
Titanfall: Xbox One Alpha vs PC Screenshot Comparison: High Resolution vs Low Resolution Textures

The textures of the Xbox One alpha testing of Respawn Entertainment's Titanfall caused a big hubbub within the community, as their resolution was really low. Respawn entertainment immediately clarified that the textures included in the alpha had been sized down in order to reduce the download size, which is actually a quite common practice in the industry for pre-release testing.

The case exploded when popular insider codenamed Crazy Buttocks on a Train (shortened CBOAT) mentioned on NeoGAF that the textures in the alpha were final for the Xbox One version, prompting Respawn to respond reiterating their previous position and stating that they have nothing to gain by lying on the issue.

But what is the real difference between the alpha textures and the high resolution textures included in the PC version and that according to Respawn are supposed to appear in the final Xbox One version too, and is it believable that Respawn would ship with the low resolution textures of the alpha?

The screenshots included in this comparison aim to give an answer to those questions.

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Gazondaily3780d ago (Edited 3780d ago )

There's a big dfference between the trailer and the alpha textures. I can see how the Alpha is using fewer textures than the trailer so things will only get better in the final product.

Abriael3780d ago

I'm pretty sure that the Xbox One version will come with the same textures (probably not the same resolution) textures mostly weigh on RAM, and of that the Xbox one has plenty.

Also, it's simply not believable that anyone would ship a final game with the textures of the alpha.

Gazondaily3780d ago (Edited 3780d ago )

Yeah Respawn wouldn't have come out and said that the textures used in the Alpha were not final. They will improve on the Xbox One, but the question is, by how much?

The alpha footage leaves a lot to be desired on the X1 visually to be fair. That could run on the 360 no problems. The trailer footage is barely a cut above last-gen anyway.

Eonjay3780d ago

Memory and memory bandwidth. More memory is great, but the speed of the memory is also important. That is how a memory card in a PC can produce better results with less memory.

My question to you: What do you call the PC build (which is much older than the Xbox build)? I would call it an alpha too. And yet the textures are clearly better. Do you know the specs used to showcase this at GamesCon and PAX?

johny53780d ago

You mean just like Forza?

truefan13780d ago (Edited 3780d ago )

Are we still talking about this, my goodness people just can't give it a rest. Once again, on twitter the ratio of positive to negative reviews from the alpha was like 50:1. People waited hours for a 15 minute session at awards shows. Do you really think people are gonna care about some textures that much. Why would Respwan in their first project that can shape their future for the next 20 years jeopardize it over lying about textures, when their reasoning for lowing the textures makes perfect sense. They were testing MSFT servers, why make people download a huge 50gb file for a few days. Man some people are determined to try to put any negative attention they can to stop the momentum of this game. It is gonna sell, I am confident at least 90% of the people who bought an Xb1 will buy titanfall (because it was one of the first games we saw and shooters flourish on xbox consoles). For the people who try to turn 360, PC, and XB1 all against each other, they are all Microsoft platforms, which means money will be brought to them which will most likely be future XB1 investments, so thanks for your support.

JodyCones3780d ago

Okay, but the PC version's textures and resolution will only get better as well. There's no arguing which version will look better.

ProjectVulcan3780d ago (Edited 3780d ago )

Textures weigh on memory and GPU texture fillrate. Memory and bandwidth is without a doubt important, but having loads of fast memory with a low texel fillrate means you can't draw lots of amazing textures on screen at once.

Xbox One's texel fillrate is fairly mediocre compared to say PS4 or a good PC.

Something like 1/3 the fillrate of a Radeon 7970. I can only imagine this game will run very fast on PC.

Kryptix3780d ago (Edited 3780d ago )

Everything in the trailer looks more detailed than in the alpha which makes people wonder how much they improved for the final product.

Anyone noticed that the HUD is also different? I been looking closely and spotting all the differences in both versions.

Visiblemarc3780d ago

While I agree with pretty much everything you said, the rumours are coming from generally accurate sources.

Since the build up to this gen, so much has come from these sources -much of it denied by official sources and then later confirmed.

The difference here being that Respawn seems to address the response to their denials directly. This would put them in a bad position if they were proven to have misled people.

Though, I think you're right, and textures will improve, overall I've come to trust insider rumours more than official sources. Especially when so many offcial sources are usually so evasive.

