
PS4 GPGPU Doubles XB1 GPGPU In Ubisoft Test

A test run by Ubisoft on cloth simulation shows PlayStation 4 GPGPU doubling the numbers of Xbox One GPGPU. Both have massive gains over their CPUs.

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Neonridr3528d ago

I understand you don't put out many Wii U games Ubisoft, but it would have been interesting to see where it resided in the charts..

darthv723528d ago

Yeah, the wiiu could have been tested as well. But perhaps they were strictly going for a previous gen vs current gen comparison between the two platforms.

on a side note...the GDDR5 and the 'GPU' in the PS4 were meant for each other. The DDR3 and the XB1 'CPU' were meant for each other. That is why there is such a disparity between the tests in regards to the two scores.

Sony developed a system geared towards more graphic intensive applications (ie: games 1st, workflow 2nd). MS designed a system geared towards more rounded applications (ie: workflow 1st, games 2nd).

Both are significantly more robust than their previous efforts and both will offer a satisfying approach to entertainment in the years to come.

stuna13528d ago

Well said! I think it's a fair assumption to make that they are both respectively more powerful than their predecessors, as well as having their strengths and weaknesses. The truth is none can be the all inclusive package! Especially at the current asking price.

mixolydian_id3528d ago

I agree mostly.
But disagree with the generalised drivel "console does this because of gddr5/ddr3"

Anyone with half a tech-savvy mind would notice that the drivel plastered across the web smells fishy. Firstly the, people who regurgitate information from other unreliable sources solely because its what they want to see. Secondly because the majority actually haven't a clue.

Don't believe the hype train, don't even bother researching it because it's likely the information you'll find is spawned by some adolescent idiot who in the real world, words wouldn't be worth more then a primary school grade.

Eonjay3528d ago (Edited 3528d ago )

For the technically minded, this is far worse than anyone could have imagined. Ten times so because this is coming from Ubisoft. In short, they are showing that CPU tasks such as cloth manipulation, can be handled by the GPU, and they present a full proof showing that the PS4 GPU is demonstrability stronger and even go as far as to give advice about programming it. They even give timing results. They are basically saying that the CPU is not a bottleneck because we can use the GPU.

I feel ill. Did they really present evidence against their own claim? Why is this happening. At this point I am angry that they are such bad liars. No one is making them do this to themselves. I'm going to lay down.

The proof is even running against assets in AC: Unity... oh God.

Oner3528d ago (Edited 3528d ago )

Completely agree Eonjay ~ It's so obvious, but tbh that kind of critical thinking is lost on some...which speaks VOLUMES if you ask me.

starchild3528d ago

Of course the PS4 could handle this game at 1080p, so could the XB1, it's simply a matter of how much they would have to cut back other aspects of the graphics. It's always a trade off.

They probably decided that 900p was a resolution that would give enough clarity for the long draw distances, but would also allow the PS4 version to be able to keep all of the core visual design elements they wanted for the game.

The Xbox One version will probably be pared back in a few areas compared to the PS4 version in order to achieve the same resolution and there may be performance differences as well.

Both versions are CPU bound. It's not like everything can be done with GPGPU. There are definite limitations. If that weren't the case, we could just do away with the CPU and run everything off the GPU with GPGPU. In this case they are using GPGPU to run the cloth simulation, but that doesn't mean everything can run on GPGPU efficiently.

Here is what this Ubisoft dev said:

"Our producer (Vincent) saying we’re bound with AI by the CPU is right, but not entirely. Consider this, they started this game so early for next gen, MS and Sony wanted to push graphics first, so that’s what we did. I believe 50% of the CPU is dedicated to helping the rendering by processing pre-packaged information, and in our case, much like Unreal 4, baked global illumination lighting. The result is amazing graphically, the depth of field and lighting effects are beyond anything you’ve seen on the market"

So, if the CPUs are carrying that much of the load and helping out that much on rendering tasks and AI it's no wonder that both consoles are going to be similarly limited overall.

Now, of course the PS4 will still have a few extra graphics resources that will likely be used for other graphical enhancements over the XB1 version.

They almost certainly won't be graphically identical and the PS4 likely has the better performance as well. This is what I predict we will see when the game is released and analyzed.

