
Has PS3 Struck Back ?

Kevin, Shane Battenhausen and Greg Miller discuss the Playstation 3's possible come back. They also say PS3 might win the console war.

Hydrollex6030d ago (Edited 6030d ago )

1 - Might die less than 6 months
2 - Still uses last generation disks
3 - Sound's like a helicopter in your house
4 - Scratches disks like a ...
5 - Online = not Free
6 - No 1080p
7 - No HDMI
8 - Only 20GB ( Elite 160 which you have to pay 450$ )
9 - more more more ....

Wins and PS3 lose ? Is that fair ?

Xbox 360 has many great games right now and I think the games are better than PS3 but it was out for 2 years. PS3 is warming up and after Uncharted, R&C and COD4 its going to pwn the 2008 with it's great games.

Thanks to Mr. remix because he gave me this news and I thought it's useful.

gamesR4fun6030d ago (Edited 6030d ago )

Where do they get up these experts?

Watched a few eps very anti Sony Im guessing just anothe part of the M$ hype machine.

PS3PCFTW6030d ago

XBOX 360 FTW!!

when hell freezes over

DraconWolfX6030d ago

I had to reply to your points.

1 - Might die less than 6 months -- Not ALL consoles die. Even if they do, there is a 3 year warranty. Still, Not all consoles die.

2 - Still uses last generation disks -- Those last gen disks work fine. You can't tell me Blu-Ray games are WAY better than comparable 360 games. If the devs can fit a game on the 360 perfect. The longer games (RPGs, Metal Gear) could just use swappable discs, not a big deal.

3 - Sound's like a helicopter in your house - And this is a basis to judge a console? Who cares? Turn your sound up. If there were a console that had amazing graphics and all the games of all the consoles but was loud I would most definitely get it.

4 - Scratches disks like a ... -- Again, this doesn't happen to all. Mine has NEVER scratched a game.

5 - Online = not Free -- It is a far superior and more reliable service. I'm VERY happy paying $50/yr for a refined, reliable, and standardized service like Live.

6 - No 1080p -- This is a lie. 360 does 1080p

7 - No HDMI -- Also a lie, the 360 has HDMI.

8 - Only 20GB ( Elite 160 which you have to pay 450$ ) -- Buy a hard drive separately, big deal. Either way, 20gb is fine. I'd prefer 40gb but not a reason to HATE a console.

I'm not being a fanboy, I'm just pointing out your ridiculous reasons for not liking the 360. The PS3 is an awesome piece of machine but not because of the reasons you've quoted above.

lowlight6030d ago

Quite the statement there...

lessthanmarcus6030d ago

1. MOST LIKELY will die within a year
2. 59.99 for a DVD? WTF??!?!
3. Not as bad as a helicopter, maybe a small generator. But thanks to my 360 I don't have to buy a small heater for my room
4. Which way? vertical or horizontal? If you have it vertical it scratches and blocks the most important fan, but who wants it horizontal?
5. Dont lie to yourselves fanboys, you don't like paying 50 dollars a year. What are you paying for? In game chat? WOOOWWWWW
6. Not sure about the 1080p thing. Supposedly it has that
7. Xbox has HDMI, mine doesn't but apparently new xboxes do.
8. As much as I hate Microsoft, I have two Xboxes and like being able to swap the hard drives. But I also like the fact you can actually upgrade PS3 drive without paying 200
9. I'll add, no wifi, no rechargeable batteries, no internal HDDVD, and much more

drewdrakes6030d ago (Edited 6030d ago )

lessthanmarcus- I greatly enjoy paying for Xbox Live. I use it everyday and find it very satisfying. Microsoft did a great job. Yeah, it would be good if it were free, but i still dont mind paying.

Hydrolex- most of your arguments are quite stupid, way to go. I have one, PS3 has no good games, which may not be true (it is in my opinion), but its at least a better argument against a GAMES console than any of yours. Ive had my 360 for about a year and a half, hasnt died and hasnt scratched a disk. Disk scratching was warned against in the manual, plus who moves electronics which a disk is spinning within? Hi common sense, i'm <insert your name here>.

Monchichi0256030d ago


Don't get me wrong, the PS3 is a great machine but it has already lost this generation. With the PS2 it was seen as the "cool" machine with mass market commercials using the PS2 in it. Now, every mass commercial you see on television has people playing the 360. Even Espn is featuring the 360 instead on the PS3. Go check it out, www.espn.com.

