
Rumor: The Xbox One mini is real; Multiple new Xbox devices coming and Xbox interface headed to PC

Brad Sams, a writer that focuses on everything Microsoft took to his Sams Report podcast to reveal a bit of information he...

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2929d ago Replies(17)
2929d ago Replies(2)
christocolus2929d ago (Edited 2929d ago )

E3 is going to be interesting. Can't wait.


"Power is a primary concern for Microsoft with Scorpio. The PS4 has remained a constant leader over the Xbox One in this respect, with games on the platform usually running at higher resolution and a higher framerate on the PS4 than their Xbox One counterparts. Microsoft is determined to end this narrative."

"The Xbox One is believed to operate a peak target of 1.32 teraflops, compared to the 1.84 teraflop performance numbers attributed to the PS4. Meanwhile, per documents secured by Giant Bomb's Austin Walker — and corroborated by our sources — the PlayStation 4 "Neo," at approximately 2.25 times more powerful than the PS4, is likely to have a peak performance number of 4.14 teraflops.The current performance target for Microsoft's Scorpio is approximately 6 teraflops."


Budrazor2929d ago

I read the same thing. It's gonna be a beast.

Gazondaily2929d ago

IF the new Xbox is more powerful than the Neo....expect the Internet to melt. Oh...my......days...

Bobafret2929d ago

Then it will be "it's all about the games" again lol. Now THAT kind of flip flopping you will see.

Phill-Spencer2929d ago (Edited 2929d ago )

@ bobafret

And the other camp would start to care for fps and res difference again. So it'll go both ways.

UltraNova2929d ago (Edited 2928d ago )

Boba, Sony /PS already have the 'its all about the games' and better hardware argument cards in the pocket(cause it was always about the games at Playstation not TV and Kinect + the PS4 library far exceeds in quantity and quality that of the xbox) ... not to mention that xbox fans will suddenly care about fps and rez again so I hope you understand that your attempt was pointless and moot. GG.

I'm interested to see what will Sony do if the new xbox is at 6 teraflops. Considering their rumored plans to release the ps4neo this year to go with PSVR I dont think they have enough time to cram a more powerful GPU in the NEO and do all necessary design changes and Quality testing by November, but then I'm not Mark Cerny am I?

So lets say for the sake of the argument the ps4 neo is indeed less powerful than the 2017 xbox, will Sony allow MS to start a marketing campaign advertising this power difference and take back their blood, so to speak and lose sales as a result? Or will they release ps5 in 2018 at say 10 teraflops as their answer?

Meanwhile in the land of the normal,i.e us the gamers, we are faced with yearly, expensive upgrade choices to make and lots of consoles to trade in that will keep loosing value due to market saturation(I mean what if 10 million xb1s and 20 million ps4s are suddenly traded in? Would prices drop to 50 bucks each? Why buy ps4 neo when ps5 will be out next year? Same goes for the xbox). Some dont realize this but forward compatibility eliminates the need to keep older models which means trade ins will increase exponentially while value will drop.

Before any one tells me its a choice no one is forcing you to buy these new consoles I will say this, do you honestly believe that devs will give the older consoles any proper attention once millions buy the newer models? Do you honestly believe they will optimize equally between ps4, ps4.5, xb1, xb2, NX and PC? No they wont and that's when we current owners will get the shaft.

I dont like this, not because I dont want better tech but because I know that both the industry and the consumer are not ready for this. But in the grander scheme of things, it doesn't matter what I think, what matters is that these upgrades are coming and each one of us will have to decide their own upgrade plan--embrace the iPhone culture or stick to 'as long as it works' side and pray for the better.

Shubhendu_Singh2929d ago (Edited 2929d ago )

uh-uh fyuck that. I was so on board with mid gen consoles (like PS4K) like once in 3-4 years, but 2016 slim and then 2017 codenamed Scorpio Xbox ? uh-uh. This is a recipe for disaster. It is too frequent.

Ok. My confusion starts with whether this Xbox-Slim has 4K capabilities or not. That means it will have a slight upgrade from normal Xbox One. I assume the PS4-PS4K game issue policy will be the same here too.

