
Last-Gen versions of Call of Duty Black Ops 3 being targeted for 30FPS instead of 60

Turns out developer Beenox is having trouble maintaining Call of Duty's signature 60FPS in the last gen versions of the game

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AngelicIceDiamond3145d ago

Yep, they're not even trying anymore. Last gen consoles are on there way out now.

Sy_Wolf3144d ago

They are trying, there's only so much you can do with hardware that's over a decade old. The fact that they can get it running at all shows how hard they're trying.

Deeke3144d ago (Edited 3144d ago )

The xbox 360/ps3 version isn't being developed by Treyarch. Activision once again handed off a big budget CoD game to an inexperienced dev, and as a result, they've had to cut content.

So no, I'd say Activision isn't trying any more. And Treyarch knows damn well how to port Xbox 360/PS3 games, I am highly confident they could do it. It might take 2-3 discs plus extra downloaded content, but they could do it. They've spent so much time making CoD games on last-gen platforms, after all.

MicrosoftMackin3144d ago

Lol COD aka same game engine for 2 console gens so far with very minor differences every year. I highly doubt this game is demanding other than being poorly coded and extremely resource inefficient.

Sy_Wolf3144d ago

@Deeke The other team's only mission is to port the game, they're not doing anything else. Like it or not even Call of Duty is doing things on the current systems that just can't be done on the last gen ones. The fact that the PS3 and 360 are getting ANY big games at all is unheard of. Treyarch do know how to make games that work on the 360 and PS3, that's irrelevant. They're making games that work on the PS4 and Xbox One now and the fact of the matter is those are much more capable systems.

@MicrosoftMackin You're just wrong on so many levels, not going to even try to explain it to you.

wellard3144d ago

Sy_wolf. How is he wrong? It is a ridiculously old engine isn't it? Cod games are notoriously lacking in innovation aren't they? Isn't that what every single comment section on cod posts is full of? Heck for innovation let's watch some Ai fish on copy and paste maps which use copy and paste resources.

Game4Next3143d ago

PS3 is dead, Long Live PS4!!!

Sy_Wolf3143d ago

@wellard just because it's an old engine doesn't mean you can't do things with it that can't be done on the older systems. Ask saying it's an old engine isn't exactly true. It's like saying the Arkham Asylum engine is old. Technically true but they've changed so much it's really not true. Also Arkham Knight is another game that couldn't run on old systems. There's only so much you can do with hardware that's 10 years old. You must not know much about computers or game development if you honestly think any game that can be made on the PS4/Xbone can be made on the PS3/360

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3143d ago
ThunderPulse3144d ago

The game shouldn't exist on last gen.

freshslicepizza3144d ago

agreed but this is activision, if they can make an extra dollar they will. destiny should have been on the pc not ps3 and xbox 360 but again it's about getting as much money as they think they can

Halo2ODST23144d ago

30fps is damn fine, at least they're not sacrificing split screen.

Phunkydiabetic13144d ago


You cant be fuckin serious....you really think having the game on "2-3 discs" will somehow help the framerate? For real?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3143d ago
HaveSumNuts3145d ago

30fps multiplayer only game with no campaign? Only idiots would pay full price for the last gen version for this game.

DarkOcelet3145d ago

Unfortunately there is alot of idiots out there who will buy it.

And also there are those who are uninformed that it is online only since they dont go on gaming websites.

3144d ago
TheUndertaker853144d ago (Edited 3144d ago )

It's right on the case for 360 and PS3. It however is not "online only".


neoandrew3144d ago


It is, 360 and ps3 version doesn't have the campaign included

TheUndertaker853144d ago

@neoandrew: It was never stated zombies nor multiplayer would not feature split screen. The campaign will not be the only split screen experience nor would online be required to play zombies.

ger23963144d ago

So people are now idiots for buying what they like?

DarkOcelet3144d ago


If people knew its only 30fps and doesnt have a campaign mode and its 50$ on last gen and still bought it then they are ok with being ripped off and those to me are either idiots are have alot of money to throw mate.

zidane13413144d ago

@doctorfraud: lol your funny. "casuals" cannot tell the difference between 30fps and 60. if there casual then they probably watch movies or tv more, which movies are 24fps so I highly doubt they'd notice

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3144d ago
stuna13145d ago

This probably is their reasoning to try to force an upgrade!? If true, it's kind of ingenious.

Once gaming pals see their friends moving on to this gen consoles and seeing what they can do as well as the upgraded visuals, many will follow.

Thinking about it, many last generation consoles owners who don't follow what's going on in the industry could possibly believe that this generation consoles are so much more advanced that due to development issues this generation games can't fit or work well on last generation consoles because they've become much bigger in size and scope.

etownone3144d ago

No campaign?

I didn't know that.

Jamaicangmr3144d ago

I wouldnt go as far as to say idiots. The options are limited if you only have a last gen console.

inf3cted13144d ago

Kids dont really look if its 30fps or 60fps. It will still sell

NeckBeardBSMTDweller3144d ago

@Theundertaker - Dude the cover art in your link shows REQUIRES INTERNET. How the L. Ron Hubbard isnt that online only?

JamesBroski3144d ago (Edited 3144d ago )

A lot of people don't have next-gen consoles. And most CoD players don't really follow gaming news. They'll buy the game without even knowing what they're buying. It's another trick from Activision to get more money.

