
T3 Opinion : Did Xbox Scorpio just take PlayStation Neo back to the drawing board?

The new generation of Xbox seems to have Sony on the back foot for the first time since the days of the 360

Zediz2912d ago (Edited 2911d ago )

Not only that the Scorpion helped muffle the conference from Sony at E3, the topic of the moment is the bestial console that can do much the front of PS was with the 360, but with the difference that the MS this smarter and gaining more with the unification Xbox / Windows which allows more exclusives to this ecosystem to remain solid for many generations. Nice move!

and even if the sony change will not come out this year and will be even lower than Scorpio, as eurogamer in his analysis Sony would spend more money because she had already made the Devkit.

dirkdady2911d ago (Edited 2911d ago )

Not at all, if anything I think it put ms in a weaker position.

Ms showed their hand, Sony can release neo end of year to go head to head with Xbox S and get gear up for a rival console to match or exceed Scorpio into 2017 or 2018 as they asses the situation.

Neo > Xbox S 2016
PS5? > Scorpio 2018/2017

freshslicepizza2911d ago

ps5 wont be out until 2019, sony will not release the ps4 neo and only have it out for 2 years and then hit consumers with the ps5. project scorpio has the sony dedicted scrambling at the moment trying to convince everyone they are now pc gamers in order to make it seem irrelvant. the irony is the ps4 neo is designed to keep playstation fans from going to the pc.

Livecustoms2911d ago

No way Ps5 comes out 2017/2018 lol especially if Playstation releases Neo this year lol that 2 years or less between two hardware releases lol.

dirkdady2911d ago

You say that like its some sort of impossible feat yet MS is doing exactly that within a years timeframe.

we don't know that sonys cooking up. Pretty sure next gen playstation is in the works.

How and when they decide to push it to market will probably be dependent on how much steam or lack-thereof is for Scorpio.

The bottom like is it gives Sony a way to gauge the market without showing their full hand.

ONESHOTV22911d ago

but what will they do about psvr ? you know the normal ps4 can't handle vr. sony has two choice release it this year or lose money on VR

Eonjay2911d ago (Edited 2911d ago )

A 4.2 TFlops console is still more powerful than any other console available today and Sony did win the games so I think the comments are nonsense. And for the topic question... no, it is launching this year. Microsoft better hope that Sony doesn't go back to the drawing board.

dirkdady2911d ago

Oneshot did u miss sonys press conf? All those vr games were demo able on the E3 floor using VR and current PS4 model. batman VR and resident evil 7 getting tons of praise with some lising them as game of the show if u watch IGNs reel video.

darthv722911d ago

"Did Xbox Scorpio just take PlayStation Neo back to the drawing board?" As far as the Neo is concerned... more than likely not. If we are talking the PS5 then I'd say most definitely. I can also say that it is very likely there will be something better than Scorpio to come from MS later on as well.

How much time will pass between releases remains to be seen though.

Vames2911d ago (Edited 2911d ago )

Are you crazy? Sony cannot release Neo in 2016 then release another powerful console a year or 2 after. Do you think money grow on trees?

Goldby2911d ago


its completely possible for sony to release ps5 a year or two after neom, afterall neo is comparable to the Xbox one S and is a mid gen upgrade. Scorpio in next gen just liek ps5 will be when its announced

Vames2911d ago

Microsoft is releasing a new console 4-years after the release of the Xbox One. Stop talking like a mad man lol A console a year or 2 after the release of the previous console would kill Sony, and developers would riot. Stop talking nonsense.

Sweendog0072911d ago

Ps5 and Xbox 2 are not what neo and Scorpio are , they are just brands to exsisting brands. The consel generation has changed.

Playsation - under that brand will be , ps4 , ps4 neo/4K ( rumoured to announced ps4 s, ). And psvr

Xbox - under that brand will be Xbox one/s , the next Xbox , and Windows 10 store.

I think people need to accept that the fact that we are no longer going to wait 6/7 years for a whole new console with new games. There is a lot of un tapped power in both Xbox one and PlayStation 4 at the moment , the Consles have not even hit 3 years old yet. It's just tlre Branding their systems to bigger markets , Xbox one s is aimed at 4K content users , and help stable games at 60 frames per second , ps4 neo is the same and may actaully have more high end graphics. Project Scorpio is a machine aimed at all users who want VR , 3D , 4K , games in 4K.

It's all about choice in one brand , I wouldn't be suprised if PlayStation neo is changed in some way to compete more on the Xbox one s side and Aimed at 4K users in content. With playsation brining out a high end ps4 next year too.

It's not going to be PlayStation 5 or Xbox 2 ... It's just going to a new console under the PlayStation family and Xbox family. Both ms and Sony had no choice to announce their ideas anyway because for the past 4 months that's all we have heard about from media , they are working on high end machines , forget what way they both announced it. If they didn't say anything before e3 or during e3 the media would have banged on about the lack of clarification on neo and project Scorpio

Even when they announced it , they are still beating this drum about lack of clarity, even this article is question what's Sony move now ? , they both have ideas so let's see it and stop adding things that don't exist or making false claims that Sony may go back to the drawing board. If Sony done what ms done they would say the same thing.

The plans are set , the wheels are being turned, plans may change but it's not down to who said it first its down to does it make sense for the company

freshslicepizza2911d ago

"You say that like its some sort of impossible feat yet MS is doing exactly that within a years timeframe."

and sony is doing it in even less time with the ps4 neo. that isn't what i am talking about, i was referring to a whole new generation. you guys seems to have reading issues, project scorpio is not a new generation xbox, it is within the xbox one family. it will not have exclusive xbox scorpio games. the ps5 is a new generation. the ps4 neo is much like project scorpio, both designed to boost current hardware within the same generation.

"we don't know that sonys cooking up. Pretty sure next gen playstation is in the works."

of course it is.

"How and when they decide to push it to market will probably be dependent on how much steam or lack-thereof is for Scorpio."

maybe as far as power but again scorpio is not the xbox two.

"The bottom like is it gives Sony a way to gauge the market without showing their full hand."

the same can be said for microsoft, they can wait a year until after the ps5 comes out and release the next generation xbox.

Pongwater2911d ago

MS gives up on another generation, but somehow Sony is "on the back foot". Amazing logic. MS has ensured that many PC gamers won't buy an XB again, and XB console gamers can look forward to playing online against people using mouse and keyboard with higher spec PCs. Have fun with that.

2911d ago
2911d ago
GTgamer2911d ago

We both know the xbox S will definitely not be competition to the PS4 but the Scorpio and Neo idk

jrshankill2911d ago (Edited 2911d ago )


The problem with your post is its pure speculation, and another attempt to downplay MS' scorpio announcement.

What we know is MS have announced the most powerful console known, and Sony decided not to announce their new hardware at the biggest electronics show of the year. This is all you need to know.

You can certainly deposit the salt using the dislike button below.

OB1Biker2911d ago (Edited 2911d ago )

I don't get how so many think Scorpio 'plan' to release in a year and a half somehow disturbs Neo. If Neo is out this year then Scorpio will of course have better spec a year after. So what. Does that mean neo has no competition for a whole year? Doesn't sound too good for Ms either in the middle of a generation.
I actually hope the companies don't try the 'leap frog' some think they are onto.
Cool beans if Scorpio is 'beast' in a year and a half. I think what's important is the different approach the companies claim to have now (which can change fairly quickly as we saw). Ms going for a 'game beyond generation' forward compatible console and PS remaining with a more traditional console cycle meaning a PS5 with true exclusives using the potential for that console generation in 19/20 maybe

mEATgrinder2911d ago

You think you know better than the marketing execs don't you? No one has spoke of PS5, so why include it?

JackBNimble2911d ago

MS says that Scorpio is an upgrade for this gen and it wont have any exclusives. They also say " no one gets left behind" so really it's all going to be about 4k resolution , and unless MS have so trick up their sleave ,it will be 4k upscaling .
I think holding scorpio back in this generation is not going to do the console any favors . 6tflops could be huge if scorpio didn't have to worry about xbox one and this gens games . I think scorpio potential is huge , but what MS wants to do with console seems like such a waist , scorpio would be better off being push into next gen.

dirkdady2911d ago

Come on we all know at some point In the future Ms is going to flip the switch and it's all Scorpio only titles taking full advantage of the 6 teralflops! And 12 GDDR5 memory.