BallsEye3528d ago


If you would be technically minded you would know that pure GPU test doesn't mean that much when it comes to running a full game. Once you need to offload more things than dancers on both GPU and CPU it doesn't work quite as well. Not to mention XBO have few additional smaller dedicated computer units that do GPU's work, move engines. It's same as showing how randon mediacore graphic card is better than ones in both ps4 and xo but in real game situation it will actually be behind, because of dedicated architecture in consoles.

Still waiting for a game on ps4 with atleast 20-30 active NPC's on screen. XO have games with few hundred of them at once with unique ai, looks and physics.

n4rc3527d ago

I don't fully understand the concept..

But offloading tasks to the GPU would only work if the GPU has the resources to spare. Am I correct?

So If you are taxing the GPU, you can't use it for CPU tasks as well..

awi59513527d ago

Don't argue gpu benchmarks for consoles go buy a gaming pc. With the Bitcoin farming craze over the bitcoin farmers are dropping practically brand new cards for 160 bucks. Buy 2 Amd R9 280x cards on ebay and kick any games butt. For example 1 R9 280x maxes BF4 64 multiplayer at ultra preset @ 1080P at 80+ fps

Volkama3527d ago (Edited 3527d ago )

These results really shouldn't come as a shock. In fact the difference is smaller than expected.

The XBox has 2 ACEs. The PS4 has 8 ACEs (same as the R9 290 series). So that's 4x more ACEs handling GPU Compute functions.

However the XBox ACEs have 16 queues each, the PS4s have 8 queues each, so the total number of queues is double as per the results. So it seems those extra queues are 100% efficient, at least in benchmarks.

Now let's see some devs really utilise it.

marcofdeath3527d ago

1. They did not use ESRAM to GPU.
2. GPGPU = the 14 + 4 of the vgleaks.
3. Test was versus DX 11.1

AS some think but as i said 3 mouths ago this is wrong. "B3D"
"18CU x 64ALU = 1152 ALU/SP"
AMD 153.6GB/s (maximum) is from the HD7870. On PS4's APU the more CPU the more bandwidth is taking away from the GPU. 140GB/s effective.

we start here once again page 53:

This page shows that the GPU is idol.

page 54

This shows the GPU filling it's ALUs with work.
You can see that all the alus are not used (PCs also waste ALUs at any given time).

Alus sitting idle 199.

Page 55

Now we start to fill the unused ALU with jobs.
this also gives consols a advantage of the previously talked about from me 2X close box performance increase.
Page 56

So we regain 104ALU from GPGPU. leaving 95ALU unused.

199ALU / 64 per CU = 3.1CUs used for GPGPU

14.9CU x 64ALU x 800MHZ x 2MADD = 1.5TF GPU
When you use GPGPU this is what you will have left for your graphics rendering. It will be interesting to see how this is handled because a lot of your exclusive PS4 first party games are using all GPU for graphics rendering and therefore there will be a balancing act graphics end versus GPGPU use.

UltimateMaster3527d ago

This chart kinda proves that if they used the GPGPU correctly, they could easily get it to 1080p on BOTH console.

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kaiserfranz3528d ago

Probably the WiiU CPU is slightly below PS3. Thing is, it doesn't have a GPU with Compute Units...

Qrphe3528d ago

True, CPU would be even below the 360 even, but as a GPGPU unit it would surpass both 360 and PS3.

UltraNova3527d ago

Still at 10 years of age the CELL is holding its own...I can only imagine what an up to date 16 core CELL could achieve!

Well all hail the lazy developers for killing Cell's potential.

nitus103527d ago

Unfortunately for the PS3 it was initially expensive to build and therefore the cost to the purchaser was allot higher than the competition.

I think if they had put in at least 1GB or 2GB of memory the machine would still be very competitive today, but putting in that extra memory would have caused even more losses for Sony at that moment in time which they could ill afford.

hollabox3527d ago (Edited 3527d ago )

Wow, I can recall saying Sony downgraded their CPU while MS upgraded over a year ago. Of course lovely idiots jumped on me trying to argue basic specs in regards to the CPU.

