
Sony considering downloadable avatars for next PS4 update

In a leaked "invite only" survey this week, NeoGAF user Saint of Killers released a highly trending question concerning a future PlayStation 4 update.

In a "check all that apply" format, Sony asked survey participants to select which features they deemed most important from a list of thirteen. The list of features included downloadable PS4 avatars, something the system has needed since launch.

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FallenAngel19843143d ago

Idk why this is even a consideration and not just a decision to include anyway, this kind of feature should be a no brainer

donwel3143d ago

To be honest it's really something that should have been included at the release of the system as opposed to being thrown in two years later.
Though the Vita still doesn't have downloadable avatars (or it didn't the last time I checked) and that's been on the market a good while longer.

Castlevania3143d ago

There are a lot of things that should have been included at the release of the system.

Old_Prodigy3143d ago

I completely agree, I find the fact that this wasn't just done and we needed to be surveyed for something simple like this a bit odd. If they had no intention of letting us use downloadable avatars then why'd they preload any avatars at all? Did they really think we'd just be satisfied with the 20+ avatars they just brought over from PS3? Plus, the ones that we upload from facebook or the Playstation app aren't even going to be show to anyone besides our friends. It's so bland seeing the same set of default avatars all the time, Please add purchasable avatars Sony.

Why o why3143d ago

I uploaded my own using the app but only people on my friends list can see it. Like pretty much everyone has said....this should just be standard like most of the questions on thier recent questionnaire. We shouldn't really have to ask for them especially the features that I assume are easy to implement.

tethered3143d ago

I'm pretty sure you can change your settings and make it for everyone to see. I can see profile pics that are not on my friends list if I go to that "recommended friends list". There is a way to do it.

MAULxx3143d ago

Why not bring the Banners as well? I think those are cool on the Vita. Good options should be available for each device right?

TLG19913143d ago

At this point what does it matter, if you have the playstation app on a phone you can set any picture you want as your avatar. and no doubt they will charge for these.

DragoonsScaleLegends3142d ago

I hope everyone who is getting this survey is selecting PS1/PS2 Classics instead of being a @sshole and saying no one wants to play old games.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3142d ago
AizenSosuke3143d ago

This feature would be awesome considering I need my godly face upload to it.

porkChop3143d ago

Well considering that your PSN account has an avatar, and it shows up on PS4, it's pathetic that avatars weren't available on PS4 on launch day.

Old_Prodigy3143d ago

You should expand your vocabulary, pathetic is hardly an appropriate word for your comment. I think unacceptable would have sufficed.

ChickenOfTheCaveMan3143d ago

Are you high? Your post doesn't make any sense.

porkChop3143d ago

How does it not make sense? You can see your avatar on PS4, but you can't change it on PS4 because avatars aren't available for download on PS4. In order to change your avatar you have to either use a PS3, or go through a web browser. Avatars aren't available on the Vita either. It's just dumb.

Eidolon3143d ago (Edited 3143d ago )

Couldn't you download from PS3 store, apply, and it will reflect on your PS4? I get that some people don't have a PS3 to do this, though.

I think a cool feature would be for certain trophies to unlock avatars, like Xbox 360 had.

LA_Zeo3143d ago

What the hell is there to consider? This should have been available don't ya think?

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Sony Wishes Its State Of Play Was As Impressive As The Xbox Showcase

While the Sony State of Play had a critical lack of first-party titles and new stuff, Xbox came in hard and delivered one hell of an event.

Goodguy0120h ago

SoPs usually are quite underwhelming. Xbox did a great job and hope Sony learns

Cacabunga10h ago

It was a great show, but still a multiplateform show. xbox needed to give a sign of life, and they did. Sony on the other hand showed some console exclusives..
State of play was light yes that’s clear, but Sony is still planning to deliver console exclusives.

romulus239h ago(Edited 9h ago)

The following games from the showcase are multi-plat and also coming to PlayStation and there may be more so perhaps what Sony learned was to let MS spend the money on advertising games for them.

