
Infogrames sees Alone in the Dark selling 2-3 mln units

France's Infogrames expects to sell 2-3 million units of Alone in the Dark in its current fiscal year as it banks on the new high-adrenaline action game to boost revenue, its new head said on Thursday. Chief Executive David Gardner also told Reuters in an interview that his top priority was to return the loss-making company to break-even.

Gardner, who joined Infogrames in January, said he wanted to boost the contribution of the United States to global revenue and that he had not been approached by any potential buyer for the company.

"We want to stop losing money...This management's team number one goal is to get a business plan together that gets us to a break-even level."

sonarus5906d ago

That is pretty confident considering no one is really talking about it.

Palodios5906d ago (Edited 5906d ago )

considering how much hype the other main players this quarter have been getting... gta, mgs, haze, mario kart, wii fit, it may get lost in the crowd. Although, with a relatively quiet summer (anything other than Ninja Gaiden?) a delay to july might be prudent. Its not like Silent Hill/ Resident Evil 5 are coming anytime soon.

Atomic5906d ago

this game is not as popular as other survival horror games
Resident Evil 4 sold around 4 millions on all versions
i expect AITD to sell around 1,5 millions copies, that's a more realistic number i think.

sonarus5906d ago

I agree. 3 million is a stretch even on all 5 consoles. I expect 360 sales to be the highest with maybe 400,000 ps2. Wii PS2 and PC may combine total to give them 700,000 and then ps3 will give them 200,000 at best. At least thats the way i see it. I don't see this game outselling army of two or dark sector for that matter

GODofDOOMS5906d ago

yeh but i am really hyped up for this game after seeing the tech demo video that tech demo was pretty awesome
people are just not talking about it because the developers or w/e aint releasing trailer and other stuff and we know nothing about it all we know it a horror game so i dont think it get 2-3million units only if it gets hyped up very good like assassin creed
either way im buying this game

PS360WII5906d ago

doable seeing that it's coming out for 3 consoles

Storm235906d ago

I hope it does sell that much. It looks really good.

Sevir045906d ago

It shoulkd gain the bulk of it's sales from 360 in US and the other bulk in Europe and UK from Sony. though i really only seeing this sell 1 million, but if you are able to break a million you're doing good this generation because their arent many games doing it.

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Alone in the Dark Developer Has Been Hit With Layoffs

Alone in the Dark developer Pieces Interactive has been hit with layoffs a month after its release, as per the latest information.

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coolbeans48d ago

That genuinely, genuinely sucks. The reboot has clear flaws, but it really felt like a solid first step for this team to receive *greater* investment.

XiNatsuDragnel47d ago

Alone in the dark is a fun game so that's unfortunate

CrimsonWing6947d ago

Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t that the norm after a project is done?

Terry_B47d ago

That's standard. Teams are together for a Project, after its done some..and sometimes most devs are fired until the next Project is in the works and people are needed again. Only the core members stay in the time between the hot phase of the game development.

CrimsonWing6947d ago

What’s annoying is people don’t understand how contractors work, either. All of this is uninformed knee-jerk reactions without any understanding of how employment works in this industry. There are key developers and staff that stay with a studio/publisher, but often times it’s a hire per project and then seeking new employment for a project. That’s how it’s always been…

coolbeans46d ago

That's a fair point too. I would say that in light of its tepid critical/commercial response and ongoing mass layoffs across the industry I think it's understandable for fans to worry about the longer-term implications. We'll see how it plays out in the future.


Alone in the Dark (XS) Review | VGChartz

VGChartz's Lee Mehr: "In one sense, it feels strange to even think Pieces Interactive had big shoes to fill with this series' legacy. Given what's come before, did it really? And yet, even when considering the last two flops over a two-decade span, there's still something about Alone in the Dark emblazoned on a title screen that carries a sense of revered history. In that respect, perhaps this reboot's best accomplishment is in honoring that spirit through its inventive world. It's also fair to emphasize knocks against its survival-horror design, some puzzle-solving, and so on; it certainly won't be considered a trendsetter like the 1992 classic. Still, the amount of goodwill wedded to its brighter qualities makes for something that dawdles the line between unfortunately-flawed and impressively-enticing."

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Alone in the Dark review [SideQuesting]

The new Alone in the Dark remake doesn't do anything especially noteworthy, but that doesn't mean it's bad. It's just... cromulent.

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