority will just help themselves to a free copy they only got themselves to blame don't pirate so many games on PC and a developer might see it as financially viable to spend their money bringing their products to PC.

2791d ago
+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 2790d ago
Iceball20002792d ago

I think it's cause they would rather optimize for 2 devices instead. Then when they got free time make a PC version like they did with GTA. There's a lot more to optimize when on PC.

crazychris41242792d ago

But there are now 5 maybe even 6 platforms now. PS4 & Pro, X1 and Scorpio, PC and maybe even the NX. Plus GTA 5 has over 5.6 million owners so there is definitely money in the PC market.

Red_Renegade2792d ago

it's not gonna be on everything. they already said ps4 and xbox. pro and scorpio might not even happen.

TheOptimist2792d ago (Edited 2792d ago )

Don't forget that is the number in spite of a year and a half delay. If Rockstar had released the PC version along with the prev gen console versions, then I wouldn't be surprised to see that number at around 12 million (THat initial hype for the game was mind numbing)
Though I can't complain because the PC version just runs like a dream

2pacalypsenow2792d ago

Ps4 and Pro are the same console one just optimized with better hardware, there will not be Ps4 and Ps4Pro games, it will be the game packaging with the features unlocked if you have a Pro, no need to double dip.

Aenea2792d ago


Sony has made it mandatory for every game releasing from late September this year to include a Pro mode. So yes, a PS4 Pro version is happening and am sure a Scorpio one is too...

GrimmyReaper2792d ago

Except, the situation is the same as GTA V
PS4 and PS4 Pro
XBO and Scorpio
If NX would get it, it would have shown on the page, just like that Sonic trailer

TheUndertaker852792d ago

They won't bother optimizing for Pro. Scorpio is still a year away. Rockstar likely won't bother with NX as Rockstar really doesn't bother with Nintendo. Having shipped over 65 million copies 5 million also doesn't make a big difference.

So they've got PS4 and XOne to work on.

2791d ago
dmetripaulpavlin2791d ago


I cannot believe how little people understand the upgrade from PS4 and XB1 to PS4 Pro and XB1 Scorpio. You simply do not have a clue about it do you? It isn't an options for Pro it. It will be on Scorpio because that's the whole fucking point of what M$ is doing, turning a console into a closed OS PC while not making it super obvious to the dumb dumbs.

Reckless_Love2791d ago

That only helps to solidify the argument though. They've spent multiple years working towards a base ps4 and XB1, so simply taking that further on a beefed up spec that isn't a radically different piece of hardware isn't going to be a large task. Working with dedicated perimeters to nurture a product can be more condusive to creating a more well realised vision.

I will find it perculiar if it doesn't arrive on PC at all however.

SoulMikeY2791d ago

Ps4 and pro are NOT separate. Everything must work on the ps4, it just gets a patch if they chose to. They will never release on Nintendo and Scorpio will probably not get anything with its timeline. Ps4 and Xbox. That's it.

SoulMikeY2791d ago

Aenea, gr8b8m8. Please post the proof. They strictly said it's UP TO THE DEVELOPER. There will not be separate games. You're buying the ps4 game with optional pro enhancements if they choose.

XanderZane2791d ago

You must have had a long night. Go on and shut down your PC and take a nap. We'll still be here when you wake up and come to your senses.

* PS4 Pro & Scorpio version might not happen? * Maybe you forgot the /s

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 2791d ago
medman2791d ago

Perhaps, but the troubling thing for pc only gamers is that Red Dead Redemption never made it's way to the pc at all.........

2791d ago
Nathan_Hale532791d ago (Edited 2790d ago )

Not really. Consoles are already on a very similar architecture to full PC's. Hell, the Xbox One uses the Windows 10 core as an OS. This is just laziness.

Do you know how optimizations work on PC? because they don't work like that. OS is a big part of it for it to be compatible in the first place.

totallysane2791d ago

it's not just the os they have to optimize the game for. PC's have tons of variations as far as hardware goes. consoles don't change, yet pcs can everyday. You have to optimize for the most popular setups, which sometimes isn't enough because they can't account for every setup that is being utilized.

Deadpooled2792d ago (Edited 2791d ago )

Maybe they hate the piracy?

@TheOptimist = 'When you sell your game to someone, you are basically doing paid piracy.'

I'm sorry after I saw that I had to stop reading the rest of your comment to avoid deliberately lowering my IQ.

