DoomeDx4733d ago

IMO, 60 frames are a must for Next Gen. But ofcourse they want to push the consoles to its limit, so it will still probally be 30 frames on 720p because the are maxing the graphics already before even thinking about resolutions and framerate

Theyellowflash304733d ago

Yeah, thats what concerns me about the next generation. I hope game developers focus on having the smooth gameplay first then worry about graphics. I would faint if Mass Effect played in 60FPS next generation.

MoveTheGlow4733d ago

There's also the familiarity that people have with 30fps in films and tv shows. No, it's not exactly 30 (I think it was 24?), but making a 30fps game gives it, to the Average Joe Gamer, a 'cinematic' feel.

But I'm right there with you. I love more skill-based, fast-paced games, and if you aren't locked in at a smooth 60fps, it doesn't work. Devil May Cry 3 wouldn't nearly have its appeal if it ran at the speed of, oh, Enslaved. Not that that would ever happen to DMC, right?

Theyellowflash304733d ago

LOL i see what you did there at the end. But yeah im a little worried about the new DMC. Using the unreal engine is not what i wanted to hear. Hopefully the game runs at 60FPS.

LightofDarkness4733d ago

UE3 is one of the easiest engines to get to run at 60FPS if you really want it to, it has a plethora of streaming options and compression techniques coupled with some "visual trickery" that can keep the game looking pretty nice with a high framerate.

Honestly, if NT can't get UE3 running at 60FPS they are pretty hopeless.

Tetsuryu4733d ago

Based on my past experience with the engine myself, I can tell you (and people I've worked with will tell you the same thing) it's almost impossible get 60FPS on consoles without some major corner cutting and compromises in the visuals even with some of the new features.

But in a sense LightofDarkness is correct, it's easy to get any title to an average of 60FPS (and 1080P if you want) on today's home consoles with virtually any decent engine, just don't expect Uncharted 3 or Gears of War 3 visuals (or anything near that for that matter). Turning off V-sync is almost mandatory in most cases.

To get it to look like this (at its current state) and have it run at said framerate, it's simply not going to happen, period. Unless NT has some miracle programmers to prove me wrong, which I hope, but doubt is the case.

NetherRealm Studios were one of the only ones to pull it off, but not without difficulty and taking a hit in the graphics department. Not to mention the maps (stages) are fairly small compared to other genres (and you only have 2 combatants onscreen majority of the time). You can read the documentation here if you want to learn more.

When it comes to choosing FPS versus visual quality, most studios tend to lean towards better visuals in the action genre, especially by Western studios. There are numerous reasons why that's the case.

While it's a good engine for its value (fairly cheap license compared to most out there), it's not quite the powerhouse in terms of raw power compared to some of the in-house engines from the other juggernauts of the industry. If it was capable of pulling a feat like that with relative ease, I'd be all over UDK and not use anything else.

Baka-akaB4733d ago (Edited 4733d ago )

THere is only one category of games i refuse to play below 60 fps , that would be fighting games .

Otherwise , while unfortunate , and soon unacceptable for any upcoming home console , i can deal with it .

60 or 30fps doesnt exactly decide the pace and feel of the game .

I'm worried over DmC , especially at 30 , but more because of Ninja theory's lack of skills when it comes to creating a fast paced , fluid , lag free and intense enough gameplay ... so it get's even worse when you factor the fps count .

But look at bayonetta and vanquish , incidently both from Platinum games , you can definitively have a fast paced and skill based game at 30 fps .

Theyellowflash304733d ago

Bayonetta is 60FPS on the 360 isn't it? But I agree with you. I would just rather have 60 cuz i can tell the difference in a action game and in games like COD over Killzone between 30 and 60 FPS.

rumplstilts4733d ago

Strategy games should also be 60 fps. Being able to observe all your units is easier.

MoveTheGlow4733d ago

I'd say that too, Baka, but then I'd hear something about 3rd Strike's framerate and completely eat crow, I'm sure. BTW, I can't wait for the online version...

Baka-akaB4732d ago

Not sure i followed and understood you there . SF 3rd strike runs in 60 fps .

Brunow4733d ago

Seriously guys, this article is pointless right ?

