
PlayStation boss on PS4 Pro: our approach isn't reactive this time around

Andrew House also discussed relevance of physical media in gaming, following launch of Sony’s Ultra 4k streaming service

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Overload2823d ago (Edited 2823d ago )

"Regarding the PlayStation 4 Pro, he suggested the Xbox wasn’t even being considered its main competition. Rather, it was the PC. “I saw some data that really influenced me,” he said."

Exactly, Xbox is a weak brand worldwide that poses no threat to PlayStation and they know it. Why would they worry about a brand that has to discount their console constantly and give away games or gift cards to sell half of what you do.

Not to mention one that has no real exclusive games, if you really want a Scorpio, go build one now, why wait 14 months.

Death2823d ago

I guess my questions is, how on earth is PC reflected with the Pro? I see absolutely no way that the Pro can compete with PC. Is it a reference to PSVR maybe? As it is the Pro doesn't hold a candle to Scorpio so I'm not sure why Sony wasn't even considering Xbox as it's main competition. Are they gunning for the NX?

You are correct when you state Xbox is weak worldwide. That is why Microsoft is taking advantage of the PC userbase that is strong on a world wide scale with Play Anywhere. Gamers around the world will have the ability to play Xbox games that otherwise wouldn't be able to without the additional expense of buying a consoles. While Microsoft is embracing PC with the Windows platform, Sony is trying to compete with it. I wonder if Andrew got the memo that PSNow is heading to PC?

Nyxus2823d ago

PS Now is not competition to the PlayStation 4.

uth112823d ago

It competes well with the "average PC". Not as many PC gamers have these high-end rigs as you think.

SoulMikeY2823d ago (Edited 2823d ago )

So... for $400 you can play ps4 games on pc? In upscaled 4k? Sign me up...


So I just checked, NONE (0) of the good ps4 games are on steam... weird right? Couldn't find infamous or bloodborne, or uncharted....

Angeljuice2823d ago (Edited 2823d ago )


PS4 (standard) competes well with the average PC in real world terms. The "average" gaming PC struggles with 1080p /60 according to steam (active online players, not registrations).

PS4 Pro will out perform 80% of gaming PC's. You can have a powerful monster of a PC, but very few people do (despite most PC gamers claiming they have).

PlayableGamez-2823d ago

@SoulMikeY PC has more exclusive than PS4 so what is your point?

Salooh2823d ago (Edited 2823d ago )

"I guess my questions is, how on earth is PC reflected with the Pro? I see absolutely no way that the Pro can compete with PC "

i have been asking for a powerful console since 2010, last gen was too long for me as a day 1 owner who loved the ps3, if wasn't for the last year line up(TLOU/GTA5/Beyond/GT6/GOW.et c) i wouldn't of waited this much, i would of had a way different impression. You see the power of exclusives ? :> .

Exclusive makes me loyal which means i am buying pro because i want to experience them in their best. But it is not enough when it comes to the state of the ps4.

After i saw sony decision in 2013, they chose the safe path for the ps4 meaning in terms of hardware they were not aiming for gamers like me who wanted a huge wow factor from day 1 (which is fine and a genius move because most people are not like me who don't care about the price even though i am not rich lol). So i knew that the ps4 will not last as much as the ps3 so i decided to join the pc master race and just buy ps4 exclusives so i collected money after buying the ps4, i knew what the pc offer since the ps3 days but i was fine with ps1-2-3 so i thought ps4 will do the same, but when it didn't aim for me i moved on, so they could of delayed this (since i loved using the pc since i was a kid, not all people like me). So they lost me at this point. So most people care about price, they want simple experience and can't handle a pc yet, so this is a necessary step in gaming business so they can prevent people from even thinking about moving on by removing as much reasons as possible including finding solutions for 4k tech , the high quality asset/frame gaming experience and in the same time release it in affordable price and in mid of this gen so that they can extend this gen a little bit and also start making ps5.(which will be able to do 4k easily in it's time)

As someone who love pc experience and can handle it's faults, it is my way to play multiplatforms and to watch movies and tv shows(That's why sony is trying to provide better netflix/youtube.etc experiences). But i as a gamer would never miss ps exclusives, they are the best games with high quality development so pro is a must.

Salooh2823d ago (Edited 2823d ago )

Sony and MS are not competing now, Xbox only shined over PS at the beginning of last gen because of sony mistakes. Sony raised from the dead and started climbing slowly(that's why they called it a marathon last gen) If anything ms should be happy for how much they grow compared to the first xbox. The sad thing they gave up because they don't have proper management, and instead of keeping fixing their mistakes they moved on from competing. It is ms who left competing not sony. They didn't want to risk or make effort to grow studios and manage them. That's one main issue they had let a lone their twisted ideas that they made last gen and the best example is their announcement of xbox1, even the name is twisted and confusing(i know it is silly xP, but i am still confused). They were not aiming for future so it is their fault.