And then a third MORE powerful Xbox-2017 ? Will it have the same no exclusive PS4K policy thing too. That's 3 console in increasing power.

Zeref2929d ago

It has 4k output but won't support 4k games.

Movefasta19932929d ago

No it will do 4k gaming but it won't support 4k output.

TheCommentator2929d ago

No, even the current XB1 has support for any format of media at 4K resolutions. MS has stated this multiple times already.

Unspoken2929d ago

Slim with the 4k movie streaming and codecs. Always a slim released a few years out. More effecient manufacturing process makes it cheaper for those who don't have the console.

New console for the next Gen gaming and VR capabilities further joining Windows 10 and an Xbox gaming machine.


DopeTech2929d ago (Edited 2929d ago )

This is what they'll announce and release in 2016:

1. Xbox One Slim.
2. Xbox TV for Windows 10 Apps and Netflix and other things like that, just like Amazon FIRE, It's not for gaming.

And for 2017:

New more powerful Xbox One, Codenamed 'Scorpio', features more powerful GPU/CPU, will be capable of 4K Gaming, will be released in 2017.

Seems great!


christocolus2929d ago

I knew there would be more to the relationship between Oculus Rift and Xbox. Reading kotakus article they claim to be partnering with Oculus for their 2017 Xbox hardware. I really can't wait to see what happens at E3. The team in charge of BC (which was announced at last E3) is also rumored to be working on something much much bigger than BC this time around.

BlackTar1872929d ago (Edited 2929d ago )

Remember all the AR fanboys will kill VR nonsense LOL now we all get to sit back and laugh at those people flip flop and the other people who said DOPOOOOM PS NEO HOOORAY XBOX 1.5 .

Going to need a factory worth of popcorn to weather the storm if this is true.

gangsta_red2929d ago (Edited 2929d ago )

Bluetar, you're trying way too hard. Your keyboard can't take the pounding you're giving it.

Even if no one will ever claim this I'm sure you'll be in every article from this point on saying this will happen. Hopefully you'll scour N4G until one or two people actually do. Won't you be so happy when that finally happens somewhere down the road. Can't wait for the all CAP response then.

Shubhendu_Singh2929d ago

Seems about right. But by "4K Gaming", I hope you mean 4K output, because there is no way a native 4K resolution console would be manageable in 2017. We're thinking Vega and later Pascal for that.

WhoCaresWhatMyNameIs2929d ago

TVs use UHD-1. The standard format for "4k TVs." That's very different from DCI 4k, which is native 4K resolution. DCI 4k is only used in the film and video production industry.

Rookie_Monster2929d ago

Sounds awesome. MS and Team Xbox train is running full steam ahead now. I will buy the slim and the Scorpio.

ShadowKnight2929d ago

Sounds like you were right about the Xbox 2 (Scorpio) in 2017. Only thing left is Microsoft buying or making more first party studios. They have a bright future ahead. You should thank Phil for that.

Gol3m2929d ago

This is the part where rookie abandons his faux ps4 support as there's rumours of a more powerful xbox. Watch him flip flop like a fish out of water

Budrazor2929d ago

The fanboys are in denial already

ShadowKnight2929d ago (Edited 2929d ago )

So does that mean the Xbox 2 is still coming out in 2018/2019? Just curious

ShadowKnight2929d ago (Edited 2929d ago )

You should know PS neo is not the PS5. Microsoft is releasing it to early if it's the Xbox 2.interesting

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2929d ago
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Custom Controller Company HexGaming launched a Kickstarter campaign for their latest pro controller, Hex Phantom. - IS

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Sony shares big new PS Plus stat, but not the one we want to see

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mandf1d 15h ago

lol acting like it’s equivalent to ms numbers

Mr Logic1d 15h ago

Uh...They're definitely not equivalent.

"Microsoft’s Xbox Game Pass service now has 34 million subscribers."

"the total number of PS Plus subscribers across all tiers was 47.4 million"

darthv721d 15h ago (Edited 1d 15h ago )

That PSN number seems like it should be much higher... especially when you consider that PS4 alone has a sell through of over 117m. To not even be at least half that is rather interesting.

