Nitrowolf22792d ago

I wouldn't (thats a lie) care TBH, it'll be good for pc guys if it comes to pc.

I really really do want a new one though

nX2792d ago

lol who cares about pc guys...?

Really hope it's a new game, we've seen more than enough remasters this gen already. The GTA5 remaster still felt like a last-gen game despite the substantial graphical upgrades.

angelsx2792d ago

I guess there are seven playable characters

freshslicepizza2792d ago

"lol who cares about pc guys...? "

pc gamers like myself care, that's who. we enjoy the freedom of pc where you are not required to be a member to access online multiplayer or confined to one box. but thanks for your concern. i hope we get a remaster and a new game

seanpitt232792d ago (Edited 2792d ago )

Rockstars priority are the consoles that's where the money is for them so I don't know if it will come to pc. If it did it would be a console port and probably would be released at a later date.

Hoping to play this on the pro mid next year. Mind blown! Just imagine what they can do with ps4 pro power and Scorpio. Look at what they did with the ps360.

Lordani662792d ago

seanpitt23 is right, this is what R* said about RDRedemption and PC: "All we can say is that whenever it is viable (technically, developmentally and business-wise) for us to release a game for PC (or any other particular platform) – we will and we usually do; unfortunately, that is just not the case 100 percent of the time for all platforms."

In other words - if there's too much piracy, there may not be a port for particular platform. I don't really care, I'm just saying what R* said.

On topic: Someone said it's a remaster. I totally doubt it, they wouldn't go such a mysterious way if it was just remaster, especially with RDR being re-leased on Xbox One as backward compatible. It wouldn't calculate for them (I believe Xbox backward compatible games have higher res than initial releases too, but don't quote me on that). So no, it's more likely not a remaster, they would know that such teasing would piss players off.

Vegamyster2792d ago


GTAV came out on PC 6 months after the Xone/PS4 version and according to Steam Spy & Vgchartz sold a combined total of around 6.4 Million, obviously not the highest selling version of the game but I'm sure Rockstar are quite happy with the number and will bring their next game to the platform, maybe not at launch though.

freshslicepizza2791d ago

gta 5 sold quite well on the pc and red dead is another game i imagine would sell well. i know they see console sales as more important but the pc market is growing and the more support of course the more it will potentially grow.

Nathan_Hale532791d ago


Sad you got so many up-votes for being kind of hateful. But millions care.

bouzebbal2791d ago

The only open world game i enjoyed playing. GTA bores me so much and RDR has more variety in it.
I just hope they tweak the game better cause RDR had so many glitches.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2791d ago
k2d2792d ago (Edited 2792d ago )

Most likely not though, considering R*s lack of track record for making remasters*, the troubled development of RD2, and the complexity of the games and system architecture. Not saying it can't be both.. *(simultanious developed ports, sure)

It's definetly RD3 though. Right on schedule as well.

Genuine-User2792d ago (Edited 2792d ago )

Don't say that. I want a new Red Dead.

RDR came out more than 6 years ago.

On topic: hype intensifies!

showtimefolks2792d ago

R* games need no hype to be honest

It can't get any higher on hype meter

Any time they release a tease trailer Internet goes nuts lol

XXanderXX2792d ago (Edited 2791d ago )

Why , when they have allowed it to be BC Xbox one at no cost to them, why take on cost now.

@EDMIX BC cost them nothing and they collect profit from copies sold , where as re-master calls for splitting staff , resources .

_-EDMIX-_2791d ago

What does allowing it to be backwards compatible have to do with the remaster? Mind you I'm pretty positive they could just Outsource it to another team...

sipale2792d ago (Edited 2792d ago )

I'm 99% sure it's a new game. This could very well be"The Old Gang" that consists of Dutch (in the middle, possible playable character), Marston to his left, Williamson to his right, Escuela next to Williamson, and then three additional gang members.

Anyone else agree with me? I mean the silhouettes match pretty well. Williamsons hat and coat,Escuela with two revolvers, Marston with his signature gloves and rolled up sleeves etc...

morganfell2792d ago (Edited 2792d ago )

There are Seven in the pic. Where have I heard the word Seven associated with a western before...?

Not saying that really bears any meaning. Other than Max Payne, Rockstar are not known for sequels that have the same characters as main protagonists. It all comes back to Sam and Dan Houser as to what gets approved.

Overload2792d ago

I know for a fact, Red Dead 3 is very far into development.

morganfell2792d ago

He Rockstar San Diego...

Newmanator2792d ago

Don't they have multiple studios though? Couldn't one be working on this while the others GTA Online?

Gatsu2792d ago

I don't think so... It's been a while since we got a completely new game from them.

OB1Biker2792d ago

could be both but its definitely a new one at least imo

Kreisen2792d ago

I think its a new RDR. My money is on it being a prequal and that pic is Marstons old gang.

seanpitt232792d ago

They wouldn't do this to the fans if it was just a remaster they are hinting at a new game. If it is a remaster I will be pissed because we have waited near on 7 years from the last game.

Livecustoms2792d ago

You really think their gonna try build all this hype for a remastered be real ! Downvoted.

daynnight3652792d ago (Edited 2792d ago )

C'mon RS knows they wouldn't hear the end of it if thats the case.
Nah buddy, this is a new RD game, get fuqin hyped

RedSoakedSponge2792d ago

if it was a remaster, i dont think those character silhouettes make sense. definitely a new game XD

_-EDMIX-_2791d ago

Why couldn't it be both? I don't really think they would do this much noise over a remaster.

