
U.S. Army Breaches the Gaming Experience with CTA Digital - CES 2012 Interview

"Companies based around devloping gaming accessories seem to be forming week to week making it hard for many of these companies to stand out. Whether it's making controllers,headsets, grips, etc. finding a way to stand out from the competition is the challenge for any company looking to be successful in this industry."


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ChiVoLok04516d ago

Nice. This is propaganda so that the Army will recruit more stupid children who used this crap because they will be like "Omg! The Army will be like this video game because the accessories I used for this game says Army in them which therefore means the Army must be similar to this game" Sorry to all the veterans but this is some bs. You deserve respect but you are going into the battlefield doing an objective that will kill innocent people just so the US will get more money and power. I've made the mistake of being stupid before and being blind by not seeing what's in front of me.

CrimsonEngage4516d ago

MASSIVE flaw in your argument there champ. Children can't enlist in the military. So who cares if they "think" the military is going to be like a game. They are CHILDREN. By the time they ARE old enough to join the military they will have enough common since to know better and that it's not a game.

Please think before you speak. kthnx

ChiVoLok04516d ago

They will be brain washed from when they are kids. I know a lot of teens I grew up with that have joined the military due to these games this year, and other who are tempted to do so just because they play to much COD. So imagine when this happens. I know in the US the enlisting age is 18.


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