SUCKxITxEZ3144d ago (Edited 3144d ago )

They did the same thing last gen with the Wii. All the big CoD games were ported to the Wii and ran at 30fps or less and had horrible graphics, but I had fun with them. I also had a hacked Wii with a 1tb drive hooked up to it, so I can't fairly judge the value, plus the Wii had a unique control scheme, which the ps3 and 360 don't have.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3144d ago
FlexLuger3145d ago

Wow.....Thats gonna piss a few last gen owners off....But for real its time for them to upgrade to current gen. X360 and PS3 did more than enough in their life cycles but its time for them to be retired.

Paytaa3145d ago

Agreed. With the deals this holiday, it'd be foolish not to upgrade to a PS4 or Xbox One. With that said, they should have cancelled the last gen version altogether. Gives more of an incentive to upgrade.

JamesBroski3144d ago

They only do so to have even more sales. Plain and simple.

Halo2ODST23144d ago (Edited 3144d ago )

Here is an incentive not to upgrade (I have got x1) there are more games on last gen, and better games, whereas on x1 there is destiny which is meh (ttk improved it), halo mcc which as a halo fan have played the games to f''k, titanfall doesn't have a hook and gets boring fast, gears 1, err have it on 360, - I would urge people not to upgrade until there is good games, my 360 has became my primary console again, because there is so much fun to have on it

keki3144d ago

they had plenty of time to save up this past two year..i don't feel bad at all.

Halo2ODST23144d ago (Edited 3144d ago )

Why? Why would it pies of last gen users? 30 frames is perfectly acceptable . the game being at 30 doesn't just suddenly make the game unplayable

triple_c3145d ago (Edited 3145d ago )

And Pro Skater 5 was recently delayed on last gen too.. Pro Skater 5 is most likely going to get canned. These developers aren't even trying anymore.. Wow.. so not only are you last gen guys getting games that are being delayed and cancelled but you guys are getting games that aren't polished with less content than current gen versions.. I've said this before and I'll say it again, these AAA games need to stop coming to last gen. You last gen guys need to get on the next gen train. PS4 just got a price drop, the Xbox One might get a price drop, black friday is right around the corner so you'll be able to get all kinds of crazy deals and it looks like both consoles will be hitting their stride in 2016 when it comes to exclusives. Now is the perfect time to get on the next gen train.

3144d ago
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Call of Duty paintball mod lets you return to classic CoD multiplayer

Call of Duty Black Ops 3 has a new paintball mod in the works which aims to restore classic CoD multiplayer, if you’re tired of Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2

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SullysCigar514d ago

Call of WHAT?? Never heard of it.

When did this franchise release..? /S


PlayStation Now: most-played games in Spring

Marvel’s Avengers, Horizon Zero Dawn, and Bloodborne earn top spots across PS5, PS4, and PC.

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roadkillers1074d ago

Too bad God of War isn't on PSNow. It would've slaughtered the Avengers and Aloy!!

roadkillers1074d ago

Yea, I can't find any. Not even the digital versions, Facebook has them going $400 over retail.

poppatron1074d ago

I need to cancel my subscription, there’s rarely anything I like that I don’t already have

Stanjara1074d ago

So Avengers are fine? I thought that the game is dying.


PS Now February 2021 - Call of Duty: Black Ops 3, Detroit: Become Human, WWE 2K Battlegrounds

Darksiders Genesis, Little Nightmares and Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number are also playable from today.

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LucasRuinedChildhood1214d ago (Edited 1214d ago )

Terrible month. Detroit and Black Ops 3 (available for a limited time) are already in the PS Plus Collection, and Detroit was also a free game on PS Plus years ago. WWE 2K Battlegrounds is terrible. Only the smaller games that were added are good additions.

PS Plus is way better than PS Now right now (quality > quantity) and has been good for a long time, and great since the PS5 released. I was tempted to subscribe to PS Now over the holidays but I just didn't trust in the quality of the service. They need to up their game because the quality of the service is deteriorating. I'm starting to wonder if they're going to ditch PS Now as we know it and basically add it as an extra tier to PS Plus because that's what they've been prioritizing.

-Ghost1214d ago (Edited 1214d ago )

Not sure why WWE 2K Battlegrounds was a highlight for this month. I browsed the games in December and it was there/played it.

SamPao1214d ago

Darksiders genesis. Thats a pretty neat addition

gamer78041214d ago (Edited 1214d ago )

The game was a massive disappointment, even playing with a friend it was terrible. But we finished it til the end. The game is so buggy and just not much fun a lot of times.

iplay1up21214d ago

Now, is not nearly as good as Game Pass, but $60 for a year? Well worth it!

gamer78041214d ago

Detroit become human is fantastic. One of the best this gen

oakshin1214d ago

Last time blop 3 was on here it came with the dlc

RgR1214d ago

Great for me.

I was looking to play darksiders genesis...it's the last one I need to play. And little nightmares is another one I wanted to try.

The rest I've already played or am not interested. Overall I think they're great additions.

iplay1up21214d ago (Edited 1214d ago )

I was disappointed with Darksiders 3. I played for a couple of hours, and deleted it. That is just me though, a lot of people liked it. Also the price is right. Hope you do like it!😁

RgR1214d ago

Yea I'm with you there. The beginning and gameplay feels so different but after a certain point I feel like it got much better.

I played it in classic mode so it would be more similar to other darksiders but man did I die a lot in the beginning due to learning how to play. Came into it fresh from darksiders 2.

SamPao1214d ago

Yeah, I am still playing frostpunk from last month...
Heard good things about little nightmares