Trekster_Gamer2791d ago

I bets it's not, given they made it backwards compatible on XB1.

C-H-E-F2791d ago

It's funny how everyone is like it doesn't matter that it's a remaster, but when GTAV was remade for the PS4 not remastered, but literally built ground up for PS4 and Xbox One, people complained about it. Haha smh message boards politics 101.

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 2791d ago
Neonridr2792d ago

I didn't play the first one, so honestly I wouldn't mind a remaster. But I know a lot of people here want a sequel, so I won't upset the herd.

SouthClaw2792d ago

Common misconception Red Dead Redemption itself was a sequel to Red Dead Revolver. A lot of people who played Redemption never played Revolver. I don't imagine that RD3 will be a direct sequel it will be like what GTA 5 was to GTA 4

Neonridr2792d ago

yeah I know that the two are connected. I understand based on the story of Redemption it would be hard to be a direct sequel.

Sorry I didn't mean literally a sequel, bad choice of words, I should have said a new title in the RDR universe.

Grimbarian2792d ago

RD3 has to be a prequel, otherwise it'd be set in the roaring 20s and be a game with Al Capone...

PSN_ZeroOnyx2792d ago

I liked Revolver a lot which is why I bought Redemption.

nucky642791d ago

if redemption is a sequel to revolver - explain the connection......because there isn't any.
the common misconception is your belief that the games are related and they are not related in any way other than having the words "red" and "dead" in the title. and if you disagree, just google it - there are MANY articles on this subject which say NO CONNECTION between the 2 games.

nucky642791d ago

it's been announced by rockstar - red dead redemption 2.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2791d ago
kraenk122792d ago

You didn't play RDR?!

Sorry, can't take you serious anymore... /jk

Neonridr2792d ago

lol, I know I missed out on some gems sadly. Last of Us and Uncharted I had excuses because I had a 360 and not a PS3. No excuses for these games.. :P

KiwiViper852792d ago

It's the most overrated game in history Imo. Played it for the first time when it went bc, and was shocked at how bad the game is. Graphically its ok, probably pretty good for the time, but gameplay is terrible.


kneon2791d ago

Besides containing just about every extremely predictable western cliché, my main issue with the game is how incredibly buggy it was. Had it not been a Rockstar game, reviewers would have ripped it to shreds, instead they ignored the huge number of bugs. And not just the graphics issues, of which there many, there were also plenty of bugs affecting game play and making some missions fail.

MVGeneral2791d ago (Edited 2791d ago )

"I didn't play the first one, so honestly I wouldn't mind a remaster."
** cursor on top of downvote

"But I know a lot of people here want a sequel,..."
**squints eyes

" I won't upset the herd."
**'Yeah better be'
**up votes.

Neonridr2791d ago

lol, I laughed reading your roleplay there :P

MVGeneral2791d ago

Lol, It was honestly my actual reaction.

_-EDMIX-_2791d ago


I have no clue why people think it's this either or have many of you guys not considered every GTA game the generation prior was ported to PlayStation 3 and 360? Do you guys think that actually stopped new games from being made? Lol

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2791d ago
-Foxtrot2792d ago


Long as we don't play as Jack or is a John prequel I'll be fine :)

jcole972792d ago

Why not Jack? just curious

-Foxtrot2792d ago

I just didn't like him at all. He was annoying and I just wish he wasn't included

I was actually hoping it would go Outlaw Josey Wales on us where the Government kills Johns wife and son, he teams up with all the characters he's met in the game to launch an attack on the two corrupt Government agents, then rides off into the sunset in the end knowing "once an outlaw, always an outlaw". Oh and him and Bonnie would get together in some way.

_-EDMIX-_2791d ago

We simply have a silhouette of characters and FOX already hates the game...

shock /s

-Foxtrot2791d ago (Edited 2791d ago )

Oh shut the f*** up EDMIX

No one said anything about hating

Can you change your user name to EDSTIR_THE_POT already

daynnight3652792d ago (Edited 2792d ago )

U wouldn't want a John prequel? If u say that then I'd say u don't like the game at all then.
I'd be A-okay with a John prequel and his gang

-Foxtrot2792d ago

LOL...I don't like the game because I don't want a John prequel.

Really? Are you being serious? Damn that's pretty bad man...that's such a bad excuse

I don't want a prequel with John because like ALL prequels you know what's going to happen. You know his going to drift away from his gang, you know he's going to run off with Abigail, you know he's going to have a son, you know he's going to kill his gang friends and you know he's going to die.

Least with a new character they are shrouded in mystery and the character can go anyway, he doesn't have a set path. Besides with dialogue in Redemption with know about his backstory.

raWfodog2792d ago

What if they go the GTA5 route and have multiple lead characters that you have to switch between?

Not that I'd mind because I liked GTA5 but just curious as to what others think.

-Foxtrot2792d ago

Well there's that but I didn't like that element in GTAV. I would have preferred Trevor as the leading man

I hated how certain characters could only buy certain things meaning you had to switch to buy properties and then your money was shared out.

badz1492791d ago

From the image, maybe something like the Magnificent 7?

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