
Twitch Chat Racism Changed Hearthstone Pro Terrence Miller's Career


"Terrence Miller loves card games. Long before he took second in the Dreamhack Austin Hearthstone tournament earlier this year, he competed in games like Yu-Gi-Oh and the Pokemon TCG. Unfortunately, many people know his name because he got showered with racist Twitch chat abuse during Dreamhack Austin earlier this year. Last weekend, it happened again."

I3loggs242802d ago

Twitch chat already has some good auto chat mods in place which will delete/ban for spamming, and using certain words.
IP banning sounds like a good idea too, give streamers the option to filter out racists/trolls with there dashboard, so anyone who has been reported to Twitch admins and tagged for racism etc, can be auto banned from viewing streamers who have filtered out those tagged accounts.
For the big Esport tournaments etc, the chat should be in sub only mode, trolls arent paying $5 just to spam swastikas and be insta banned.

thejigisup2801d ago

sub only mode for chat makes perfect sense. I don't understand the need to stoop so low and resort to racism, we should be far beyond this. It's society in general, watching the dnc and rnc this year has been full of awful chat comments. Gets even worse when it comes to gaming for some reason.

opinionated2802d ago ShowReplies(5)
S-Word2802d ago ShowReplies(1)
Tetsujin2802d ago

Being black I can say I've experienced both sides of the whole racism garbage.

I've had gamers respect me because it's one more person to play certain games with, and since I actually have knowledge through experience. I have my differences in games and consoles, but we are all gamers with the same goal in common - sticking together.

I've also had certain groups of people call me derogatory names because "non white or Japanese people play video games to the extent like I do." I encountered one person go as far as to say racial remarks because I can read better than they can, and actually have a college degree while they are living off the system.

A lot of the racism I've dealt with online are people who didn't get disciplined enough growing up, and/or not enough attention from their family. Since I'm older, and have more experience with online gaming, I just mute those who go to the extreme, and report if they really go overboard. I don't have the time, patience, or drive to even argue back with someone ignorant enough to start trash with someone over the mic.

At the end of the day, I'm a gamer, and I respect those who respect me as a gamer.

rainslacker2801d ago

At the end of the day, it shouldn't really be surprising that most of the people that throw out racial slurs on the internet tend to be less educated.

When it comes to things like racism, sexism, homophobia, etc; it's the easiest thing to attach to someone, because there is not much else there for them to really attack. If there were, then it's highly likely they would be able to identify it anyhow, and even less likely they'd be able to express it in an intelligent way....because intelligent people mostly realize that not everyone is perfect, and that diversity exists within all humans, even if they share the same attributes.

Game on though. There are more people that don't act like immature twats than there are that do. Which is why it's such a shame that so much attention is given to said twats, or that people allow themselves to lose enjoyment over something they enjoy. I wish more attention would be given to the "good guys" instead of this constant focus and highlighting of all the bad seeds as if they are representative of the majority.

Tetsujin2801d ago

I agree 100%, especially with the less educated being more racial. If they spent more time and effort to be more positive than trying to be an idiot, they would have more positive moments.

The ones I really question, "I'm all alone. No one loves me. I'm hated. etc." yet spend so much time online being an idiot. Go figure though.

Malitia2801d ago ShowReplies(2)
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