Gazondaily2911d ago

Scorpio could well have forced Sony's hand and make them go back to the drawing board. Neo's rumored specs are completely outclassed by the Scorpio and the former looks like it will be a limp wristed attempt at 4K versus another which stands a much better chance of achieving 4K gaming.

objdadon2911d ago


The neo has nothing to do with the ps5 which will be a next gen console. The neo is just an upgraded ps4, optional upgrade.

theRedDragon2911d ago (Edited 2911d ago )

objdadon - So will be the Scorpio. It works the same way as Neo as it will play all existing Xbox One titles and future titles. There will be no exclusive for it and developers can choose how they want to maximize it's 6Tflop power.

By the time GTA6 comes out, the xbox one version will be the best third party console port due to the Scorpio.

2911d ago
Sevir2911d ago

That's crap! And bs! They'll do what they've been doing, release games, show of and announce the New formally and then double down on the message of gaming and show off games for the machine and continue to rake in new consumers to the PS Brand...

They've already proven that the way to the top is to focus your laser on the gamers that established you. So the High End PS4 Neo is not an answer to MS it's more commitment to the gamer...

Xb owners going nuts over the specs of Scorpio proves how they were desperate to have the xb brand end the narrative as the weakest Next gem console... the reality is it doesn't change the fact that it is.

Sony isn't going to delay the Neo just to Come out swinging against 6 teraflops..

There is headway to over clock and add cooling to address heat issues on both the CPU and GPU to get performance boosts. Much the same way MS up clocked the CPU and GPU to bump it's performance from 1.2 to 1.38tflops for retail XBO...

If Sony feels the need to compete, they'll do it that way and mitigate power differences and disparities that way. Eurogamer's breakdown outlines that Sony can theoretically boost the 4.41 teraflops to some where in the ballpark of 5.15peak.. the issue they'd have to deal with is The GDDR5 memory bandwidth.

And to me, I think they are fine with what they have, they have already won the milkshake of consumers and gamers and delivered some really amazing games, they can release a weaker than Scorpio console and still be the front runner

subtenko2911d ago

Look at the ridiculous comments up in here. Keep PS fans from switching to PC? lol Playstation fans are fans because of playstation exclusives and what sony offers.... common sense

ONESHOTV22911d ago

dirkdady-- no i didnt miss it i enjoyed it more than some conferences like bethesda UBI and that sh-t show EA had on lol at least BF1 looks good but i rate both MS and sony very high if i were to give a score.

ShowanW2911d ago

@dirkdady because R&D Budget $$$ grows on trees...

Sony is on an amazing road to financial recovery, they do NOT want to get into a spending war with a company that can buy them out with the change under the couch cushions...

PS4.. Making money
PSVR .. have yet to hit the market...
PS-Neo has yet to hit the market...

Let's see how the market receives Neo and PSVR before jumping to PS5...

The gaming industry isn't a cheap business to be in.

miyamoto2911d ago

Ain't that the truth...

conanlifts2911d ago (Edited 2911d ago )

Sony will not release a rival console 2 years after a premium console like neo. If they do them it shows they do not care about their customers. Unless the neo works with any ps5 Games then that would be a despicable move.

@ golby neo is not comparable to the xbox s. The xbox s is just a smaller xbox with uhd drive. The neo is a supercharged ps4. Also anyone buying an xbox s knows scorpio is being released. They also know their games will work in future consoles.

2911d ago
BattleAxe2911d ago (Edited 2911d ago )

@ dirkdaddy

If you think that PlayStation fans are going to accept three completely different PlayStation hardware revisions within 6 years, you're crazy. Xbox One S is a slightly tweaked model, which essentially uses the same hardware with a few simple upgrades, while the PS4 Neo is a serious upgrade to the PS4.

If Sony releases PS4 Neo this year, it will compete head to head with Xbox One S, which is a perfect scenario for Microsoft, since they can now market the Xbox One S as a 4K video player and a device that will upscale games to 4K, just like the PS4 Neo will. In terms of marketing, Xbox One S will compete head to head with PS4 Neo, but it is still using essentially the same hardware, and it's a cheaper console to produce. This almost totally nullifies any effect that the Neo might have had in terms of hype due to the power increase.

A year after Neo releases, Xbox Scorpio comes out, making PS4 Neo look like old news. If Sony releases the PS5 a year after Xbox Scorpio, there are going to be some pissed off people, who thought they were purchasing the latest and greatest, especially since the PS4 Neo is a 4 Tflop console. Releasing yet another upgraded console within a 6 year period, will slow momentum in a huge way for Sony.

Meanwhile, Scorpio is releasing 4 years after the launch of Xbox One, which is far more palatable, and lines up with the 4 year release time period with the original Xbox to the Xbox 360. By announcing Scorpio at E3, they are probably going to be sending out dev kits within the next month or so, if they haven't already.

I don't believe that 3rd party developers are going to try to max out PS4 Neo, at least not until Scorpio releases, where they will be making games to run natively in 4K, and then they will have to lower the settings for PS4 Neo, but because the games will require a lot of processing power by that point, the PS4 Neo will be working those 4 Tflops of power overtime just to keep up, but the games will probably be noticeably downgraded because of the power difference.

Under this scenario that Microsoft has created, the Xbox Scorpio will have had 2 years of being in the hands of developers before the PS5 even hits the store shelves. By this point, Xbox Scorpio will become the default console for developers, similar to the Xbox 360. This is the scenario that is unfolding before our very eyes. It's a big chess game, and Microsoft played the game perfectly at E3 with their hardware release timing for both Xbox One S and Xbox Scorpio. By the time Scorpio releases, it will be plainly clear to everyone, even people with their Sony blinders on, who are way behind the curve at present.

There's literally nothing Sony can do in terms of hardware release timing that will put them ahead in any way, or make themselves look good. If they release a year after Scorpio, people will not upgrade, because they've possibly already upgraded to a PS4 Neo within the last couple of years. If they release PS5 a couple of years after Scorpio, they then risk becoming a mid-cycle console. And finally, if they wait too long to release the PS5 in order to release at around the same time as the Xbox console release after Scorpio, then they will lose massive momentum, because the Neo will have been lagging behind Scorpio for 3 or 4 years, at which point, everyone will agree that the definitive console experience will be on Xbox Scorpio.

morganfell2911d ago (Edited 2911d ago )

No. The Neo was always planned for release in the fall and Sony would have been stupid to have announced it at E3 and rob themselves of 4 months of sales from the leading console - The PS4. At least one hardware company knows to not send mixed messages. And to Sony, the Neo is just another PS4 SKU.

Microsoft has never heard of the game Go. Sony has someone in charge now that plays it very well. Sony leaked info that the PS4 would launch with 4GB of DDR3. So many people bought into that including MS. Then the reveal caught everyone with their pants down including MS. That was the first move in the game of feints.

Sony has been ruling console sales. MS has their backs to the wall with investors calling for the Xbox division to be sold. They get desperate. Every ploy keeps failing - situations such as Tomb Raider become disasters with bad PR and no sales payoff. Sony keeps making remarks about power. Articles discuss it. MS buys into it. And that was the trap. Believing that console wars are ever about power and they are not, but Microsoft bought that story hook, line, and sinker.

MS were very concerned about their position. They heard Sony wan't announcing Neo at E3 and must have surmised, "This is our chance! Our Scorpio announcement at E3 will blow everyone away!" And the trap was sprung. How did that work out for them? They announced a very expensive console over a year away, sending convoluted messages to everyone. As soon as the MS conference ended Geoff and the staff at Youtube were asking what just happened? Why would you do that? And also, why would I buy an Xbox now?

The console war isn't about power. Haunting game forums, we all think it is relative but we are a very very small part of the gaming population. Most of the public only care about titles and message. Sony has VR in their pocket, the solution that everyone is hailing as the best employment of VR. They have a very commanding lead that is only expanding. They will have an extremely large large headstart before Scorpio ever launches with over 70 million PS4s on the street and an unequaled library of unique titles. The IPs from E3 that everyone wants. Did those Sony titles look like they needed massive graphical upgrades? No. TLG will launch this year along side Neo. Horizon Zero Dawn is coming early 2017. God of War dropped jaws at E3. These are just some of the games that drive sales and you can only play them on PS4. True exclusives. And Redmond just made the need to buy an Xbox irrelevant. A move that may seem good for the gamers but again, people looking hard at the industry know this is a sign that MS was between a rock and a hard place and needed a sales solution. In fact this move will actually cause more people interested in a console to buy a PS4. Why buy an Xbox when they can have their PC cake and eat it too? I need a reason to buy a console - games that I can only play on that console.

