
The new God of War brings welcomed humanity to its violent god - Destructoid

An interview with Cory Barlog and a deeper look at the new God of War, God of War PS4 preview. The considerable deviation from the God of War formula began.

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Inzo2905d ago

The humanity is but the gameplay is not welcomed. I can understand changing it up but to change the game completely is absolutely ridiculous, GG did this with KZ and suffered for it, whereas ND struck the right balance with U4, so many things were changed and a slightly darker tone was added but at its core you knew you were still playing an Uncharted game.

Sunny_D2905d ago

If you notice, they didn't have a 4 at the end for a good reason. The time of Greek Mythology happened within the trilogy. This is as Kratos said in the trailer "A new beginning" It was time to change things up as Ascension showed it was getting a bit over done.

ShadowKnight2905d ago

I also heard it will have some RPG elements which I find interesting.

Inzo2905d ago

You have the right to your opinion but the true GOW fans will see things differently , already they are making themselves heard on twitter, voicing their dissatisfaction.

jessionpc2905d ago

Yea, the over the top lunatic violence, sex, rape, objectified torture fetish's were getting pretty fkn old. GOW quickly became an angry teenagers Walmart employee stress reliefs wet dream.

Thank GOD they decided to grow up. It'll be nice to see something relatable to a normal human being for once. But I guess stuffing women in door gears and hearin em scream doesn't get old either, right guy!?!


Aloy-Boyfriend2905d ago

I welcome the gameplay change because I already played 6 games with the same formula

It is still a hack n slash game, so
i dunno why someone would think it is not God of War.

Erik73572905d ago (Edited 2905d ago )

You've just seen 2 and half minutes of a tutorial level buddy, save your judgment when he is fighting that dragon shown at the end.

Aloy-Boyfriend2905d ago (Edited 2905d ago )

Aren't we true God of War fans as well? I'm a huge fan and I liked what I saw.
Changes always bring concerns and division among fans. not surprised... Had the game stayed the same after 6 games, there would have been complains as well.

Those concerned fans will accept the changes once the game releases if the game delivers, of course, which in the hands of Cory Barlog I know it will. It is a risk worth taking since the series is moving to a new setting and direction

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2905d ago
windblowsagain2905d ago

I just wish in U4 there had been pirate ghosts/zombies or something crazy at the end.

slappy5082905d ago

Oh man, I cant wait for this. I foresee the same epic relationship building with Kratos and his boy to the Last of Us with Joel and Ellie

sdcard4gb2905d ago

Which is funny, because this is supposed to be God Of War, not The Last of Us :D
God of war is supposed to be about a irredeemable asshole going to the end of the world, sacrificing anyone and everyone for destruction of those who wronged him. We are supposed to play as the bad guy, someone as detestable as the main antagonist, not somebody who seeks redemption and humanity :) Fuck that noise, give me more gods to kill and more revenge to fulfil !

slappy5082905d ago

It still is God of War(Kratos is in a world where everything is hostile, so killing everything in sight is a likelihood) with a stronger focus on narrative. I dont mind a stronger focus on narrative it helps you get immersed in the game world and last I checked The Last of Us does not hold a copyright to that

goldwyncq2905d ago

I dunno about you, but I've had enough of the perpetually angry Kratos after six games.

Inzo2905d ago

Well its not the TLOU now is it, its suppose to be GOW.

sdcard4gb2905d ago

And that is exactly what I don't want in God Of War.
My most hated moment in the entire GoW 3 is each and every moment with Pandora. And it seems this entire new game is THAT moment made into a full-lenght game.

Aloy-Boyfriend2905d ago

Go and Play SMITE

Lots of gods to kill with no narrative whatsoever

Let God of War explore new ways and become fresh again

sdcard4gb2905d ago (Edited 2905d ago )

I am playing Smite, as the matte of fact :D
But you do understand that Smite isn't the same genre as the old God Of War, don't ya ? You are just trying to poorly mock me :) I'll forgive you for that, baby, don't worry :)
Fresh again ? I wonder how something is supposed to become fresh again if it strays away from being itself :D
But whatever, enjoy your pile of fresh dead flesh, mate, just don't invite me to your table and don't mock me for not wanting a bite, k ? ;)

Inzo2905d ago

Fresh? This not fresh, remember TLOU?

Aloy-Boyfriend2905d ago (Edited 2905d ago )

Please @Inzo...

The camera angle is not exclusive to TLoU, neither is the father-and-son narrative. That is as far as God of War will go borrowing from TLoU. I don't see the big deal. It will still be God of War at its core.

The series is revitalizing itself with the new gameplay and setting. That's better than the same over and over.

Yui_Suzumiya2905d ago (Edited 2905d ago )

Bwahahaha. The stuff with Pandora is the only redeeming thing in the entire series which is why prior to this, the third game is the only good one to me.

2905d ago
sdcard4gb2887d ago

That is exactly why your opinion is of no significance.

Fist4achin2905d ago

Kratos has to change with the times. In the next game he'll be metro listening to milky chance...

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