
Ubisoft’s reason to downgrade PS4 version of Assassin’s Creed is quite genius

PS4Daily: "Ubisoft’s wanting to “avoid all debates and stuff” completely backfired — we’re talking more about Assassin's Creed Unity than ever before."

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CerealKiller3522d ago

I don't get how having people cancel their pre-orders and influencing negative views towards the game and Ubisoft is good PR, this theory makes no sense.

Death3522d ago

I don't get how people still say the game was downgraded. Ubi simply said the AI was taking more resources than they anticipated so they locked both versions at 900p and 30fps. They never said they downgraded the PS4 version. It's the fans that assume anything done on the Xbox One can be better on the PS4.

Catoplepas3522d ago

It's not an assumption, it's a stone cold fact. You can deny the reality of the situation all you wish, but the PS4 is, incrementally or not, a more powerful machine.

Neonridr3522d ago

@Catoplepas - so if a game is 1080p on the Xbox One in the future, is the PS4 version being held back too?

From the sounds of it, every game that ever comes out has to be a higher resolution on the PS4 otherwise the game was gimped.

Death3522d ago

The PS4 can be more powerful and still not hit 1080p. From what we have seen the quality of Unity is very high with much more detailed textures and from what Ubi is saying a much more advanced AI from NPC's. Instead of looking at Unity as being a true next gen game taxing both systems, fans are more concerned the PS4 version isn't "superior" and feel it's being downgraded since the notion of an Xbox One game being the same is offensive for some reason.

CerealKiller3522d ago

I think the frustration is because they said that they locked the two version at the same specs to avoid the debates.

DragonbornZ3522d ago (Edited 3522d ago )

True. 900 on x1 doesn't automatically mean Ps4 should be able to hit a stable 1080p. It just doesn't work like that. People are too focused on res and framerate. Perhaps the PS4 version will have better textures, shadows, AA, etc.

They specifically said NPC and A.I intensive; CPU bottlenecks.(X1 & PS4 CPU are the same, but X1 is clocked a bit higher) The PS4s stronger GPU isn't the main focus here. And before anyone says that resolution is solely GPU bound, for an integrated GPU like the one in the PS4 that is not the case. A GPU bound task like resolution could indeed be affected by stress put onto the CPU (Unity is supposedly really CPU intensive) It's just a fact of the hardware.

Not trying to bash or anything, but this is reportedly not a GPU problem. They've said that over and over.

KwietStorm_BLM3522d ago

Of course they didn't say it.

uth113522d ago

Well based on the facts that whenever there's a resolution disparity between the two, it has always been in the PS4's favor
and there is no other sub-1080p game that runs at the same resolution on both systems.

It's a pretty safe assumption that the PS4 was the one getting downgraded here..

gootimes3522d ago (Edited 3522d ago )

It just weird to me that they would state that the reason for parity was to keep people from arguing. They were quoted saying that and people are still arguing over the reason for parity.

If PS4's GPU can push for more assets in other areas then let it! We already know that the PS4's CPU was found to function better when tests were done and it can be overclocked greatly. The PS4 should be able to push for more, it's just ridiculous to debate otherwise.

This just seems crazy to me. Companies weren't so kind to Sony or helpful last gen, they didn't want to stop debates last gen. In fact many Devs sided with fanboys, Valve was one of them in the early years bashing Sony. So now that it's micro it's all good.

KarmaV123522d ago

The game was never downgraded, they strictly stated they were aiming for 900p - 30fps all along. It would have to be 1080p in the first place to be "Downgraded".

u4one3522d ago


It's not an assumption. It's what Ubisoft came out and said. We can't really call it a fact because I'm pretty sure none of us were there in the studio while these decisions were being made. Whether its actually true or not we may never know, but I guess thats the point I'm attempting to make.

Yes it is true that the PS4 is a more powerful machine, but its not hugely more powerful and has its own limitations and bottlenecks just as the Xbox One does. Suckerpunch struggled with CPU usage when developing Infamous Second Son for example. There are post mortem articles they released talking about it.

Also, if you recall -Watchdogs was only at 1080p on PS4 and even less on Xbox One even without this parity nonsense they've created this round.

If the they can achieve 1080p on the PS4 then by all means they should but from the multiple sources I've read, it seems to have been in fact a technical issue. This site really seems to not want to accept that. Personally for me Ubisoft is screwing up left and right, regardless.

ziggurcat3522d ago


no, they said that *one* of the systems was giving them trouble, so they locked *both* to avoid "debates and stuff."

uth113522d ago


They previously said they were targeting 1080p/60fps on both systems:


travisbitter3522d ago (Edited 3522d ago )

.... *sigh*. Just please explain what does this mean: "We decided to lock them at the same specs to avoid all the debates and stuff," senior producer Vincent Pontbriand

I don't care... and I also didn't care when the X360 got better multiplats (meant by visuals)... despite the fact that the PS3 could handle the same game with the same visuals, but with higher effort invested from the dev team. I didn't care, because I bought the PS for it's exclusive content.

However... everyone in it's right mind would say that LOCKING DOWN FOR PARITY, for the sake of "AVOIDING DEBATES" is a wrong, very very wrong decision, and gives a bad feeling when you purchase such dev's games in the future. I think UBI "simply said" this AI stuff to put out the fire, that already became a wildfire...

But.. The problem is not with the owners of either of consoles... but with the fact that a development team can say such words without any disgrace...

(P.S.: I'm a PS fan, but one of my most anticipated game is Quantum Break, because I think Remedy is one of the most talented dev-group out there today... I just tell this to emphasize that I always buy consoles based on their exclusives!)