Like I said then, both next gen system put way too much stock in the GPU. When the GPU is maxed out developers can't expect much from the CPU to push the boundaries a little bit further. Developers already started complaining about next gen CPUs not being up to par.
On other hand, kudos to Sony for at least putting a decent GPU in their system along with fast GDDR 5 RAM. MS gambled too much on Kinect. Don M. copied Nintendo one too many times, his lack of clarity is going to cost MS this generation.

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killacal133528d ago (Edited 3528d ago )

Ubisoft are retards that don't know how to properly promote their games on the wii u, and still expect it to sell, and then they get upset with the bad sales when all they do is $hi# ports. Not going to get any of their games on my Ps4 because of this attitude with the Wii U and the downgrading on the Ps4 games with all the parity bull$#it.

Fatal-Aim3528d ago

"This is another proof that Compute, and specifically Async Compute is the future of next generation and particularly PlayStation 4, as stated by Sucker Punch and Zombie Studios, while Q-Games is already using it on The Tomorrow Children.

<Many games on PlayStation 4> Xbox One <don’t even use this properly, but they will soon>"

yet, I have been saying this BS the whole time which fanboys seem to forget right away when they see a PS4 game performing on the same level as a XB1 game. PS4 has yet to show it's true muscle, and its going to take more than a few launch titles or even the first year before we even see this, which fanboys are eager to jump on when comparing the total performance of the console to XB1's first year titles.

mark cerny tells you right here (back in june of 2013 before the console ever launched) that compute is the PS4's muscle for the long haul. http://www.gamasutra.com/vi...

" And the timeframe in which people will use these features fully is 2015? 2017?" said Cerny."

you eager fanboys will have your time to compare these two consoles....but not now. I just hope you all are ready as this generation ticks on.

2cents3527d ago

I have to say it.

I would love to see this run on... 'The Cloud' Aaaarrggghhh... oh no I said it!!!

Volkama3527d ago

Cloth simulation wouldn't really be a great candidate for cloud processing.

The AI that is apparently responsible for so much CPU resource use in this game would be a great candidate for offloading, and that would be of more benefit.

n4rc3527d ago

And that'll be the "parity" hurdles for Xbox owners... Could use azure but 3rd parties won't..

otherZinc3527d ago Show
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rarity3528d ago (Edited 3528d ago )

"easy to develop for,hard to master"

-mark cerny

@ kaiserfranz no the CPU isn't inferior to ps3's it just has a slower clock speed it would be inferior if they both had the same CPU which they don't the ps4 has the stronger CPU.

purp13m0nk3y3528d ago

"PS4 has the stronger CPU"

False! In terms of Raw theoretical flops (floating point calculations) the Cell is more powerful than the Xbox1/PS4 CPU.

The difference being that the Cell is very good at very specific tasks. While the Xbox1/PS4 CPU is much better as a general purpose processor and in real world performance achieves much better results.

I_am_Batman3528d ago

It's important to note that the PS3 was mostly reliant on the cell processor with the RSX supporting it as opposed to the PS4 which is mostly reliant on the GPU with the CPU idially only doing what can't be done via general purpose computation on the GPU.

The PS3 originally wasn't even going to have a dedicated GPU at all. It was supposed to run games sololy on the Cell.

mixolydian_id3528d ago

In real world performance, that much better?

Paper is one thing...

It's like when a company says "get this router, you'll get 300mb/s wifi speeds"

That is:

A) at 100%

B) your adaptor can support the "standard".

C) when you realise you have 50%-60% wifi connectivity. Which isn't as secure as wired

D) then realise that 1 MB/s is equal to 8Mb/s... And a wired connection is still 6x better.

It's marketting, they make you think it's good for the wrong reasons. Commercialism prevails, more sheep are provided.

jhoward5853528d ago (Edited 3528d ago )

Aren't we forgetting something here. cache

The PS4 has better/more cache shared between the CPU/GPU while the PS3 less cache.

The eight cores are capable of running eight hardware threads, with each core using a 32KiB L1 I-cache and D-cache, and each four-core group sharing 2MiB of L2 Cache. The processor will be able to handle things like atomics, threads, fibers, and ULTs, with out-of-order execution and advanced ISA.

As for the PS3, the "Processing Element" of the Cell is a 3.2-GHz PowerPC core equipped with 512 KB of L2 cache.

