
New No Mans Sky PS4 Gameplay Revealed

No Mans Sky PS4 Gameplay 2016 Trailer PC: To go along with the No Man's Sky release date announcement of June 21 and Limited Edition reveal today, Access PlayStation uploaded a new gameplay video, offering up some new PlayStation 4 footage from the recent hands-on event.

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DarkOcelet3011d ago

Those two are so cute together.

On Topic: Shut up and take my money.

Clown_Syndr0me3011d ago

Still don't really understand the hype for this, it doesn't look like you really do anything?

Lon3wolf3011d ago

Apart from the exploration, crafting, fighting, joining factions, trading and trying to reach the center of it all yeah you don't really do anything.

1nsomniac3011d ago

The problem being we've not seen any of that. The only gameplay they seem to be releasing is exploration where they don't actually do anything at all. That's the part that has a lot of us worried & confused.

Clown_Syndr0me3010d ago

Must of missed those videos.

Perjoss3011d ago

Different games for different people, the world would not be a very interesting place if we all liked the same things. Personally I cant wait to get my hands on this!

Eonjay3011d ago

He mentioned that the story is still under wraps... which is good because if will be fresh.

Goldby3010d ago

i hope alot more devs take note of this PR practice. to not give away the entire game and every thing you can do before the game has release dates.

Ubisoft is kinda following with Division, about keepign end games stuff to just before release

_-EDMIX-_3010d ago

Agreed. I'd personally be fine if no story existed at all and it was just a overarching narrative.

I tend to like games where you see more then you hear being told to you.

I personally hate bad stories that could have conveyed an idea much greater through actions of the world vs literally telling you.

HL2, one of the best games I've ever played, did a great job of showing you the world of City 17. They didn't need to have someone tell you it was bad, they didn't need some narration telling you how crappy it was.

You saw it FIRST HAND, people complained, got beat etc lol, but it added to the story so much, that it was something that didn't need to be spoken, it was visually represented.

I might be fine with No Man Sky sorta telling its story this way through events and let the user interpret whats going on vs being told literally, but I'm really interested in seeing exactly what the story is, but its not a deal breaker for me.

Exploring is literally good enough for me to warrant 60 day 1.

The concept is so brillant that its a day 1, full price no questions asked with me.

They created an amazing concept, they're product is worth the full price. If any other big name publisher created this concept 90% sure many would not question its price. I can't wait to get my hands on this game!

Will be a joy to watch others play too (which I think might be the grand idea behind the game)

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3010d ago
Pongwater3011d ago

It looks like you do a lot of things to me…

I'm very interested in the idea of different alien races with different factions within them and different languages that must be learned. If you try to communicate with them and don't have sufficient language skills you could insult them accidentally.

iceman063010d ago

Same. That was the surprise out of this new information...the ability to communicate with these alien races and form alliances for trading and protection.

TwoForce3010d ago

@1nsomniac So you just want to spoil the fun ?

Lon3wolf3010d ago

Not everything is shown in videos, some information is in the various articles on the game e.g. below (although there has been a video of you leaving a station/carrier and helping defend stuff):

Murray also shed some light about the different factions that will appear in the game. They'll be procedurally generated just like most of the game, but they will each have their own personality and characteristics. He stated, "Factions will become friends with you if you help them out, maybe by defending them against an attack from a warring faction or a pirate attack. Perhaps if you're attacked and they're around, they'll come and help you in return, or maybe they'll give you preferential treatment as a trader."

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Tripl3seis3011d ago

I'm sooo in I've been waiting for a release date for a while can't wait

Omegasyde3011d ago

I just want to find other players, kill them, and take thier stuff to make my spaceship better.

averagejoe263010d ago

Unfortunately, you won't be doing that. It is not a multi-player game in any way. Supposedly there are talks of allowing you to interact with players on your friends list but that's all we know of so far.

No offense, but your ignorance regarding what type of game this is and what you can and cannot do, reflects a lot of the hype.

I know people will love this game. But a lot of people still don't actually know what the game is like and will be disappointed.

Goldby3010d ago

it actually is multiplayer. and they will be people flying /passing by you at points, dont expect it right away, but later on. hes said you can meet up with your firends, but you litterly have to find them in an entire galaxy. no one is named on your hud so it'll be based of how focused you are at leaving trails and finding them

XMarkstheSpot3011d ago

Looks good to me. Fingers crossed that one day ill be able to try it out.

XMarkstheSpot3010d ago

I only play on Xbox and I don't game on PC. Not to say PS4 isn't a good console without good games, its just not for me.

_-EDMIX-_3010d ago

@XMark- unless Sony buys them and the IP, pretty sure this might end up on XONE a year down the line if not maybe 6 months down the line or something.

I'm very, very positive you'll be able to play it as Hello games is self publishing and own the IP.

I don't see them only keeping it on 2 platforms for life. That is unless something changes after release, it wouldn't be the first time a publisher has purchased a studio and its IP after release.

Skate-AK3010d ago

Both Joe Dangers showed up on Xbox and Joe Danger 2 was even a timed exclusive at launch for Microsoft so I am sure it will come to Xbone at some point. Unless, like other people said, Sony buys them up real quick. I dont think that will happen though. They broke away for EA because they wanted to be indie for a reason.

medman3010d ago (Edited 3010d ago )

@xmarksthespot @edmix @skateak
You cannot compare No Man's Sky to Joe Danger skate ak...it's a different ballgame for No Man's Sky. I'm not sure this game will ever come to the xbox, and I say that because Sean Murray last year implied that the developer was ready to release the game, but Sony had "big plans" for it...it seems the decisions on when and how to release were pretty much up to Sony, which makes me feel they put some serious investment into the studio.

Remember, this is an indie game that is getting an as to now unprecedented release...it's getting full retail, sure to get lots of marketing, getting a disc version, getting a limited edition for ps4, AND getting a special edition for pc. Can you remember any other indie game getting this treatment? On top of it being rumored for psvr and oculus. All of this leads me to believe it will never come to the xbox, unless Sony wants to do Hello Games a real solid and allows it to go elsewhere so the dev can make even more money, after all the obvious investment Sony has made for the game.

XMarkstheSpot3010d ago

Well those big plans could've just been VR, and whats to stop Micro from going to them and paying to have it developed on their system like with RotTR? If they ported it to DX12(If its not all ready) it wouldn't be NEAR as much work because the PC(DX12) could get ported to the Xbox with a lot less coding to be done. So it wouldn't be like coding for a whole new system. But all in all I still agree with you, yet I still have hope this amazing game will grace my system with its awesomeness

medman3010d ago

Yeah, I hear you...it looks tremendous. Hope you get your wish, but I don't think it's very likely. Who knows though...anything's possible.

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