
Stop Whining Over Dante's New DmC Look

GamingUnion.net: "If there is one thing that kills any creative process over time, it's listening to whining fans that think they know more about developing a character than the people who created the character themselves. I'm reminded of this fact whenever I check in with Capcom related news and come across some new bits of information regarding DmC, the prequel to their reasonably popular Devil May Cry saga."

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rabidpancakeburglar4737d ago (Edited 4737d ago )

People only whine when there is an article relating to the new DMC or his appearance, sort of like this one. No one is going out of their way to raise the issue out with articles on it, so who cares.

SnuggleBandit4737d ago

ya, i say stop writing about us whining about Dante's look!

Redrum0594737d ago (Edited 4737d ago )

what pisses me off is that dante's new look is ripped streight off of lead member of ninja theory. im not an ugly guy but im no badass ripped king leonidus iether, so if i were to make a game with a super hero im definetely not using my image for the super hero's look. i would get no sales. its common business knowledge to cater to the mass appeal. the lead developer of this game did not think of the mass appeal, and for that his sales will suffer. he must think the large dmc fanbase are a bunch of whimpy emo homos.

Redrum0594737d ago (Edited 4737d ago )

srry guys, picture too small.


jadenkorri4737d ago

i wouldn't blame anyone for getting upset at dante's new look, like cmon, he was so badass you wouldn't mess with him. Now your some emo looking kid who got raped in prison.

NewMonday4737d ago

after the E3 demo their are legitimate complaints about gameplay.

Jappy-k74737d ago (Edited 4737d ago )

and every DMC fan MUST see this video...I seriously recommend watching it to the end.


later in the video you can see Ninja Theory laugh at gamers they doesn't care about the fans nor the game they are making...GAMERS SHOULD STOP SUPPORTING NT, it's not about the hair or the character anymore!

gaffyh4737d ago

Forget his stupid emo hair, his face is completely different. They're going way too far with this redesign, look at Lara Croft in Tomb Raider, they redesigned her, but she still looks like Lara. Not some emo kid.

CommonSense4737d ago

the look would have made sense 5 years ago (i mean it was still stupid as hell even then), but you don't really see people with no personality going after this cliche appearance anymore. the new look is pointless tattoos and piercings. guys who wear makeup are just gay.

anyway, he can look however they want him to, i lost interest in DMC after the first one, so i don't have to look at him.

bodybombs4737d ago

its not even so much about the new look. his whole attitude is different, he isnt that cool, flashy, i skateboard on rpg's guy anymore, i play with my enemies until im bored guy anymore. hes edward from twilight now, and its lame

DragonKnight4737d ago

This article forgets some important things. For one, Ninja Theory didn't create Dante, Hideki Kamiya did. Tameem Antoniades' ego was too big to allow the original Dante to exist, so he recreated Dante in his image, thinking himself to be some kind of god. Second, any company would do well to listen to the "whining" of its consumer base because that's where their money come from. If the people aren't happy, and they show you that en masse, you better listen or you'll find yourself with an undersold product.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4737d ago
OmegaSlayer4737d ago

Hm...who played DMC knows that Dante already had white hair when he was a kid, since in the medallion he wears there's a pic of Dante, Vergil and their mother Eva...
But yeah, Ninja Theory could explain that Dante dyed is hair when he was young...though the problem is not white hair or the emo look.

The problem is Unreal Engine that makes most of the games look very similar and most of all the lack of 60FPS.
DMC is a game based on action, player skills, dexterity and stuff like that.
The lack of 60FPS is my main concern.

Then I don't understand why Capcom, that is still able to pull out good ideas like Dragon's Dogma, has the need to call out non-Japanese devs for their main franchises.
Bionic Commando was bad, Resident Evil: ORC doesn't seem that cool, and this...

Max_Dissatisfaction4737d ago

yeah thats why it's called a reboot and not a remake. They can change whatever they want, heck they could make it that Dante and Virgil are best buddies to the end in this reboot if they wanted.

jc485734737d ago (Edited 4737d ago )

yup, we don't care. I don't like what I see, then I don't buy and so is 1 millions of us. I can pretty much guarantee you that this game will end up even worse than Enslaved in terms of sales, so don't blame us (yes, 1 million fans).