So this means the PS4 CPU would process information more efficiently than the PS3's CPU even with 7(I think) SPEs, which each come loaded with 256 KB SRAM. The fact the PS4 memory cache are divided with in the hardware,the cores compute processes information better throughout the hardware.



kaiserfranz3528d ago

Wow, I didn't really expect the PS4 CPU to be inferior to PS3! Now I'm starting to think Microsoft and Sony could have put some more technological effort in their consoles...

ziggurcat3528d ago

someone doesn't understand technology...

Pogmathoin3528d ago

You do not need to understand technology, just say Sony are wonderful, that will cover you.

Alexious3528d ago

It certainly isn't great to see PS3 beat PS4, even if it's just a specific benchmark. Truth is, these CPUs are good for a laptop, and a budget one.

Clearly both Microsoft and Sony cheaped out on CPU. Luckily at least Sony managed to have GDDR5 and added a few more Compute Units to its GPU.

johndoe112113528d ago (Edited 3528d ago )


The bitterness and complete idiocy in your comments are not just getting worse but they're getting pretty darn tiresome now. What the hell was the point of your comment? you are no better than the people you seem to despise and criticize. Your comment was absolutely senseless, uncalled for, irrelevant and added nothing to the discussion. All for the sake of moaning and pouting like a 12 year old school girl. If you have a problem with the "so called" sony bias on this site as you claim there is, then what the hell are you doing here commenting. mrxmedia is always looking for followers.


What I do know is this, the ps3's cell processor was a little ahead of it's time. People seriously underestimated the power of that thing. The problem with the cell was that it was a nightmare to develop for.

Remember, sony originally wanted to have the cell do all the work and not include a GPU in the ps3 but they were strongly advised against it by their internal studios. Their first party studios were worried, and rightly so, about the added difficulty of designing games using the cell alone. That alone shows what the cell is capable of.

Qrphe3528d ago

The PS2 has a higher fill rate than the PS3, Sony should have put effort with the PS3 in the first place it seems.

kneon3528d ago

it's not really an apples to apples comparison.

I'm expect they are using the entire cell in this benchmark, PPU+SPUs. If it was strictly CPU(PPU) vs CPU I expect the PS4 would come out ahead despite the lower clock due to the multiple cores. Of course the requires that you have tasks that can be easily spread across multiple cores.

Ju3528d ago

I would rather think it is...else it would be quite surprising the 360 is so far behind. 1 core vs. 3 and yet slower, while single core performance is about the same. If the PS3 is beating it that handily this is with SPU optimization to the max. Raw per core performance on the PPU is still faster than the Jaguar, though. Doesn't help that the PS3 only has one - a nightmare running multiple threads.

ProjectVulcan3528d ago (Edited 3528d ago )

"I didn't really expect the PS4 CPU to be inferior to PS3!"

.....at highly parallelised tasks such as this exact thing demonstrated, yes, it likely is. The more relevant thing I saw there with the old hardware is that PS3's CPU is 3x the performance of 360's at this kind of task.

PS3's CELL was extremely good (for it's time, it's design is at least a decade old) at compute. It was stupendously good at it for a CPU because it wasn't a conventional x86 CPU like the ones now in the consoles. This is pretty much what the SPEs were intended to do, chaining together loads of the same basic operations and doing them real fast.

However, we are now in 2014 where GPUs have evolved since Direct3D 10 arriving with shader model 4.0 in late 2006. From fairly crude general purpose compute designs, to the modern ones in the consoles (especially PS4) which are highly optimised for compute performance.

CELL's architecture and design was generally made obsolete by newer GPGPU technology so was never going to be repurposed in PS4. Hence the shift to a more versatile x86 CPU and a powerful compute oriented GPU is the makeup of ALL the fastest games machines (new consoles, PC with DX11+) etc

The path has now converged. Xbox One/PS4 and PC are so highly similar architecturally in concept it's come full circle from the early days of home gaming when specialised console hardware first split from home computers.

Interesting, no?

Alexious3527d ago

Agreed, the CELL was meant for very different tasks than today's CPUs.

Geekman3528d ago

First you say you think the PS3 has a higher CPU than the Wii U, then you say you thought it was also higher than the Ps4.


