
Essential PS3 Exclusives – Part 2

We’re back with Part 2! If you haven’t read Part 1 yet (then really, what’s wrong with you?) hurry up so we can crack on with showcasing more of the very best of what Sony’s beloved black box has to offer. With the Playstation 3’s ever-growing catalogue of exclusive titles, creating a second list of ‘5 Essential PS3 Exclusives’ wasn’t difficult at all.

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TheColbertinator4279d ago

Not a fan of Qoga but Tales of Graces F was a sweet game.

Lovable4279d ago

Tales of Graces is by far one of the best JRPG this gen.

You PS3 owners should know about this game called Rainbow Moon. If you're a fan of like FFT or Disgaea, but with map exploration, this is it. For $15 dollars it's more worth than many of those full retailed game.

360ICE4279d ago

If it was released for a handheld I'd buy it in a second.

Relientk774279d ago

Tales of Graces f is amazing and probably the best JRPG this generation, like Lovable said above me

definitely a must for any JRPG fan

Britainz-Fin3st4279d ago

Can someone please tell me a good quality ps3 exclusive? apart from god of war im afraid there is not ONE ps3 game i can say ive enjoyed.

apart from the multiplats..

HeavenlySnipes4279d ago

Which ones have you played?

I've enjoyed Uncharted (all of them), InFamous', MGS4, GT5, and Killzone 2 (didn't really enjoy 3 as much), Resistance (all of them) and LBP when we got it free

Of course, you're probably trolling and aren't looking for a serious answer so I will give you what you're looking for and say:

None. All of them regardless of their accolades and sales are utter garbage. You're right, GOW is the only good PS3 exclusive.

Getowned4279d ago (Edited 4279d ago )

-StarHawk (fun and unique online MP)
-Resistance fall of man (I'd skip the sequels)
-Twisted Metal
-One Piece Pirate Warriors(hack and slash,out soon apparently got good reviews its out in japan already)
-Pixel Junk Monsters
-Uncharted 1,2, and 3
-Killzone (some ppl love it some don't, hit or miss)
-Ratchet & Clank Future Tools of Destruction(kidish but,really fun)
-Gran Turismo 5
-LittleBigPlanet 2 (sooo much replayability)
-Valkyria Chronicles
- Infamouse 1 and 2
-Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2(NINJAS!!!)
-Demon's Souls(sooo epic)
-Heavy Rain (such a gem of a game)
-Tales of Graces f
-Heavenly Sword (you'll like this if you like GOW, I prefer this over GOW IMO)

there are a lot more exclusives than this and not including unreleased games, but its all I can think of atm.

Hicken4279d ago

You realize that saying such a thing is borderline ridiculous, right?

I mean, yeah, you're entitled to your opinion and all, but given the massive amount of quality exclusives on the system, saying there's only one that you liked is...

As to the article, I don't think either Ar Tonelico or Neptunia is an "essential" game to have. I'm a big fan of the Ar Tonelico series, so Qoga was a MUST for me; likewise, I'm a huge supporter of NIS, Compile Heart, and idea Factory, so the Neptunia games are necessary additions to my library. (They're both JRPGs, too, which makes them necessary for me.)

TheFirstClassic4279d ago

In addition to what others have said, I would include 3d dot game heroes, warhawk, and modnation racers.

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Yui_Suzumiya4279d ago

Heavy Rain
Metal Gear Solid 4
Uncharted Trilogy
Killzone Trilogy
Resistance Trilogy
The Last of Us
Beyond: Two Souls
God of War Saga
Gran Turismo 5
House of the Dead: Overkill
The Last Guardian
SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy SEALs


Ar Tonelico Qoga: Knell Of Ar Ciel Retro Review – Love Conquers All

Gary Green said: You’ll be forgiven if you haven’t heard of the Ar Tonelico trilogy. The previous two games arrived so late in the PS2’s life-cycle that they simply went unnoticed. While most were tinkering with their shiny new PS3s, Ar Tonelico: Melody of Elemia and Ar Tonelico II: Melody of Metafalica were being ‘returned to sender’ by your local Game stores. Luckily, you won’t need to have played them to understand and appreciate this third and final chapter, Qoga (pronounced k-yoga) tells the story of a racial war between humans and Reyvateils, a breed of biologically produced female cyborgs capable of reproduction, while still having a digital mind.

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Giga_Gaia46d ago

Oh my god. I kinda wish this would get a remaster on PS5, it would be awesome. One of my favorite games on PS3.

That and 3D Dot Game Heroes. It's a shame that some stuff is stuck on PS3.

Knightofelemia46d ago

Ar Tonelico 3 is good I still prefer the first AT game. The music is solid in all the games and Akiko Shikata is a very talented singer bringing life to the game. Only annoying part is well I find is Saki I always choose Finnel or Tyria. KOEI so needs to HD remaster the franchise along with Ar Nosurge and Ciel Nosurge since it never came to North America. I would day one the Ar Toneliceo games and Ar Nosurge if they were remastered.

TheColbertinator46d ago

I still have the limited edition of Qoga unopened. Unfortunately it never went up in value like I had hoped all these years.

Father__Merrin45d ago

Used to own all these quirky JRPG on ps3 good times. Wish I would have kept them all


Tales Of Graces Ƒ Retro Review – Holding Out For a Hero

Gary Green said: Namco Bandai heard the call of many fans asking for the PlayStation release of Tales of Graces which was originally released seemingly exclusively for the Wii back in 2009. If you’re acquainted with the Tales series then Graces f won’t be something entirely new to you, yet if you’re a newcomer then you’ll find a plethora of gameplay mechanics and nuances that distinguish this series from other JRPGs. While the game finds itself following the traditional archetype of JRPGs, such as a somewhat clichéd story, Graces has something to offer to both veterans and newcomers alike.

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GoodGuy0956d ago

Odd this and the xillia games still haven't gotten remasters yet.


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