Gran Touring4733d ago

I don't think 60 fps is necessary for all games, just certain types; namely racing and fighting games. Platformers usually have it (DMC, Ninja Gaiden, GOW, etc.) but it isn't so necessary. If Uncharted, Mass Effect and GTA ran at 60 frames, it would certainly be a commendable achievement for the graphics, but it wouldn't really help the gameplay.

tplarkin74733d ago

If games ran at 60fps minimum, it would grow the industry.

Show all comments (29)

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purple1019d ago

not a good title FPS RUSSIA. should have gone with: "new content added'. ... or something like that

try : 'New and expanded content 5 new Ally Missions added. + Addition of dojo training partners"


Lol thats the title of the article by playstation blog what are you talking about ?


Read the article it has nothing to do with what you said

purple1019d ago

I literally copied and pasted that from the bottom of the article

DEEBO9d ago

The new update is so good...


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Elda12d ago

Most folks that have a Gamepass subscription will not spend the $70, they will use Gamepass instead to play COD. MS will most likely make their money from some solely PC players & some solely PS5 owners. Even some PC players may opt to use Gamepass instead of spending $70. I would think MS would want to make every dime they could from retail sales. As long as they put new releases of COD day one on Gamepass, MS will lose out on some sales of COD.

porkChop12d ago

COD makes truck loads of money on microtransactions. That's likely the play. Get more people in the door through Game Pass and sell more microtransactions. Have a steady stream of events to keep people interested so they keep their sub, and then just the sub alone would double the revenue from that player each year.

Elda12d ago (Edited 12d ago )

Buying the game at $70 a pop including the deluxe versions is much better than people subs for a dollar to $15 a month. Die hard fans that usually buy the game also buy into the transactions. Again putting any new COD day one on Gamepass is definitely a sure loss of making some retail money for every copy of COD. With the last iteration of COD being bad most likely people are going to sub to Gamepass to play COD basically saving themselves $70, that is a loss of retail sales.

Kakashi Hatake12d ago (Edited 12d ago )

Most that don't have Gamepass will just buy the game and he done with it. People that do will just result in a retail sale being lost. Some will buy the subscription for the month then be done. This is lose lose. Casuals aren't going to pay almost 300 dollars a year for COD.

ApocalypseShadow12d ago

The reality is that Microsoft already knows the answer as stated by them in their documents. PlayStation gamers have built up an ecosystem of games and they aren't migrating over and dropping what they have to buy an Xbox to play one game in a service you have to pay monthly for. Cheaper to just buy the game. And, I'd bet many casual COD players don't know or care about the acquisition.

Which is why Jim Ryan pushed to make sure that that one game continues to be sold as usual on Sony's platform to keep the status quo. Every other IP owned by Activision are worthless. And Activision has shown they don't care about other IP like Tony Hawk by cancelling them.

Sales WILL be lost on Xbox. That's for certain. Microsoft can only hope that Xbox gamers continue to buy up those micro transactions to make up for those lost sales. Only positive for Microsoft is that they get to dip into PlayStation game sales that we all know from history and NPD, that Sony's console sells more games. But increase subs from Sony fans for game pass? Not happening in any way that matters.

Sony, on the other hand, can have their cake and eat it too. They get COD and they can continue dropping more content for their fastest selling GaaS game which is Hell Divers 2. As the game passes 12 million sales and doesn't beat you over the head with micro transactions, Sony has a win win situation and can support the game getting more content to keep players engaged.

As a side note, COD is probably going to turn into some version of Sea of Fortnite Duty. Games as a service sitting in game pass being milked dry with micro transactions and constant updates making you feel you're playing an unfinished game that keeps going and going with no soul.

Tedakin12d ago

I'm not sure why everyone is acting like COD is a surprise. That was always the plan. They said in court during the FTC case they were doing this. They have said repeatedly and recently all first party games are going to Gamepass.

badboyz0912d ago

gamepass like PS Plus are rental services. Games like COD you buy not rent. So in my case unless I plan on keeping gamepass for 2yrs minimum than the benefit of adding cod is pointless.


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peppeaccardo12d ago

Throwing bananas at the monkeys' cage.