
Goldeneye XBLA vs Goldeneye N64

A video comparison supposedly showing the N64 and the rumored Xbox LIVE Arcade versions.

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Ignorant Fanboy5986d ago

I want to know:

Can I play this on my Wii with the original N64 controller?

Are those plugs just for gamecube?

Is it on the Nintendo network?

If not, 360 version will do, ahh achievements.

Adamalicious5986d ago (Edited 5986d ago )



No. Probably never will be.

XBL version was canned. Sorry. No Achievements.

Kleptic5985d ago

MS bought Rare (but didn't hang on to most of the employees, who left to form Free Radical...most of the guys behind goldeneye and the original perfect dark, are making Haze)...and all of the IPs...Nintendo would have to buy Goldeneye back from MS in order to put anything related to it on the virtual console...

could anyone tell a difference?...I thought it was supposed to have updated everything?...maybe it was just the video, but it looked the same on both from what I could tell...great game though...

Sez 5986d ago

damn. a tear just came across my eye.memories damn i miss this game.
i hope they release it. i don't care if it's on the wii or the 360.

godoftime5986d ago (Edited 5986d ago )

come to ps3 !! lol..

-Edit: for your information a$$wipe, i said "to ps3" NOT "to MY ps3"
and also, i know rare is part of microsoft now, jeez i was just stating id like to see it be released on ps3 is all..

power of Green 5986d ago (Edited 5986d ago )

Its like Sony has programed you people to say that.

*Coming to PS3


*I'll enjoy this on my PS3

*Hope it comes to my PS3

*I'm getting this for my PS3

* PS3 for me

Just messing with you its strange because no other console fan really announces their platform when wanting a game.

Rare is owned by MSFT the fight's between Nintendo and Rare, sorry.

mighty_douche5986d ago

once again you scream fanboy this and that, maybe he just wants to play the f**king game, you ever think about that??

NEO_X5986d ago

Although in this situation he is far from being the douche...
Bubbles for mighty for being the logical one

power of Green 5986d ago

Did you say something?, Always leading your rabid Pack dogs trying to sniff my asshole. Come in here to confront 360fans are we?.

How in the hell do you call somebody out when they were kidding around with an ignorant member. Stop stalking me loser.

heyheyhey5985d ago

POG why the fcuk are you so defensive? everytime someone mentions the PS3 you go into a spasm and start protecting the 360 like its your f**cking child or something..... you need to relax man

and the guy just said he wanted it to come to the PSN, like me.... why are you so f**cking negative and rude?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5985d ago
mighty_douche5986d ago

whats with all the Golden Eye craving?

Some times me and a few mates dig it out for old times sake, 10 minutes later its back in the cupboard where it should be.

Omegasyde5986d ago

This game practically pioneered split screen gaming. This was great game when the only multiplayer option was having more than 1 controller. This game also is what really made Rare hit the top (besides Killer instinct)

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Do You Prefer Single Player or Multiplayer Games?

BY WIL HARRINGTON: From GoldenEye to Fortnite, from Zork to Horizon Zero Dawn, gamers have long had a vast selection of great single player and multiplayer options. Is one mode genuinely better than the other or is a balanced experience between both best? Let us dive in, shall we?

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isarai397d ago

Single player or co-op, I usually have like one competitive MP game on the side I'll play for a couple years, BF used to be my go to but 2042 sucks and I haven't really found a good replacement

chrisx397d ago (Edited 397d ago )

I'll take Single Player over MP today, yesterday, forever.

Flawlessmic396d ago

Yep single player all day, everyday and twice on sundays!!!

1Victor396d ago

I prefer single player but don’t mind a fun addictive 3rd person shooter like Warhawk and Starhawk

RpgSama396d ago

Single player games 999 times out of 1000

blackblades396d ago

Always gotta have that 1 MP for that fun competive entertainment.