TheOptimist2792d ago (Edited 2791d ago )

Well consoles do not have non-piracy. When you sell your game to someone, you are basically doing paid piracy.
When you sell the game to someone else, does the developer get the money? THAT IS A BIG NO. It has a similar function to piracy on PC, just that we don't have to pay to buy a used item and we get it before many of the second hand buyers.(I don't pirate games, but back in the day when I was a kid, I knew that there would be a Day 1 working torrent).
Also if you read the Copyright terms- They do say that resale of the intellectual property of a developer for personal gain is infringement. (These are not the exact words, but you get the jist). The second hand market should actually be illegal, but it is so big that if someone tries to stop it, there would be a huge uproar.
I know you can't come up with any argument for that. Wow. Just Wow.
Agreed. But you can't get DLC without the game. And while it does make millions, the question still remains- Is it fair use?

starchild2791d ago (Edited 2791d ago )

Well, he's right. Buying a used game doesn't give any money to the game makers, it's not much better than piracy.

And quit stereotyping PC gamers. Most of us don't pirate games. Just today I bought two PC games. And I buy all of my games.

FlyingFoxy2791d ago (Edited 2791d ago )

@starchild i have to agree with you, there is the odd comment here that would like everyone to believe that everyone who plays on PC must pirate their games, Steam sales disprove this.

Some are also talking as if there are cheaters everywhere on PC, true it's easier to be able to cheat on PC games. But then it's also likely to get your key/account banned if playing on a secure server, meaning they have to spend money to get back in the game again.

Some people are blowing it way out of proportion, i still prefer PC because of the freedom it gives and i likely always will. Not just for gaming but for everything. I buy my games for the multiplayer, who wants to be locked out of that if they like playing online?

Red_Renegade2791d ago

that's stupid. pirating is getting a game that was never paid for. buying used is passing ownership of a game they already got money for. not even close to the same thing. honda gets no money when i sell my car. why should anybody get money when i sell my game?

AKR2791d ago

@TheOptimist and @Starchild

No, no, no, no. The selling of used games is not ANYWHERE NEAR piracy.

When you buy a game new, a profit is made on it. Selling that game to someone else doesn't equate to lost profit; that's the case for ANY used item. If it were illegal, then the second-hand market wouldn't be so big. The initial sale has already been made, case closed.

Now, if you burn a copy of the disc and sell it, THEN that can be considered piracy. Just think about it, if buying/selling used games were illegal, why would GameStop thrive on it?

zb1ftw7772791d ago


The preowned market still makes millions in dlc and microtransactions.

The piracy market does not.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2791d ago
Eonjay2792d ago (Edited 2792d ago )

No its about money. Unless you are saying that they lose too much money on PC where it really starts to affect their rev.

AlexFili2791d ago

Rockstar is so big they could easily open up their own online store, charge £39.99 or cheaper and fans would easily pay that price. They could then get 100% of the profits for 1% of the work.

Nathan_Hale532791d ago

Maybe they hate money? 6+million sold on steam alone. Piracy isn't much of an issue as console fanboys want to say it is.

TheUndertaker852791d ago

Consoles made them over a billion dollars in three days.


Consoles also moved over 15 million copies in the first week. That's two platforms with PS3 & 360 as the PS4 & Xbox One versions came out later.


2pacalypsenow2792d ago

They dont have to release it on PC if they dont want to.

PlayableGamez-2791d ago

That is millions of sales they are missing out on then.
They would only be hurting themselves.

ShaunCameron2791d ago

Not really. They 1st RDR never came out on PC and it didn't hurt them one bit.

seanpitt232791d ago

You pc players can keep saying how many gta5 copies have been sold on pc blah blah... At the end if the day rockstar are clearly not interested in doing a pc version at launch with the consoles or even at all they have never been a fan of the pc and you guys keep saying how much money they are going to lose. Its not going to change the fact that they will make it for consoles only and make a shit tonne of money without the hassle of pc development. If it really benefitted rockstar don't you think they would do one? Something is holding them back.

PlayableGamez-2791d ago (Edited 2791d ago )

@ShaunCameron It did hurt them. They missed out on PC sales. I can tell that PC gamers have been requesting RDR for years dude. I know what I am talking about.

starchild2791d ago

Of course not. But it's still a slap in the face to PC gamers. The fact that 99.9% of third party developers, and even some first party developers, make sure to put their games on PC shows that PC is indeed a profitable platform.

PlayableGamez-2791d ago

Even Ubisoft is putting WD2 on PC and they have more of a reason not to put their open world game on PC than Rockstar.