To the XB side, having 34m to an install base of roughly 50m (XBO sell through) or even 85m (360 sell through) is a greater percentage of unit to member ratio than PSN.

bloop1d 11h ago

That's not the "gotcha" you think it is Darth.

darthv721d 10h ago

^^it's not supposed to be bloop.... it's just an interesting observation.

Einhander19721d 9h ago


"That PSN number seems like it should be much higher... especially when you consider that PS4 alone has a sell through of over 117m. To not even be at least half that is rather interesting.

To the XB side, having 34m to an install base of roughly 50m (XBO sell through) or even 85m (360 sell through) is a greater percentage of unit to member ratio than PSN."

Have you ever heard of a PC before? I hear they are pretty popular.

fr0sty1d 3h ago

MS started lumping gold subscribers in with those GP numbers... keep in mind.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1d 3h ago
shinoff21831d 14h ago (Edited 1d 14h ago )

What. Definitely more os plus subscribers but that makes sense due to actual console sales

Darth the difference between the bases are huge your right but you gotta think. Ps players buy more games, where as the Xbox base relies on gamepass for their gaming. So it makes perfect sense

darthv721d 14h ago (Edited 1d 14h ago )

What makes perfect sense though? You say PS players buy more games... so then logically there should be more PS+ subscribers given the increased number of online multiplayer games in the PS4 generation alone. The PS4 was the first time that + was required for online play much like Gold was for 360 users.

Keep in mind we are talking subscribers, not simply XB/PS users. I assume you meant to say offline single player games, which is most likely true as well. That gen also saw a significant increase in games with an online component comparted to the previous gen.

victorMaje1d 13h ago

I for one will be going back to essential at the next renewal. When I feel a game is good & right up my alley, I’ll check trusted reviews & just buy it.

jznrpg1d 12h ago (Edited 1d 12h ago )

I have the top tier until 2028 as they gave me a massive discount for all the years I had left but I’ll most likely go to essential as well. I buy my games but my kids do use the service occasionally. They do prefer to own their games as well since any game can leave the rental service at some point and they don’t like that idea. They mostly use it to demo games then ask me to buy games if they really like it.

RedDevils1d 7h ago

For me, I will cancel it all together but unfortunately I still have it till 2030 lol

meganick1d 11h ago

I would like to see Sony add a fourth tier of PS Plus for people who just want to be able to play games online without any of the perks like monthly games, store discounts, or anything like that, and it should cost $20 annually, $30 maximum. There’s no way I’m paying $80 just to play games online. Even the original $60 fee was too much, and I would often wait for sales to re-up my subscription.

P_Bomb1d 8h ago (Edited 1d 7h ago )

Essential is too expensive, I agree. We’ve got one Essential and one Premium sub. Dropping the Premium when it expires.

gamerz1d 4h ago

Just let my subscription lapse for the first time since 2010. Will sub again every now and then for a month or so to access my old ps+ games but for me it's the end of an era.

DivineHand1251d 4h ago

Let those numbers continue to drop because it is now too expensive. $80 per year just to play online. I noticed they didn't offer any discounts on the subscription or controllers during this year's days of play for the first time in many years and they will feel it when people choose not to renew.

My subscription will lapse next month and it will stay that way until further notice.

KevtheDuff1d ago

There were savings on subs and controllers here in the UK? I bought a controller yesterday in the sale..
It would be weird if those deals were not in other territories too?


Evercade Alpha Reveals Affordable Mini-Arcade

This looks fun and affordable for fans of Retro Cabinet games.
Introducing Evercade Alpha, the first Evercade-compatible arcade machine. This bartop-sized arcade gives you everything you want in a home arcade machine with one big feature - full compatibility with the Evercade cartridge ecosystem.

darthv722d ago

I like the Mega Man one more as it has a better variety of games. Strider, Carrier Airwing, Final fight... The other is all SF. Plus i like that i can pop in any of my evercade carts to play as well.

Garethvk2d ago

As long as it is durable; it's a deal.