Assassin’s Creed Shadows
Call of Duty: Black Ops 6
Clair Obscur: Expeditions 33
DOOM: The Dark Ages
Dragon Age: The Veilguard
Fallout 76: Skyline Valley
Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn
Life Is Strange: Double Exposure
Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater
Sea of Thieves: Season 13
WUCHANG: Fallen Feathers

Kayser818h ago

they are advertising GamePass which the none subscribers have to pay 70$ for it.

Hello_World7h ago(Edited 7h ago)

Buyers on PS help make Gamepass games even more profit by paying retail price, while Xbox gamers get all on day one using subscription. Huge difference.

ocelot072h ago(Edited 2h ago)


You just made it sound like real life. Playstation = Hard working people who have to pay taxes.

Xbox = Jobless bums who claim universal credit benifits rely on the working class people to pay taxes so they can get free money.

Hello_World2h ago(Edited 2h ago)


PlayStation equals hard working people because Sony isn't able to provide a day one subscription model?

If you want to fork over $1,000 to play these games and believe that's a good idea, you can. But don't hold it against others that are provided multiple options to play all these games.

crazyCoconuts41m ago

GamePass isn't cheap on console... Xbox players are paying for it. And the more MS puts on GP the more they'll eventually have to raise the prices. It'll all work itself out in the end I think.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 32m ago
blackblades7h ago

Sony been doing it before MS has for years, so they dont need to learn. If the time isnt right then the time isnt right.

-Foxtrot7h ago

I hope they learn aswell BUT looking at both sides at least Sony isn’t announcing games to show off again, and again, and again over a couple of years

While a good show there was a lot at Microsoft’s conference that were announced and shown off years ago. If Sony sticks to only showing off games when they are going to be released the same year then I kind of understand it but if they don’t then I’d be flabbergasted by it

1Victor6h ago

Let Sony do its thing when they drop the ball for gen and a half of duds shows then they’ll be even with Xbox and we should worry till then they earn it.
All that been said congratulations to Microsoft for finally doing the minimum of having good looking games coming soon took 100 billion to do it but hey gotta spend money to make money or so someone broke once said.

AsimLionheart5h ago

It was as much of a PlayStation Showcase as it was an Xbox Showcase. Most of the games they showed have been confirmed to be coming to PlayStation. Furthermore, even the ones they did not announce coming to Playstation yet are rumored to be coming to PlayStation in the near future. Sony will announce their first party games when the time is right. No point in announcing them 5 years in advance as MS did in 2020.

BehindTheRows39m ago

Sony releases good games. Xbox needs to learn from that.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 32m ago
italiangamer20h ago

It's embarrassing how "professional videogaming journalism" has fallen off.
Article written by a 13 years old full of acne.

Rebel_Scum8h ago

Gotta start somewhere. Especially with computers and AI taking jobs from fast food joints and supermarkets which traditionally hire teens.

bunt-custardly57m ago

Problem isn't that really. It's @christopher for allowing such a clickbaity, console war encouraging, juvenile article in the first place on N4G.

isarai17h ago

I think people need to be aware that purpose of State of Play is updates on small scale and 3rd party games, their big scale showings are PlayStation Showcase.

17h ago
Stanlittle22m ago(Edited 9m ago)

June is for showing games been like that for 20+ years. Why Sony is just letting Xbox take all the spotlight makes no sense.

I think we may be witnessing the fall of PlayStation not because Xbox is good, but because PlayStation is focused on GAS and push to PC. Only fueled more now that Helldivers 2, a GAS that sold more on PC was a hit

Just look at the XBOX diversity in their console exclusive lineup

Gears 6 (cover shooter)
Perfect Dark (Mirrors Edge with guns)
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 ( the most insane flight/ all of earth sim ever )
Indiana Jones (First person take on a slightly over used genre)
Avowed ( don't know much about it)
Doom: The Dark Ages ( just an all out FPS and my PlayStation needs more fps)
Fable ( RPG that has better graphics than Hellblade 2)
State of Decay 3 (Open World Zombie Survival Game)
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 ( post apocalyptic 1st person suspense)

I mean all that for what? $10 a month on Game Pass is bananas.

Terry_B10h ago

Approved this silly submission of an "opinion article" with the last 2 votes it needed to have a laugh at the upcoming comments.

Seriously, console war shit like this one should be banned from n4g.