The image war is now over, so that puts the 360 on top. At least in all of America that is.

ARBitrator6030d ago (Edited 6030d ago )

Before I start I want to say sometimes you read a comment that just has to be responded to, if for no other reason just for the outrageous ignorance of a dumb fanboy.

Comments like this typifies the common over sensationalizing FANBOY.

Exaggerations only make you sound like a little b!tch and not a reasonable person. Lets put your bullsh!t into perspective shall we.

1.5 - Corrections:
1. "MOST LIKELY will die within a year"

You are speaking of the early version of the 360 yet you still want to press old issues. However if someone said the that PS3 has no games, you would quickly correct them and say that it does now, and you will further start ranting about future titles. Like you're reading from a script.

2. "59.99 for a DVD? WTF??!?!"

Hey genius it's not a movie, it a video game. You are paying 59.99 for the hard work of the developers. Yet you'll probably pay 60 bucks for a piece of @$$ in a heart beat. (Grow up)

3. "Not as bad as a helicopter, maybe a small generator. But thanks to my 360 I don't have to buy a small heater for my room"

I don't think the 360 is a loud as your typical PC, but no ones whining about PCs are they. Also, my PS3 is quieter than my 360, but It's not silent and the difference between to two are not so much that I need to call the other one a vacuum, helicopter, or small generator.
Also, if the 360 can heat your house, maybe you should move out of that cardboard box.

4. "Which way? vertical or horizontal? If you have it vertical it scratches and blocks the most important fan, but who wants it horizontal?"

Most anyone that doesn't have to put their 360 in a book shelf wants it to be horizontal. Funny my PS3 is horizontal also. If you don't want your 360 to scratch disks, try waiting til the disk stops spinning before opening the door Einstein. Or stop knocking the damn thing over. Besides, I don't think the new benq drive is scratching disks and this is the drive being shipped right now. Once again old news. (See #1)

5. Dont lie to yourselves fanboys, you don't like paying 50 dollars a year. What are you paying for? In game chat? WOOOWWWWW

What! What! What? No one "LIKES" paying for anything. However I will pay 50 bucks for anything that I think is worth it. And I think XBL is worth every penny.

6. Not sure about the 1080p thing. Supposedly it has that
If you're not sure about the 1080p thing, then you don't know sh!t about the console or news on the console which makes you just another talking puppet. One more thing "STFU"

7. Xbox has HDMI, mine doesn't but apparently new xboxes do.
Apparently...see #6 and take heed of the STFU part.

8. "As much as I hate Microsoft, I have two Xboxes and like being able to swap the hard drives. But I also like the fact you can actually upgrade PS3 drive without paying 200"

Bottom line, money is your problem. You're cheap, I'm sure the PS3 you now own is the 40 version. And you'll never upgrade the drive because 7-11 is not paying you enough.

9. "I'll add, no wifi, no rechargeable batteries, no internal HDDVD, and much more."

Okay, honestly what "Quality gamer" actually plays online using WIFI, also people know the PS3 has WIFI and if WIFI was an issue for 360 owners they would have either bought the WIFI adapter or a PS3. I will take replacing no recharible batteries any day over replace the entire controller since the batteries are sealed in, or did you not know that. As for the built in HDDVD player, I will use my standalone HDDVD player if I want to play HDDVD movies.

One last thing, you have so many reasons to HATE on the 360 yet you claim to have two. What kind of genius are you? Don't bother answering, I already know; you're the dumb kind. As for Hydrolex, your comment is worse than lessthanmarcus so I won't waste my time on you.

razer6030d ago (Edited 6030d ago )

To such an idiotic and mostly false statements. I guess all the PS3 fanboys with their 10 accounts each have all logged in to agree with you..

All I can do is speak from experience.. I own both a 360 and PS3.. The 360 get's played the PS3 is a dust magnet.

@1.3 & 1.8 - Thank you for correcting these 2 fools. I will only add that sounding like a helicopter in your house is just a little b!tch exaggeration. It is the DVD drive that you hear in the older models but since they have started using the BenQ drives they are very quiet.

BruceLeroy6030d ago (Edited 6030d ago )

Hey Arbitrator,

Why don't you STFU too. You're just as bad as they are. Give it a rest.

