
They Built a PC Using PS4 Pro Specs. How Does it Perform?

An in-depth walkthrough of how Gamespot built and benchmarked a PS4 Pro-inspired PC.

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UltraNova2826d ago

Those fps counts GS recorded are not even close to Pro's abilities. And I dont say that in a good way. The Jaquar cores used in the ps4 are significantly less capable than the AMD FX 8000 series they have used and its the main bottleneck hindering the Pro's fps outpout(and OG ps4), even at the reported 2.2Gh OC.

So i expect even less fps on the Pro unless the devs doing the work on the Pro put down the time and effort to fully optimize for it... but lets face it Sony is the only one who is going to bother to that extent.

That said, I might be proven wrong come November, lets see.

freshslicepizza2825d ago (Edited 2825d ago )

The GPU they used to compare appears to be able to more than the GPU on the PS4 Pro. If you look at performance on Rise of Tomb Raider the RX 480 can have very high effects turned on and still get 60fos . On the PS4 Pro the effects are turned down to achieve those high frame rates.

Digital Foundry well be a good source for how Pro handles games but it is a bit of a shame if the PS4 Pro still struggles getting the best option of 1080p and the highh frame rates. I don't expect 4k native gaming on most games and that's ok. But if Sony really wanted to compete with the PC I don't see it.

Makes you wonder what is the point if Sony was more concerned about price then why bother?

NewMonday2825d ago

they are using a 5.8 GPU so if you claim they are accurate then Scorpio is in trouble.

_-EDMIX-_2825d ago

"The GPU they used to compare appears to be able to more than the GPU on the PS4 Pro"

Except you actually can't directly compare a dedicated GPU to a GPU on a console that's directly on the actual metal.

2825d ago
badz1492825d ago

I knew this would happen. and from now on, we are gonna see conparisons between the Pro and a Scorpio "equivalent" PC until next year when the Scorpio is actually out.

what else they gonna do, right? the Xbone versions were almost 100% performed lower than the original PS4 already. so how are they gonna stir up controversy and attract clicks other than compare the Pro to their 6TF PC, right?

trainsgofast2825d ago

6TF is good for Scorpio it's GPU is not GCN 4.0, with VEGA it's GCN 5.0. So 6TF is not the same as in GCN 4.0.

"FLOPS can be used as a rough stand-in for gaming performance only within the same architecture.Eurogamer thinks that the next-generation Scorpius uses AMD’s Vega, and Vega is a complete departure from previous the previous GCN uarch. "


Kleptic2825d ago (Edited 2825d ago )


You worded that to make it sound like you can't compare discrete GPU's to APU's, and even went as far as sort of saying apu's are 'better' as they're on the 'actual metal'...Where the actual gpu is within the hardware has absolutely nothing to do with it....AMD has come a long way with APU's recently, but in general, they're still far behind the performance capabilities of even mid range discrete gpu's...

With that; the current PS4 and Xbox One used off the shelf low TDP jaguar core'd apu's with only minor custom tweaks...of which was an apu line that never got going with laptops and X86 tablets like the surface series (primarily what they were designed for)...Pro uses an apu with the same cpu architecture (slightly OC'd), but an all new gpu component in the form of the Polaris series....a FAR more capable gpu platform than the 7800 based current PS4 gpu. PC has that gpu platform available in discrete form...they're...100% directly comparable...

It's the api's used for the PC tests that will paint the relevant picture...If it was not vulkan or DX12 with Async compute...then it's not a comparison worth looking at; DX11.x can't hold a candle to the PS4 and PS4 Pro api as far as making the hardware sing...

but with the newer api's on PC...the single advantage consoles enjoyed for decades (getting more out of lesser hardware)...is becoming extremely reduced...

GameNameFame2825d ago


A. There is no confirmation of Vega on Scorpio.
B. No dev is going to make a separate engine for Scorpio. Only engine they will make is for GCN 4 so it can run both X1 and Scorpio both.

DivineAssault 2825d ago

Your right about digital foundry showing what the pro does.. However comparing it to a PC wont give anyone the correct answer because sony is using console specific techniques to make the games look nice on 4K TVs.. I wish people would do a little more research than looking at opinion articles on this site.. Anyway, its still going to be a good machine but unless you have a 4K TV, and want PSVR, there isnt much of a reason to buy the pro.. Its for console junkies like myself that want the best possible picture/performance out of their machines.. PC is a whole different topic because the games arent modified to run a specific way for a proprietary build.

kneon2825d ago

But the fact that they are using separate CPU and GPU means that they aren't really comparing apples to apples.