The Neo is just another PS4 SKU with the same basic architecture, so yes Sony has the option of announcing a PS5 next fall and no doubt PSVR 2.0 is on the drawing board somewhere. They have placed MS permanently behind the 8 ball in a perpetual catch up position. Redmond knows Sony has the upper hand and they realize E3 did not pay off. The only people at the drawing board are Phil Spencer and the Xbox team attempting to figure out how Sony did it.

LastcenuryRob2911d ago

There will be no PS 5 in 2019. Sony's share holders are not happy with the Neo already... They won't allow another system less then three years after the Neo is released. Just won't happen! As far as MS showing their hand, they sure did and it is a straight flush! Only one hand that can beat a straight flush and Sony isn't holding it. Sony didn't just show their hand, they pretty much went all in with it. As far as I'm concerned it is still a good hand. The Neo is looking pretty good...It just won't be as good a hand as what Ms has. You need to be realistic. For the next gen or next half gen Sony won't have the most powerful console.

Satou2911d ago

I hope it takes Sony back to the drawing board- hopefully they can add that CPU upgrade that was rumored and increase power to 4.6-5 TFLOPS.

I just don't like the idea of the console being 2x as powerful, that means most of the time they'll just be doubling FPS to 60. I want better graphics first and foremost.

dreadz742911d ago

lmao Ps5 wont be b4 2019. Neo is not meant to compete with Xb1 s . You guys keep saying this nonsense to make u feel better about Ps4 neo. Fact is Ps4 neo comes out this year and will be 2 tflops weaker than scorpio .. If neo was 6 tflops and Scorpio 4.1 you guys would be singing a different song. Lol the fact that PS users think they can scratch the Neo after all the money spent and devs kits sent out. This Console has begun production already and soon will ramp up sorry this time Ps got out specd. You win some you lose some always be humble or it can like in this case bite you in the ass.#DatScorpioSting

+ Show (36) more repliesLast reply 2911d ago
Mr-Dude2911d ago

This generation, Sony has showed real good timing and marketing. They know exactly what they are doing. They know what the consumer want's and they do their best to archieve that. The NEO will be good priced, but I don't expect uber specs that rise above the scorpio. If they archieve 1080p 60fps native, they are set till the PS5.

What Sony has, is a good collection of studio's, and in the end that's what counts. The games..

InTheZoneAC2911d ago Show
Docknoss2911d ago

MS has allot of studio's working on new titles.

Unspoken2911d ago (Edited 2911d ago )

First it was about more power, now it's about the games. While I don't disagree with that statement, as MS now has more new IPs than it has ever had before, keep moving those goal posts.

joeorc2911d ago

Exactly, Sony already know Microsoft. Will have the power advantage, being worried about it because Microsoft. Had always the Power Advantage.

I mean Even Microsoft considers the windows 10 now as part of the Xbox 🎮 platform.

Sony if people have not been paying attention ⚠, Has made sure its Playstation Eco system is Expanded further..but in Sony's case they are not trying to replace the Playstation console into something. Other than a Playstation console 1st.

The fact is Sony's
PS3, PS4, The New PS4Neo all have Playstation Vue functionality.

That give the PlayStations' systems useful functions outside of when a new series console comes out, that tries to shift you to upgrade faster than more for when you as a consumer is ready to do so.

Look at it this way Microsoft has marketing. Now:

Now is a great time to upgrade, to the Xbox one S, while at the same time Microsoft's. Already stated ..were phasing out the original Xbox one.

Sony on the other hand
Is Marketing , that the PS4Neo will be sold along side the Current PS4.Key point is 👉 [Throughout ]👈 the Life cycle of the generation.

That's in stark contrast is Microsoft is putting out the Xbox one S, the Original Xbox one system is being phased out.

Microsoft already has cut production. On the xbox360, while again Sony still has the PS3 in production and as a matter of fact also made the PS3 with Playstation Vue certified device along with DVR functionality inside Playstation Vue.

That is I think why some think its about Power, but its not. Playstation sell because Sony builds its Playstation Eco system with its purpose, as Does Microsoft. With theirs.

On a world wide market Level Sony Has done a better in the game console market world wide than Microsoft. Has.

2911d ago
DragonPaw2911d ago

Microsoft is trying too hard to gain ground. Few are ready for this gen to be over, but either Scorpio either is going to be under utilized or there will be games that run horribly on other consoles.

Sony hit a nice middle ground with the Neo. It is basically the PS4 we all wanted in the first place and little more. Some people always buy console revisions that have significant revisions (happy to not have 360 fat fan noise). This gen, Sony's rumored revisions are just much better.

Scorpio is a premature next gen. Unless they take a huge loss on hardware, I see it succeeding as well as a Steambox.

Sunny_D2911d ago

Wait all these troops but no one cares?!!

trooper_2911d ago

Sony doesn't need to release Neo asap if the original is selling so well. I don't understand why people don't get this.

SCW19822911d ago

@ Dock

It's true but the problem is most of them can't match the quality of Sony's world wide studios. And to be honest this Halo, Forza,Gears combo that's rinse and repeat yearly since last generation is really starting to get stale.

Nathan_Hale532911d ago

I can look at posts from a few years ago and still see people caring as much if not more about the games. The power is simply a bonus and a decision for people who want prettier/better performing multiplat games. And for years Sony also had more and more varied IP's. Now Xbox this year is getting a bunch of unique IP's, but so is Sony although a majority will be coming next year.

PistolsAtDawn2911d ago

Sony DOES have SOME great studios, but most sony exclusives this gen have actually been flops (or atleast nowhere near the hype), so relying on those studios only goes so far. Sony isn't bad at marketing by any means, but most of their success this gen actually had NOTHING to do with what they did, they were just fortunate that MS shot themselves in the foot in 2013.

IceKoldKilla2911d ago

Amen brother. All these specs yet no one speaks about the games. It could be super powerful and yet suck with exclusives or even multiplatform ports.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 2911d ago
2911d ago
ninsigma2911d ago

It muffled their conference?? Yet most people have been talking about the onslaught of great looking games Sony brought to e3. Even zelda, the one of like 2 games Nintendo showed, is being massively talked about.

Sunny_D2911d ago

You know games... The thing that makes me people want to play your shiny new console. Not just talk about how much of a "monster" it is. Lol

rainslacker2911d ago (Edited 2911d ago )

Yes, but MS had hardware to talk about. Hardware is more important I guess. Particularly if that hardware is well into the future. Otherwise, yeah, Xbox fans are talking about hardware, PS gamers are talking about games. At least in relation to what was shown at the conference....which makes me wonder...why aren't more people talking about the Xbox games shown at the conference?

People make it out like Sony changed their plans after MS announcement, but I think Sony was just hammering home that their system is about the games, not the hardware. MS conference was they were trying to hammer home that Windows is about the games, but the games themselves kind of took a backseat to the marketing of windows and MS future plans.

Personally, I'm not happy about any of these new consoles. As it stands, my $400/$350 purchases are now obsolete, or soon will be as Sony is likely to launch a more powerful console, and MS will be releasing too. I'm less confident in MS keeping the plug on the OGX1 as they have a history of dropping support quickly when things aren't going as well as they hope/want. Sony, hard to say right now, but I wouldn't doubt they take a similar path after a year or so. All this because MS wants to get a jump start on the next gen, and that's all the Scorpio really is. A next gen system being marketed as a current gen system to try and hide it's true nature.

Unspoken2911d ago

Social media showed Microsoft was the most talked about. So no, your statement is false. Sony did not garner as much attention and MS had the spot light.

objdadon2911d ago

The topics so far is confusion.

