
Top 5 Underrated Games Of Last-gen

TechRez - Last-gen gaming started in 2005 and collapsed in 2013, we will take a look at some great games which didn’t get enough reception from gamers across the world.

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MysticStrummer3767d ago

As always, the word underrated makes me think of MAG right away. Makes me sad I can't play it anymore. Please please please Sony... make a sequel.

proudly_X3767d ago

Didn't know MAG had passionate fans..

MysticStrummer3767d ago

I'm sure I'm in the minority, but MAG was my favorite online shooter on PS3, followed closely by Warhawk but that was more highly rated as far as I remember. Third place would go to BF3. Anyway, there still hasn't been anything like MAG on consoles. When Planetside 2 hits PS4 that will make me feel better, but I'd love a MAG sequel also. I'm a fan of large levels and large player counts, and no other game gave me that large battle feeling like MAG did.

But yeah there were people who played MAG regularly up until they took the servers down, and I think there was a final hurrah that last weekend or something. I missed it so I don't know if it happened but I know people at least tried to organize one.

abzdine3767d ago


not sure the writer played it because it's not called Stranglehol

Rimeskeem3767d ago (Edited 3767d ago )

I, for one, loved the game.

It was very fun and decently balanced but it was going up against bf so yah but now it would be amazing.

abzdine3767d ago (Edited 3767d ago )

lots will maybe disagree cause most haven't heard much about it but Fat Princess to me is so damn underrated.
that game has it all: it is so much fun and so many are still playing it. Too bad developers and Sony didn't promote it some more. I would sign in for a sequel right away.

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Number-Nine3767d ago

MAG was my favorite FPS mp shooter. game was so fun despite having incompetent developers.

KyRo3767d ago

Split Second was one of my favourite arcade racers of the last generation but it sold terribly, stopped working on the sequel and shut down Blackrock studio's.

I hadn't had that much fun with a racer for years. The way parts of the map would blow up causing a skyscraper to fall, a dam to burst, a mountain collapse and totally changing the layout of the track was a breath of fresh air to me.

captainexplosion3767d ago

My most underrated would be Gears of War Judgment, Motorstorm Apocalypse, and Bulletstorm.

stellarpanda3767d ago

Loved Bulletstorm so much. Really wish they follow it up!

InMyOpinion3767d ago

I don't agree with Dark Sector. It looked good but the gameplay was broken. And it was repetitive.

chemil993767d ago

I Bloody loved Dark Sector. The whole eerie atmosphere was crazy. I miss using the glave.


I am still using the Glave... In Warframe. The mark of a true Tenno.

The original Dark Sector was ok but it was not the game it should have been. Warframe is awesome but easy to write off because it's hard to get into and very repetitive on the surface.

Still it's nice that Warframe still has these little pointers that link back to Dark Sector

chemil993767d ago

Interesting. I'll give it a go then!

Soapboxhero3767d ago (Edited 3767d ago )

Really don't think dark souls was underrated, not because it wasn't great but because people seemed to like the game just fine and it got plenty of attention.

Underrated implies that it didn't get the attention it deserved or wasn't perceived to be as good as it was.

SolidDuck3767d ago

He said demons not dark. And yes now demons is held very highly and has loyal fans. Me being one of them, it's one of my favorite series of all time. But there was a time that demons was only to be released in the east and had little to no marketing behind it. Thank goodness Altus stepped up and brought it west because Sony wasn't even willing to publish it. Eventually it outsold expectations and led to dark souls. But I kinda see why they would mention it on there list.

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Lightning771d 5h ago

Then gets shut down the next day. They should know better than to talk crazy like that.

XiNatsuDragnel1d 1h ago

They'll get shut down that's how Microsoft work

gold_drake1d ago

watch it get shut down tomorrow haha

Skuletor4h ago

It was probably already decided yesterday


"And then Phil Spencer took it as challenge..."

Elda4h ago

They better worry because Avowed doesn't look all that.


Why Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2005) Still Holds Up To Modern Racing Games

Need for Speed: Most Wanted is still iconic mainly due to its corny storyline, its superb gameplay, and the unforgettable BMW M3 GTR.

Chryzz231d 11h ago

Its the best one in my opinion

Abnor_Mal1d 3h ago

Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit2 for PS2 is the epitome of iconic.