AlexFili2791d ago

They certainly don't have to, but doing something contrary to what the whole games industry is doing definitely seems like an odd choice. I haven't seen any benefit to holding back on the PC release date for GTAV unless I'm mistaken.

Razzer2792d ago (Edited 2792d ago )

GTA 5 didn't release on PC for months after consoles. Probably the same deal here.

divinealpha2792d ago

If you forgot I'll refresh you, it took a year for gta 5 to hit pc ,maybe that will be the same case for this.

Razzer2791d ago

think I edited my post the same time you posted this. yeah.....I had forgotten that they didn't release at the same time.

AlexFili2791d ago

Knowing Rockstar they probably can't be bothered. Not releasing RDR on PC was a kick in the face, doing it again is not going to win them any fans at all. Let's not forget how "amazing" their GTAV launch was... i.e. the one with loads of bugs, huge delay in sorting out server problems... Yeah I'm not going to rush out and buy a console anytime soon.

TheUndertaker852791d ago

Red Dead Redemption which would be a closer match to RDR 2 never released on PC nor was there ever an intention to do so.

Razzer2791d ago

Could be. If they don't ever intend to port it to PC.....hope they just say that.

TheOptimist2791d ago

I have read reports where they said that the game engine was a mess and that they could only optimize it for two hardwares, so that is probably a reason, and also the consoles back then were quite a bit different from PCs. Right now both consoles are low end PCs practically, so I don't see why they can't bring it to PC.

medman2791d ago

Perhaps, but the troubling thing for pc only gamers is that Red Dead Redemption never made it's way to the pc at all.......

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PlayStation Plus Game Catalog for May: RDR2, Deceive Inc., Crime Boss: Rockay City and more

All titles release May 21.

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-Ghost26d ago

PlayStation Plus Extra and Premium | Game Catalog

- Red Dead Redemption 2 | PS4
- Deceive Inc. | PS5
- The Sims 4 City Living | PS4
- Crime Boss: Rockay City | PS5
- The Settlers: New Allies | PS4
- Stranded: Alien Dawn | PS4, PS5
- Cat Quest | PS4
- Cat Quest II | PS4
- The LEGO Movie 2 Videogame | PS4
- Watch Dogs* | PS4

PlayStation Premium | Classics

- 2Xtreme | PS4, PS5
- G-Police | PS4, PS5
- Worms Pinball | PS4, PS5

shinoff218326d ago

They gotta do better on the premium side for sure. Where are any of those jrpgs from the ps1 Era. Come on Sony.

jznrpg26d ago

Most of the Sony JRPGS have been released. Square has a ton that could be ported over but they would need Squares involvement.

VenomUK26d ago

Crime Boss! I know it hasn't reviewed well but I love the eighties action movie vibe of the trailer but didn't want to risk any money on it so this is a great way for me to play it.

Exvalos25d ago

I don't know why Sony is not getting some of the legendary ps1 games from square like parasite eve, xenogears, brave fencer musashi

outsider162426d ago

Looking at this list, i gotta ask what is even the point of premium?

raWfodog26d ago

I'm good with just my PS+ Essential

GamerRN26d ago

I have premium, and I'm also wondering why I have it

Xeofate26d ago (Edited 26d ago )

I think there are a ton of good games on Premium, and don't sleep on the movie collection if you like 90's and 2000's movies, the selection is stacked with classics and gets updated pretty regularly.

Abnor_Mal26d ago

G-Police is a game I have fond memories of and will definitely download to replay. I remember controlling your helicopter was a bit difficult and would make my hand cramp having to press all the shoulder buttons to go up and down and I think yaw left and right.

The next game they should add to Classics is Colony Wars, and I wouldn’t mind replaying Nightmare Creatures. I’d also like to replay Black, PSI Ope: The Mindgate Conspiracy.

Redgrave25d ago

Nightmare Creatures, Deathtrap Dungeon, Urban Chaos

TheColbertinator25d ago

Colony Wars, G-Police, Black and PsiOps were all amazing games. Such creative games from a golden age.

DefenderOfDoom225d ago

I would love to play Black again on a higher difficult setting . Black was so fun to play!

MrBaskerville26d ago

G-Police is nice. But might be among the hardest games I've ever played.

Bathyj25d ago

G Police.
I almost want to upgrade for that.

But let's face it, there's no way the game has held up.

MrBaskerville25d ago (Edited 25d ago )

You can just buy it, you don't need premium.