Seriously to all the trolls and fanboys, who the f@%k cares?

Icecold336030d ago

Oh, BTW while you at it, why don't you go ahead a guzzle down a couple cans of "STFU" also Mr. 3 week old account noob. As if your response added anything to the conversation.

ARBitrator6030d ago

Thanks man, you took the words right off my keyboard. I couldn't have said it better myself...

lawman11086030d ago

Every 360 now has an HDMI port and because it does not have a HD dvd drive they will be able to drop the price another $100 bucks when GTA4 comes out in the spring, no way can Sony do that with a BR drive.

In fact, PS3 hardware saw a higher percentage increase from the previous week than the Xbox 360 did. However, that percentage was based on a smaller volume of unit sales. In reality, the increase in Xbox 360 sales was nearly identical to the increase in PS3 sales, although Xbox 360 continues to significantly outsell the PS3 in North America. 24-Nov 17-Nov
Wii 421,419 254,044 +66%
DS 684,202 224,540 +205%
PS3 174,045 94,801 +84%
PSP 194,723 88,977 +119%
Xbox 360 254,680 163,759 +56%

FantasyFreak16030d ago

Soon-ish Final Fantasy XIII will be released for the PS3 and I speak for more than just myself saying that that game alone will boost PS3 sells. Also considering the come-back of the rumble feature. Yay-ness all over.

LOL PS3 IS JUNK LOL6030d ago

Recent studies have shown that black people are not as smart as other races because of flaws in their DNA.

Hydrolex, thanks for reinforcing the study.

lessthanmarcus6029d ago (Edited 6029d ago )

1. I don't think I'm speaking of earlier versions. My first Xbox broke had to pay $129. And the refurbished one I got back broke too. But hey, no one gets RROD anymore right? That was old Xboxes. I guess those stories of 360 Elites getting RROD were false.
2. Yeah I'm paying for a video game NO SHHIT. But since a blu ray disc costs more than a DVD why is it the same price. Look at the Wii. Games are 49.99.
3. youre right I live in a cardboard box, and I don't have a PC so I wouldn't know. my mac hardly makes any noise (like i said i hate microsoft)
4. I dont open the disc tray. Halo is in there and it never comes out. only game worth playing. and what the hell is up with the disc tray anyway. even the wii has a slot loading drive
5. just an opinion, i pay 50 bucks too and its not worth it. youre paying 50 dollars for P2P. theyre not paying for dedicated servers. it lags a lot too
6. name a game that runs true 1080p resolution. i can't think of one
7. ?
8. I'm very cheap. I have a launch 60gb PS3 that hasn't crapped out on me. I have a premium 360 and a 360 Elite. I also have a Wii. But hey, I've been thinking about getting one those 40giggers though, I need an extra blu ray player. Don't believe me send me a message and I'll send you a pic.
9. don't feel like reading but if you can't afford wifi thats cool and HDDDVD already lost

That's good you have a PS3 though. So when you get RROD you always have something to fall back on. Also, I hear Metal Gear is going to be a pretty cool game. Don't know about Killzone though. I'm waiting for Tekken and Gran Turismo. I can tell you what lies in PS3's future like Home and Little Big Planet. But 360? Gears of War 2? anything else?

one last thing, the reason I have two xboxes is a pretty long story. I thought the elite were not prone to RROD. also i'm not a genius. Just a guy in the usmcr with a degree in web programming. the average guy

sticky doja6029d ago

What is your gamertag? My guess is you won't respond. Want to know why thats my guess? Because as much as you complain about the 360 I know there is no way you own one. People that own 360's don't complain about them for the most part because they are having to much fun playing games.

ARBitrator6029d ago

Let's do this one more time shall we..

"1. I don't think I'm speaking of earlier versions. My first Xbox broke had to pay $129. And the refurbished one I got back broke too. But hey, no one gets RROD anymore right? That was old Xboxes. I guess those stories of 360 Elites getting RROD were false."

Why are you bringing up the same old crap from week to week. M$ refunded or is refunding all RROD cost to 360 owners so why bring up $129.00 if you got reinbursed. I know why you didn't get your money back, because you never owned a 360.