TheGreatAndPowerful3780d ago (Edited 3780d ago )

Now compare this to a game like Killzone...huge difference. This game looks bad even on the PC.

Spenok3780d ago

Absolutely. These textures for the Alpha are just downright ugly. I have a harder time listening to an insider, even if he is mostly (READ: Usually, not always) right, over the developer themselves. (In laments terms I am saying I believe Respawn wouldn't release the game with the textures of the "Alpha")

But then again they say this is an alpha. Which personally I believe is BS. An Alpha means the game is roughly 60ish percent done, and they still have a LOT of work to do on the game. You simply just cannot have an alpha on a game and then ship it 2 months later. Now a Beta, and release 2 months later makes infinitely more sense.

But back on Abriaels comment. Textures are heavily weighted on RAM. And the Xbone one has plenty to spare to support the textures shown in the PC version. And seeing as how they are already available in the PC version, there is no reason they should not also be available in the Xbone version.

Needless to say if the game ships for Xbone with the textures shown in the pictures then it's a sad day for the industry, and gamers alike. I sincerely hope that doesn't happen, and personally believe it won't.

FamilyGuy3780d ago

Very different and obvious but even with the higher quality texture this game is no graphical beast.
It still looks like CoD level graphics but in a game like this its all about the fast-paced gameplay so it doesn't really matter. The game looks like a lot of fun so it's going to sell regardless.

MysticStrummer3780d ago

@truefanboy - Who's trying to turn PC/XB1/360 against each other? Your tinfoil is showing. The only thing most people are saying, besides the observation that TF is very CoD-like, is that a three platform game isn't a system seller when all three platforms will look very similar and XB1's can only be second best.

Ju3780d ago

Not sure why we are talking textures when this game has the worst lighting ever. XBo seems to have improved in this aspect, but it's last gen tech after all. Static baked in lighting. Didn't we play that the last 5 years?

UltimateMaster3780d ago

Hooolii Sh*t!
Glad to have a good PC. : )

DJMarty3779d ago (Edited 3779d ago )

Abriael - X1 has ram just lacking power, bandwidth and has tons of design flaws. Hence 30FPS/sub HD graphics.

UltraNova3777d ago (Edited 3777d ago )

Oh JESUS... Guys! just it give it a rest will'ya!?

Just buy it for your PC if you need higher rez/frames and shut the hell up already!

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 3777d ago
sigfredod3780d ago

They can simply put all this rumors to rest by releasing the same beta that is on PC right now on the Bone, and drop that excuse of keeping the size of the download low, give the correct hype to the game

Charybdis3780d ago (Edited 3780d ago )

Would be nice that way rumours would die out and we wouldn't have to have an titanfall article(s) on every n4g page.

malokevi3780d ago

Yeah, they could bend over backward to appease skeptics with 1 month remaining in the run-up to release......

But that would be stupid.

Ashby_JC3780d ago

The ONLY people that are keeping this (Rumors) going is the media/CBOAT and the people in the comments.

Respawn was pretty specific about what was in the Alpha. But article like this are still saying things like .....

"Personally, after examining the pictures and all the available footage, I’m very inclined to believe Respawn’s version of the story."

.......so he didnt take the creators word that the alpha was a low texture version. He had to do some examining and research. SMH

GeraltofRivia3780d ago

last time i checked pc versions of games are usually graphically better then the console siblings so how could the same beta from pc be released on the xbone?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3780d ago
donman13780d ago

Yet again another XboxOne resolution/Texture and FPS worrisome rumor. This cannot be good for Microsoft.

Irishguy953780d ago

You mean yet again another speck of idiocy by fanboys?

gigoran3780d ago

Fanboys? No. Just intelligent people. You know, people that see it for what it really is instead of being blind little xbone fanboys that defend their product tooth and nail even thought in reality it's horrible.

3-4-53780d ago

The Difference is there and is very noticeable, but the game being fun matters more.

It looks "good enough" on either platform, now it just needs to perform well.

Sarcasm3780d ago

This is comparing the Xbox360 version versus the PC right?

Allsystemgamer3780d ago

Xbone ALPHA at 25% texture quality vs PC (beta) allegedly.