What's more sad is that according to the fanboys, ms have enough money to avoid the marathon unlike sony. That makes it worst if true xP

Null19802823d ago (Edited 2823d ago )

I can get true exclusive titles on a PS4 or PS4 Pro. Bottom line. You won't be playing Horizon Zero Dawn on an Xbox One, XBox One S, Scorpio or PC.

joeorc2823d ago

@Death1h ago
[I guess my questions is, how on earth is PC reflected with the Pro]

Because Microsoft's trying to make PC part of the Equation in the games console market..Microsoft's combining Windows 10 PC with Xbox as one unified platform..in essences Microsoft has taken the Xbox as a platform and absorbed it into the Windows 10 PC Eco system, not the other way around.

It's Microsoft direct actions that show why PC is the direct competition to PlayStation , what's Power now based on what the Xbox one or Scorpio or what ever Microsoft's releasing now when PC is now part of the direct Equation that Microsoft now States that Xbox & PC are the same platform.

Microsoft is trying to get people to switch from PlayStation not to just Xbox , but PC also.

Sony is saying and for good reason , the Xbox is not Really a direct competition anymore since Microsoft changed their Xbox as from a console to now just a part of the Windows PC Eco System.

As for PSNow going to PC, it allows Sony to leverage a monetization of Legacy PS3 games to advertising for the PS4 games , if you want to play PS4 games ..without buying a PS4..you are going to have to wait, and even than its streaming only..no local download playback..Sony divested themselves of their PC development studio's as well as making PC's.

Sparta072823d ago (Edited 2823d ago )

@death, " As it is the Pro doesn't hold a candle to Scorpio "
Lmao really!?
Come man.is not like scorpio is going kill the pro. The Pro is a strong console give credit where is due.
What happened!? I though you didn't care about power anyway? Goes it does bother you that games on one console looks better on another.
" I guess my questions is, how on earth is PC reflected with the Pro "
Read the article bubby.
P.s for the 100th time psnow is last gen games only. Only place to play ps4 games is with a ps4. #true exclusives!

2823d ago
UltraNova2823d ago

Hmm all these what ifs made me wonder what would happen if Sony launched a Steam like client on PC or even made a deal with Valve for a PS store within Steam...How would MS react? How much would the gaming landscape be affected?

ShadowKnight2823d ago (Edited 2823d ago )

PC userbase is not strong worldwide and most don't have high end pcs if that was true it would have sold more than consoles. Btw I already got a Scorpio Im looking at my PC right now. I'm still surprised Microsoft is still in the gaming industry. Their next big game is Gears 4 and Halo 6. They're relying on the same games every two years . They will get exposed soon enough. Just a matter of time. Sucks when you don't have first party studios and that's my biggest problem with them .

Eonjay2823d ago (Edited 2823d ago )

The Pro is more powerful than my PC's GPU. And my GPU is fine.

Death, its competing because not everyone wants to or can afford to build a superrig and the Pro is more powerful than a lot of the PCs we own now.

darthv722823d ago

In looking back on Sony's E3 this year I can't help think that the games shown (spiderman, horizon, GoW, days gone) were all being shown using the P4P instead of a regular PS4. Think about it, that was just a few months ago and with the reveal of the P4P and the same games shown running in upscaled 4K and HDR seems to be rather easy of them to demonstrate at this stage of their development.

Although, we did not see GoW P4P footage but chances are it exists. Same with last guardian.

Death2823d ago


I don't think Microsoft is trying to take Playstation gamers with their PC initiative. They are combining existing Xbox gamers with PC gamers and there has always been overlap between the two from the start. Xbox exists because of DirectX and PC.

As for PSNow, it's not competition until it hits a non-Playstation platform. When you can play Playstation games without a console or on a PC, that does indeed impact console sales. How much depends on the quality of the service and quality of the games on it. Hardcore gamers won't be affected, but casual gamers that come later in the console lifecycle might be content streaming games over PSNow. It's not much different than Xbox games hitting PC. Console sales will be affected by this, but the potential for a larger install base is greater when you factor in PC gamers.

As for PC gamers opting for a cheaper PS4 Pro instead of a new PC, that is silly at best. If PC gamers were fans of Playstation games they would own a PS4 already. No one will buy a PS4 over a PC unless PS4 can play PC games. Last I seen the only one trying to get PC games onto their console is Microsoft. Scorpio has a much better chance at attracting these PC gamers than Sony since the Xbox already caters more to this demograph. Not to mention Scorpio will be much stronger and development for PC, Xbox One and Scorpio should all be the same if Windows 10 is the targeted platform. Devs won't have to code for multiple platforms like they will with PS4 and PS4Pro. I am sure there will be tools to make it easier, but it won't be as seamless as it will be for Microsoft's platforms. I believe that is where we will see the biggest differences.

