
The Last Guardian: 10 Years in the Making - IGN First - IGN Video

Creative director Fumito Ueda reflects on the game's lengthy development.

AdmGenAladeen2925d ago

Day 1 can't wait! Hopefully it'll be epic like ICO and SoTC.

Deadpooled2924d ago

Calling it now, something bad happens to Trico (similar to that horse in SoTC)

Majister-Ludi2924d ago

Well since they don't do dialogue in there games ever that is probably a safe bet. Otherwise they would have no way to draw an emotional response from people.

IIFloodyII2924d ago (Edited 2924d ago )

Or the boy, which has us playing as Trico, either way I'm sure they'll play with those heartstrings.

Movefasta19932924d ago

You and Trico have to fight off the abyss.But the main character ends up falling for it.And gets lost for good.Trico then protects the ring that allows the character of the sequel to traverse the abyss ,but Trico,with his giant sword that he carries in his mouth does all he can to defeat you so you don't suffer the same fate as the original character.

jb2272924d ago

Seems to me the writing is on the wall not for the boy having to be the one that does that "something bad" to Trico.

They are making a big point about the animal being hard to control & contain. Trico won't be a tame housebroken pet, he is a wild animal, and he will have animal instincts. I'd say he goes off the reservation at the end of the game & the boy has to put him down to protect himself.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2924d ago
ShadowKnight2924d ago

This game is going to be epic.

2924d ago
PhoenixUp2924d ago

I hope this game can outdo Shadow of the Colossus

Kavorklestein2923d ago

Those are some "Colossal" shoes to fill hehehe

PhoenixUp2923d ago

Sounds like you have a "Shadow" of a doubt that this "Team" can't accomplish it

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