
GTA V Old Gen vs. New Gen 720p vs. 1080p Direct-Feed Image Comparison Shows A Worthy Remaster

GearNuke: "Since Grand Theft Auto V is about to get released soon, we have decided to take a closer look between the two version of the game using screenshots taken directly from each version of the game."

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decrypt3495d ago (Edited 3495d ago )

Hell yea, i dont care what the devs show (since its going to be marginally better than last gen). I am all eyes to what happens after mods start kicking in.

Dynasty20213495d ago

I don't care what anyone says, modding makes PC gaming better every time.

Magicite3495d ago

Me too, this game must be played on most superior system.

Clunkyd3495d ago

lol PC fanboys always asking for attention.

chilopirrin3495d ago

"Waiting for pc" yeah i know...those who are waiting for the pc version, vote with the wallets, not with a couple of clicks on bitsoup or the piratebay or any torrent site out there, for that reason your version was delayed a couple of months the weekly charts always put the console version of every multiplatform game far avobe that the pc version of any game, strange, since the fact that there are millions more of pc's in the whole world...

Dee_913495d ago (Edited 3495d ago )

be sure to dust those pc's out occasionally boys


ufo8mycat3495d ago

How many of you getting it on PC are going to play it at 4k?

Unless you are playing it @ 4k , you are not playing the best version I'm afraid. 1080p on PC just doesn't cut it, so bragging to those console crowd about how you will be playing the better version, unless its 4k, you won't be. :)

XBLSkull3495d ago

Cant wait to play, I also preordered far cry and I think ill play that first since it is brand new but between those and Halo's 4 campaigns I have more game than I have time right now, gotta skip dragon age completely

RedDevils3495d ago

PC fans is those whore at the corner of the street, but we all know nobody care about them

kingduqc3495d ago

not sure why people disagree with you, just look at the gta 4 mods and it's well worth waiting a bit more, plus dat 1440p

Kivespussi3495d ago

"How many of you getting it on PC are going to play it at 4k?

Unless you are playing it @ 4k , you are not playing the best version I'm afraid. 1080p on PC just doesn't cut it, so bragging to those console crowd about how you will be playing the better version, unless its 4k, you won't be. :)"

1440p, 60fps, no AA, better shadows, textures and overall just prettier game aside from resolution too. And mods. I'm a console guy but I just find what you said so horribly wrong in so many ways.

TheSaint3495d ago

I doubt even one of you has a 4k capable machine.

Kurylo3d3495d ago (Edited 3495d ago )

Since when is graphics about resolution only? PC people not only have higher resolution, but all the features are cranked up. I love how console fanboys say.. but but u dont have 4k.. but but .. i have every little fucking detail u dont lol..

You get what you pay for.. deal with it.

mixelon3495d ago

Me too, and the inevitably Oculus Rift/VorpX Support. :D

Buckfastman3494d ago (Edited 3494d ago )

A console is an simplified version of a gaming pc, with usually outdated hardware. The ps4 is based on radeon HD7870 which is almost 3 years old. I just bought myself an asus r9 290 dcu2 OC (to go with my i5 3570k) which is about twice the performance of the 7870/ps4 gpu for €270(less than cost of 4 ps4 games) delivered. The biggest disappointment for me with gtaV was the 30fps framerate. Very noticeable after playing pc games. And they still haven't fixed it for the ps4 version. So i can't wait to put this new card to the limit on gtaV PC.

Unspoken3494d ago

This is the best news in gaming? lol

I'd be pissed if all I had was a PlayStation. I mean a year later and yet another remake?

"PS4 - the next generation way to play your last generation games."

Nice try but anything higher than 1080p would be better.


+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 3494d ago
Blaze9293495d ago

honestly not enough to make me pay $59.99 and start all over again. Not nearly enough.

MajorGecko3495d ago

you can load your character from last-gen

Dee_913495d ago

you've been saying that since the next gen version was announced... no one cares

Blaze9293495d ago (Edited 3495d ago )

@MajorGecko i meant single player. I could care less about the multi

@Dee_91 uhh, yeah ok. Must have me mistaken for someone else you like to troll.

3495d ago
Me-Time3495d ago (Edited 3495d ago )


shut up fool; it is "could not care less". contractions are for people weak in the field of grammar.