"2. Yeah I'm paying for a video game NO SHHIT. But since a blu ray disc costs more than a DVD why is it the same price. Look at the Wii. Games are 49.99"

Once again, there is a lot of development cost that goes into making gaming software. You are paying for the work of the developers not just the damn DVD. Trust me, if sony could get away with charging 69.99 for games I'm sure they would. But sony's not stupid, PS3 games costing 10 more would be another point for Sony haters to whine about. The nextgen price point is 59.99, wii disk don't cost nearly as much to develop as 360 and ps3. Perhaps that's why they are cheaper.

"3. youre right I live in a cardboard box, and I don't have a PC so I wouldn't know. my mac hardly makes any noise (like i said i hate microsoft)"

You're a MAC user that hates Microsoft, probably simple because windows competes against os X. That explains a lot, it all simply blind hatred. Who needs it? I don't!

"4. I dont open the disc tray. Halo is in there and it never comes out. only game worth playing. and what the hell is up with the disc tray anyway. even the wii has a slot loading drive"

Obviously you halo disk is not scratched (although I don't think you own it, cause you don't own a 360.) Besides, isn't your "Ragedy 360" broken, the way you put it, it's always broken. I'm not mistaking am I it is broken right, cause if not, then why are you on this site B!tching like a little girl.

"5. just an opinion, i pay 50 bucks too and its not worth it. youre paying 50 dollars for P2P. theyre not paying for dedicated servers. it lags a lot too"

This one's easy, I don't believe you are an idiot, however only an idiot would pay 50 bucks for something that they don't think is worth it. IT's as simple as that.

"6. name a game that runs true 1080p resolution. i can't think of one"

Honestly, who cares? but to answer your question, Street Home Court,
Virtual Tennis have be confirmed to be native 1080p. There are 35 other games that are list on the box as 1080p, but may be upscaled. http://www.makeyougohmm.com... additionally, 360 software is selling just fine. I don't care if a game is at 320x200 if it looks great and plays great, and I get the data I need on screen, i'm happy with it. This 1080p crap is being given way too much credit.

"8. I'm very cheap. I have a launch 60gb PS3 that hasn't crapped out on me. I have a premium 360 and a 360 Elite. I also have a Wii. But hey, I've been thinking about getting one those 40giggers though, I need an extra blu ray player. Don't believe me send me a message and I'll send you a pic. "

Don't send a pic, send a gamer tag instead. I don't need pics of you buddie's system.

"9. don't feel like reading but if you can't afford wifi thats cool and HDDDVD already lost "

The circus is down the street on your left.

"That's good you have a PS3 though. So when you get RROD you always have something to fall back on. Also, I hear Metal Gear is going to be a pretty cool game. Don't know about Killzone though. I'm waiting for Tekken and Gran Turismo. I can tell you what lies in PS3's future like Home and Little Big Planet. But 360? Gears of War 2? anything else?

one last thing, the reason I have two xboxes is a pretty long story. I thought the elite were not prone to RROD. also i'm not a genius. Just a guy in the usmcr with a degree in web programming. the average guy "

Haha, one thing I do know about is the military, here's a lesson son. You have a degree in web programming (which are a dime a dozen). Yet you don't have your commission. You are making 1/3 the money you could be making. You're right you ARE NOT A GENIUS!

Lastly I will be enjoying those same PS3 titles "when they come out."
in the meantime, I have uncharted, and many other ps3 and 360 titles. So, unlike you, I living in the now and not the future.

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 6029d ago
Kururo6030d ago

i dont think its gonna win this console battle. but it does have more games that i enjoy. metal gear was one of my favorite games on ps1 as well as final fantasy 7. if any company wanted my money, you need to have these titles.

Hydrollex6030d ago

I'm not gonna bash Wii but it never wins this gen because of cool controllers. Only Xbox 360 vs PS3 so do you think Xbox 360 wins ? LOL do you have more ? I mean cracks are not good for your health man.

Saint Sony6030d ago

Of course PS3 might win if we WAIT. It is made to last 10 years (lol).
At that time Nintendo and MS has released their next consoles. So Sony can keep selling it's golden oldies and yes maybe some day in future when there is no more Wii nor 360 support PS3 indeed has sold the most.

The question is WHEN should the winner be announced. After 10 years?... or 100?.. or will archeologists judge it in distant future?

salgoods6030d ago

so u should announce a winner after 1 year? makes sense to me...not

ouengineer6030d ago

It's rather simple. You don't base the winner on consoles sold, but the games or accessories sold for your particular console. The attachment rate is what will determine who wins.