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Oner3528d ago (Edited 3528d ago )

The PS4 CPU @ 98 vs the XB1 CPU @ 113 proves that the "higher clock speed" of the XB1 is completely negligible. The PS4 GPGPU and just overall throughput of the PS4 says ALOT when it comes to the performance capabilities between the two (a fact known to those who understand hardware/tech).

@ kaiserfranz ~ I agree to an extent (i.e. putting a slightly better CPU in both consoles) but not fully as a system is more than just the CPU, it's the culmination of it's parts that should be weighed/looked at properly.

Kayant3528d ago (Edited 3528d ago )

While it actually isn't anymore(In this case at least) because http://www.neogaf.com/forum...

Which basically says that the updates to XB1's drivers/SDK now actually allows the clock speed difference to show because he is agreeing with these posts. http://www.neogaf.com/forum...

Matt was the dev that confirmed a while ago this benchmark

Just like the difference is shown in CPU now the GPU difference is shown and is a much larger margin.

Alexious3528d ago

Yeah, it seems like there is a small CPU advantage by Xbox One, but the GPU advantage of PS4 is far more significant.

Oner3528d ago (Edited 3528d ago )

@ Kayant & Alexious ~ Exactly my point (albeit less confusing). I think people mistook my point simply because the XB1 CPU is shown to be capable of doing "more" in a 1 : 1 basis versus the PS4 (in this example referenced in the article)...but when you factor in the rest of the whole system the output of the PS4 is MUCH larger/greater (and by FAR too) which is vastly more important.

SliceOfTruth8883528d ago

good lord people are still on this....If you care about rez/fps BUY A PC!

MRMagoo1233528d ago

If you dont care about res/fps at all dont bother gaming

darthv723528d ago

Well that is rather disheartening magoo. I have been gaming for 30+ years and never cared about res/fps.

Should I stop now because you say so? "If you dont care about res/fps at all dont bother gaming"

garrettbobbyferguson3528d ago

20 years of gaming here. Resolution/FPS have been important to me for at least the last 5. Why? Because it's easily done now, and should be a standard. Not only do games look better, but they're a lot smoother too.

MRMagoo1233528d ago


I am pointing out a fact that saying "If you care about rez/fps BUY A PC" is stupid, PC gaming is not for everyone...but having a say about what res or fps you are happy with is for everyone because its up to them to decide.

Harold_Finch3528d ago

If you care about res/fps at all, don't bother gaming. It makes gamers look bad.

nitus103527d ago

***If you dont care about res/fps at all dont bother gaming***

Rubbish! If you care about gaming you care if the game is fun to play. Yes Resolution and FPS can add to the enjoyment of the game but they are not the main criteria that make a good game.

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Muzikguy3528d ago

That's not a very good slice of truth. I care about res because I have an HDTV. Why would I want to play Wii games on it? I don't. The industry pushes it too, kind of forcing people to want res/FPS upgrades. Also, for many generations that's what the new gen brought.... Graphics and resolution

nitus103527d ago (Edited 3527d ago )

I have a 55" 3D HDTV and I still, on the odd occasion play Gamecube games on it. I can even play my original PS1 and PS2 games via my FAT PS3.

As far as I am concerned if the game is fun to play even if the resolution and frame rate is sub par compared to today's "standards" then I will enjoy playing that game. Admittedly a higher resolution and frame-rate game may be more attractive but if it's not fun then IMHO it is not worth playing.

Spotie3528d ago

I get it. If I care about performance, I should just get a Lamborghini. If I care about movies I should just buy a theater. If I care about making music I should just buy a studio.

To hell with budgets and preferences. If I care even a little, I should just go all out, right?

Man, I'm so glad you cleared that up.

mkis0073528d ago

Love it! well done. Exactly what I needed someone to say!

Why o why3528d ago (Edited 3527d ago )

Trust me, that 'buy a pc' misses so many points on so many levels. Its a weak cop out for some of the console pacifists who must have selective memories. I owned an atari st but the amiga graphics were better. Do you think I was the only kid who cared about graphics even back then. ...c'mon now. Pcs aren't able to replace or replicate the fundamental features of consoles. Despite that console owners want the best they can get for their investment.

zerog3528d ago

Wow your're still trolling...if you only care about pc stay off the console articals

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Ubisoft Forward 2024 start date, time and how to get free rewards

Start date and time for when Ubisoft Forward 2024 will begin along with a guide for how to get free rewards by just watching.