PhillyDillyDee396d ago

Im the exact same. Used to play BF all the time until they ruined it.

isarai396d ago

I miss that awestruck experience when I'd play BF4 in my ps4 for the first time, or the extremely defined classes of the bfbc games

Markdn396d ago

Yeah I prefer single player, but I do like the way destiny let's you casually drop in to public events and leave whenever, don't like the crucible mind.

neutralgamer1992396d ago (Edited 396d ago )

single player games

MP games are like work now with their seasons and battle passes. For most with family, work etc, there just isn't enough time to play

Notellin395d ago

Yeah then you throw in esports and twitch and there is no way I can keep up. The kids are getting practice and watching film.

Knushwood Butt395d ago (Edited 395d ago )

These days almost exclusively single player, but I have over 600 hours in Uncharted 4 MP.

Last thing I played online was Returnal co-op with randoms.

You know what? I could play Returnal again and I have 250 hours on it.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 395d ago
-Foxtrot397d ago

Single Player

Having developers create rich, lore filled worlds and giving us great single play driven stories always appeal more to me. When developers do multiplayer games it always feels the effort just hasn't been put into it, like they are expecting replay value and overall fun to come from gamers gaming with each other, especially with close friends.

Rather having a well crafted level that will capture you and draw you in they'd rather create a short generic like level which you need to grind over and over with your party. It's like they are hoping you are so distracted playing with your friends, talking amongst yourselves that you won't realise and when you finally do click on and start to get bored they'll flash a shiny new update or expansion in your face which really is just the rest of the game you WOULD have gotten it if was purely single player.

The reason for that is by playing by yourself you don't have any distractions and you are concentrating more on the world on screen. You then start to notice if the gameplay is short, repetitive, not fun, buggy, generic etc which is why developers have to try harder when doing single player games. I always feel that's why developers want GaaS titles because it doesn't mean more money for them but less work as you drip feed the game content.

IMissJimRyan396d ago

I like tits growing games like jrpg and rage inducing games like Rocket League.

sadraiden396d ago

Genuinely curious what you meant about "tits growing games like jrpg".

IMissJimRyan396d ago

It's about my own tits. They grow when I play those games.

GoodGuy09396d ago

Singleplayer. But it is fun to play pvp/e MP at times.

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Are There Too Many Remakes?

There’s been a lot of remakes in 2023 like Resident Evil 4 and Dead Space with plenty more on the way, and Kurt can’t help but ask: is this a good thing?

ZeekQuattro406d ago

Short answer. No. Long answer. Hell no!

isarai406d ago

Nah, actually without a lot of these remakes I would forget why I loved gaming in the first place. So hard to just get a straightforward complete game out the box these days, remakes help fill that void considerably

jambola405d ago

there's hundreds of games every year
a handful are remakes
maybe it's because they are good remakes they stick with us

outsider1624405d ago

Not until we get
Tenchu 1 and 2
im sure there are other gems. These are a few of my favorites

merlox405d ago

Why not a remake or a remaster of the Resistance series?

RaiderNation405d ago (Edited 405d ago )

I mean, Ive enjoyed them. So I cant sit here and say there's too many. For the most part they've all been very good remakes. As long they remain of high quality and people are buying and enjoying them, I think its fine. They help fill the gaps between new releases. This year alone Ive beaten The Last of Us Part 1, RE4, Metroid Prime Remaster, and Dead Space and I loved every single one of those games.

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Goldeneye on Xbox Game Pass is a bitter disappointment

Compared to the abandoned 360 remaster, this re-release is a painful reminder of what could have been.

MIDGETonSTILTS17488d ago

It still blows me away that Xbox couldn’t secure online multiplayer for this…. Like, why even bother then?

Number1TailzFan488d ago

Both versions should've had cross platform online play, and both versions should have been the unreleased remaster, with optional original n64 mode.

_SilverHawk_487d ago

Remove " goldeneye on" and it'll be a correct statement

Profchaos488d ago

It should have been the cancelled rare remake that was a total rebuild of the game but we got poor emulation instead

CobraKai487d ago

I didn’t know it existed until i this version came out. OMG. I want that remake.

warriorcase487d ago

You can play it on PC via emulator and it's pretty good. The remake was shelved when Nintendo blocked it's release because it was Xbox exclusive at the time and Nintendo being part owner of the title wasn't having any of it.
The licensing right for Goldeneye are a mess.

badz149487d ago

$70bil to splurge on ActiBliz, they can't even get right what they already owned!