Gol3m2911d ago

Yet its games at Sonys e3 we are all talking about. The scorpio is all you guys care about. You're not even bringing any gears 4 articles as you know it looked like a steaming turd

2911d ago
TKCMuzzer2911d ago (Edited 2911d ago )

Gaining more exclusives? Really, you mean the same exclusives, not more. Plus it didn't muffle Sony's conference at all, if anything it just proved yet again that Sony are making sure gamers are aware that games and new ones at that, are being made for the console they currently own. This gives gamers confidence in their purchase. Scorpio? Why would anyone who currently owns a PS4 swap?(this has to be their audience to gain market share, unless they are relying on their dedicated gamers over and over) Microsoft didn't exactly real of new exclusives one after the other...............oh wait there are no longer any exclusives.
Proof over the the last 5 -6 years shows that if you keep creating content for a console it will sell, the PS3 was a shining example of all the problems it had it produced quality and variety which helped pull itself back into the market.
Scorpio is papering over the cracks, no exclusives just better running third party games and thats what Microsoft are after, hoping gamers will lap it up because most cross platform games will run better on it. Judging from Sony's E3 you can say with confidence that your current PS4 will be well fed with games, you can't hold the Xbox One with the same confidence no matter what Microsoft say. The proof is in the pudding and the pudding seems to take a long time to follow the main course, a more powerful console will not rectify that issue.

iTechHeads2911d ago

Sony won E3 by a long shot. If you saw the conference you would know why.
BTW, Sony is not a woman, you wouldn't call Sony a "she". Sony is not even human. Sony is a corporation.

(Wow, you just joined 2 days ago? I guess that explains a lot)

killer8762911d ago

Why do.you keep calling it the scorpion? Are you an idiot?

PistolsAtDawn2911d ago

You clearly ruffled some fanboy feathers with that one.

JMyers2911d ago

Sony stated no Updated PS4 talk at E3 before MS revealed anything at E3 or mentioned Scorpio. Andrew House stated as much in an interview when he confirmed a high end PS4's existence.

Nothing was muffled...

NovaCorps2911d ago

You dream too much buddy
Wake up

fr0sty2911d ago (Edited 2911d ago )

Scorpio is their third tier box. S is the second tier. More powerful than the One, but not as powerful as Scorpio. Sony so far has only shown (or is rumored to show) their second tier with Neo. There is nothing stopping them from releasing a third box later.

PaleMoonDeath2910d ago

It's very likely it was taken back for MS to reveal the specs of their machine, the Days Gone demo at the end of E3 felt quickly put together and anti-climatic, my gut tells me that was originally the PS4 Neo reveal. Wise on Sony's part, we'll see how thing turn out.

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 2910d ago
Gaming_Cousin2911d ago (Edited 2911d ago )

If it took back Neo to the drawing board thats a good thing because they could work in ways to improve it. Sony took Microsoft out of the console race which is far more impactful.

Paytaa2911d ago (Edited 2911d ago )

When did Sony take Microsoft out of the console space? You do realize that Windows/Xbox was supposed to come into fruition from the get go of the original Xbox but the tech wasn't there yet.

Plus the Scorpio is going to still be a console lmao

cleft52911d ago

If I could get all of my Sony exclusives on PC I wouldnt buy a PS4 or PS4 Neo. I don't give money to Sony for their console because I like giving them money for nothing. I give them money for a product that has value. That value is determined by it's exclusives and the content it allows me access too. Microsoft put all of their exclusives on PC, specially Windows 10. Graphics cards, high-end graphics cards at that, are cheaper than ever. I can get a RX 480 that will do Windows 10 and Directx 12 for $199. The Xbox One, S, Scorpio has no value in the traditional sense because all of its exclusives are on PC now.

So why would I get a Xbox Scorpio? At this point the Xbox Scorpio is Microsoft's version of the Steam Box or the Windows 10 Box in there case. Will people buy it? Sure why not, that doesnt mean it has true value. I will say it again, if I could buy all of my Sony exclusives on PC I wouldnt buy a PS4 or Neo either as the console has no value anymore.

joeorc2911d ago (Edited 2911d ago )


Tech was not there. Yet?
Excuse me? You really buy that?

Look while the Xbox 🎮. Brand is a great brand , but it does not take away from the fact is The Xbox as a system always was just an extension. Of Windows OS the Media center PC.

The PC 💻, is and Has been Microsoft's. Answer they have tried to put as your default platform sitting under the TV.

You could have Had the same experience if Microsoft just made Media center PC's with a Xbox logo on them..wait a min that's exactly what they did..the original. Xbox 🎮 was in fact a socket A Pentium III CPU.
The ink reason for making the branding of Xbox was to change the perception of the Media center Pc. As now into something its not, which Is Xbox ..not a Media center PC 💻. But the reality

The Xbox is just a windows OS media center PC 💻. With a Name! That's why Microsoft. Moved the xbox 🎮 as a platform as a service into Windows 10.

Would we be seeing this though if Xbox was in such a Lead over Playstation? No I doubt it there would be news on how Microsoft. Xbox 🎮. Is doing in the game console market as it would be growing its market.

Instead we are seeing Less and Less about the games console market. From Microsoft. And more about How the xbox's game console Eco system has grown beyond. Just a game console Eco system.

darthv722911d ago

@joeorc "Would we be seeing this though if Xbox was in such a Lead over Playstation?" Yes we would. Like you said yourself the original xbox was their way of trying to tap into the console market using their windows gaming experience. So why does it matter if they continue to pursue that original idea of making a gaming platform out of the core of their windows division?

360 gave them the idea to take it even further with making everything about being connected to everything else. Movies, music, internet, games... everything is an evolution to what has been done before and neither sony nor nintendo nor MS have a lock on that evolutionary road. They are all going about it their own way. If you want to close your eyes to MS and keep them open for sony then that's okay but at least be aware they are going down the same road.

Kryptix2911d ago (Edited 2911d ago )

"The tech wasn't there yet"

Even though with the capable 360, they barely did anything to integrate Windows into it and vice versa. And what kind of tech do they really need? It's software and Microsoft has had the manpower to merge both Windows and Xbox for a very long time.

What happened was that Microsoft wanted the Xbox division to be a separate entity so they could control the market and reconstruct it for their own ways. That way, once they became the leaders of the console market, they would be able to profit from a wider range of home entertainment, like music and television. (hence why the Xbox One was focused on that on reveal) You can't do that on PC, because they would be competing with dozens of services easily and readily available so they saw the Xbox as an opportunity to profit from movies, shows, and TV. (explains why online services were behind the Gold paywall on 360) Tactics change because things don't work and the competition is doing a better job at handling that.

Now with the failures of the Xbox One not being influential to impact the market like that, they now want to merge Xbox with PC. The new plan is to have their own Steam like market on Windows so they're bringing all their IPs to it and locking it behind DirectX versions. This would mean that soon, PC gamers will need to always upgrade their OS to play with the best graphics and newest games. Now, I could be wrong about DX lockdowns, but with 12, it's somewhat logical to come up with a conclusion like that. Putting all their IPs on the Windows Store can create a starting point before making deals with 3rd party developers to place their games on that.

There's more to it, but I'm just talking about the more apparent moves.

Edito2909d ago

If the Xbox One was a successfully console the merge with windows 10 would not have happened. Believe me.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2909d ago
Askanison42911d ago

Why would that be something you'd want? Why is it better for you if MS don't make consoles any more?

Livecustoms2911d ago

Fanboys, am i right ? XD, they dont understand that competition is GOOD as it produces the best out of both the companies trying to one up each other !

PistolsAtDawn2911d ago

Well you see...if you kill off all your options, you no longer have to think and be responsible for making choices...and therefore can't be accused of making the "wrong" choice. Then you'd just get whatever Sony gives you, but at least they'd no longer have any drive to work hard for you....cause now you have no choice.

343_Guilty_Spark2911d ago

Gaming software race is a bigger game than console race.

Gol3m2911d ago

Yep and MS don't have much on that front

_-EDMIX-_2911d ago


Software makes more money than Hardware

dirkdady2911d ago (Edited 2911d ago )

Paytaa windows gaming has existed forever MS's renewed focus on it doesn't change anything.

What games for windows failed to achieve and was the main cause of its downfall was due to MSs inability to get third party pubs to publish their game on that platform.

I see the same challenges again. It's great u can get the handfull of Xbox one games on PC but that still doesn't mean all of the other third party devs will publish in windows store.its Games for Windows all over again.