Germany72823d ago

Microsoft is releasing games on pc because Xbox failed this generation, it's impressive how Xbox is probably the first console ever without exclusives, stop pretending that not having exclusives is a great thing, lol, you are embarassing yourself.

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 2823d ago
sammarshall1022823d ago (Edited 2823d ago )

They should've paid attention to Xbox because now they have inferior products IMO

The Scorpio has more power and 4K playback so does the X1 S

Best Network
Elite controller
Better games IMO

Overload2823d ago (Edited 2823d ago )

It's amazing it's all boiled down to watching TV and movies on your console again. How that go as a selling point last time? Lol.

They'll never learn.

Also equally amazing the answers involve premium items with a console that has trouble selling itself unless it's discounted or giving away something.

Again, they'll never learn.

Genuine-User2823d ago (Edited 2823d ago )

The irony is lost on you. Microsoft literally changed almost every aspect of the original Xbox One vision they showcased back in 2013. Do you remember how the power of the cloud was going to make your Xbox One 3x more powerful? lol

They mimicked Sony to a t. If anything, you should thank the dominant PlayStation brand and fans alike for knocking some sense into them.

The Xbox One S is weaker and larger than the OG PS4.

Free BC is a nice feature but it isn't a game changer

Best network? Is that why I couldn't access my feed or achievements the other day?

£110 for an Elite controller, no thank you. I can buy 2 DS4s, Uncharted 4 and still have some money left.

Better games is a matter of opinion. That said, PS4 has 3 exclusives above 90% on Metacritic, Xbox One has none.

Oh I forgot, Xbox doesn't have any exclusives at all... I'm messing with you :p

Angeljuice2823d ago

Nobody uses 4k Blu Ray though (check the sales figures). What is the point of strapping a dodo onto your console?

It only serves for bragging rights, nothing more. Only a tiny proportion of gamers have a 4k TV.

I won't lie, I would be happier if it were included, but at the same time I am fully aware that it isn't a feature I would be using any time soon (if ever).

Psygnosis3332823d ago

Scorpio is not even out yet

fonger082823d ago (Edited 2823d ago )

"no one uses of cares about 4K movie playback" lol

I mean... Am I the only one that knows how to google?

Early Ultra HD Blu-ray Sales Numbers Exceed Disc Predecessor


Artemidorus2823d ago

It's not April Fool's yet.

joeorc2823d ago

@sammarshall10256m ago(Edited 53m ago)
[They should've paid attention to Xbox because now they have inferior products IMO ]

And the Windows 10 PC has always had the power Advantage!

Microsoft's combining the Windows 10 PC with Xbox as a platform now .the identifying traits that were once exclude to only the Xbox as a platform are now shared directly with the Windows 10 Eco system..they are now one and the same platform.. Xbox has now been Absorbed into the Windows 10 Eco system..it's never has been or was ever about power in the game console market..it's about the Unique gaming experiences. Found only on Console's.

PC has and always will Trump Game consoles in Raw power..what's one more Media Center PC named Xbox with higher core raw performance power to compete against?

Again while many such as yourself are really only looking at this market as just another Extension to Microsoft's Windows OS Eco system, the game console market is or has not or most Likely will ever be changed into such reason has as history has shown for the past 38+ years to prove that to be the case.

ILostMyMind2823d ago

"Better games"...

Your opinion is important only to you. So, what is the point?

jmc88882823d ago (Edited 2823d ago )


The fact is they saved $5-10 for taking a feature away people have been using a Playstation for since the PS2.

So yeah Apples and Oranges. Especially considering Xbox One S that costs $299 has it.

People are indeed pissed off or curious making EVERY 'Ps4 Pro has no UHD' thread/article the biggest just about everywhere on the internet.

For me personally, Sony just said I need to spend an additional $399 for a UHD standalone player in addition to $399 for a PS4 Pro, and since I also have a PSVR on pre-order for $399... they just changed my purchase number from $800 to 1200.

If that's not a big deal or slap in the face to a good number of people, then that person isn't paying attention.

Now what's hilariously sad is that for my situation, they made it more attractive to ditch my PSVR order, forget about PS4 Pro, buy a XBox 1 S and Vive, and save $200. Why should I do that?

Well, it would save me money. After all if $5-10 will make Sony screw me over, surely $200 is worth it for one person in reverse? I'd still have my PS4 to play all exclusives, yet a Vive to take advantage of my GTX 1070. So it's a viable alternative.

I'm not saying I will, but they through their ignorance has created the situation where I am thinking about it. Good job Sony!

jmc88882823d ago (Edited 2823d ago )


Wrong. It's selling 4x faster than blu ray did at the same time.