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Ubisoft Forward: Official Livestream - June 2024

Ubisoft Forward is back and live from L.A. with an exciting line-up of games and announcements. Watch live June 10 2024 at 12PM PDT/9PM CEST. Preshow starts at 11.30AM PDT/8.30PM CEST

Garethvk2d ago

Star Wars Outlawa has some real potential. I loved the Fallen Order games but the abundant timed jumps at times took me out of the narrative as they could be come frustrating. The branching options and status with factions looks great.

-Foxtrot2d ago

Prince of Persia 2026…REALLY? And that’s all they had for us…a candle.

Jesus. Imagine if they didn’t give it to a shitty support studio and tried to sell us a sloppy remake years ago

Now we have (no hate on quality here) two PoP games no one asked for. We could have been anticipating a Warrior Within remake by now.

Elda2d ago

LOL!! They should have even announced it. They should have just waited a year from now to announce it with some gameplay. Lame.

Terry_B2d ago

Sorry for everyone who watched this ;)

Elda2d ago

No surprises just updates on existing games & games that have already been announced. A lame show.

-Foxtrot2d ago

The "could have been an email" type of show.

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Garethvk13d ago

We can hope. Especially if the rumors of Cillian Murphy and Alaska are true.

RaidenBlack13d ago

That'd be too good if true.
But Henderson also leaked that next Far Cry setting was targeting some asian island.

jznrpg12d ago (Edited 12d ago )

With their shitty practices I really don’t care what Ubisoft announces until they reverse their course

Relientk7713d ago

Assassin's Creed Hexe is what I wanna hear about most. Yes I wanna play as a witch with magic during the 16 century witch trials in Germany (as per rumors). Sign me up

Huey_My_D_Long13d ago

Yeah, Hex sounds amazing to me as well, and I've been playing since AC 1. I'm real curious how are they gonna fit the magic into the game, maybe in similar way the dlc introduced gods and god abilities. but I love that I've heard its gonna have a horror vibe.

Garethvk13d ago

Hopefully it is full of good stuff.

Garethvk13d ago

I would love The Division 3.

RaidenBlack13d ago

The studio just completed Avatar and busy with Outlaws and also got their F2P Heartland cancelled ... IMO, Division 3 will surely come but it'll take more time.
I'd be most thrilled if Ubisoft greenlits a sequel or at least a remake of the studio's first game i.e World in Conflict

anast13d ago (Edited 13d ago )

I would get hyped about Hexe. If the rumors are true, UBI might get a gold edition purchase out of me.

Demetrius13d ago

Hopefully gameplay of ac shadows or star wars outlaws, if they finally announce the new far cry I'm definitely getting that, far cry still fun af and gorgeous games, yeah ubisoft has their faults but atleast they're not copying souls like games their titles still have identity

neutralgamer199213d ago

We will definitely see gameplay for star wars and AC. Farcry let's see

OtterX13d ago (Edited 13d ago )

I'm going to be an outlier amongst the rest of these comments.... give us something NEW! I'm pretty burnt out on Ubisoft franchises, unless you're giving us a new Rayman game!

*Edit - imagine what they could do with a Rayman 3D game in this day and age. I say now is the time to revisit the series.

RaidenBlack13d ago

Would love a AAA PoP too or a back to roots Ghost Recon (none of the open world stuff)

MeatyUrologist13d ago

Hell yes! Ghost recon in the style of the originals with real consequences, permanent and all!

jznrpg12d ago

I love Rayman, played it a ton with my kids years ago. But Ubisoft puts dumb crap in their games. MTs , paid tiers , always online requirement for single player games and as they stand now I could see them doing that to Rayman

OtterX12d ago

Yea unfortunately, you're right. :'(

Garethvk13d ago

Beyond Good and Evil 2: It is coming really; we promise.

OtterX13d ago

Their microtransaction monetization scheme on it will lie somewhere between good and evil!

Haha JK.... it'll be completely evil. 🙃

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