ONESHOTV22911d ago (Edited 2911d ago )

are you crazy they are still manufacturing xbox one too much salt is in your comment

Sweendog0072911d ago

You do realise that both PlayStation and Xbox have re branded their Consles this generation

PlayStation - devices under that brand , are , ps4 , ps VR , ps neo

Xbox - Xbox , one/s , Windos 10 store and Scorpio

No one took anyone out of the race , they have both re beaded to enter new markets with new ways to experience games , Sony may have 40 million PlayStation 4s ms may have half that on Xbox one. But when you bring out Xbox one s ... It may attract more users to the idea of 4K content , a new market has opened( it's even been advertised as a UHD player in shops , yes 4K content is slow taking off , but popular none the less , and ps4 neo is doing the same )

Not all those 40 million ps4 users will upgrade to neo or buy VR - but they are making them to enter new gaming markets and expand their platforms.

The consle race is a much bigger platform now that just one console with games

susanto12282911d ago

Xbox one has already sold more than the 360 so how has Sony taken MSFT out of the race ..the console is still selling....reason why you have 7 downvotes and you are about to get another one.

BiggerBoss2911d ago

Actually, as of right now the Xbox one is now trailing behind the 360, and it's been behind the PS3 for quite some time

miyamoto2911d ago

Some people will never learn their lessons...it's not about power. How many powerful consoles have the PlayStation brand defeated?

PistolsAtDawn2911d ago (Edited 2911d ago )

What?!?!?! Do you even listen to yourself....in an article about how MS launching not ONE but TWO new consoles in conjunction with an existing console...you said...MS is "out of the console race". You need to see past what you WANT to see....there's a whole world out here.

You DO realize that MS also REPEATEDLY stated for over a decade that they've been wanting to do what they are doing now but were limited by tech right? So please explain, how did Sony do that? ...and how do we thank them? ...and why did Sony express interest in doing the EXACT SAME THING? Don't fool yourself into think if Sony had the opportunities MS has they wouldn't make the same move....that's fanboy thinking.

_-EDMIX-_2911d ago

It's hard to say a company is in the console race when they've also announced that all their titles going forward are also releasing on PC for all you know Scorpio really is the code name for a form factor PC with Windows 10.

Edito2909d ago

People seem to forget that MS is slowly leaving the console Market because Sony pressed them in such a level that they had no other option... The only option that could possibly save them are games, good games thing that they clearly don't have...

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2909d ago
Majin-vegeta2911d ago

Umm. No because we knew that Neo wouldnt be at E3 before Scorpio was even rumored

2911d ago Replies(3)
jrshankill2911d ago ShowReplies(1)
marquisray2911d ago

Sony was scared to show the neo at the conference with all of the extra time we all know they pulled something why. Because microsoft said something that really scared them now if sony puts more thig in the neo the system will cost more by the time scorpio comes ot the prices will be cheaper to make very smart move by microsoft and if you think sony will keep throwing away money because of the crying sony fans yea right get ready to get a job microsoft set a high standard and didnt even show anything also if you think sony is not upset think twice. Now if Microsoft goes second next e3 we will see who copys who lol

TKCMuzzer2911d ago

No offence the next Xbox rumours have been going round the web for ages, I doubt Sony were surprised, as I said above they were probably more surprised how far off it is which meant there was no rush to announce the NEO releasing later in the year potentially stifling current PS4 sales. That's all they have avoided, believe it or not some companies don't want to cannibalize their own products.
By announcing the NEO in September and releasing in September they pretty much keep sales momentum.

dreadz742911d ago

lol Neo is coming out this year they can't change specs to late.

Livecustoms2911d ago

Yer some people dont understand that, im pretty sure sony will start manufacturing the console soon if they havent started already.

Ron_Danger2911d ago

I missed the release announcement for this year. Can you post a link so we can all confirm your obvious fanboy claim?

Kaneki-Ken2911d ago

Lol, you making fake statement that Neo is coming this year. Andrew only confirmed that Neo exist but never gave a release date so I wondering where you put that statement from.

Jburr942911d ago

You say that with such pride like you're happy or something. A year head start with a 40+ million install base vs 20M is brutal to Microsoft, "lol"

Criti-Choco2911d ago

yea, where are people getting this 2016 release news from? People believe rumor way too deeply. There's never even been an official announcement of the Neo. Just one statement acknowledging its in the works. GDC is in august but announcements aren't common at GDC, and the next PSX is in the winter, you really think they would announce new hardware and release it that soon? You people are delusional

OB1Biker2911d ago (Edited 2911d ago )

Why would they? To have better specs they have to wait like a year?
For that matter isn't it weird to announce specs a year and a half before? I'm genuinely asking since I don't know much about technical details but it seems that evolves very quickly and I can't imaging AMD announcing their new polaris card a year ago for example

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2910d ago
343_Guilty_Spark2911d ago

Neo is launching this year. The drawing board stage is over. Sony will have have a significantly weaker console until they launch PS5 in 2018...pissing off all the NEO owners.

Pongwater2911d ago (Edited 2911d ago )

PS4, and then Neo, will remain the stronger consoles until Scorpio launches in a year and a half, and Scorpio will have about a year to say it's the strongest before another PS launches.

OT - No, it didn't. Scorpio is NextBox. Neo is PS4.5. All Scorpio did is give Sony some specs to beat, and they have a long time to do it if that's what they want to do.

343_Guilty_Spark2911d ago

Scorpio is Xbox1.5...Xbox Gemini the Xbox 2 and will be 50 TFLOPS

Gol3m2911d ago Show
nitus102911d ago

The Sony Neo is really just a slightly more enhanced PS4 with a three layer BluRay player and HDMI 2. The reason for this is the 4k BluRay standard was only just ratified in February last year and it is only recently that 4k BluRay players are hitting the market.

If you have a 4k TV and like to play the new three layer BluRay disks then the XBoneS and the PS4.1 (Neo) are just two of multiple players on the market although their prices will be very competitive and can do so much more than just playing three layer BluRays.

@Pongwater "OT - No, it didn't. Scorpio is NextBox. Neo is PS4.5. All Scorpio did is give Sony some specs to beat, and they have a long time to do it if that's what they want to do."

Well said.

Errorist762911d ago

No one will care when games like God Of War even look better on PS4 than anything Microsoft will have to show.

Next_gen_20152911d ago (Edited 2911d ago )

No one cares when multiplats look and perform better on the scorpio? ok nice damage control

Sunny_D2911d ago


No one cares because they don't want to be burned by MS quitting their console cycle to move to the next one so quickly. You think people want to immediately move to the next cycle? Lmao, you're delusional. Even MS said the Scorpio is for the hardcore and rich people. But, I also love how you care for resolution and framerate NOW when I bet you didn't when the PS4 was handing the Xbox one's ass.

theRedDragon2911d ago (Edited 2911d ago )

Sunny D.- How is MS quitting their console cycle to move to the next one that quickly when it was already said all Xbox one games and accessories are forward compatible with Scorpio? That is exactly the same as how the Neo works with PS4. The only difference will be the Scorpio will be out a year later and has a 2 Tflop advantage. Current generation third party console titles will be best play on Scorpio.

Gol3m2911d ago (Edited 2911d ago )

@Next_gen_2015 well that's the way it is now for xbox fans with xbox one multiplats so to say it will be different when scorpio releases is just proving the flip flopping you and your green tards like to spread around

4 years after xbox one. Safe to say it's a new gen so whatever current gen games come from this gen to scorpio should be considered remasters or ports

Gol3m2911d ago

And here we are again thereddragon another ms advertiser. Congratulations I hope they pay you well because they're certainly not paying you in games ;)

TKCMuzzer2911d ago (Edited 2911d ago )

Did you really say that, you would be happier buying a more expensive console to play third party games? No wonder Microsoft love gamers like you, they will happily go on buying timed exclusives and making few 1st party games if you keep that attitude.

_-EDMIX-_2911d ago


What is the point of updated Hardware if they haven't settled what's going on with their software?


+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2911d ago
Kaneki-Ken2911d ago

PlayStation didn't even confirmed a release date for Neo this year rather they only mention that it exist and is High-End Console but no date so stop your non sense.

Jburr942911d ago (Edited 2911d ago )

Isn't that what MS doing? What's the difference. They announce a better model of Xbox one, and then announce an even better one for next year. PS fans will know it's not a major upgrade or new console because it'll still be called "PS4" and will still be treated as such you dumb dumb. PS5 coming for that assss, it's ok if you're scared lol

AmUnRa2911d ago

The Xbone slim is not a better model of the Xbone, the hardware is the same as the xbone one. And i mean the CPU, the GPU and the DDR3 memorybank are the same on the Xbone and the Xbone slim.