Netflix streams at 1/8th the maximum bitrate possible of UHD Bluray

4ktvs have been as low as $249 for a 39 inch since summer of 2014. They are selling MUCH, MUCH faster than 1080p did, and their prices dropped far, far faster.

Also UHD Blu ray players didn't start at $999 because of new laser tech, they started at $399 because they are the same drive that has a firmware update that can read two additional layers.

So no, you simply have it wrong.

If you want proof, it's below.


Sitdown2823d ago

Your bias is showing. Microsoft didn't copy Sony to a T, they simply returned to gaming as we have known it since creation....a creation that predates Sony's entry.

And did you really just say the network couldn't be the best because you couldn't access your list when this has happened on the PlayStation several times.

Does a Lamborghini now suck because you can purchase 5 Hyundai Sonatas and still have money left over? So why does that silly logic work with regards to the elite controller?

I'm not saying the guy you responded to is right or wrong, but your logic is definitely off.

2600Thunder2823d ago (Edited 2823d ago )

Xbox keeps trying to be a low end PC because they want to nickel and dime everyone with a closed marketplace, create a publisher catering ad littered platform, and charge a monthly rental fee (being tested on W10 pro for my clients). Remember they started Xbox Live, an ability free for PC which they hate. It all trickles down if there is no resistance. That is their mistake. Sadly Sony had to follow to keep up with dirty MS crap.

I like some MS games, but hate MS and their anti-consumer/business practices. I also just want a simple GAMING console because I already have a high end PC and can play Xbox games on it - if they come to Steam or GOG. Our $600 4k player rarely gets used and if others want one let them buy their own. We don't need another one at my house because we stream nearly everything now. I do like the player for the WILL DIE WITHOUT movies but we watch those maybe once every three-four months? If that? Those important movies will be available for 4k stream soon anyways since it is taking off.

Markusb332823d ago

Yeah your right especially since they are still 20 million behind Sony. Scorpio Is next gen with bc they are starting again. Original xb was only 4 year life. Everyone has an opinion

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 2823d ago
DJustinUNCHAIND2823d ago

Why wait 3 months for a weak PS4 upgrade?

Build one now.

Overload2823d ago (Edited 2823d ago )

Because you can't play Uncharted, Bloodborne, Until Dawn, Ratchet, Horizon, God Of War and Spider-man on PC.

You require a PlayStation 4. Same can't be said for Gears 4, Forza or Halo.

XtreemGamer2823d ago

For 399? yeah right.. maybe pc equal for 600/700$. no thanks PS4 pro for me. I dont like to waste my money.

PlayableGamez-2823d ago

Waste money?
Lets see 60 dollars for plus
60 dollars per games you pay for...

Over time you are wasting money... So I don't see your point?

christocolus2823d ago (Edited 2823d ago )


Lol. Don't even bother with that guy. There's really no need to. You should read his comments on some other gaming sites. Lol.
the dude will say or do anything to downplay MS/Xbox. He is a piece of work. Lmao..

Anyways looking forward to Scorpio.. Can't wait to see the reveal. I hope Phil and the rest of the Xbox team deliver the goods.

Overload2823d ago (Edited 2823d ago )

Yes, don't bother with every factual thing I just said. Believe in Phil!!! He's active on Twitter!!!

Sparta072823d ago

Why wait a year and a half for a weak xbox upgrade?

Build one now.

Lsbb2823d ago

That did not work out the way you planned eh justy lol

2600Thunder2823d ago (Edited 2823d ago )

Play all, if you have the means. I own a PC and all the consoles. PS exclusives are killer and we can play Xbox games on PC with top settings.

Themba762822d ago

by that analogy why wait a year for a scorpio build one now

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2822d ago
DJustinUNCHAIND2823d ago

It was the PC.

As in, the OS market owned by Microsoft in the gaming world.


Overload2823d ago (Edited 2823d ago )

Because it's real competition. Nintendo is hit or miss, but has alienated 3rd parties and Microsoft has no idea what they are doing.

DARK_WOLF2823d ago

Overload u are full damage control today lmao ms are laying the smackdown and are more focused than ever bringing premium features and hardware.

Keep reaching tho lol

PlayableGamez-2823d ago

You can't beat PC... PC will always be better...

joeorc2823d ago

@PlayableGamez-29m ago
[But why compete against PC?]

Maybe because Even Microsoft's stating that the Xbox & Windows 10 OS are one and the same platform now?

I mean what is left out of what really made the Xbox as a platform Unique, that is not or will not be shared with PC..I mean Xbox Iive is now on PC.
It's shared what made Xbox as a unique platform ,now just an extension to the PC as a platform..many are now going Well Xbox Scorpio is now more powerful than the PS4Pro..just like Sony already knows that Microsoft's now combining PC with Xbox as it's Single unified Platform.