Profchaos9h ago

I've noticed that console wait flame bait is the only thing getting approved lately with other articles taking a few days to show up after not getting approved

Terry_B8h ago

Aye. Usually I just use the "how submissions with most approvals" choice ..look what they are and approve. Wish we would have way more reviews here instead of opinion articles. So many of them are just bait.

dumahim1h ago

They get written, approved, and many comments because that's what draws attention. Want it to stop, get people to stop clicking and commenting.

OWCY5h ago

Ironic coming from you who have been a ps lover and xbox hater on this site since day 1

peppeaccardo10h ago

One one side a company that has brought real innovation in videos games with the first truly 3d graphics for mass entertainment, handheld devices, VR, great francises ... on the other side the Netflix of video games, and so .... who wants to be who? Let's stay focus and play some games kids.

DivineHand1251h ago

Rubbish. All 3 companies have brought innovation to the games industry. In fact, the Xbox 360 was so impactful that it shaped the feature set of gaming consoles to this day with Xbox Live, 3rd party apps, communication features, etc. Nintendo has always been innovative with recent additions being motion controls from the Wii and the portability of the Nintendo Switch. That led to devices like the steam deck, ROG, and the other nearly hundred handhelds.

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Sony shares big new PS Plus stat, but not the one we want to see

PlayStation Plus has improved the split of PS4 and PS5 players on its priciest tiers, but Sony continues to hide total subscriber numbers.

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mandf10d ago

lol acting like it’s equivalent to ms numbers

Mr Logic10d ago

Uh...They're definitely not equivalent.

"Microsoft’s Xbox Game Pass service now has 34 million subscribers."

"the total number of PS Plus subscribers across all tiers was 47.4 million"

darthv7210d ago (Edited 10d ago )

That PSN number seems like it should be much higher... especially when you consider that PS4 alone has a sell through of over 117m. To not even be at least half that is rather interesting.

To the XB side, having 34m to an install base of roughly 50m (XBO sell through) or even 85m (360 sell through) is a greater percentage of unit to member ratio than PSN.

bloop10d ago

That's not the "gotcha" you think it is Darth.

darthv7210d ago

^^it's not supposed to be bloop.... it's just an interesting observation.

Einhander197210d ago


"That PSN number seems like it should be much higher... especially when you consider that PS4 alone has a sell through of over 117m. To not even be at least half that is rather interesting.

To the XB side, having 34m to an install base of roughly 50m (XBO sell through) or even 85m (360 sell through) is a greater percentage of unit to member ratio than PSN."

Have you ever heard of a PC before? I hear they are pretty popular.

fr0sty10d ago

MS started lumping gold subscribers in with those GP numbers... keep in mind.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 10d ago
shinoff218310d ago (Edited 10d ago )

What. Definitely more os plus subscribers but that makes sense due to actual console sales

Darth the difference between the bases are huge your right but you gotta think. Ps players buy more games, where as the Xbox base relies on gamepass for their gaming. So it makes perfect sense

darthv7210d ago (Edited 10d ago )

What makes perfect sense though? You say PS players buy more games... so then logically there should be more PS+ subscribers given the increased number of online multiplayer games in the PS4 generation alone. The PS4 was the first time that + was required for online play much like Gold was for 360 users.

Keep in mind we are talking subscribers, not simply XB/PS users. I assume you meant to say offline single player games, which is most likely true as well. That gen also saw a significant increase in games with an online component comparted to the previous gen.

victorMaje10d ago

I for one will be going back to essential at the next renewal. When I feel a game is good & right up my alley, I’ll check trusted reviews & just buy it.

jznrpg10d ago (Edited 10d ago )

I have the top tier until 2028 as they gave me a massive discount for all the years I had left but I’ll most likely go to essential as well. I buy my games but my kids do use the service occasionally. They do prefer to own their games as well since any game can leave the rental service at some point and they don’t like that idea. They mostly use it to demo games then ask me to buy games if they really like it.

RedDevils10d ago

For me, I will cancel it all together but unfortunately I still have it till 2030 lol

meganick10d ago

I would like to see Sony add a fourth tier of PS Plus for people who just want to be able to play games online without any of the perks like monthly games, store discounts, or anything like that, and it should cost $20 annually, $30 maximum. There’s no way I’m paying $80 just to play games online. Even the original $60 fee was too much, and I would often wait for sales to re-up my subscription.