Thatguy-3102911d ago

Would rather have a weaker Sony console than a stronger MS one. Ms can't make good exlusive games to save their life's. All the power will just be to gloat just like pc guys. A lot of power no good games to go along with it.

JackBNimble2911d ago (Edited 2911d ago )

Are you really excited for your scorpio upgrade so you can play exactly the same games ? Scorpio specs are over kill for this generation if MS plans on doing nothing exclusive with the console . You can have all the bragging rights you want, but your 6tflops is going to be waisted on this gen when it has the potential to do so much more.
That's like having a race car and never getting out of second gear .
Neo doesn't need more then 4tflops to stay in this generation , and the purpose for Neo is the 4k UHD blu-ray with slight incress in cpu / gpu.
We will see if scorpio can even deliver native 4k gaming which I doubt. Both consoles will most likely be using 4k upscaling if the games are going to run at a playable frame rate.
So unless scorpio leaves the xbox one behind , then MS is just waisting power and scorpios potential .

Sunny_D2911d ago

So what will you do with the shiny new Scorpio? There's no games for it. I guess you just want to watch movies on it lmao.

dreadz742911d ago

lol all games will work on Scorpio so whatever games are coming out @ the time Scorpio releases will be in 4k. You guys are going to have lots of egg on ur faces when Ps4 neo is released and announced soon lol

Gol3m2911d ago (Edited 2911d ago )

Dreadz74 why would we have egg on our face. If neo releases this year they will just extend their lead in the console race. The scorpio will be entering a market of 25m xbox one users while Sony will be around the 60 to 70 million. When it comes to multiplat deals and the like Sony will still have the upper hand. Expect parity between neo and scorpio albeit maybe 4k res

Look I'm sure you can lift heavy things but you're not to smart

miyamoto2911d ago

LOL! When was "power" the winning factor?

TKCMuzzer2911d ago

No it wouldn't. The PS5 will be a new generation, it will come with it's own exclusives and much better hardware to play those exclusives. No one is disillusioned that the PS4 and NEO are different gens compared to the PS5. Plus if the PS5 was launching in 2018 it would likely be more powerful than the Scorpio, which wont annoy PS4 or NEO owners off but may upset another group, especially as it would have dedicated games.
I don't expect to see a PS5 before 2019.

MagicBeanz2910d ago

Really, so by your own argument I guess all the current xbone owners must be really pissed.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2910d ago
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Is Xbox Going Multi-Platform The Right Decision For The Console Market?

Shahmeer from eXputer: "The new Xbox strategy to go multi-platform could eventually change console gaming as we know it, and I am concerned."

Bathyj3h ago

Can we stop pretending that Xbox has any great influence over the console market?

All they can do is try and steer their own Destiny. They have very little to do with what the other players in the console market are doing.

And yes, going 3rd party is pretty much their only option and is good for them.

RaidenBlack1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

Still whatever little direct competition they're offering against Sony ... that'd be gone, which is never good for consumers.
I know Sony will continue to apease the gamers but without any proper competition in same space, they might not work at the fullest efficiency.
(Taking into account, thats generally been agreed here, that Nintendo has long been not the direct competitor to either MS or Sony)

xHeavYx8m ago

The " without any proper competition in same space, they (Sony) might not work at the fullest efficiency" narrative has been proven false for years. Let's stop pretending that, in terms of games, Xbox has been any competition to Playstation.

anast3h ago

The show was like a sub-show for Sony. All these games are coming to PS5.

2h ago
outsider16242h ago

You gotta admit though..xbox showcase was actually really great.

RpgSama2h ago

I mean, yes, it was an Activision, Blizzard, Bethesda presentation, they just so happened to buy all of those publishers, nothing we would not have seen on any other award show if they had not bought developers that were and STILL are developing multiplatform games.

If you remove them you are left with Microsoft game studios, another Fable, Another Gears, Perfect Dark which for me didn't look all that great, Avowed, Age of mythology and south of midnight (might be missing something I guess)

anast1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

No better than any other show. There weren't any major new announcements, which is what everyone has been complaining about. The bar shouldn't get lowered for a trillion dollar company.

crazyCoconuts1h ago

"another Fable, another Gears, Perfect Dark"?
That's a lot of pretty great "anothers".
I could use a few of those "anothers" from Sony right now.

helicoptergirl7m ago

Yes it was a really great showcase that Xbox had. Multiplats and all. Overall it was really cool

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 7m ago
thesoftware7301h ago


"All these games are coming to PS5."

Very disingenuous statement... Some, but not all.

Oh, so that is the new narrative, "sub-show for Sony." lol, wow.

The sad part is that you are clearly and fully aware that it is very unlikely for any 1hr and 30min gaming presentation show to showcase ALL Exclusives, it just doesn't happen.

And don't you think it sad that MS had a better Sony showing than Sony? If I were you, I wouldn't consider that a flex, lol.?

crazyCoconuts1h ago

None of us really know how much they're going third party. They're still ACTING like they want to protect the platform - no mention of PS5 in their show, still marketing the console, still using the Xbox logo.
Yeah Phil acknowledged more is coming to PS5. But is that Indiana Jones? Perfect Dark? Gears?
If they keep those key properties in their stable it's not accurate to label them as simply 3rd party.
They may very well still be in the game after all...

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 7m ago
Giga_Gaia3h ago

We need to stop pretending like Xbox matters and has any influence in the industry.

By entering the industry, Microsoft made it worst, everything bad in the industry can be tied to them (like paid online and DLCs). The industry would be better off if they had never been in it.

Before you say Sony would have no competition, they would still have PC and Nintendo. As they are right now, Microsoft are not competition, they don't actually matter.

crazyCoconuts1h ago

I think you're mostly right. They've been failing on console and will most likely drop out.
But the concern a lot of us had was that they would use their $ to win monopolistically. They've already bought a huge number of big studios. Going multi-platform would alleviate that concern.
But they could still turn the screws, this game isn't over quite yet... They're sending mixed signals.

CrimsonWing693h ago

I think in Xbox’s direness it is, but let’s not pretend like they don’t understand the value of exclusiveness to their platform. Not every damn Xbox game is coming to PS5 and the stuff that has hit have either been GaaS games or games that didn’t exactly sell gamgbusters and are extremely niche.

When Halo, Gears, Forza, Perfect Dark, Fable, etc. start coming to PS5 then that’s pretty massive and also diminishes any reason to own an Xbox.

LucasRuinedChildhood2h ago

Doom isn't niche. It was heavily implied that all Bethesda games, outside of games with contractual agreements and the existing multiplayer games, would all be exclusive to Xbox.

CrimsonWing691h ago(Edited 1h ago)

Ok, sorry, Doom is the exception.

My point is Xbox is still keeping exclusives for their bigger games. What’s been released are GaaS: Sea of Thieves, Grounded aka Honey I Shrunk the Kids, and then niche stuff like Pentiment and Hi-Fi Rush. Then you got Doom coming out, which is an outlier, I suppose.

crazyCoconuts1h ago

It's not niche but it's not everything.
MS has got a HUGE cache of IP and studios now

Scissorman2h ago

It's the only decision. Hardware sales are on a sharp decline and Game Pass growth has stagnated.

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PS5 Fans Beg Sony for a More Fulfilling Livestream in the Aftermath of Xbox Show

Perhaps unsurprisingly, PlayStation’s social media is already being peppered by disgruntled fans, desperate for the format holder to step up its livestream game.

Read Full Story >>
16h agoReplies(5)
-Foxtrot16h ago

They need to buck their ideas up completely and rethink their State of Play shows in my opinion. If it's because they have nothing to show as any announcement will be years off then fair enough but then the question is why are they in that position.

Sony knew when Microsoft bought all these studios that eventually Microsoft would harvest all these games that were in development at the time of their purchase. They have had plenty time to prepare yet it just feels nothing has really come out of it so far. In the years since Microsoft bought Obsidian Entertainment, Ninja Theory and Double Fine around 2018/2019 it was clear they were ramping things up which they were as they went onto buy Zenimax in 2020 and then a couple years after Activision, two publishers with so many studios and IPs under their belt.