ScamperCamper3494d ago

I respect that you don't want to pay $60 again, but I think it won't be that price to upgrade. I have a PS4 and decent PC rig. Not sure which way I'm going. I've seen enough 1080p screenshots http://www.grandtheftautofo... (those might get the juices flowing) To me though at a reduced cost, I'll pay for the game. To me it's the greatest game ever released. In terms of sales and size, it's hard to beat it. Also, remember the ONline stuff is getting a major "next gen" overhaul. Sorry for trying to "sell you" on the upgrade!

monkeyfox3494d ago

@me time...
"Couldn't" is perfectly acceptable.. It's "could care less" that is completely fucking wrong.

Dee_913494d ago

someone with the same avatar said that repeatedly on here , may not have been you ... still.. no one cares.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3494d ago
No_Limit3495d ago (Edited 3495d ago )

Heads up. If anyone still have the old ps3/x360 version, you can trade it in to Target (us only) and received a $30 credit towards a new copy for xb1 or ps4. I am trading mine in tomorrow. I think the deal last the whole week.


Me-Time3495d ago (Edited 3495d ago )

DAMN IT. It ended today and I'm 1.5 hours late. That's not right :(

Oh wait, it does start this week. We're good.

wannabe gamer3495d ago

I dont mind waiting longer for PC version since it is coming with a built in video recording and editing function right in the game. worth the wait for that not to mention all the other great improvements.

its also kinda sad how just mentioning PC on this site gets tons of disagrees and hate. all the guy said was "waiting on PC" and he gets tons of grief. talk about immature audience.

3494d ago
3-4-53494d ago

The new ones look good but slightly more washed out and less colorful.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3494d ago
MSBAUSTX3495d ago

It looks better but it isnt overwhelmingly better. Halo 2 on MCC amd The Last Of Us on PS4 i think look better. But this is good. Maybe it is because it is screen shots instead of video comparrison. I can tell a difference though.

BigBosss3495d ago

I think game looks much better than the previous gen version both graphically and technically

Me-Time3495d ago

I agree with you, but can you explain how it could be that the screenshots and other gameplay footage is washed-out compared to old gen? Is it not like that and something is debasing the visuals in actuality?

It's only recently that I've noticed it; this past week or two, I suppose.

DarkLordMalik3495d ago

Halo 2 is a complete overhaul, not to mention a much older game. Remasters are not limited to better graphics only.

In the case of GTA V, we get:

First Person Mode
New Missions
30 player Multiplayer
Much more improved graphics
Solid 30 fps, compared to the fluctuating 30 fps
New vehicles and new weapons
and tons more content

So IMO this is worthy of a proper remaster. Kudos to Rockstar for taking the effort to do this. Some such releases are quite bad like the recent Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition and Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition.

Mikey Mike3495d ago

I agree somewhat, The Last of Us looked exactly the same minus some jaggies and was smoother. Halo 2 is ghe same game with higher polygons and a few tweaks.. GTA is a whole new game now with FPS thrown in. R* just showed the industry the proper way to make a remake. I'm really excited about heading to Los Santos this week...

TheBrownBandito3495d ago

"I agree somewhat, The Last of Us looked exactly the same minus some jaggies and was smoother."

Behave yourself geezer...

Alsybub3494d ago (Edited 3494d ago )

@Mikey Mike

I'm sorry, Halo 2 Anniversary is a lot more than a higher poly count. It may still play the same but the difference visually is night and day, it's using completely new assets for everything and it shows. GTA V is definitely a big overhaul but not to the degree of Halo 2. I'm looking forward to playing GTA way more than Halo though. It played like a next gen game and now it has the visuals to match, Halo 2 plays like an old game but looks like a new one, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. If they were to change the gameplay it would no longer be Halo 2.

I'm playing them through in order and I've been surprised at how easy it was to slip back into the first game. It felt a little stilted compared to current FPSs, at first, but after a while you forget it and realise why it was such a good game in the first place.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3494d ago
Docknoss3495d ago

I agree, the differences are mynute.

BigBosss3495d ago Show
timmyp533495d ago

Can't tell if Docknoss is trolling. -_-(fry squinting)

BigBosss3495d ago

well, with that kind of name, no avatar and 1 bubble why would he not be lol

ASTAROTH3495d ago

You guys are simply blind fanboys... and disrespecfull too. The game looks the same and its the same. No need for offence. If you really see a difference then go and buy it, its your money. Some of us will spend our hard earned money in something else. Respect!!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3495d ago
user56695103495d ago

people see the difference in these but never seen the difference in pc vs console version of games especially last gen. how funny

d3nworth13495d ago

No people always saw the difference in pc vs consoles. What you're doing is taking one person's opinion as the opinion of the community in a sad attempt to expose non existent hypocrisy.