Having both the CPU and GPU on the same die offers some significant performance advantages. The other aspect that they overlook is that the unified memory pool also provides significant performance gains.

Basically you can't build a PC to PS4 specs because such an APU isn't available for PC.

2824d ago
Kleptic2824d ago


They 'can't' build a PC to PS4 pro specs because a desktop APU doesn't exist?...not exactly...

The PS4's jaguar cores would be terrible at a desktop OS in any sense of performance (well, in fact, they pretty much were, and is why the line never took off at all)...their IPC figures are abysmal...The problem with desktop APU's is that they generally need more 'real' cpu cores in order to maintain acceptable performance at typical desktop related tasks, and those 'real' cores are far bigger than what is currently in the PS4...and in the Pro....Bigger cpu cores cause less room for the gpu side of the SoC, and makes heat a bigger issue as well. This is primarily why the bulldozer based APU's for desktops have had very minimal upgrades to the gpu side...

but anyway...no idea where this apu stuff is coming from...APU's do NOT have a performance advantage because of the gpu and cpu being on the same chip...In many cases, it causes additional issues with memory (where as cpu architectures still work better with tighter timings/lower latency of ddr3 or 4, and gpu's better with higher bandwidth and I/O freedom of ddr5, etc....it's an issue with apu's sharing system memory), and DRASTICALLY increases heat management issues...

This armchair console input on gaming hardware is to be expected, i guess. Integrated graphics solutions have been around for a very long time... and not until they were plopped in a console...did people start acting like it's a 'better' option...A modern main board with proper PCI slots, memory controllers, etc...with a dedicated cpu and a discrete gpu...leaves FAR more room for heat management, power input, and therefor performance...The apu's of the consoles were 100% in effort to keep costs lower, manufacturing simpler, and form factor small...in no way some trick to get an advantage over the more traditional separated configurations...

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2824d ago
Corpser2825d ago (Edited 2825d ago )

how much would games on pro be "code to the metal" when the same game needs to run on ps4 standard? who knows how much effort developers are going to put in optimizing the pro mode

S2Killinit2825d ago

Thats what stuck out for me as well.

Aenea2825d ago

People also say that about the Scorpio, that 6TF will be enough since, you know, console optimisations. But this is coming from the same people who argue that it's not a problem to add Pro/Scorpio into the mix for devs since those devs are already used in scaling for Windows, totally forgetting that on Windows there's not the same optimisation...

fr0sty2824d ago (Edited 2824d ago )

There's a big difference between having to have your game run smoothly on 2 hardware configurations vs. 200... especially when both systems use the same brand CPU/GPU and the same RAM.

Null2824d ago (Edited 2824d ago )

@Aenea ,
For all we know the PS4 pro and Xbox Scorpio is using the same exact ship clock at different settings. The PS4 Pro is currently using an RX 480 that is down clocked to 900 MHz and I'm going to guess that's for heat and power reasons. The Xbox one could potentially be using the same exact graphics chip because RX 480 clocked at 1310 MHz puts out exactly 6 Tflop of power. I have an RX 480 in my PC and as of right now and according to AMD, for the early parts of 2017, that's going to be the strongest graphics chip they will have. Sony could also raise the megahertz though a software update.. assuming the PS4 pro' s large size is due to a heat sink And cooling.

yeahokwhatever2824d ago

Scorpio's 6TF is going to feel more like 6TF on a PC than 6TF on a console, given the OS it will be running. The ps4 isnt running anything like windows, and thus will be able to get more, pound for pound. That said, the difference SHOULD make the scorpio more powerful overall, but nowhere near night and day. Remember, no games are being made for PS4 Pro that ONLY run on PS4 Pro. The games are still built FOR PS4.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2824d ago
2825d ago Replies(4)
SirBradders2825d ago

Remember how they designed the og ps4 in which the CPU can offload to the Gpu, correct me if I'm wrong I'm no expert but I'm sure that's how it was designed. In hindsight the CPU being crap is still somewhat restricting.

yeahokwhatever2824d ago

You're right. Most of the things people in the past accomplished with the CPU are now being offloaded to the insanely fast GPUs(physics, collision, etc).