In that time Sony has decided to buy studios like Bungie, Haven and Firewalk Studios which are all GaaS related and haven't really put anything together to counter the new IPs Microsoft had acquired.

Everything from Sony at the minute is either third party games or this heavy PC focused most PS5 fans don't really care about.

However. If I was to be fair though and look at the other side of the coin at least they haven't announced games recently that could still be years away which is something that people seem to be giving Microsoft a pass with.

Yes the Microsoft show was great and hopefully it's given Sony a kick up the backside but most of the games shown like Fable, State of Decay 3, Avowed, Indiana Jones and the Great Circle, Perfect Dark and South of Midnight were games that were announced last year and before. The only brand new thing that really surprised me that's an exclusive was Gears of War.

Sony need to start going back to what made many people buy their consoles from the beginning, their first party games you couldn't get anywhere else with great single player experiences. Not every games needs to be AAA, they need to find a good balance.

Flakegriffin15h ago

This is the most accurate statement ever.

fr0sty8h ago

I do feel Sony is holding off a lot of their big announcements for the Pro reveal. The last one was just to hold us over, the next one, especially now that MS has shown their hand, would be the strategic time to drop the big bombs once MS' showcase drops out of the headlines.

LordoftheCritics6h ago

I didn't even know that Sony had a showing.

VenomUK1h ago

The entitlement of nerds! I get it, but also the old E3 era is dead (for now) Sony and Microsoft do not need to compete so that’s why there isn’t these big competitive events designed to win hearts and mindshare. Although I still hope they will be a live conference next year with members of the public who truly would give the event an atmosphere that is appreciated in millions of homes of gamers around the world.

derek13h ago

This nonsense again. No matter how successful playstation is year in and year, no matter how many good games they release year in and year out, you'll have someone somewhere whining that it's not good enough and that they need to return to some past era.

-Foxtrot12h ago

Oh for Christ sake man, this shitty attitude of yours is why companies can get arrogant because no one says anything…no one’s allowed because fanboys like yourself throw a fit with their pretentious “you’re not allowed to say this” bull crap

The same happened to Microsoft for years with their die hard fans.

Microsoft have had a good show this year and has shown we their studios are stacked, what’s wrong with speaking out and wanting Sony to get their shit together with how quiet they’ve been?

It’s people like you licking the boot of these companies why nothing changes.

So yeah I guess I am whining about this because as a fan I’d like to see change and don’t want Sony to go back to their arrogant 2006 self.


Chevalier11h ago

Weird that people list games like Perfect Dark which probably isn't close to releasing and all these games ending of this year or in 2025 as if Playstation didn't already have a ton more exclusives this year, but, conveniently forget this years releases like Gran Blue Relink, FF VII Rebirth, Stellar Blade, Helldivers 2, Rise of the Ronin, Star Ocean 2nd R

Plus games like Zenless Zero, new Y''S, new Legend of Heroes, Silent Hill 2, Concord Death Stranding 2, Astrobot, Lego Horizon, Phantom Blade 0, Monster Hunter Stories 1 & 2, Tsukihime, Earth Defense Force 6 and many more not coming to Xbox as well.

victorMaje11h ago

The way I see it, the focus only GaaS has already cost us a ND game.
Foxtrot is not wrong. A good balance is the way.

Hofstaderman9h ago

So out of the 21games 13 are releasing on the PS5. Banger if a showcase though, their best in years.

itsmebryan9h ago

What are all the 1st party games that Sony's releasing this year ?

Ironmike9h ago(Edited 9h ago)

Sony have released few bangers this yr rebirth helldivers rise of the ronin and stellablade ,which tbh I don't think was that good .but they have releases some good games this yr

Chevalier9h ago(Edited 9h ago)

"What are all the 1st party games that Sony's releasing this year ?"

They released MLB, will release Astrobot, remastered Until Dawn, Concord, Helldivers 2, published Rise of the Ronin and will do the same for Death Stranding 2. That's SEVEN games by Playstation this year. So you were saying? For Xbox we got what? Hellblade 2, Indiana Jones, Flight Simulator, Avowed, Age of Mythology?

Add in FAR more 3rd party exclusives and it's a wash.

Again there's not a single month where Xbox has more games or exclusives releasing really at any point this year.

isarai7h ago

If i was giving Xbox sh!t for the 10yrs of under delivering, you're damn straight im gonna get on PlayStations case when i see them heading the same way. And you know what? Ive been saying this for like 2yrs, and getting nothing but blind defense from people like you. NO! Something is off, i have been here for EVERY generation of PlayStation, hell every generation since the NES and Master System. This is by far the weakest generation ive seen, ESPECIALLY by Sony and i see no reason for it!

We are WAAAY past covid shut downs and recovering for those, no they are not "holding their cards close to their chest for the ms/ba deal" because thats done and over with, even if they were, why is it taking so long for so many of their studios? The only ACTUAL evidence we have to go on is the GAAS push, we've already heard from several sources that it's getting in the way of other major projects, we have OFFICIAL statements from ND themselves saying they it was taking too many resources from other projects and so they had to drop it. And right around that time Jim was announced to be leaving with no replacement ready, which does not happen unless you're pushed out.

These are decisions made, that can be unmade to get things back on track, some of it has, but i think they're making the poor decision to follow through as much as they can as not to lose the money they already dumped into all these gaas titles.

This "whining" is necessary, demand better, let them know not to do this sh!t again, damn right im gonna KEEP whining, cause this isn't the PlayStation ANY long term fan knows and loves.

derek2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

@Foxtrot, feel free to live in the past if you want to, time only moves forward. Nobody is stoping you from mindlessly complaining about a hobby. I've likely been gaming longer than you, there has never been more great games to play and more ways to play them than now. Yet all we see from gaming media and on boards like n4g is negativity and complaining.

shinoff21831h ago(Edited 1h ago)

Dude what Sony showed and Ms showed was night and day. As a Sony fan. Show wise Ms killed Sony. Now the question of what's coming to Playstation from that show is another question. We already know doom is.

Foxtrot is absolutely right. You can be a fan and still critique. Sony deserves the critique

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 1h ago
jwillj2k412h ago

The problem is there is no competition. We can be mad at the showcase but they are still making tons of money and outselling the competition hand over fist so from their perspective why take the risks. We need someone to bring real competition otherwise they can sit on their laurels reading all the complaints while sipping on their chai tea.

outsider162411h ago

This was actually a great showcase from Microsoft. Incredible games after another got to be honest.
With the exeption of fortnight looking Dragon Age. My pain was immeasurable.
How did it come from this..

S2Killinit10h ago

Well I mean, xbox showcase was mostly multiplats. So if by a better show they mean Sony should spend some money to have multiplats revealed in a Somy conference to create a better show, Im not sure I agree with that. But I do think that Sony should reveal what they are working on.

Ironmike9h ago

Stop spinning to suit ur narrative it was good showing simple as

Profchaos10h ago(Edited 9h ago)

This 100 percent execs need to stop thinking about the potential of a gaas game and instead work on what the fans who made them the market leader want

This Fanboy culture that's gripped NRG is turning me away from the community it's always been around but it's never been more toxic we can't criticise we most always love Sony it's garbage

Moegooner8h ago

Playstation owners get to play the majority of games shown during the showcase, which invalidates whatever point the tool, who wrote the article was trying to make.

dveio7h ago

I don't know, buddy.

I don't disagree with you on principle. But from my perception.

Sony's been putting up a very decent software line-up for PS5 so far, even for the 'lackluster' 2024 period.

But why can't we just appreciate what we collectively already know?

Sony's major first party titles over the last 15 years were always perfectly polished and very, VERY well received.

Whatever the 'Big Four/Five' are working on:

Give them time!

PS5 is a new hardware. And you can bet that the major first party studios want nothing less but to put out the same results they've done with the likes such as God of War, Spiderman, Astro's, Returnal, Horizon, etc.

This doesn't come within 3¾ years after PS5's launch. It just doesn't.

I would really appreciate it if we'd only accept this. Sony hasn't changed their commitment on story driven single player games. Hulst confirmed this on two separate occassions now.