P_Bomb10d ago (Edited 10d ago )

Essential is too expensive, I agree. We’ve got one Essential and one Premium sub. Dropping the Premium when it expires.

gamerz10d ago

Just let my subscription lapse for the first time since 2010. Will sub again every now and then for a month or so to access my old ps+ games but for me it's the end of an era.

DivineHand12510d ago

Let those numbers continue to drop because it is now too expensive. $80 per year just to play online. I noticed they didn't offer any discounts on the subscription or controllers during this year's days of play for the first time in many years and they will feel it when people choose not to renew.

My subscription will lapse next month and it will stay that way until further notice.

KevtheDuff10d ago

There were savings on subs and controllers here in the UK? I bought a controller yesterday in the sale..
It would be weird if those deals were not in other territories too?


PlayStation Aims to Entice PC Gamers to Play Single-Player Sequels on Consoles

Sony aims to release live service PlayStation games day & date on PC and PS5, but single-player games will have more "strategic approach."

-Foxtrot12d ago

How? I’m sorry but how when they literally port their games to the PC now after not even 2 years, it’s rumored GoW Ragnarok is next.

The best thing they could have done is focus on the generation before with PS3 / PS4 titles and when it got to the PS6 then start porting PS5 games so people will want to get the sequel on the new console

Now PC gamers just wait it out because they know it’s coming

Redemption-6412d ago

Rock Star does the same thing. Release 1st on consoles, wait a year or two then release on PC. It's clearly a strategy that works for them.

They don't need a lot of PC gamers to move to Playstation, but they just need a few who would also buy into it and possibly double dip. There are some very unhappy gamers on Twitter, who wanted to hear day and date for all games.

Cacabunga12d ago (Edited 12d ago )

Your analyse is not accurate..

If sony keeps things the way they are then they will grow the business. Some pc gamers who really liked God of War for example might buy PS4 or 5 to play Ragnarok. Same if they announce ghost of tsushima 2 or a new Ratchet game.

-Foxtrot12d ago


Yeah I loved playing Red Dead Redemption on PC…….


I highly doubt it, PC gamers have their setups, if they didn’t budge for years to get a console despite all the cool exclusives then they aren’t going to budge now knowing a new PS5 game will get a port 2 years later

Crows9011d ago (Edited 11d ago )


Basically you're functioning under the assumption that PC players are impatient, rich and stupid.

Most will not budge. But if the hype is real enough they'll get a few. But those few won't actually be invested in the platform.

shinoff218311d ago

Those unhappy gamers will just have to suck it up. I'm sure Sony sees how thats worked out for Xbox. Why tf would they follow in their footsteps

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 11d ago
thorstein12d ago


According to Sony, by co launching live service games like Helldivers2 day one, then enticing PC players to want to play sequels on the console for SP games.

That's how. If you play Ghost of Tsushima and Sony launches GoT 2 on PS later this year, you're more apt to want to grab the console and play the sequel instead of waiting.

12d ago
ThinkThink12d ago

Yeah, pc players are the most patient of players. They will just wait for the game to come to pc.

Tacoboto12d ago

You're just spitting back out the Sony PR line.

PC-first and PC-centric gaming is a different beast. Helldivers 2's popularity and GoT's popularity are because they're good solid games, not because they're from PlayStation publishing.

It's the same PlayStation that put Helldivers 2 for sale internationally, then pulled their PSN-Steam removal card. The same PlayStation that released Returnal with UE4's dreaded shader stutter. The same PlayStation that released TLOU Part 1 in a broken state.

If Sony's PS4 slate of titles didn't convince PC gamers, if their current PS5 titles still don't, ports of games they've had *years* of knowing and reading and hearing about aren't going to convince them to finally buy a console.

Don't fall so easily for the same PR BS that fabricates quotes from their own studio heads.

VincentVanBro12d ago

Nah I’ll wait for the best version on PC lol

JEECE12d ago

I mean that's certainly the thinking, but for most PC gamers that just won't work. Like in a rare circumstance if someone was already on the fence about a console that might get them to take the plunge and buy a PlayStation, but it will be the exception rather than the rule.