Sarcasm3780d ago

I dunno, judging by those screens I think whoever posted it is posting the X360 version. I've seen titanfall in person because one of my brother's friend is in the beta and it looks nowhere near that bad. Before anyone thinks I'm trolling, I've been known to be more "pro-sony" so I have nothing to lie about here.

Gamer19823780d ago

Alpha textures are pretty much nailed on.. After alpha you change core mechanics not textures.. The that becomes BETA where you goto bug fixing.. Either way look at this screen taken from PC
Which is CLEARLY the better of the 2 BTW and look at the tree.. If that looks like that at launch then respawn has a serious problem as this game will make the Xbone look terrible and not do anything for the console.. That tree looks like something off an early PS3 game..

ITPython3780d ago (Edited 3780d ago )

So now the excuse for them toning down the textures was to save on the size of the download? B-b-b-but I thought it was to make sure it ran smoothly to test out the servers and test for bugs? lol. It's just one excuse after another with this game.

And wow, the XB1 screenshots from that site look absolutely terrible! It looks worse than a PS3/360 game that came out in 2007! I mean dang, that is last-last gen PS2 style graphics right there. WOW!!! :-O

Even if they quadrupled those textures it would still barely qualify as a high-end PS3 game. I am absolutely shocked right now.... I knew the game was pretty terrible looking from the off-screen vids, but I didn't realize it was THIS bad.

I just wonder what excuses they will come up with when the game release and only looks slightly better than this. And seriously.. people are still saying this is alpha?? People, THE GAME RELEASES IN A MONTH!! Unless they are going to delay this for 3-4 months, what you are looking at is near-final beta graphics.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3777d ago
mcstorm3780d ago

Yeah I can see the difference but not the final game I remember the BF3 beta being like this but the final version looked a lot better. Looking forward to this game and a nice change to the FPS gore which is much needed from the too many MW FPS games out there at the moment.

Abriael3780d ago

Yeah, that's exactly the point. Those textures simply cannot be final. It's not even realistic.

Patrick_pk443780d ago

Titanfall doesn't look appealing graphically, it is quite bad. I am not trying to bash the game for what it is, however aren't we "next-gen" now?

mcstorm3780d ago

Patrick_pk44 im not quite sure what you mean by however aren't we "next-gen" now? as this game is a on 2 gen consoles. Last gen 360 and new gen Xbox one. A game is not good because it has jaw dropping graphics it the game play that makes a game fun esp an FPS game.

BlackTar1873780d ago

Tell that to 360 fans who kept comparisons sites alive last gen over differences in a shadow on a wall

mcstorm3779d ago

@BlackTar187 I just have said that in my statement above wow have people got issues on this site? I thought it was a new site about games not a my dad is bigger than your dad site. Get over your self's people and get back to being a gamer. If you like a game support it but stop with all the negative press for something you don't like. Gaming is about gamers not about fan boys and who has the biggest dad if you want to keep being petty about things go and support a UK football team as that's where people go on and on and on about who is the biggest and best. Sad what people in gaming have become.

Gamer19823780d ago

I played BF3 BETA on PS3 and PC and didn't notice any difference between the final game.. Don't know what your babbling on about. Also once you get to BETA its a bit late to be messing about with textures as that's primarily the bug fixing stage..

mcstorm3780d ago

Yeah of course there was no difference and I was just babbling as you say because the beta of a game is always the fully finished game where they just add fixes to and don't touch up the graphics. Just like on this video.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3779d ago
Bathyj3780d ago (Edited 3780d ago )

I dont get it. Why would they put low textures in and make their game look crap? To keep the download small?

What about the PC version, did they keep that small or did they just do the best they could. Seems weird to me to potentially damage the buzz for the game with a poor showing.

Not saying the final game will look like this but you only get one chance to make a first impression and people remember it.

LexHazard793780d ago (Edited 3780d ago )

Lol, I dont understand Septic, can you tell me in english what Alpha means?!

Gazondaily3780d ago

"Alpha is the stage when key gameplay functionality is implemented, and assets are partially finished".
- Wikipedia

Denethor_II3780d ago

"One word: Alpha"

If only it was that simple.

Abriael3780d ago

The PC version wasn't in the alpha. It was recorded at respawn, so no one had to download it.