NotEvenMyFinalForm2825d ago (Edited 2825d ago )

Pretty much. That CPU they are using is way too powerful, don't expect this comparison to be very close to reality.The CPU in the PS4 is only 1/4 compared to that and the GPU they are using a slightly more powerful too.

Ysmir67232825d ago (Edited 2824d ago )

And this amd cpu is weak to an i5.

@NotEvenMyFinalForm i would say definately slower than my old q9650 3,5 ghz.

NotEvenMyFinalForm2825d ago


The CPU in the PS4 is even weaker than an i3 using the super old Sandy Bridge microarchitecture. It has been proven time and time again by Digital Foundry.

threefootwang2825d ago

I stopped reading after I saw that. I've got an FX 8350 in my rig, it's factory set at 4.0Ghz and factory OC's to 4.2 Ghz. The 2.2ghz speed in the Pro doesn't even come close. Cant believe that's what they used lmao

Angeljuice2824d ago

The original PlayStation had 2 Mb RAM.. At that time it would have been impossible to even switch on a PC with anything less than 128 Mb.

You cannot compare the two systems like for like.

2825d ago Replies(2)
Captain_Tom2824d ago

Completely wrong. The Jaguar architecture is actually better than the FX 8000 line at the same clockspeeds.

The Bulldozer family is garbage, and what they did was actually an underestimate of the PS4's CPU performance.

threefootwang2824d ago


If that's what you need to get by then by all means keep telling yourself that.

Man that's one of the funniest things I've read online today.

DarXyde2824d ago

Keep in mind that any console to PC comparison by part matching is difficult.

Console games are specifically optimized. I'd argue that, even if you got the exact same parts, the PS4 version would come out with better performance for the simple fact that console games are optimized for specific hardware. PC, not so much. There's plenty of variability.

starchild2824d ago

The console will be somewhat more efficient and perform somewhat better than what its hardware would suggest, but this general truth tends to get exaggerated to a ridiculous degree.

This has been proven over and over by PC builds like the 'potato masher' and builds from Digital Foundry which beat the consoles in real world graphics and performance metrics despite not being significantly more powerful.

Deeke2824d ago (Edited 2824d ago )

I don't see how this is getting downvoted, it's 100% true. The Jaguar CPU bottlenecks the Polaris GPU to the point where AMD had to scale down the GPU even more than they should have.

In SoC or APU form, Polaris GPUs were specifically designed to be complemented by AMD's upcoming Zen CPU architecture. So Polaris + an outdated and underwhelming CPU like the PS4's 8-core Jaguar will cause bottlenecking, regardless of the 2.1GHz overclock.

Developers will also have to make sacrifices in performance because of the outdated Jaguar CPU. Hell, Rise of the Tomb Raider can't even hit rock-solid native 1080p 60FPS because of the CPU bottlenecks.

Expect to see more and more games have to shave off features to compensate for the Jaguar CPU's janky hardware.

2824d ago
meche3342824d ago

People are disagreeing with it but its facts. Truth hurts i guess. Its gonna have better fps and stuff than the OG but that gpu is not gonna be fully used to its top notch potential

Angeljuice2824d ago

Did they optimise the code for those specific components? No !

That will more than make up for any minor disparities in hardware.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 2824d ago
2826d ago Replies(8)
uth112825d ago

Games don't get optimized well in PC world. Too many possible configurations. Developer attitude is if game doesn't run well, they can just buy new hardware.

With consoles developers are forced to squeeze as much performance out of them as possible.

_-EDMIX-_2825d ago


developers are forced to essentially create something on an equal playing field with their competitors , there's not a simple solution such as well just purchase a better CPU or GPU or add more RAM or anything like that.

Corpser2825d ago (Edited 2825d ago )

Except now we don't have 1 console for de vs to optimize games for, now we have pro and standard . Hey don't like our game's performance on standard? Go buy a pro

nitus102824d ago

Any developer that adopts the attitude of "Hey don't like our game's performance on standard? Go buy a pro" is IMHO arrogant and at the very least has a poor business sense.

Say as an example you are the developer of a particular game and you have a target potential of say 45 million PS4's and say 5 million PS4pro's. Do you think that the developer of said game would be stupid enough to say something like recommending the PS4pro over the PS4. It would be even worse developing a PC game for high-end PC's only stating that we won't support medium end PC's (where the real money is BTW).