-Foxtrot11d ago (Edited 11d ago )

PC gamers are super patient

There's no f****** way, for example, they are going to get a PS5 the moment Ghost of Tsushima 2 is announced just because they played the PC port of the first game

The mindset?

"Ah cool GoT2 has been announced, really enjoyed the first game. Anyway I'll just play on the dozens of other games I have while I wait for the obvious PC port from Sony in like 2 years"

Not a chance they'll all wait now.

thorstein11d ago (Edited 11d ago )


"You're just spitting back the Sony PR line."

I literally said: "According to Sony."

I was responding to someone who asked "How?"

I gave Fox an answer that reflects Sony's thinking. Maybe read the OP's comment and then reading a reply to that person as if it's an answer to their question instead of sounding off in such a bizarre way. See Jeece's reply to mine.

@Dom I do. Sony may not, but then again, they've made billions in the gaming industry and you've made $0.


@thorstein PC gamers have been condition to wait... Epic Games exclusives don't sell well and EA, Ubisoft, and MS have all come back/or arrived on Steam and that's all for preferred store front that doesn't cost money at all so to think people will rush out to spend 500 dollars on a console (whichvcould be used to help pay for PC upgrades) is a bit naive.

shinoff218311d ago (Edited 11d ago )

I think some of yall are giving pc gamers to much credit. Not every pc gamer is gonna be the same. I'm sure sony isnt expecting all pc gamers to switch, that would be foolish. Idk how many pc goers are there. 500 million 400 million idk really. Say son bgets 5 million of them to it was worth it. If you say none imma call bs

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 11d ago
romulus2312d ago

You're mistakenly speaking for all PC gamers, there are bound to be some people who are not willing to wait and for Sony those are potential console buyers.

RaidenBlack11d ago (Edited 11d ago )

eh, no ... if a PC gamer is playing on a PC, they'll continue to do so ... there are tons n tons of games on Steam alone and the steam gamers' backlog stories are one of the most discussed topic you'll find in PC forums ... indie is already huge there, plus early access, PC-exclusive titles, VR, big publishers' titles and now Sony's ports too.
Realistically speaking, usually there's not enough time to complete the backlog alone, than go buy a separate console altogether.
The only game that has the power somewhat to make a PC gamer to get a console is GTA VI.
PC gaming existed and proliferated well before this recent Sony's PC decision.

StormSnooper11d ago

True, there will be new gamers who will be exposed to PlayStation IPs, and they will possibly obtain PSN accounts, both of which make people more inclined to purchase PlayStation.

VincentVanBro11d ago (Edited 11d ago )

I don’t think you understand PC gaming. We have sooooo many games to play it’s kind of ludicrous. The insane Steam backlog is not a myth. So, we’ll happily wait for the best version of a game.

outsider162411d ago (Edited 11d ago )

How these guys think that they're only pc gamers that won't buy a console, I'll never know..lol. we're talking about the whole world here..not a few guys on this site or reddit.

Edit: in fact there's posts on reddit how they bought a ps5 after having played a few exclusives on PC.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 11d ago
romulus2311d ago

"Not a chance they'll all wait now."

You don't know what all of them will do. Some may wait some may not.

StormSnooper11d ago

Well, if they want the games when they release, they will need a PlayStation. If they are ok with waiting, then they can do that. I think it’s a sound gameplan for PlayStation. The release of games on PC, will generate additional fans for the ips.

kaos8911d ago

So who cares how / when someone chooses to spend or not spend their money? Sony gets their money for their game sold either way whether its on PS5 or PC, so in the end what does it matter?

Resistance_lord11d ago (Edited 11d ago )

PC gamers will wait a year to get a game $10 cheaper lol. they ain't gonna go out and spend $500 on a system to play 1 game. people underestimate them big time.

outsider162411d ago (Edited 11d ago )

It actually works, i know some of my friends and cousins who cannot wait and bought a Ps5 to play Horizon FW. In fact they cannot believe that "ps has amazing games" lol

Sure there's others who can wait a whole year or two but then there's others who have to play as soon as possible.