@CerealKiller - You perfectly summarized my opinion, with one simple sentence. Cheers!

Army_of_Darkness3522d ago (Edited 3522d ago )

People are talking about ac:unity in a bad(I don't give a crap about it no more) type of way, so I don't see how this is genius?! Lol! Hell, I don't even read new detailed articles about the features and Gameplay of it either...

Manic20143522d ago

Targeting mean's they aim to get 1080p 60fps, They never reached the aim so they gave up and called it quits at 900p 30fps. So yes it's not a downgrade, purely just lack of effort.

CaptainObvious8783522d ago

I don't get how people still say the game WASN'T downgraded.

Whatever the xbone can do the PS4 can do plus more.

That's just the simple truth of the matter.

I didn't buy a PS4 to play the xbone version of games.

Death3522d ago

"Whatever the xbone can do the PS4 can do plus more"

The lack of options/features and network stability say otherwise. There is quite a bit the PS4 can't do due to it's much simpler OS and the way the system was designed around the GPU instead of the CPU. Xbox One's layers OS's are what enable many of the functions like Snap and the party/chat system which runs alongside the apps/games.

The PS4 is capable of prettier graphics, not smarter games. Look at Drive Clubs AI compared to Forza's AI for the latest example.


Catoplepas You are correct about the GPU and RAM being more powerful, but this is a CPU issue, which it's not and could very well be the other way around? We know the X1 and PS4 have the EXACT SAME CPU on the APU, but we don't know the PS4's clock speed except that it was mentioned when released that was 1.6ghz but an indie dev said it was higher? I don't know why all you Sony fanboys are being so defensive on this matter when it has nothing to do with the hardware of your console that are actually more powerful?

n4rc3522d ago

It isn't stone cold fact...

Gddr5 is high latency memory used for graphics... Ddr3 would be better for CPU related stuff.. We all knew this coming into this gen. Especially since both use nearly identical 8 core amd jaguar cpus with one at 1.75ghz and ps4s at 1.6ghz..

Yet everyone just wants to believe blindly that the hold up couldn't possibly be on their side..

Nobody ever had an issue blaming esram or sdks before... Ever think they are playing coy to not upset the ps4 fanboys?

BG115793522d ago

It's not about getting the 1080p, the subject is another. They are just not making an effort and using its better capabilities of one of the machines to bring the best experience.
Want to see an example, when Diablo 3 Ultimate Evil Edition wasn't using the full capabilities of the Xbone to achieve the 1080p 30fp, how did Xbone's fans reacted? They said that the developing team was lazy and stuff. This was due to the inability of the developing team to use the Xbone capabilities to the best, not a decision. With Ubi it's the opposite, they have the ability to make the game better, yet are refusing to do so, because they want to avoid discussions and stuff.

I won't buy the game not because it's not 1080p, but because Ubi isn't making the effort to bring the best experience to one console.

No to parity. No to lazy developers.

Father__Merrin3522d ago

it's not just resolution I hate when people keep mentioning that, I'm talking overall visual quality should be better on ps4 due to the machine being more capable.

Ju3522d ago

The whole "we are CPU limited" and the AI uses more CPU time holds no merits if we talk resolution and framerate. This has absolutely no impact on fillrate and ROPs, the main reasons for limitation in resolution and frame rate.

UBI themselves said in the very same statement "we could run @ 100fps". Which one is it now?

Bdub20003522d ago

There is no proof that Ubisoft gimped the PS4 version, I urge someone to present it here if they have it. Simply stating it's a stone cold fact is a fanboy statement. Provide real, tangible evidence. And evidence that the ps4 is more powerful is not evidence of what Ubisoft did. Perhaps 900p and 30fps is all they got the ps4 to do and they're struggling to get the X1 to that level, who knows? Well, you don't know, because ubisoft never made that statement.

Don't be mindless and hit "disagree" just because you own a ps4, use your brain and read what's actually been presented...


starchild3522d ago

That isn't true. The PS4 definitely IS more powerful than the XB1.

The problem I see here and in all similar articles is that both Sony and Xbox fans are assuming that the game is in fact equal on both consoles. They assume that because there is parity in terms of the resolution and target framerate that the two versions must be the same across the board.

I very highly doubt this is the case. I predict that there will be other graphical differences between the two that explain how the extra performance of the PS4 was used.

People in this community as usual are making huge assumptions and freaking out prematurely and with way too little evidence. But I am confident that what I am saying will turn out to be true.

Spotie3522d ago

It was gonna be 1080, but they've said they locked it to 900.


I don't get it. You KNOW the PS4 is more powerful. You KNOW clock speed doesn't mean a stronger CPU. You KNOW the graphics are GPU based. You KNOW AI wouldn't affect graphics because of this. You KNOW that anything done on the XB1 can be done better on PS4.

But you come into these articles and say the same LIES again and again.

"Posting lies and spreading disinformation" is supposed to cause you to lose bubbles. I could easily count a dozen such comments over the past few days alone; why have you only been moderated once?

It's undeniable that the PS4 version was downgraded. Given that the PS4 performs better on EVERY multiplat that isn't locked for parity, how in the hell can you sit there and say "There's no downgrade," right after Ubisoft says they locked the game for parity?

What's more, how can you get away with telling lies and NOT ONE MOD take action? How can you be one of half a dozen to do so and face no consequences? I get that they can't catch everybody every time, but it sure does seem like they have the time to catch some people every time.

Just not the ones that need it most, it seems.