Jovanian 3780d ago

well betas and alphas aren't supposed to be first impressions, they are meant to test the game. unfortunately in modern times alpha or beta have become synonymous with 'demo'

Mikefizzled3780d ago

A brand new high profile studio to get caught out on their first game, a very high profile game too. I agree they would never risk it as the future of the studios credibility is at stake.

malokevi3780d ago

They aren't risking credibility. Only an idiot would make a final judgement call on Alpha footage. The rest of the world doesn't care.

I don't even know why we're having this discussion. It's so redundant.

Godmars2903780d ago (Edited 3780d ago )

They either put the alpha out to lower expectations for the general release, put it out at 25% of its supposed full potential so people wont mind/notice if it only did 75%, or they - somehow - just didn't realize how much the alpha would get examined and reported on.

Likely the telling difference will be the beta. If that doesn't look any better then something might be up.

Still wondering why, aside from promotion, there was such a public alpha in the first place.

Just speaks of the "get it out ASAP, patch it later" mentality that's taken over the industry. Cause it more than likely the game will have day one bugs. Be in need of fine tuning. Just Battlefield, Skyrim and COD needed.

Bathyj3780d ago (Edited 3780d ago )

I don't get why there's an alpha. Isn't alpha like the first rough draft of when they first get a game up and running? Isn't beta usually when the public first gets it a near finished stage? Doesn't it release in less than two months?

JeffGUNZ3780d ago

@ Bathyj,

The alpha was to test the cloud servers through MS. They wanted to be able to test quick patch/changing servers quickly and smooth without any real hiccups in game play. If a server went down or was destabilized, the wanted to test how MS Cloud servers would react and how it influenced game play. The alhpa wasn't like a beta or a demo at all. The beta next weekend will be focused on game play mechanics and balancing.

qu1ckset3780d ago

To reduce the size for the alpha demo download is one reason.. If you read the article it explains a lot of this.

famoussasjohn3780d ago

For someone with that many bubbles, I would have thought you'd be able to comprehend what an alpha entails. I was wrong. Go check out BF4's alpha footage, there were no colors for the buildings or ground or textures.

tiremfej3780d ago

Yeah...well we see where the BF4 Alpha got the game. I can't even play it anymore it is so bad. It may actually affect my decision to purchase Titanfall. Don't get me wrong I understand two different devs.

However, EA's servers are crap! I can't even play Madden without stutter. Bad bad bad.

famoussasjohn3780d ago

tiremfej - Difference is titanfall isn't using EA's servers, it's using Microsofts Azure servers instead. I didn't hear anything bad about the connectivty of the game or any major technical issues in the alpha. We'll see in the beta but I'm expecting a very polished and a completed game unlike how BF4 was.

Ashby_JC3780d ago


I dont know if you are really serious!!?

I have seen you on this site commenting numerous times.

Im not a expert but its called a ALPHA!!! The devs explained that this was a small alpha to do some testing. This version had reduced quality as to make the download size smaller.

It was NOT a DEMO!!! A demo is what is used to create buzz and interest. But guess what...this game has buzz and high interest from people that have played it.

A BETA is right around the corner and that should be closer to what we will get on release.

And as far as the you only get one chance to make a first impression LMAO!! They had playable DEMOS at many shows last year and those impressions were VERY VERY positive.

This ALPHA had a NDA attached. This ALPHA was not meant to be scrutinized by the public. But here we are acting as if the alpha version is what we will be getting on March 11.

Rant over

Cryptcuzz3780d ago

I don't get it either.

No way this is representative of how the finished game would look. It looks even worse than an Xbox 360 game in terms of textures Tbh.

What I really don't get is why didn't they wait until a better version of the beta is able to be tested before letting it be seen by everyone? With the quality as it is now, it should have been wrapped in extensive NDA, not to be seen by everyone that is not in the actual beta.

I am not hating either, I don't have an Xbox One, but I did buy one for my older brother. If this game is like CoD Ghosts, but with Titans - like everyone have been saying, then count me in buying this game for my brother so we can play together, since he enjoys playing CoD Ghosts with me on the PS4.

Isn't this game released in March? So close to release and the beta hasn't been updated to look more like the final release is a little worrisome to say the least.