Some people may have only purchased a system for primarily watching movies and may occasionally purchase some video games. While on the other hand, you will have your extreme gamers, like those of us here at n4g, that purchase a lot of games.

So whether it's Xbox (360,720), Sony (PS3,PS4) or Nintendo (Wii, Wiiiiii), you can look at trends over a period of time and attachment rate of a system and this will be one of the greater factors in determining which company (not necessarily console) is winning.

tethered6030d ago (Edited 6030d ago )

I went to Amazon.com and looked for the high end 360:
Xbox 360 Elite System Console Includes 120GB Hard Drive (because the hi end is the one I am looking for.

The 360 Elite is starting at:
available from $749.99
7 used & new available from $749.99

A 80 gig PS3:
Buy new: $499.99 34 Used & new from $480.00

Is that right? Or did I type in something wrong? Not enough info?
Please tell me because I really want to buy an Elite. Just not at that price.

Is this deal a bundle? It didn't look like it.

So its $250.00 for 40 GB more?? Is that right?
That can't be right!

Whats the difference between the Elite and the next step down?

Ok I get disagrees with no response.

I went ahead and looked up the one step down.....

Xbox 360 Pro Value Bundle:
9 used & new available from $348.00........ Ok thats better but what is the hard drive?

20GB detachable hard drive..........

OK, so I can get a 20 GB hard drive 360, new for $380?

A new new 80 GB hard drive PS3 is $499?

I might as well save up and get the 80 GB PS3 because the 360 is a year older. More to come to the PS3 before its life span.

tethered6030d ago (Edited 6030d ago )


Yes, well I see that. The fact is I want a 360 for the exclusives it has. I just don't want to spend that much at the moment.
With all the games coming out for the PS3, its hard to justify it at that price. Plus I still don't know if the hardware problems are taken care of with the 360. I have never seen proof one way or the other.

Maybe I will get an 80 GB PS3 as a dedicated Blu-ray player for the family room before I get the 360. I have a 60 GB already. I just finished Uncharted. What a great game! I will start Assassins tomorrow.

joydestroy6030d ago

dude, are you being sarcastic or something?

a 360 Elite is 449.99 at best buy, that's also where you should be buying it, or a PS3 for that matter, from. i believe the Elite also comes with Ultimate Alliance and Forza Motorsport 2 at no additional costs.

a PS3 from best buy can cost you anywhere from 399.99-549.97, the latter coming with Guitar Hero 3, a guitar, and 2 wireless controllers. the cheaper one comes with the blu-ray movie Spider-man 3.
seriously though, where have you been? you should search around the site before asking silly questions.

here are links for your reference...also if you get it from any retail dealer, make sure to get some type of "product replacement plan", especially for the 360. that way if it dies within 2 years you can take it back and walk out the store with a brand new one hassle free.

Xbox 360 systems

PS3 systems

now that i look, i find it funny that a lot of the Xbox 360 bundles are sold the fvck out. you might have to wait a little bit if you choose that one.

tethered6030d ago

@ joydestroy

Thanks man.
I thought Amazon was crazy.

$449 for an Elite? I'm sold! Might have to wait to get one if supply's are low.

I have a question for you.
I will be getting Gears.
Maybe a few others.

I love:
GTA (my fav), Resident Evil Silent Hill, any other 3rd person shooters.
GT and many other racing games.

What should I look for on the 360?

Just so you know, I'm not blowing smoke out my a$$.
Heres the proof:

PS3PCFTW6030d ago (Edited 6030d ago )

if youre buying a 360 U MUST buy it from best buy, or costco. in this case when the 360 rrods on you u can easily replace it. By all means, try to buy it from costco since their return policies are much better and/or flexible.

the 360 is a reliable console, im writing this comment on it right n

Edit: yeah , sorry about that. i was writing that comment and my friends 360 died on him. I am writing on my ps3 now......never any problems. EVER.

Witty Comment6030d ago

sells refurbished core systems for (I think) 199.99; you can add a detachable hard-drive for 90 dollars. You could probably get one cheaper elsewhere if you looked (maybe eBay?).

And, for the record, nobody likes it when people flash their cash in real life; it's horribly tacky and only proves the point that money can't buy manners. To do it on the internet and waste time taking, uploading, and hosting photos is a whole new level of douchebaggery.

tethered6030d ago (Edited 6030d ago )

@ (Not so) Witty Comment

Why would I want to buy a refurbished 360?