Power of Performance is and has always in Microsoft's favor.

Sony is making sure the one Area where Sony can show consumers to stick with the PlayStation Eco system and that is through their very own 1st party exclusive Game's.

It may not have convinced every gamer, but atleast they are making their exclusives for their own platforms an option for consumers to choose from.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2823d ago
BigGamersSmallTalk2823d ago

No real threat? You might want to check the Xbox 360 and see the huge chunk of market share and mind share it took from the PlayStation brand.
And you're knocking price drops? How many did the PS3 have again?
No real exclusives because you can play on Microsoft's other platform using Microsoft Windows? Yet PS Now was announced for PC and Sony themselves said they're looking into putting PS4 games on the service and you can already use the DS4 controller with it?

I'd say Sony was just stuck between a rock and a hard place. These consoles take years in development. Microsoft surprised Sony with the S and Scorpio. The S having a 4K Blu-ray player and the Scorpio over 6TF. Sony made this entire generation about power and now are playing "cool guy" pretending like they're not worried about Microsoft.

Doesn't take a genius to see how timid Sony was at that conference yesterday, that's not the confident Sony who took advantage of Microsoft shooting themselves in the foot. Microsoft is doing all the right things, and if you can't see past Sony's obvious fear of the situation, I pity you. Anyone can see they were caught with their pants down by Microsoft's E3.

Overload2823d ago

The Xbox 360 had a year head start in the HD era.

Also, Sony talked about the upgraded PlayStation a while back and the rumors of it being released this year surfaced before Scorpio was even announced.

Nitrowolf22823d ago

Like overload said the Xbox 360 had a year start and comparing the PS3 and Xbox 360 sales figures side by side if they were to launch the same days shows at the PS3 was and always was going quicker.

I don't recall Sony ever stated anything about PS4 games on PS now. I can see it happening but not during the PS4's life.

I agree I feel like Sony is too comfortable in the position there and right now. It is really showing

ThatGuyDart2823d ago

No its you who is not realizing crapgamer. Xbox as a brand is no longer a threat to PlayStation. That's how bad the PS4 beat them this gen and also that's why Microsoft is trying to piggyback off of Windows 10.

Why would Sony build a new console just to stomp on Xbox more when the original PS4 was doing that so well on its own? Its because Sony realizes that PC gaming in a very fast way is becoming more accessible and affordable. The price of the 1080 series Nvidia card proves that alone that PC gaming is now more affordable. The PS4 Pro is the thing that combats this but not through power but through accessibility. You couldn't in your wildest dreams build a PC as powerful as PS4 Pro for only $399. THATS the key thing here. Its to hold off the PC NOT compete with another Xbox

DARK_WOLF2823d ago (Edited 2823d ago )

Yes because a console gamer looks at both ps4 and xbox and thinks oh those xbox games arent real cos their on pc... Smh

And halo mcc and halo 5 arent on pc.

Also this is bs. Ps3 and 360 worldwide total sales last gen are neck and neck.

This gen sony are ahead worldwide by 20 mil give or take due to ms shooting themselves in the foot back in 2013 thanks to don mattrik

And guess what. Sony just shot themselves in the foot yesterday.

Its clear xbox has its mojo back now its new hardware has launched and it has a lot of peoples attention.

Keep downplaying that 4k BR driv thats missing from playstations tho. We all know its missing due to conflict of interest sony selling br players and tryna push streaming.

But wasnt ur argument that the world doesnt have fast enough internet for full online or cloud compute gaming?? But now everyone can stream 4k content huh? Lmao get real. People in the real world are annoyed theres no 4k br in pspro and they are right to be.

DARK_WOLF2823d ago

You turn your nose up at free stuff and good deals?

Man u sheep are on another level.

Less features and pay more with no free stuff is ur bag huh?

More to u then lmao

2823d ago
Elda2823d ago (Edited 2823d ago )


Mystogan2823d ago

Nope, what they're really saying is that they didn't expect Microsoft would be doing a similar strategy.
They expected PS4 Pro to catch Microsoft with their pants down. But it was the other way around. Microsoft was working on a similar strategy and has a more powerful console at that.

DeeBeers2823d ago

Playstation cant compete against Xbox anyways. Too much down time and single player tom foolery. Xbox brings the pain. doesnt matter who says what competes against whatever, at the end of the day best experience for gamers like me is unquestionably Xbox. Let these corporations talk themselves into and out of things.

georeo2823d ago

Wow, you could just build a Scorpio now. But, my real problem is not supporting Xbox is no true exclusive game's.

donthate2823d ago (Edited 2823d ago )

Yup, Sony is right back at it. At Sony HQ:

"Xbox isn't a competitor. We are leading now, so we left out UHD Blu-Ray drive! Our fans won't mind, because Sony is that good."