If it is going to look like the alpha pics (Even marginally better), I would rather they delay the game and polish up the textures a lot more.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3780d ago
Qwagy UK3780d ago

This will be the same as Xbox one Vs PS4.

Jovanian 3780d ago

the ps4 version wouldn't look as good as the PC version either, if it did indeed come out on ps4

chrisarsenalsavart3780d ago

Still would be much closer than the x1 version

LetoAtreides823780d ago

Of course not. One costs $400, the other costs thousands. It'd be ridiculous if it doesn't look better on a super gaming pc rig.

FlyingFoxy3780d ago

@ Leto, you can build a gaming PC for just under £1000 that would blow the consoles away with over 2x as powerful processor, and almost 3x more powerful graphics card than a PS4. Not sure why people who dig at PC gamers always use price as an excuse as if it costs the world when it doesn't.

You could even pay back on finance for that amount over 2-3 years and that's only £40-£50 a month, well worth the cost.

BlackTar1873780d ago (Edited 3780d ago )

Flying fox what are the prices for the 3 best mid range Graphic Cards?

Im seeing $300 for most. Which is almost the cost of a system. Then you need memory, mother board sound cards then Keyboard and mouse and i'm forgetting a bunch of stuff. like Processor and fans etc.

I know CPUs aren't as expensive to build as people on here say but they arn't cheap.

Also paying that much over a 2-3 yr period means you're stuck with a cpu that old and everyone knows how fast CPUs upgrade themselves.

Ipunchbabiesforfun3779d ago

I have a 2500K, 8GB corsair vengeance ram and SLI 560Ti's in a very nice case with DVD, Blu ray, SSD and I paid about $1100 3 years ago. My PC still kicks ass and can play any game pretty much maxed out at 1080P. I could easily keep this setup for a few more years and be just fine. By than i could pop a newer card for $300-400 and be good for another 6 something years. It's not that expensive, it's not like you REBUY every part once you want to upgrade, it's a process.

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Tedakin3780d ago

I just don't believe Respawn would say over and over and over again that the textures aren't final in the beta, then say it two more times to counter CBOAT's claim and even say "It doesn't benefit us to lie about it" if it was a lie.

Abriael3780d ago

I agree there. They wouldn't deny this firmly if there was some truth in it.

JeffGUNZ3780d ago

It's because this game is hyped. People who don't buy the hype, or aren't able to play it on their platform will look for any reason to discredit this game. Respawn has two solid men who have proven themselves in this field, I wouldn't believe for a second they would be lying over and over again.

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Jiub641d ago

Although the late 2000s Turok wasn't my favorite, I would love a new entry. Open world survival with shotguns and dinosaurs. Not sure how we'd get the fusion cannon, but that would be pretty sweet too.

MadLad641d ago


All of these games are pretty much universally praised. Outside of Timeshift I literally own all of these.

Venoxn4g641d ago (Edited 641d ago )

XIII, The Darkness 2, Far Cry: Blood Dragon, Timesplitters: future perfect, Bulletstorm are awesome games

gurp41d ago

I played them all, they are all good in their own way
I used to be obsessed with FPS games


An ode to Titanfall: The last twitch shooter I'll probably ever enjoy

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Ethereal922d ago

Physical media. Unfortunately the way games are going these days game servers will eventually be shut down and you can stare at the menu and wish you could play the game again.

littletad921d ago

This is why reading is so important. Nothing to do with digital or physical media. The game, which is online only, is being delisted because of DDOS and other hacker attacks. The case got so bad that only six players in the world log on. For PC. Rather than fix it, they continued to sell the game, broken as it is, and only now just decided to call it quits. But please, go on thinking what you will.

Ethereal920d ago

I'm aware of the DDOS attacks and that this case is not typical. This game would eventually have it's servers shutdown regardless of the current situation so that is a moot point. My comment was in a general sense and that there are instances in which games can be preserved physically when official support ends.

Let's recap your first sentence. I said, "the way GAMES are going these days" indicating a broader stroke than just this game. I agree, reading IS important. I was simply stating the obvious downsides of the digital marketplaces and online only trends in games these days. I could even make the argument that the online only offering which has allowed hacker manipulation has impacted the preservation of this great game. My comment is valid in the general sense and thank you for your permission to continue to think what I will.