DrRobotnik3495d ago

PC was always better graphically since SNES times. It's just that console enthusiast didn't care then. And still don't care now.

Ck1x3495d ago

I have to agree! From the GTA V reveal video, I was expecting more than this.

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Yo Mama3495d ago (Edited 3495d ago )

Why do the last two pics looks better with the slider pulled over to show Old Gen? I hope they were mislabeled.

Everything looks sharper in the Old Gen pics. Look at the car salesman's shirt and pants. It's less sharp and missing his back buttons in the New Gen. Look at the lighting bloom from outside through the window. Looks more realistic in the Old Gen pic. And what's with the layer of fog that tones down bright colors?

Stardust2603495d ago

Shared pictures on the PS4 have loads of compression.
Playing the actual game will have a HUGE noticeable upgrade. I've seen the game in person - it's dozens of times sharper.

Dannycr3495d ago

They look compressed in you are not watching them Full Screen.

If you share the pics on facebook, the picture looks compressed, but if you select the "Full Screen" option within facebook, you can see them looking all nice.

EXVirtual3495d ago

I am amazed that they got native 720p on PS3 and 360.

Assassingamer1363495d ago

Am I seeing the same images as you people? a lot of those photos look better on old gen. Look at the one with michael laying down with his sun glasses and look at the leaves in the background. Also look at the car salesman hair.

New gen: http://i1.wp.com/gearnuke.c...

Old gen: http://i2.wp.com/gearnuke.c...

d_g3495d ago (Edited 3495d ago )

1+ agree

the photo of michael make old gen look better



but in other photos the new gen look better

LetoAtreides823495d ago

That could be explained by the timeframes not matching. A better comparison would have timeframes as close to equal as possible.

First shot the glasses look smoother. The unfocused plants on new gen vs the focused plants on old gen could be a timeframe not matching issue. Second shot more pedestrians, more foliage. Third pic there's so much more foliage on new gen. Same with the next pic.

Fifth shot isn't good for a comparison. Sixth shot the one improvement I notice is the words on the wall look smoother. Interesting to note that there seems to be a missing silver button on the salesman's back right pocket.

Seventh shot the interior of the car looks more realistic on new gen. Eighth comparison the windshield wipers look more realistic, and the edges of the front window are smoother, as well as the rear-view mirror.

On the final comparison you can see that the palm trees look healthier and the trees at the top left have a lot more leaves. You also see more foliage along the fence.

Raider693495d ago

Deep of field and blur is been use extensve in the new generation versions thats the reason things on background seems out of focus or even more blurry.

mixelon3495d ago

Sun in different place.

Also.. Thumbnails! Looks very different at the full resolution.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3495d ago
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gold_drake19d ago

i think the only real loss is GTAV

OtterX19d ago

I think everyone and their sister owns the game by now. They likely want to squeeze the rest of the holdouts before GTAVI releases.

Profchaos19d ago

That game comes and goes from subscriptions so frequently I think it's expected now. Like rdr2 on gamepass Rockstar Games only last a max of 3 months On a service

MrBaskerville19d ago

Talos Principle is the real loss.

BanginTunes18d ago

Facts that game is good as fuck I'm playing through 2 now, very underrated

Huey_My_D_Long19d ago

indivisible was pretty neat. Cute artstyle, fun throwback to older RPGs, shame its leaving but it is on sale often

shinoff218319d ago

Definitely. I e joyed what I played of it. Still gotta grab the physical at some point

Petebloodyonion19d ago

I'm not surprised by GTA V removal, Rockstar never allows this game to stay long on a subscription service.
They usually allow 4 to 6 months.

lodossrage19d ago

Yeah, they do that routinely with both GTA and Red Dead.

But it's because they know they can still sell them so they take them off and on to these sub services in cycle.

The weird thing to me is why is anyone still buying those games at this point? You would think after 3 generations of being sold GTA 5 that everyone and their momma would have it by now

RNTody19d ago

I fail to see how the loss of an almost 11 year old game that released across 3 generations is in any way a problem.

19d ago
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