Sony is definitely leading, because if they were reacting, they would have included the upgraded UHD Blu-Ray drive for $15 more! Yup, Sony saved a whopping $15 on the exclusion of UHD BR.

aconnellan2823d ago (Edited 2823d ago )

So let me get this right.

PS4Pro's main competitor is the PC, not Scorpio, and when Scorpio releases the Pro will be the weakest of the three.

But everyone keeps saying there's no point to Scorpio because if you want power you can just build a PC instead.

So if there's no point to Scorpio, what's the point of the Pro's power? Why should I buy the weakest of them?

iceman062823d ago

The basic point is that you can build a pc and STILL have access to whatever Xbox games become available (which seems to be at least the high profile titles). However, in order to play new Playstation titles you at least have to buy a PS4. All the consoles have a place. But, MS seems to be lessening the need to buy into the hardware side of the Xbox ecosystem.

NXSwitch2822d ago

MS is not the only one giving away prizes ect. When Sony first entered te gaming industry they threw parties for 3rd parties, bonus checks, free Sony equipment from their movie set, discounts to their Sony products ect to gain exclusive back then. So Sony is more guilty then MS. Game informer mag was known best to show & share those experiences.

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 2822d ago
-Foxtrot2823d ago

Don't mind Little Finger, he's just playing the Game of Consoles

When you play the game of consoles you either win or die

DragonDDark2823d ago

Lmao he does remind me of little finger a little haha

Valkron12823d ago

PS4 Pro obviously isn't a reaction to the xbox1s. If it was it would have a freak'n 4K BluRay drive!

Lsbb2823d ago

Something that no one will ever use.

jmc88882823d ago (Edited 2823d ago )

Ignorance does not mean you are right. Selling 4x faster than blu ray did.

Also enjoy those 4k streams with bit rate lower than a 1080p blu ray.

Because 4k streams on Netflix top out at 18mbps, but the UHD blu ray spec is 108mbps. Yeah, nothing to 'not see' there.

Also get ready for more network congestion, more buffering issues, and data caps to be breached (and the resulting penalties; throttling (leading to more issues), and overage $$$ penalties. Or you could be in an area where streaming low quality 4k streams isn't even possible.

In fact here read this and enlighten yourself.


People that up vote your comment are as ignorant as you.

aconnellan2823d ago

I'd use it more than streaming 4K, but my internet's probably not as good as yours

2823d ago
XXanderXX2823d ago

They why say anything then if not reactive .

Genuine-User2823d ago (Edited 2823d ago )

Have you heard of this thing called an interview?

It's where questions are asked, and some are answered.

XXanderXX2823d ago

Say I have heard of them and he didn't have to answer that question , he could have danced around the subject .
Him saying something admits it was Reactive .

343_Guilty_Spark2823d ago (Edited 2823d ago )

He can say that but don't tell me Sony doesn't see Xbox Play Anywhere and Windows 10 as a threat.

Microsoft is essentially saying gamers play where they want to: One, One S, Scorpio or Windows 10 PC.

Your games, specifically Microsoft's, all work on every Capable Windows 10 device. Nothing stops 3rd parties from enabling Play Anywhere games.

On the VR front they are letting the market decide what it likes and it appears the Scorpio will employ a BYOD approach.

Sony on the other hand is saying only game on PS4 consoles. Only play VR on PS. Buy our iterative hardware. No we don't have real Backwards compatibility but you can pay a ridiculous price for PSNow.

Nyxus2823d ago

Well yeah, he was talking about the PC being a threat.

PlayableGamez-2823d ago

PC is better than consoles....
And that is an objective fact...

Overload2823d ago

Yep. Just look at Arkham Knight....

PlayableGamez-2823d ago

So you are going to blame a platform for having a shitty port? A lot of you console dudes are so obsessed with Arkham Knight... That is your only fallout point... 1 game out of the hundreds of games that release PC every week..
And even so, Arkham Knight still is a better version than the console version. Fact..

kraenk122823d ago

No it isn't. PS has the better exclusives. PC and PS4 (Pro) is the best combination if you're a real gamer.

TheManicCoder2823d ago


No sir, "Real Gamers" are those that actually have a passion for gaming and enjoy the games on multiple platforms. I have all of this gen's hardware + a PC (including Nintendo Wii U and handhelds). Those who win at the end of the day are those who truly love gaming, not those who are biased on towards one platform. They also don't get involved in petty arguments in "console wars".

joeorc2823d ago (Edited 2823d ago )

@PlayableGamez-1h ago
[PC is better than consoles....
And that is an objective fact...]