Nathan_Hale532825d ago

They get optimized fine. That is such BS. I hear this argument all the time and it simply isn't true. At times the devs are lazy and release a game and it runs poorly, but it almost always gets fixed. NMS, despite the game being trash, was fixed quickly and the Dark Knight was fixed, although it took awhile. Most times, it releases perfectly fine. Lesser theoretically performing cards out perform the current PS4 and One. The 750 ti paired with an i3 outperforms the consoles and the 750 ti has a theoretical performance of 1.3 TF. You act like the GPU companies don't optimize their own hardware, which they totally do. Nvidia is like console level when it comes to releasing quick patches and optimizations and AMD isn't to far behind either.

Loktai2824d ago

the 750ti at 1.3tf... would have to be paired with a 0.5tf CPU to be comparable to a ps4.... the ps4 is 1.8tf, in total meaning CPU and you total. not just it's gpu.

Nathan_Hale532824d ago

No, that isn't how it works. TF is raw GPU performance.

maybelovehate2825d ago

Maybe not always. But games like Witcher 3 run circles around their console counterparts. Same with BF4 where I can get triple the frame rates while running a higher resolution.

kevnb2825d ago

thats at least partially a myth, mostly comes from last gen when pc gamers were running 1080p and comparing performance to consoles running 720p and lower.

Loktai2824d ago

no it doesn't it comes from the last 20 years of PC and console gaming. a ps2 was 300mhz, with like 32mb of memory, the ps1 was 25mhz and had 3d acceleration that took a PC many times more powerful to compete ... it's not a myth. look at PC ports of console games for instance where the game was developed with certain hardware in mind. build a PC with 2005-2006 hardware and try to run a game that looks like uncharted 3... or the last of us. Games in a consoles lifespan usually look better and better because devs. learn the hardware. PC tends to leave the old hardware behind. many smaller gsmes, big mass market games like WOW, and such will run pm VERY old PC hardware but almost always you'll find that the dev. did not sit there and optimize a mode that will get the most possible out of 3-5 year old PC hardware at the expense of lower peak performance on newer hardware. they will program for what people have, to be playable, and they program to take advantage on some level of the newest hardware features, but they do not optimize for specific, aging GPUs. this is why some PC enthusiasts get pissed when games lead platform is a console.

random OLD example of console optimization. the dream cast ran most games at 480, 480p with a VGA box. take grandia 2. the dream cast was 200mhz, 16mb sys and 8mb video memory. ...

if I get the PC version from like 2001, or whatever... it runs like crap on any resolution but especially funny since I have a 550mhz, 32mb video 256m b sys men PC built in . 1999... it cost me a lot at the time. the dream cast was 200mhz and a couple hundred bucks. it held its own with PCS twice as fast... or three times even. it wasn't only because they ran a RISC cpu, the gpu was a pvrg2, which was also available on Pc, and was much weaker than the g400 max my PC has. And much worse memory , and less of it by like 10x.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2824d ago
2825d ago Replies(2)
XStation4pio_Pro2825d ago (Edited 2825d ago )

probably not as good. consoles run customized APIs and silicon so they can be extremely efficient and closer to the metal since the hardware is always the same (similar to why iPhones always run silky smooth). This lets them squeeze every ounce of power out of them.

edit: this this not to say that PCs can't be better - Im just simply stating if you took the same hardware off the shelf for a pc it would not run as efficiently - 4.2 tflops of gpu probably goes a bit further on ps4 pro. That said, you could get a PC up to 12 tflops and it will smoke a ps4 pro and an xb1 scorpio

kevnb2825d ago

its actually pretty close, other than that cpu overhead. Thats how consoles can get away with jaguar cores running at slow speeds.

starchild2824d ago (Edited 2824d ago )

Yep, a lot of people don't understand this. On the GPU side in terms of things like fillrate and rasterization you're basically going to get what you're going to get. The less abstraction in console APIs and such mainly affects the CPU side of things. The consoles have very weak CPUs, while most PCs have very powerful CPUs in comparison. This negates a lot of the advantage these consoles otherwise would have had. Real world benchmarks of budget PCs compared to consoles bear this out.

GamingTruth2824d ago

Well with the fact that im not seeing anything on any settings of what im seeing on my 1.8 tflop ps4 normal being smoked by any pc, sony with the money it would cost to build a 12 tflop platform would destroy pc for several years to come.

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