
BioWare’s first failed game would have made you want to “poke yourself in the eye” with a fork

News: Overhaul Games head and ex-BioWare designer Trent Oster has spoken less than favourably about the venerable RPG studio’s earliest effort, Battleground Infinity.

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aPerson4389d ago (Edited 4389d ago )

I was just about to write that! DAMMIT!!

Lucretia4389d ago (Edited 4389d ago )

aweful aweful game.

Dragons Dogma for the win :D

gameplay needs to be like that bioware if your going to attempt to go the action rpg route......Remember Bioware, When people slash extremely fast with daggers their hips should MOVE!

also WTF is up with 60$ in day one DLC for characters you can't even control? 20$ for a golem? LOL!

also star wars the old republic mmo was a big flop like i expected

4389d ago
Adexus4389d ago

Mass Effect 2 also made me want to poke myself in the eye with a fork... and the ending of ME3 :)

Zha1tan4389d ago

Wont be buying anymore of their games, they have been assimilated into the EA empire meaning their game development is purely about making money and ripping people off.

"Assuming direct control, we are your salvation though online passes and overpriced DLC"


swat_teem4389d ago

we are the harbinger of your prefection

hazelamy4389d ago

i'll still be buying them, just not new.

i'm waiting for preowned copies of mass effect 3 to drop in price before i buy one.

Blastoise4389d ago

Bioware really let me down this gen, all 3 mass effect games put together dont even come close to being as good as knights of the old republic

karlowma4389d ago

Mass Effect and Dragon Age: Origins were AMAZING! The sequels, however, were collosal letdowns due to the -rpg +action formula. :/

theeg4389d ago (Edited 4389d ago )

and all 3 kotor incluudiing the turd of an mmo, don't even come close to baldurs gate 2 shadow of amn

even though the first 2 kotor games were good, thats where bioware started to fall off, liscensed universe, console port instead of making the best pc game, though the pc version were far supirior to the xbox

jade empire was the last great bioware game

me1 was good, a 7

dragon age 1 was good, a 7

mass effect 2,3 , dragon age 2, all steaming piles of digital feces.

@talkido below

withcer 2 is an epic, near perfect rpg, the first one may be a bit better in terms of originality, but damn if witcher 2 isnt a 10/10 game i dont know what is!

turgore4389d ago

The first Mass Effect was amazing, the other ones were dumbed down.

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Becuzisaid55d ago

Kinda cool I guess. Seems they just allowed the camera to zoom in right on top of the characters head and then able to control movement like a fps. Makes me wonder what the game would be like if I didn't ever zoom way out and scroll over the environment to check out for enemies nearby almost constantly.