AgentSmithPS43522d ago

"From the sounds of it, every game that ever comes out has to be a higher resolution on the PS4 otherwise the game was gimped."
No it's just suspicious if it isn't 1080p like the majority of PS4's games. Even if both systems had the same res the PS4 would have better shadows etc since the hardware is better.

Whatever the system they should make each one look its best, but of course they can't spend too much extra time on any one system relative to the others since they're a business.

ThatOneGuyThere3522d ago

as a game programmer, this is BS. AI, while having an impact on FPS, has 0 impact on resolution(unless its the sheer number of AI bots on screen, but in that case, the XB1 would be able to render ~40% less AI bots).

Revolver_X_3522d ago

Since when has AC lifted the goal posts since inception? Has AC been on the graphical forefront and I didnt know? Has AC been the technological leader at any point? Now Death, in all his Xbox wisdom, would have you believe that AC Unity is so advanced compared to all other 3rd party titles, that CPU limits the PS4 version. The one aspect Xbox has an advantage, a very slight one to be honest. I wish Death would quit throwing his fudd around every AC article . Its Ubisoft were talking about. EVERY AC since Brotherhood has been riddled with bugs AND unintelligent AI. Bottomline, AC Unity will release and you'll wonder where this massive CPU usage is happening. It doesnt exist.

purp13m0nk3y3522d ago

My problem with their excuse of being CPU bound on the PS4 is this.

The PS4 is highly capable when it comes to asynchronous GPGPU compute. Being built from the ground up with this in mind. So why isn't this tech being used to alleviate the CPU overheads?

Many devs have stated in the past that AI is the perfect type of calculation to carry out asynchronously on the GPU. Being that AI can be done out of order.

Short answer. Their excuse is BS. They wanted parity. And this was a simple enough excuse to use, as many peoples knowledge of a render pipeline is limited enough that it might fly.

It's just laziness. Why spend money optimising each version when they can just get both to an "acceptable" level and then say....

Hey sorry guys. But that is the best each system can handle. It's just a big coincidence that both versions are at parity.

Jaqen_Hghar3522d ago

Have an immature bubble for not being able to do basic math. PS4 is more powerful in GPU and RAM and CPU is a wash. If the CPU stuff is even then the GPU stuff should be more advanced on PS4. Surely the GPU is used for SOMETHING and that stuff should be better on PS4. It doesn't have to be res, it can be AA, shadows, flames or hairs or how about draw distance? If they don't do something better than that means they're putting MS politics or laziness over making the best possible version on each platform. Sorry it's as simple as that.

DragonKnight3522d ago

Death, you've been successfully refuted a billion times. Do you really need for me, or really anyone else, to continue to do it?

You know that the anonymous spokesperson email is bullsh*t PR speak. The senior producer on the game, who put his name out there, gave you the legitimate reason. Parity.

I can't believe you are naive enough to believe that a CPU process like A.I. will negatively affect a GPU process like resolution. Just stop.

Section83522d ago Show
larrysdirtydrawss3522d ago

ppl who have played it already(nic,rev3games) said the ai aint doing anything impressive/different from previous ac games....plus,ps4 has a sizable gpgpu compute,if you offload tasks to just one specialized cu,you can free up a good chunk of resources on the main cpu........theres plenty of room for 1080p

wsoutlaw873522d ago

" It's the fans that assume anything done on the Xbox One can be better on the PS4" well, It can... It doesnt matter what they are using the power for, the ps4 has more of it. Also locking the res doesnt have much to do with the ai really.

Death3522d ago (Edited 3522d ago )


You'll have to forgive me for trustng the developers the game over members of he N4G community. I agree with part of what you are saying. On a traditional PC, AI won't impact resolution since the CPU is located on the mb and uses a seperate pool of DDR memory. The GPU is also seperate and has it's own GDDR to use. On a PC the GPU allows the CPU to do more with less since they are seperate.

On the Xbox One and PS4 the CPU and GPU are part of the same APU or SoC. They are sharing a common pool of ram with neither setup using the ideal memory for both the CPU and GPU functions. The PS4 is using the GPU to offload CPU functios to make up for GDDR's higher latency and non-linear pipelines. The Xbox One relies on eSram to increase GPU performance that is lost due to the use of DDR. What is done with one side of the chip affects the other.

As far as the billion of times I have been "refuted", you would think one of those times would offer proof instead of dated info from a company trying to sell a service that didn't even publish how the test was perfomed or even the amount of cores tested. Real world applications do not support your position of the PS4 being more than marginally more powerful. My belief is if you can't actually see the differance as an end user, the theoretical numbers and specs are irrelevant.

Jason_Plays_PC3522d ago

@Death, please explain then how one console with a much better gpu has to be the same resolution as the other? its like saying me with my gtx 680 can only run watchdogs at parity with my friends who has the same specs except a gtx 670.. makes no sense? yes i thought so.. I can run it at higher resolution obviously because i have a BETTER GPU....just like the ps4.. Gonna mark you for trolling also as you keep posting stupid comments and its obvious now you're trolling.

Pogmathoin3522d ago

Osama bin laden could say PS4 is great and everyone here will cheer him on. Get over it folks. This is the version Ubi planned on. PS4 version may simply run a lot better, which would turn out to be a good decision to lock res/rate.