And so what if they are? The PC market & game console market were supposed to be separate markets..but we know exactly what Microsoft has been trying to do..but that should be expected, if any company is in that position, I doubt very much they would not try such themselves.

But as it has to be stated over and over again it seems , the game console market is not the PC market , or is it being an extension of the PC market also..no matter how hard a company or the gamer media or the Analysts of the Western media try as they might to make it seem that way.

After the past 38+ years have proven time and time again , many consumers want to have more than one companies Eco system from doing the same to the games console market that has already been done to the PC market.

PlayableGamez-2823d ago (Edited 2823d ago )


PlayableGamez-2823d ago

@kraenk12 "PS has better exclusives"
That is a subjective viewpoint....

PC has more exclusives than the PS...
That is an objective view point...

"PC and PS4 (Pro) is the best combination if you're a real gamer."
Stop with this corporate slave talk... You are trying to guilt gamers into a buying a platform by questioning their loyalty to gaming...
If you don't own a PS4 and PC you're not a "REAL" gamer... Well by you pitching that line you are pretty much a "REAL" corporate slave...

Lets get something straight you don't need both platforms to play games... you can go all day about exclusives exclusives exclusives... But you don't need to play those exclusives to be considered a "REAL" gamer

Aura75412823d ago


Real gamers are also practical. Why waste money on a redundancy? Considering that I can play Forza Horizon 3, Gears 4, and Scalebound on PC when they come out, do I really need an Xbox One or a Scorpio? I also have the advantage of not needing to pay $60/year for Xbox Live. I can use mods on multiplat games whereas I can't on the Xbox One or Scorpio. I can use Remote Play and PS Now on my PC whereas I cannot on either the Xbox One or Scorpio. In contrast, I need a PS4 or Pro to play Uncharted 4, Until Dawn, Bloodborne, Ratchet & Clank, and so forth.

So you can drop the "real gamers are the ones who truly loves gaming" virtue signalling. Yes, real gamers play games on multiple platforms, provided that it is practical and cost efficient, not for the sake of amassing as many platforms as possible.

2823d ago
Germany72823d ago (Edited 2823d ago )

IOS has even more exclusives, i guess it's the best platform according to your stupid logic. If your platform is so great, stop making dumb petitions asking for console exclusives.

iceman062823d ago

That depends on the individual PC...and thus renders it a subjective opinion. If you are talking about games in general...still an opinion. If you are talking about availability and access to games...now you start to have a point.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2823d ago
ShadowKnight2823d ago (Edited 2823d ago )

"House said it would not be possible to add support for UHD discs in a later firmware update, but argued that such support was unnecessary." 4K Blu-ray player support will be here when it's ready

It hurts don't it 343 and Rookie 😂😅😅

aconnellan2823d ago

I guess you're right, having a choice is unnecessary!

I'm so glad we have Sony to decide what we do and don't want, like forcing us to stream everything, or that EA Access is a bad deal. Bullet dodged!

Bzone242823d ago

Sony loves making the choice for you.

Markusb332822d ago

I love that movies in a games console is a monumental issue. Anything that a console can do on top of play games is an added feature to me. I don't buy blu rays so it doesn't affect me. I play games and stream. This will not affect my console purchases now or in the future. If it's a problem for other people they have choices and options, please don't assume this effects millions of people I'm a negative way. Why are xbox fans so concerned with playstation gamers watching films ?

Markusb332822d ago

What I find incredibly interesting is xbox fans can't wait to comment on Sony stories. Why would you care ? You made your choice enjoy it. I don't look for zb articles to go and comment on since I don't own that console so the news good or bad is irrelevant to me. Some insecure gamers around here. For me it's studios and devs and Sony have the best line up in my view for my entertainment needs. 40 million sold is great just means more games are coming.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2822d ago
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Sony shares big new PS Plus stat, but not the one we want to see

PlayStation Plus has improved the split of PS4 and PS5 players on its priciest tiers, but Sony continues to hide total subscriber numbers.

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mandf1d 15h ago

lol acting like it’s equivalent to ms numbers

Mr Logic1d 15h ago

Uh...They're definitely not equivalent.

"Microsoft’s Xbox Game Pass service now has 34 million subscribers."

"the total number of PS Plus subscribers across all tiers was 47.4 million"

darthv721d 15h ago (Edited 1d 14h ago )

That PSN number seems like it should be much higher... especially when you consider that PS4 alone has a sell through of over 117m. To not even be at least half that is rather interesting.

To the XB side, having 34m to an install base of roughly 50m (XBO sell through) or even 85m (360 sell through) is a greater percentage of unit to member ratio than PSN.

bloop1d 11h ago

That's not the "gotcha" you think it is Darth.

darthv721d 10h ago

^^it's not supposed to be bloop.... it's just an interesting observation.