The next Playstation Showcase will happen.

shinoff21831h ago

They definitely changed under Jim. Hopefully these new 2 get it back on track. Not alot of Sony fans were asking for a Concord, or a marathon. Not even close. Someone up top mentioned. Gaas games have Definitely cost us a ND game already

4h ago
shinoff21831h ago

I think Jim Ryan is at the heart of it all. What he wanted, what he pushed , etc. What were seeing now is Jim Ryan's fruits. These two guys haven't even had enough time in for their big plans. I think Sony seen this and told Jim to step

Yang_kai18m ago(Edited 14m ago)

One timen in recent 2 generations Xbox does a excellent show finally doing what they’re supposed to do since day one and now we get dubious articles claiming some sort of BS based on a few tweets from people that can easily be some hardcore Xbox fans just posting crap on multiple accounts.

Edit I agree with your post @foxtrot

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 18m ago
Christopher16h ago

Xbox definitely had better third-party showings, but I really just want Sony to start showing us first-party titles. There's got to be something new they can show us, right? And it can't just be one or two games, it has to be at least half a dozen.

I mean, at least we know Bungie isn't sitting idly by and Insomniac is doing Wolverine. But ND just cancelled their MP TLoU plans, what are they working on now let alone the second studio they have that's been quiet for 4 years now? Sucker Punch? Bend?

Did all the big studios have ideas that were canned and start working on new things? Was Jim Ryan that bad of a CEO that they veered that far off the path and are working their way back to it?

-Foxtrot16h ago(Edited 15h ago)

"I mean, at least we know Bungie isn't sitting idly by and Insomniac is doing Wolverine. But ND just cancelled their MP TLoU plans, what are they working on now let alone the second studio they have that's been quiet for 4 years now? Sucker Punch? Bend? "

If they hypothetically announce something like Ghost of Tsushima 2 and give us a release date within 6-8 months of it's announcement, something like what Bethesda did with Fallout 4s reveal at E3 then I would TOTALLY get their plans and why they've been so quiet. However if they end up announcing their titles and the release dates are still so far off despite being so quiet for years then I'm at a complete loss with it.

Having a change in strategy and only wanting to announce games when they know they are 100% going to release the same year is the only thing that will make sense and something I can totally get behind.

"Was Jim Ryan that bad of a CEO that they veered that far off the path and are working their way back to it?"

I'm still convinced his GaaS plans are why he took early retirement, after seeing issues with NaughtyDog being put on something they weren't comfortable with I think higher ups knew putting all their existing studios on these games was a bad move. Obviously they've had to see some of them out until the end but I think he's why some of these studios are so quiet because they've wasted time on live service stuff that just wasn't working.

isarai7h ago

That's exactly my problem, is even if they announce something, it's likely not coming out for about another year, the only time a PlayStation 1st party has taken longer than 3-4yrs between releases is it were in development hell. Seems like half their studios are in development hell.

Honestly it annoys me to see this about face defending this garbage when PlayStation fans have always been the more outspoken, more demanding fanbase out of the 3. Now all of a sudden we're defending studios going completely awol for 5+yrs?

15h agoReplies(1)
15h agoReplies(2)
Eonjay4h ago

I understand wanting to know and being frustrated with not knowing. But what do we know? We know that they don't have any major releases for this year. That means no reveals till next year. Most of the games Microsoft showed are either not announcements or aren't coming this year.

Everyone has their own preferences and mine is to not wait. I want the announcement and I want the launch to be imminent lol.

For example I HATE the fact that Wolverine was announced so far ahead in advance. No more than a 6 month notice please!!!

People want to sit back and fight over showcases like it matters. Xbox showcase is a Playstation showcase now anyway so I don't care.

Also stop freaking out about Sony first party. I pray they don't fold to the mania and I hope the withhold info until the damn game is ready.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4h ago
P_Bomb15h ago

The time for silence is over. At least, I’m over it. Open the first party floodgates, while I’m still alive lol!

ocelot0715h ago

Apparently they have one in September.

Lightning7714h ago(Edited 14h ago)

I've never heard of this rumor at all after Sony's SOP. In fact last year it wasn't even a real rumor. Colin Moriarty tried spreading his speculation off as a rumor. When Colin knew nothing at all.

The only thing they're gonna have is a pro SOP. Unless that's what you meant.

I'll keep an ear out for SOP rumor but so far I haven't heard nothing.

Extermin8or3_9h ago

Sony's state of play's are NOT showcases. That state of play was primarily to show first party titles due this year and some indie titles due this year and early next year. They will clearly have a showcase to push the ps5 pro later this year likely in September.

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Xbox Games Showcase Followed by Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Direct

Xbox writes: "Join us for a double feature on June 9, 10am PT - Xbox Games Showcase immediately followed by Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Direct.  The Xbox Games Showcase is your look at the new games from Xbox Game Studios, Activision, Blizzard, Bethesda, as well as our partners from around the globe. Immediately following the Showcase, stay tuned for Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Direct for a special deep-dive into the beloved franchise."

ravens5222h ago

I'm here. Waiting in anticipation to see some games 🤙🏽

GamerRN21h ago(Edited 21h ago)

I'll be honest, if they don't announce some major shit, this could be the nail in the coffin.

If I hear about major 1st party titles going multiplatform, it's over.

They need to build the brand trust right now. A lot of damage has been done.

We need bangers, AND some news about next Gen.

Flawlessmic21h ago

It's just started 4 games in and it's already been a fantastic show.

This is gonna be the best showcase in years

VersusDMC21h ago

New Doom dark ages anounced for PS5 as well...

GamerRN21h ago

So far this is a great show, and mostly all GamePass games? Looks like the bangers are finally coming!

Investments finally paying off.

Now they need new hardware so they can start over

Sonic188121h ago(Edited 21h ago)

So far the best showcase this year

Flawlessmic21h ago

At this rate, best show of the last 2-4 years, been an absolute bangerrrrr so far!!!

Pixykont21h ago

Perfect dark looks incredible

shinoff218318h ago(Edited 18h ago)

Agreed. Way better then what Sony did and has done. Those multiplayer games really fked Sony over for a few years. Xbox showed off some good looking stuff. I'm most interested in state of decay 3.

1Victor15h ago

You need at least 10real people to agree in writing with you for anyone here believing you after saying the same thing year over year for the last 10+ years.
Now that I finished watching the show for me personally it was a ok as I don’t play FP games but that’s just me and I can recognize that for people that like FPG it’s a amazing show so ENJOY them.
Another thing and I hope for Microsoft sake they don’t do their next system digital only based on the S sales over the X, I hope they’ll learn the lesson of not making a lower power version just to try to undercut their competitor.
Metal gear 3 looked sweet.
Overall a lot of pretty games CONGRATS to all Xbox gamers this is what you deserve year over year 👍✨

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 15h ago
lelo2play19h ago

Great showcase by Microsoft. So many interesting games...

RaidenBlack1h ago

Only thing I missed was Clockwork Revolution...
And what happened to Everwild? Liked the art style.

Lightning7722h ago

Very certain Perfect Dark will show up. fable showing up and 2025 release date.

Unpopular opinion here but INL think Final Fantasy 16 will release on Xbox. I dunno if it'll be on Gamepass but I think it's going to other platforms now.

21h agoReplies(1)
Obscure_Observer21h ago


Time to see what amazing games Xbox Game Studios has been cooking for us, boys!!!


Sonic188120h ago(Edited 19h ago)

I'm glad Microsoft had a great show. Hopefully this show potentially wakes up Sony and Nintendo. Competition is good for the industry. We don't need publishers and developers to get comfortable and get lazy on us. Keep them thinking and on their toes

cthulhucultist19h ago

well said Sonic. Competition is beneficial for us gamers

Master-Tonberry18h ago

Absolutely agree, many of the games shown are also coming to PS5 (despite MS hiding other platforms from the reveals) but the genuine exclusive all look great. Nintendo will obviously continue to carve it's own path and will be very busy with the Switch 2, but Sony and PlayStation really needs to pull it's socks up and start bringing out the big guns or people are going to start losing faith. Hopefully the rumours of a big PlayStation Experience show later this year are true.

anast3h ago

The main knock on Sony is that there haven't been any major first party announcements. Xbox does a show with no major announcements.

The_Hooligan19h ago

This showcase was great. Not just a great Xbox showcase but in general the best one this year so far.

Kurisu21h ago

I'm tuned in now. I can't say I've ever been big in to Xbox, but I got myself a Series S when it launched. Can't say I've used it much but I'm intrigued to see what's in the pipeline.

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