Death3522d ago


Neither console is your PC. The CPU in the APU is x86 based, but that is where the similarities run out. Both the GPU and CPU are part of a single chip that uses a single memory pool. You aren't running a seperate GPU with it's own memory on either console. These APU's were designed for the tablet market and modified for use in consoles. The CPU's are identical with the Xbox One's running at a 10% higher clock rate which does increase performance contrary to some people are claiming. The GPU's are both part of the same family, but the PS4 does use a stronger one. As far as spec go, it is pretty much like comparing the 7700 series to the 7800 series. We both know the 7800 is pretty close to the performance of a pair of 7700 running in SLI. As nice as that sounds, it doesn't necessarily work that way when part of an APU. Both have the potential to run better than a PC since they are part of a single chip and aren't communicating over the systems bus where most PC's bottleneck. The CPU is the weak point in both consoles. Sony's GDDR solution is much simpler, but the CPU only has access to higher latency ram which is why the GPU needs to perform some of the CPU's tasks. It's not a bad solution, but it does reduce the real world performance of the GPU since it is doing more than a traditional GPU. The Xbox isn't ideal either like I said above. The lower speed DDR in the Xbox One makes it so the CPU doesn't need to offload tasks to the GPU, but the GPU is accessing lower speed ram which affects performance. The eSram boost the GPU speed, but is more difficult to work with. No one believes the Xbox One solution is faster, but the performance of the two isn't as easy to compare as a couple GPU's for your PC. Real world applications will determine how close the two or how far away they are. To date, nothing is really supporting the PS4 as being as powerful as fans claim. If anything over the past year we have seen Microsoft helping devs achieve better results than it had at launch with the Xbox One's more complex architecture. The disparity is decreasing as far as visual specs go.

n1kki63522d ago

The sad part, if true, is that developers are now catering to the trolls on the internet, now screwing over normal people that just want to play games.

If they were different resolutions, PS4 trolls would go bonkers and rip the XB1, XB1 owners would rip the dev.

They lock the resolution. and PS4 trolls go bonkers and rip the dev.

Again, here is a novel idea, if a person is so passionite about gaming buy all systems, if you can't afford to stop getting all upset about developer making business decistions.

Second, if resolution and framerate is this uber important thing that will ruin a game for you, you also have the option to game on pc which will usually always look better, guess what you can even still own a console.

DarXyde3522d ago (Edited 3522d ago )

I hate siding with people on the issue of power and "gimping", but let's be honest with ourselves here: if Xbox One hits 1080p/60fps, so does PlayStation 4. If One hits 1080p/30fps, 4 usually runs unlocked up to 60fps. If One hits sub-1080p/60fps, 4 had a higher resolution, perhaps not always 1080p, but at 60fps.

That all being said, do you honestly believe both consoles have equal output now? Ubisoft is very clearly doing this intentionally.

Do I personally care? No, because I haven't played assassin's creed since Revelations.but I see why people are upset. They can do better. I know it, you know it, we all know it. Let's see what the AI is like and see if their excuses have legs. Maybe we'll both learn something about game development.

EDIT: N1kki6,

While I get what you're saying, technically, a smart business move would be to up the ante of the PlayStation 4 version. Since it's got the largest install base, if games continue to do very well on PS4 and if we had a market takeover by Sony (which, I should say, would be bad) like the PlayStation 2 days, they could focus only on PlayStation 4. Games would run better and development time would be shorter. No, I don't condone that, but I'm pretty sure that would be a pretty sweet scenario for developers to only have to use resources on one version.

DragonKnight3522d ago

@Death: So when you say "trust the developers" you mean trust them after one of them came out and said "yeah, we gimped the PS4 version for parity" and actually has his titled and name stated right? What you actually mean is "I'm going to trust an unnamed spokesperson that sent an email" as opposed to someone who staked his name on his comment right?

And now you're trying to dismiss legitimate proof by saying it's dated? Dated proof is still proof. Tell you what, we'll continue this in the next article that pops up about this, in which you'll continue to fallaciously believe that the PS4's CPU is underpowered. How will we continue it? Well quite obviously you're going to provide me with the PS4's clock speed. I'll be looking forward to it.

Prototype_79L3522d ago

But the powa of tha cloud....

Sideras3522d ago

If that were the case then you don't fucking go out saying it's to avoid "debates and stuff", now granted we know most devs are stupid, but yo be that retarded is quite the feat.

They could've easily gotten away with the reason you just stated, granted it would be a lie.
Why else would you possibly say it's to avoid "debates and stuff"?

They specifically said both versions are locked at 900p to avoid debates and stuff.

jrshankill3522d ago

@ Death

Absolutely correct.

This gen's gamers are a bunch of bitchy resolution whores.

Seriously, cancelling a pre-order over pixels. Pathetic.

Blueponder3522d ago

THIS is the price we have to pay for journalists going into a frenzy over "resolution-gate".

donthate3521d ago

The ironic thing is that the reason for the 900p @ 30fps is limited to the CPU running the AI, and not the GPU.

The GPU in the PS4 is more powerful than the Xbox One, but the CPU on the Xbox One is more powerful than the PS4.

This means in theory that the Xbox One is the downgraded version, not the PS4.

Imagine the outrage if the Xbox One was visually better than the PS4.

UnHoly_One3521d ago

Precisely, Death.

I stopped reading after the first 2 paragraphs sounded like it was written by an N4G fanboy.

AliTheSnake13521d ago


Where does it say ,they are downgrading the PS4 version ?

+ Show (47) more repliesLast reply 3521d ago
ZeroX98763522d ago

Well, if 1080p and ultra graphics is a must, buy a PC not a console.

You get great performance for quite cheap with the PS4/X1.

They can push it to 1080p, but textures, view distance and AA will take a huge hit.

darthv723522d ago (Edited 3522d ago )

Ubisoft apparently found their balance between visual fidelity and performance. And that came at a sacrifice of res/fps. That does not mean the game is bad now because of it.