Einhander19721d 9h ago


"That PSN number seems like it should be much higher... especially when you consider that PS4 alone has a sell through of over 117m. To not even be at least half that is rather interesting.

To the XB side, having 34m to an install base of roughly 50m (XBO sell through) or even 85m (360 sell through) is a greater percentage of unit to member ratio than PSN."

Have you ever heard of a PC before? I hear they are pretty popular.

fr0sty1d 3h ago

MS started lumping gold subscribers in with those GP numbers... keep in mind.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1d 3h ago
shinoff21831d 14h ago (Edited 1d 14h ago )

What. Definitely more os plus subscribers but that makes sense due to actual console sales

Darth the difference between the bases are huge your right but you gotta think. Ps players buy more games, where as the Xbox base relies on gamepass for their gaming. So it makes perfect sense

darthv721d 13h ago (Edited 1d 13h ago )

What makes perfect sense though? You say PS players buy more games... so then logically there should be more PS+ subscribers given the increased number of online multiplayer games in the PS4 generation alone. The PS4 was the first time that + was required for online play much like Gold was for 360 users.

Keep in mind we are talking subscribers, not simply XB/PS users. I assume you meant to say offline single player games, which is most likely true as well. That gen also saw a significant increase in games with an online component comparted to the previous gen.

victorMaje1d 13h ago

I for one will be going back to essential at the next renewal. When I feel a game is good & right up my alley, I’ll check trusted reviews & just buy it.

jznrpg1d 12h ago (Edited 1d 12h ago )

I have the top tier until 2028 as they gave me a massive discount for all the years I had left but I’ll most likely go to essential as well. I buy my games but my kids do use the service occasionally. They do prefer to own their games as well since any game can leave the rental service at some point and they don’t like that idea. They mostly use it to demo games then ask me to buy games if they really like it.

RedDevils1d 7h ago

For me, I will cancel it all together but unfortunately I still have it till 2030 lol

meganick1d 11h ago

I would like to see Sony add a fourth tier of PS Plus for people who just want to be able to play games online without any of the perks like monthly games, store discounts, or anything like that, and it should cost $20 annually, $30 maximum. There’s no way I’m paying $80 just to play games online. Even the original $60 fee was too much, and I would often wait for sales to re-up my subscription.

P_Bomb1d 7h ago (Edited 1d 7h ago )

Essential is too expensive, I agree. We’ve got one Essential and one Premium sub. Dropping the Premium when it expires.

gamerz1d 4h ago

Just let my subscription lapse for the first time since 2010. Will sub again every now and then for a month or so to access my old ps+ games but for me it's the end of an era.

DivineHand1251d 3h ago

Let those numbers continue to drop because it is now too expensive. $80 per year just to play online. I noticed they didn't offer any discounts on the subscription or controllers during this year's days of play for the first time in many years and they will feel it when people choose not to renew.

My subscription will lapse next month and it will stay that way until further notice.

KevtheDuff1d ago

There were savings on subs and controllers here in the UK? I bought a controller yesterday in the sale..
It would be weird if those deals were not in other territories too?


Silent Hill Transmission Livestream

Konami has announced that a Silent Hill Transmission will take place on Thursday, May 30, at 4pm PT/7pm ET that will reveal game updates, a "deeper look at the film," and new merch. Join us at IGN to find out what's next for this beloved franchise.

RaidenBlack2d ago

Hope SH2 gets more polish before release.

P_Bomb2d ago

I’m not paying $94 CAD for what they’ve shown me. Looks rough as sin.

Fishy Fingers2d ago

Ive seen better lip syncing during a Punch and Judy show

Sonic18812d ago (Edited 2d ago )

This looks terrible. Capcom should have done the remake 😂 The animations and gameplay looks stiff.

-Foxtrot2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Okay. I was saying before in another article how SH2 looked better than the last trailer, which is true but damn this looks rough as hell.

I wanted RE4 / Dead Space remake quality

Sonic18812d ago (Edited 2d ago )

I wouldn't buy it for $70 dollars. Maybe when it's on sale.

-Foxtrot2d ago

Yeah full price, deluxe editions, Konami are f***** tripping here.

CrimsonWing692d ago

The characters look terrible to me… like it’s distracting.

repsahj2d ago

I will give this game a chance!!! let's go!


Cheat Provider To Pay Call Of Duty Creator Activision Nearly $15M In Damages

Cheat software provider EngineOwning will pay Call of Duty creator Activision nearly $15 million in damages and legal fees.

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Jin_Sakai2d ago

Cheat providers for competitive games should be illegal.

Rynxie2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

This is what developers and manufacturers should do. I know going after cheat devices/makers is a cat and mouse game, and cost money. However, they can get that money back by sueing these manufacturers of cheat devices. Take a page from Nintendo's playbook.