And it's still good, but there's a couple of early missions that are extremely tough. But they don't really make games like this anymore.

DarXyde25d ago

2Xtreme was the first game I ever bought for PS Plus (I still have the PS1 version somewhere).

Game is awful, but it's stupid fun. Like Thrasher: Skate and Destroy.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 25d ago
TheProfessional26d ago ShowReplies(7)
hiroyukisanada26d ago

Man.... Premium has been a massive letdown but this is the only month they don't have a single thing for me. Oh well. I've gotten my money's worth so far and still need to finish up Rebirth and Rise of the Ronin then I'll hop back in to Relink and Helldivers after that.

hiroyukisanada25d ago

I should clarify that I was referring to the Classics catalog, in particular. Only 1 PS1 game I've loved is the Legend of Dragoon and the Tekken/Soul Caliburs on PSP

Petebloodyonion26d ago

RDR2 is a win for Sony and Crime boss is a good fit to help promote a struggling game
but we're far from what was removed this month (including Horizon Zero Dawn)

crazyCoconuts26d ago

Yeah I was hoping burning shores would have been added now that it's a year old vs. the base game being removed.
I wouldn't be surprised if both MS and PS continue to either walk back the quality of games in the sub services or increase the price, since it's now clearer to them how cannibalistic these services are

isarai25d ago

The game deserves to struggle, it's garbage

Petebloodyonion25d ago

Indeed it's bad but it does offer incredible Hollywood star power so for free it might draw a crowd while giving a boost to this game.
Just remember Fallout 76 was the biggest turd and yet there are now tons of ppl playing it.

shinoff218325d ago

When I seen video on this game I thought Holy sht this is gonna be awesome. Then the footage continued and I seen what type of game it was going for. Was so disappointed. Would've loved a gta style game not from Rockstar,like we had back in the day some studios trying. I'm all about being different but a little gta clone idea been cool with.

Yui_Suzumiya25d ago (Edited 25d ago )

To be fair, I'd play Crime Boss before GTA any day. I mean I have no interest in either but just for the celebs I'd pick Crime Boss, lol

JL293025d ago

How is a 6 year old game a win for anything? Anyone who cares has already played it.

Petebloodyonion25d ago

Simply because ppl do play it!
As much as I don't like it GTA V always managed a boost of ppl when it was offered on Game Pass or PS+.
NOW RDR 2 was never offered on a subscription service.
Again the point isn't about will hardcore gamers play the game because we already played it. it's about having a huge star power game never offered on service that will make casual ppl subscribe to it.

MrBaskerville25d ago

You are aware that new people are born every day? All the 5 year olds probably didn't play it when it released.

But I guess you played every game ever released, which is quite impressive.

JL293025d ago Show
seanpitt2325d ago

A 6 years old game is a win? Yes it's a masterpiece but I am sure most of hardcore gamers have already played it! I doubt it would be shifting ps plus extra subs if there was a native ps5 version or 60fps option then maybe

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6 Games That Genuinely Deserve A Current-Gen Upgrade

Games such as Mad Max, Red Dead Redemption 2, and Batman: Arkham Knight desperately deserve a modern-day revisit.

thorstein54d ago

Mad Max is underrated. Such a fun game.

Cacabunga53d ago (Edited 53d ago )

RDR2 still looks astounding on PS4 Pro. i cannot imagine how it could look with a next gen upgrade.

JonTheGod53d ago (Edited 53d ago )

Probably not very different.

No idea why this article is highlighting recent beautiful graphically-advanced games and saying they need current gen makeovers. They already look better than most new releases; just compare Arkham Knight and Suicide Squad!

exputers53d ago

I see what you did there.

Yi-Long53d ago

It's obviously never gonna happen since Sony killed the game and studio, but Driveclub. Even in its current state, 10 years after release, it still puts many competitors to shame ...

Demetrius52d ago

I'm not into racing games but yeah I even looked at gameplay of that sometimes

redrum0625d ago

It's a shame they cancelled the game. Definitely the best racing game I've ever played on Playstation. Just got GT7, but it feels so slow and less arcade-y, which is to be expected of a sim racer of course, that I just enjoy it less.
Driveclub also graphically looked insanely good for its time. I wonder what a Driveclub 2 would look like for the PS5.

Demetrius52d ago

Mad max ikr! Far cry primal, it amuses me how ubisoft just left ac unity hanging, sadly most of the good staff left from rocksteady while being forced to make that abomination smh