Sure last gen there were games that did 1080p/60 but they also had (more/less) half the available assets that more complex games of today use. there is much more being put into things like lighting/shadows, reflections and even the smallest details you would normally not pay attention to.

So Ubi 'could' make the game 1080p/60 but expect to see it as nothing more than a same looking/playing version of black flag instead of trying to push their own efforts into something more enriching.

travisbitter3522d ago (Edited 3522d ago )

I have a quite powerful PC that I use mainly for work, and games on high/ultra from time-to-time. Still prefer console gaming, SORRY! What is your suggestion in this case? I should just shut my mouth and buy AC:Unity despite I know that it's artificially gimped? Nope... Rather I'll avoid it on PC too.

Bdub20003522d ago

Well Travis, bitter suits your name well... From your standards, and everyone's standards on this comments section, every time a new game doesn't use 100% of the PS4s power, we should all go on strike and not buy the game.

That will teach the developers...

travisbitter3522d ago

@Bdub2000: Haha, no... I had Skyrim for the PS3, despite I knew that it's the worst version. (It was a gift, but really liked it after the major patch.)

I didn't have any words on what YOU (or any PC gamer including me) should do, with AC:Unity. I told my honest opinion, how I feel with this "locking-down", including my fear that soon, this may be a standard for other games. Telling this to you, as my "standards" that you referred to: my purchase of Project Cars and Star Citizen will be PC only...

P.S.: Nice one on my name, however that's a thing I can not have a stand against, so I'll just ignore that pun. :)

Jaqen_Hghar3522d ago

it's not about the overall performance. PS4 is capable of better performance than X1 and should be taken advantage of. Doesn't even have to be resolution just something to show they're not playing MS's politics of parity instead of making the best possible version on each platform. How would you feel if PC was capped in favor of PS4 having parity with it?

ChickenOfTheCaveMan3522d ago

But then again, Ubi downgraded the PC release to make sure it wasn't too different from the consoles release. Sure, somebody unlocked it but still, if their programmers were not lazy it would not have happened.

MarkusMcNugen3522d ago

Are you a compuer engineer? Are heavy into the Custom PC or Modding scene? Read articles about hardware and architecture advances daily?

I have a feeling, just like the majority of the gamers on this site, that you have no idea what the difference is between an APU and CPU/GPU in a traditional PC. APUs contain both the CPU and GPU on a single die and allow offloading tasks from one to the other if needed. It's suppose to be one of the next big things for a while now, simply because it alleviates a system bottleneck between the CPU and GPU. The integrated GPU can even work in concert with a dedicated GPU to increase graphics performance.

So in the PS4s case, if AI is intensive in AC:Unity then some of the AI processes are most likely offloaded to the GPU which in turn affects resolution and capability.

The Xbox One version most likely can handle the AI better thanks to it's DDR3 and CPU, but the GPU and eSRAM cause a bottleneck on the visual side in comparison.

It's not as black and white as "PS4 is strongerz! It should have higher rezs and effectz."

Each has it's own bottlenecks. Each has it's strengths. The Xbox One has a better CPU/Memory combination whereas the PS4 has a better GPU/Memory combination.

Holy crap! I think I just explained why, if the AI reason is true, the resolution is locked on both consoles better than Ubisoft has.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3522d ago
randomass1713522d ago

They are trying to say that the average gamer who doesn't follow this kind of news on the internet is going to go out and buy it anyway simply because it gets the Assassin's Creed name out there.

uth113522d ago

There is a theory that there is no such thing as bad coverage, because controversy gets people talking about you and sells products.

CaptainObvious8783522d ago

You can ask MS how they think about that theory concerning their DRM.

elsuperamigo3522d ago ShowReplies(1)
geddesmond3522d ago

Yep, sorry Ubisoft, I was sick of AC already and even though I was gonna buy the game around Christmas. After this I wouldn't even waste bandwith downloading a free PS Plus version.

Ubisoft have shown just how crap they are this generations. Watchdogs and the Division downgraded from what we seen previously and now this. Makes me think about buying Far Cry 4 as well. Was gonna buy it after GTA5 Next gen released and I played that to death but now I might put it at the end of my list, right after Dragon Age, Elder Scrools online, Bloodeborne, The Order, The Witcher 3, FF20, RE10, Street Fighter 7, Tekken 9. You get the drift.

Ubisoft us gamers are not dumb. You can only pull the wool over our eyes so many times before we have enough.

frezhblunts3522d ago

The fanboys on here are sickening. Yes because both version are the same doesn't mean one got downgraded. We got some dumb people out there and very good comments with a lot of disagrees. PS4 is strong but it doesn't do miracles.

KiwiViper853522d ago

People are just saying they're cancelling pre orders, but they're lying.

PS4 owners desperately need something to play this holiday

kenshiro1003521d ago

You're kidding me, right?

3-4-53522d ago

*Some people need everything to be "perfect" or "the best" for them to even play it or consider it.

They are narrow minded people.

The Game will be just as fun to play regardless or how sharp the pixels are...

Azzanation3522d ago

What they lose on PS4 support they gain on Xbox.