Oh and by the way....
Thats not even a word.

Get over it.

@ cleverjaja
I already have a 60 GB PS3.
Bought it last December.

Lord_Mike6030d ago

Get a PS3, no thinking involved. Plus you get Blu-Ray built in, rechargable controllers and a high-end DVD upscaler.

athlon7706030d ago

That is just too funny, I was laughing when I read your post. Too cool my friend, too cool!

DraconWolfX6030d ago

So you're saying I should buy a PS3 even if I don't like the games? What if I want to play Gears of War, Halo 3, Dead Rising, or Orange Box tomorrow, I should still get a PS3 because of Blu-Ray and rechargeable controllers?

Those are NOT reasons to buy a console and you know it.

ARBitrator6030d ago

Currently the 360 Elite is out of stock at Amazon.com. The price you see are prices made by independent retailers. They folks are hoping to find some desperate person looking for one so they can gouge to for their money. Either go to bestbuy, circuit city, or somewhere that has them in stock and you'll find the correct price 449.00.

And that's real talk.

tethered6030d ago

@ ARBitrator

Best buy it is.

xionpunk6030d ago

Just wondering, but why would you buy an 80 gb ps3 if you already have a 60 gb?

tethered6030d ago (Edited 6030d ago )

@ xionpunk

To have a dedicated Blu-ray player in the family room.
Decided against that though.
Going with the 360 in my game room instead.

Might still pick up a 40 GB for that purpose later on.

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 6030d ago
Fighter6030d ago

Burnout Paradise for the PS3 confirmed as the better version. I can breathe easy now.

Show all comments (158)

All Call of Duty Black Ops Games Ranked

The Nerd Stash: "Developed by Treyarch Studios, Call of Duty: Black Ops games are some of the best in the series in terms of gameplay, story, and -- of course -- Zombies."

Read Full Story >>
Rynxie4h ago(Edited 4h ago)

Black ops 4, because it was the last cod of duty I was able to dominate with a +2 k/d ratio. Before all the freaking cheating started to happen. It was nice catching people off guard and shooting at them first and getting the kill. Unlike now, where I shoot people first, but they gun me down with less hits, less time, literally feels like they can kill me in a split second. At times, they are able to run away after me shooting them way more than necessary, yet, the second I'm spotted, I'm dead, there's no me running away to cover. They can do cartwheels, summersaults, backflips and gun you down perfectly. They can shoot you across the map with perfect accuracy. They can jump around like morons and gun you down without even having to correct their aim. They have superman split second perfect reactions. That's the best way to describe it, everything they do is spot on perfect. They can spam and spray (no praying) their gun from far away, because they have no recoil or bullet spread. It always feels like I have to aim and also correct my aim when moving around, while these pricks don't have to do the same.

And yes, I know how to play fps games. I dominated many fps games like: Resistance 1&2, kz 2&3, Socom, MAG, Crysis, Gotham City Impostors, blitz brigade etc. all with 2-4 k/d ratio. Kz2 (lag input controls) and resistance (no aim assist in resistance) being the hardest and were the games I reached either close to a 3 k/d ratio or above.

I truly got to enjoy blacks ops 4 and got my money's worth out of it. Afterwords, I would either stop playing cod games after a while, because of the cheating, or would skip buying cod games for a year or two before buying another.


10 Underrated PS3 Games That Are Hidden Gems

With these hidden gems to add to your backlog, it’s time to give some bangers the shine they deserve.

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DarXyde1d 11h ago

Numbers 6-9 were some of my absolute favorite early gen PS3 games. I'm still bitter about Incognito and Japan Studio.

Goodguy011d 3h ago

The white knight chronicles and infamous games really need to come to modern platforms. MAG I really miss...poor zipper. The ps3 was definitely a unique console despite it being the worst home console of PlayStation.


25 Games We Want To See Get A Sequel

BLG writes, "Do you ever get that feeling after you’ve finished a game that you just wish there was more? Or do you spend years hoping and praying for a sequel that never comes?

This list compiles some of the top games we desperately want to get a sequel. Please give us more of our favorite games!"

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DefenderOfDoom21d 21h ago

Would love to see a sequel to the 7th gen FPS campaign SINGULARITY from RAVEN Software..