Christopher11d ago

*** Now PC gamers just wait it out because they know it’s coming ***

I think a lot of people who would abandon consoles entirely don't because of the wait. Sure, they aren't drawing new users from PC like they want, but they are maintaining while getting more from PC-only gamers (possibly even double taps from those who own both).

Einhander197211d ago (Edited 11d ago )

The PS5 Pro is going to be WAY above the average PC of users on Steam.

The PS5 Pro will be able to play every single game they have released on PC at PC settings with a minimum of 60FPS and higher with unlocked framerates.

Jingsing11d ago

I agree, there is zero logic from Sony on this. Sony completely underestimate how stubborn a PC player is. They can wait, I'll now wait as I've stopped buying games for my PS5 and will now acquire them for free on PC.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 11d ago
helicoptergirl12d ago (Edited 12d ago )

"While Helldivers 2 was released day and date on both PS5 and PC, don’t expect single-player narrative-driven games to be released in the same boat by Sony anytime soon. - This was confirmed by PlayStation’s soon-to-be co-CEO Hermen Hulst in Sony’s business segment presentation"

There you have it. Won't be 'day and date' single player games on PC anytime soon or for the forseeable future. They understand single player games are Playstation's backbone.

CrashMania12d ago (Edited 12d ago )

So much for the nonsense narrative that playstation is somehow failing so they are going to immediately start releasing every single game day and date on PC lol.

Elda12d ago

That is what the competition has to deal with.

12d ago
Elda12d ago

Agreed. First & foremost Playstation not only wants to sell their AAA first party games but their gaming consoles to play them on that is why their AAA first party games come to PC later after it sells on PS consoles.

ocelot0712d ago

I was told that Playstation was doing so bad on here and on X that Helldivers 2 was going to release on Xbox and Sony was going to start releasing all games on pc day and date with playstation. Why do people constantly lie on the internet!!!!!

Hofstaderman12d ago ShowReplies(1)
Fishy Fingers12d ago (Edited 12d ago )

We've gone from you'll never see PS games on PC, to you'll never see any PS games day one on PC, to you'll see some PS games day one but have to wait for others.

I mean, its kinda looks like it's heading one way no? That "wait" is going to get shorter and shorter.

Fishy Fingers12d ago

It's happening.

God of War 2018 - 4 years
Horizon Zero dawn - 3 years
Horizon Forbidden West - 2 years

StormSnooper11d ago

Well, with MS going full PC/multiplatform, PlayStation will need to adapt. Luckily, they are in a position to hold the fort for all lovers of console gaming. Otherwise, if MS’s business model was the norm, we can all kiss console gaming goodbye.

Thank god for Sony.

HankHill11d ago

Exactly. As usual, the usual suspects on here are coping and moving goal posts.

darthv7211d ago

Ragnarok is now 1y and 10m between PS-PC release. Its only going to get shorter over time.

outsider162411d ago

Well, change of leaderships on Sony did that, under Jim it looked like a lot has changed. Who would have thought eh?
Who would have thought under Big ole Phil xbox games would come to Playstation eh?

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 11d ago
XiNatsuDragnel12d ago

That's a smart move because at the end of the day playstation is a hardware business and need to sell hardware folks

Software_Lover12d ago

Meh, I'm done with consoles altogether.

Bathyj12d ago

Considering the amount of bangers PlayStation and Nintendo make, your name doesn't sound very apt.

darthv7212d ago

Well I think he means that on PC, all software eventually is playable on it. Which is true.

Consoles just are a convenient way of playing some sooner than later.

ApocalypseShadow12d ago

Darth, all software eventually is playable on PC through emulation and theft of games. You forgot that part. It's not through legal means.

andy8511d ago

Most, not all. Unless you're talking emulation

Mad_Matt11d ago

Apocalypse- You consider emulation theft of games? LMAO
Way to shill for corporations.

Software_Lover11d ago

This gen has been trash. I was already on the fence but caved and bought the consoles, I have regretted that decision. Most of the games that I would play come to PC anyway. I'm done with consoles. I have had the best time with PC this gen and a good amount last gen that it just pulled me away.

XiNatsuDragnel11d ago

Emulators and emulation are legal not rooms you're inaccurate

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 11d ago
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