3522d ago
DeathOfTheFanBoy3522d ago

Do any of you realise that we "hard core" gamers are the minority, this game will sell fine if we all boycott it or not. It will be a huge commercial success.

mmcglasson3521d ago


PS4 can, already does, and will continue to do everything XBone does + more. As for the AI in Drive Club vs AI in Forza that's a matter of programming your AI. This has nothing to do with if the machine can handle it or not. Now here is something that Forza can't do that Drive Club can: have photo realistic graphics due to hardware related issues. Will games on both systems get better looking as time goes on? Yes. Will X1 ever be more powerful than PS4? No. Will game developers use techniques and tricks to make games on both systems look outstanding? Yes. Will X1 ever have a game that will look better than Uncharted? Nope. If they do, then it won't look better than the next iteration of Uncharted.

As far as options go, each system has different options and features. For example; on PS4 I pretty much a full program that allows me to edit gameplay videos I've recorded into a high quality video with many special effects. The only thing I can't really do on PS4 that X1 can is control my cable box. The snap feature is nice, but Sony could easily implement it. It's pretty much already there. I'm able to browse the internet, switch back to my game, just by suspending the application. I can go to the PS store and right back to my game. I can't do that with games. I can't remember if I can do it with Netflix or not (I want to say at this time I can't). However, why would I want to? I'm not going to start watching a movie for 5 minutes and then start playing a game for 10 minutes and then switch back. If I want to check the score of a football game or baseball game I can just unlock my phone or push the input button on my remote and switch to my TV input.

Remember PS3? It had so many more feature than the X360. They weren't all available from the beginning but were deployed in updates. I will say Sony messed up by not including almost all of what the original PS3 could do (mp3 for example), but that will be out in a near future update, as well as a ton of other new features.

Export3521d ago

People talking about cancelling is just a empty threat . I bet you that all who talk about cancelling will get the game still . People talked about cancelling call of duty back in the day when they took modding away . All of my friends got it ?!? I was the only one who didnt lol ... Words are cheap on the net ..

ChunkyHD3521d ago

Because all the Bad DRM, always online PR before the Xbox ones release really helped it shine.

Any publicity isn't good publicity, especially if your a big player in the gaming world.

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 3521d ago
Ashlen3522d ago (Edited 3522d ago )

You really think Ubisoft planned this out prior and wanted this bad press?

I honestly remember arguing with people who said literally the exact same thing about Microsofts DRM.

kenshiro1003521d ago

When you say dumb things like 'we wanted to avoid debates', expect backlash. What they said was stupid. Both consoles should have been used to their potential.

qwerty6763522d ago

i'm more interesting in the world we'll be playing in. having a town that feels "alive" with so many AI cant be an easy task.

i'd much rather have better gameplay and a more interactive environment over gimping some stuff just to jump it up to 1080p

geddesmond3522d ago

Except when you can have all you mentioned plus better pix elation but the developers downgrade it because the other consol can handle it.

Then it becomes a problem with those gamers who own the consol it's downgraded on. What can't you understand. No developer downgraded the Xbox 360 version of a game to be the same as the PS3 version because they couldn't understand the PS3 technology properly. How may debates did those gmes create. Heck go o youtube now and type COD PS3 vs X360 ans see all the debates.

This is ubisoft helping MS because they have a marketing deal for the game. What good is all that money MS will pay on advertising for the game when all internet media will destroy that advertising by announcing the PS4 version looks and runs better?

Evil_Ghosty3522d ago

My question is however, had they not been locked in parity would have the PS4 version been 1080p 60FPS anyway? 1080p probably but not 60fps. That said I'm not going to defend their reasoning, just commenting on my opinion that it wouldn't have been 60fps anyway.

I've seen Unity in action with Ubisoft playing it on PS4s at a conference a few weeks ago and the game looked and ran incredible.

Th3o3522d ago (Edited 3522d ago )

Who cares people will still buy it. Let's all whine about it and still buy the game, that will teach em.

Stop pretending like you guys are outraged, because if you were you would not buy it.


ThisJarContainsTHC3522d ago

I'm not buying it. It's a shame too because AC4 was really decent.

Th3o3522d ago

I'm sure you will, even if you do trust me others wont:)

geddesmond3522d ago

Lol can you see the future or something? Some of the people giving out will still buy but you underestimate gamers today. There is still people that wont buy an X1 now because of all the crap they announced two years ago.

My purchase is lost, don't believe me? I still haven't bought another COD since the DLC deal with MS. Thats how long my boycotts last. Don't believe me, PSN ID GEDDESMOND2, see if I have a COD on my trophies since MW2. But but you'd miss out on games for stupid reasons? Yes because my free time is precious and there is so many good games out there you can play. If a publisher shows unfairness then goodbye onto the next.

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Garethvk1d 11h ago

We can hope. Especially if the rumors of Cillian Murphy and Alaska are true.

RaidenBlack1d 9h ago

That'd be too good if true.
But Henderson also leaked that next Far Cry setting was targeting some asian island.

jznrpg7h ago(Edited 7h ago)

With their shitty practices I really don’t care what Ubisoft announces until they reverse their course

Relientk771d 11h ago

Assassin's Creed Hexe is what I wanna hear about most. Yes I wanna play as a witch with magic during the 16 century witch trials in Germany (as per rumors). Sign me up

Huey_My_D_Long1d 11h ago

Yeah, Hex sounds amazing to me as well, and I've been playing since AC 1. I'm real curious how are they gonna fit the magic into the game, maybe in similar way the dlc introduced gods and god abilities. but I love that I've heard its gonna have a horror vibe.

Garethvk1d 11h ago

Hopefully it is full of good stuff.

Garethvk1d 11h ago

I would love The Division 3.

RaidenBlack1d 8h ago

The studio just completed Avatar and busy with Outlaws and also got their F2P Heartland cancelled ... IMO, Division 3 will surely come but it'll take more time.
I'd be most thrilled if Ubisoft greenlits a sequel or at least a remake of the studio's first game i.e World in Conflict

anast1d 7h ago (Edited 1d 7h ago )

I would get hyped about Hexe. If the rumors are true, UBI might get a gold edition purchase out of me.

Demetrius1d 11h ago

Hopefully gameplay of ac shadows or star wars outlaws, if they finally announce the new far cry I'm definitely getting that, far cry still fun af and gorgeous games, yeah ubisoft has their faults but atleast they're not copying souls like games their titles still have identity

neutralgamer19921d 9h ago

We will definitely see gameplay for star wars and AC. Farcry let's see

OtterX1d 10h ago (Edited 1d 10h ago )

I'm going to be an outlier amongst the rest of these comments.... give us something NEW! I'm pretty burnt out on Ubisoft franchises, unless you're giving us a new Rayman game!

*Edit - imagine what they could do with a Rayman 3D game in this day and age. I say now is the time to revisit the series.

RaidenBlack1d 8h ago

Would love a AAA PoP too or a back to roots Ghost Recon (none of the open world stuff)

MeatyUrologist1d 8h ago

Hell yes! Ghost recon in the style of the originals with real consequences, permanent and all!

jznrpg7h ago

I love Rayman, played it a ton with my kids years ago. But Ubisoft puts dumb crap in their games. MTs , paid tiers , always online requirement for single player games and as they stand now I could see them doing that to Rayman

OtterX7h ago

Yea unfortunately, you're right. :'(

Garethvk1d 10h ago

Beyond Good and Evil 2: It is coming really; we promise.

OtterX1d 10h ago

Their microtransaction monetization scheme on it will lie somewhere between good and evil!

Haha JK.... it'll be completely evil. 🙃

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Ubisoft say AC Shadows protagonists will be "romantically attracted to different types of people"

Ubisoft recently shared more details about Assassin's Creed Shadows protagonists, confirming that both of them will romantically attract and be attracted to different types of people.

Hugodastrevas8d ago

That should please everyone I'm sure...

RpgSama8d ago (Edited 8d ago )

Feudal Japan DEI LGBTQ+ Samurai, sounds very accurate for the time period. Surely a decision made only with historical accuracy in mind.

Crows908d ago

Or even modern day accuracy.....

Lexreborn28d ago

You have no idea what you are talking about, bet you didn’t know nobunaga was bi-sexual. Or ran maru his is often depicted as androgynous was a “beautiful boy”.

So yeah, feudal Japan had tons of lgbtq and kawaii enough… A BLACK SAMURAI! All without the need of offending a Caucasian because the world is diverse.

VenomUK8d ago (Edited 8d ago )

This story has cracked me up so much! Bravo Ubisoft, bravo! 🤣. So last week everyone was upset that in the long-awaited first Assassin’s Creed: Japan game the protagonist is black. But NOW he is also LGBTQ+ ! It’s like the Ubisoft creative team sat around a table and said “How can we best impress our Kotaku/IGN/Polygon friends and antagonise gamers? Let’s make it woke x 100!’ And then they all silent clapped!

Just you wait until the Star Wars: Outlaws details come out, there better not be anybody complaining about Kay Vess’ dating preferences and the gay droid armies.

Christopher8d ago

It actually is.

Japanese were very Greek in their sexual experiences.

lodossrage8d ago

Lexreborn2 is right

Go read up on Japan's feudal era homosexuality and bisexuality was a very common thing in that time.

I just have to laugh because the same people complaining about this are the same ones crying about wanting "historical accuracy". When it's clear most of the whiners don't even know history themselves.

Christopher8d ago (Edited 8d ago )

Facts don't care about downvotes, btw. You either claim to understand historical accuracy or you just admit you don't like the stuff people did throughout history.


thorstein8d ago

Japan had no Christian stupidity about sexuality.

That's where your nonsensical puritanical view comes from: the Abraham's faiths.

It's feudal Japan, they don't believe in your religion's made up nonsense.

I mean, if you're going to embrace a particular viewpoint, you should at least be aware of where it comes from. Most of the world doesn't care about your ideals.

In those days, they certainly didn't care about your religion.

Get over yourself.

RpgSama8d ago

All of you guys missed the point, I even said I'm very sure they did it ONLY because they wanted to be historically accurate. Stop defending this, we all know why they did it and who they want to pander, it's not out newfound respect for history.

lodossrage8d ago


Nobody is defending anything.

People are just pointing out the fact that after they just cried about the game not being historically accurate, when they SHOW they're accurate, they cry about it because they don't like certain parts of history

Not to mention you contradicted yourself RPGSama. You just pointed out you said they "ONLY because they wanted to be historically accurate". Then turn around and accuse them of pandering and/or having an agenda. Those two things are opposing statements

Cacabunga7d ago

Dumbest decision ever.. always online was a pass for me but now not even for free I’ll try it..

LordoftheCritics7d ago

It's made by Ubisoft Montreal.

Obviously we'll be allowed to bang anything that moves.

RiseNShine7d ago (Edited 7d ago )

Yeha pretty sure.

H97d ago

People actually telling you that Japan had sexual deviancy which is correct however what's hilarious is that they will act as if it holds the same moral value that the LGBT community holds today, oh the things men used to say about themselves when they are attracted to other men, it's not empowering in the least bit

senorfartcushion7d ago

It was more common to be attracted to the same sex before the crusades.

7d ago
Tapani7d ago

You are completely lost on Japanese history. Japan was one of the most liberal places in the world, and in many ways still is. You can slice and dice it from your western hubris and whatever point of view, but the reality is that history tells great stories about freedom of choice and people not being judgemental on this island. Also one of the reasons I want to raise my family here, no need to have those whatever Western woke bullshit here, because everyone just respects each other without using all that nonsense.

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 7d ago
CrimsonWing698d ago

Geezus, just make a good game… holy sh*t this is becoming insufferable.

Crows908d ago

Oh yeah!!!! What about being inclusive???

I'm sorry
..please replace the word inclusive with stupid.

Hofstaderman8d ago

You asking UbiSoft to make a good game? This is not 2002.

thorstein8d ago

I thought you crybabies wanted "historical accuracy." Now that your going to get it, you're going to cry more.


It's past the point of retarded, everyone seems forced to do this bullshit now in games. 😑

Barlos7d ago

Hell no. A good game or film is secondary now to the agenda and the 'message'.

It's not enough to be simply entertained these days, there has to be an overarching real world narrative. I mean look at Dr Who as a recent example. Disney have completely destroyed it all in the name of 'diversity'.

senorfartcushion7d ago

You sound like you don't have a very active sex life ,😅

CrimsonWing697d ago (Edited 7d ago )

Are you projecting? 😝

senorfartcushion7d ago

It's the only thing that explains the incel crap. They can't simply be angry virgins who don't get any, so then a lack of a sex life i.e. a dad of three or something, is also a good additional explanation. They're either lonely and don't get any or too busy to get any. There's a horrible news for sexual control with incels, and they're angry because they simply aren't the right people to achieve that control. They're weaker animals.

notachance7d ago

dude’s too busy commenting on other people’s sex life to actually stay on topic.

That or he’s angry but didn’t have half the brain needed to refute back so he went for the classic ad hominem fallacy.

senorfartcushion7d ago


It's a fact that remains true. The only way it can't be true is if humans were not greedy and heavily reliant on procreation.

Your username is fitting.

CrimsonWing697d ago (Edited 7d ago )

dude, let’s be real, you’re on a video game news site going into the comments section and taking time out of your life to go to war with people you think don’t f*ck. You sound as much of a virgin as any incel does.

Let’s be real, bub you’re just as pathetic as the rest of them. Anyone who would look at this who doesn’t waste their time on a video game news site or video games in general probably thinks the only thing you f*ck is your crusty ass pillow.

C’mon, man. Anyone who f*cks doesn’t immediately go into a comment section claiming others have no sex life. It’s just one of those things if you are getting your d*ck wet. It just comes off like you’re projecting in hopes to god nobody figures out you can’t get any, so you try to flex, even though you’re completely full of sh*t.

I mean, that’s the only thing that makes sense to me 😅.

senorfartcushion6d ago

I'm engaged without children - I'm doing just fine.

This is just nerd sites now. Users are just so angry and for basically the same reasons. Most people go through phases with this type of stuff but it's scary seeing the same attitudes being regurgitated over and over again. From what I've seen it's a strange mix of sexual frustration, lack of proper financing and the need to have 100% control over both so that they aren't taken away from the users.

CrimsonWing696d ago


Look, man, people are allowed to have opinions and show frustration with stuff. It has no bearing on them not getting sex or not making money.

I have no idea how people commenting on being tired of hearing about SJW sh*t being shown in the spotlight like some carnival sideshow where publishers are wanting some pat on the back for means they’re financially unstable and don’t have a sexual relationship.

What, are you on the spectrum? Like how do you come to that conclusion and make multiple responses to the discourse with “virgin alert” or “you need to have sex?” That right there is kind of sus to me.

I don’t know in what world you lived in where this hasn’t been a nerd site, but people are allowed to comment their thoughts on things and still have relationships. You’re just as much of a nerd as everyone in here.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 6d ago
+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 6d ago
8d ago Replies(3)
darthv728d ago

Is that genuinely a selling point for people?

RpgSama8d ago (Edited 8d ago )

They sure as hell want to see if it is, time and time and time again.

VincentVanBro8d ago

You have to understand they’re incapable of writing a good story so this is the best they could come up with

thorstein8d ago

Well, after last weeks crying about historical accuracy. Now Ubi days, " Oh, okay, historical accuracy: here you go."

Now you're saying you don't want the accuracy? Can you guys just make up your minds?

8d ago
notatallsurprisinggg7d ago

It's a genuine click-bait snippet to rile up people like you to push traffic.

7d ago
7d ago
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Ubisoft to Focus on "Return to Leadership" in Open World Genre, Expand Live Service Experiences

Ubisoft says they are focusing on two "core verticals," and that's to return as a leader in the open world genre, and live service games.

enkiduxiv16d ago

Calling Ubisoft a leader in open world gaming at any point in time would be like calling Dollar General a leader in retail.

excaliburps15d ago

Well, to be fair, they did pump out good open world games before. It was used as a template so much that people now know what it means when you say it's like an Ubi open world collectahon.

shinoff218315d ago

What though? I can't think of one game they had where I liked anything about it. Atleast since the ps3/360 Gen

Kornholic15d ago

If they have never been the leader in open world gaming, then explain me this: why does almost every open world game follow the same tired old Ubisoft open world formula?

Follow the Leader.

Aphrodia15d ago

YO dont' talk bad about the General. There'll be problems...

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 15d ago
isarai16d ago

You were never the leader bro 🤣

shinoff218316d ago (Edited 16d ago )

I don't think they were ever the leader tbh. I've never really cared for any of their open world games. I do wanna try watch dogs 2 because it looks like it's set in San Fran. Looked interesting

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