Edit: We will end this franchise for good. This is a warning for you, Capcom. This is for Dante's sake.

TheBlackSmoke4737d ago

All of what people say about dmc history and dante's appearance is irrelevant because this is a REBOOT.

People cannot seem to get this concept of what a reboot is which is why they complain about how unlike the other games it is. Why have a reboot if the characters, settings and gameplay are kept exactly the same?

Dmc needed a reboot as dmc4 was extremely mediocre and samey. The ONLY plotline that anybody ever cared about was the dante and vergil origin story, which has already been told.

People need to keep an open mind about this. This could be exactly what dmc needs.

OmegaSlayer4737d ago

Every reboot is an idiot thing, because you spit in the eyes of the people that made that character/movie/game what he is.

hay4737d ago

@OmegaSlayer: Mortal Kombat did the reboot right.

OmegaSlayer4737d ago

Mortal Kombat reboot was handled by the hands of the guy who made the original, so something could have changed but the spirit is the same.
Now Ninja Theory made only 2 average games (Heavenly Sword is good but not a masterpiece, Enslaved is really clunky) is taking the reins but there's no "guiding light".
No Kamiya, no Mikami, not even Kobayashi.
Castlevania LOS was a cool reboot too, but a certain Kojima was the supervisor of the project.
As I said, what concerns me is not the overall fugly look, but the gameplay (and Antoniades putting his face on Dante is really arrogant stuff).
Neither Heavenly Sword nor Enslaved had gameplay worth to be remembered in the history of videogames.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4737d ago
4737d ago Replies(1)
DigitalAnalog4737d ago

I wonder what the headlines would be if they changed Lara Croft to a blondie in her reboot. It would be ascertain that many MANY articles would criticize the change.

-End statement

firelogic4737d ago (Edited 4737d ago )

Why not change mario's look for the next game. Let's make him really skinny, change his whole facial structure, and then have him wear a leather outfit. BUT don't worry guys, when he eats a fire mushroom, he'll kind of look like the mario we know and love for a few seconds.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4737d ago
Godmars2904737d ago

Well, when they really start showing gameplay, we can start whining about that. Is that okay?

Just don't think I'm ready for European demons in Japanese viewed European demon game, if you know what I mean.

banjadude4737d ago (Edited 4737d ago )

Actually, there are gameplay videos. Very short clip though - think it was on gametrailers.com.

Godmars2904737d ago

No, that's not a proper gameplay showing. They need need to show a boss fight, the cutscene leading up to it, to give a true impression of how this new Dante measures up.

jc485734737d ago (Edited 4737d ago )

this is a prequel? o.O

Edit: So this is exactly like Silent Hill Origins. Bad move. I really don't care about Origins/prequels per se. Do you care? Time only moves on forward that's for sure.

Pozzle4737d ago

I'm surprised they aren't moving forward, tbh. There is still so much in the DMC world that could be explored (Namely, Dante and Vergil's story.)

We already had a prequel with DMC3 that showed what a younger Dante was like. We don't really need another prequel to that prequel imo.

Gohadouken4737d ago

it's not a prequel , it doesnt tie to any of the dmc game .

They are doing they own thing .. Call it a reboot , parallell universe , whatever , but it can't tie into the serie while being at odds with important canon parts of its story

Hatiko4737d ago (Edited 4737d ago )

Tameem has called it a prequel, a reboot, and an origin story. Alot of people are calling it a preboot. They haven't stated that they wanted to change the story as they want to "respect what has been established" but they want to reboot the tone and feel. they think that what was cool when the first game came out (which to them was 12 years ago, interview was in 2010, at that time the game would have come out 9 years ago, idiots)isn't cool now, dante is too much of a fashionista, and they want to re-invent what was cool about DMC so many years ago (by going back to the underground movement of the 80's/90's, do these idiots get how time works?), so even fans have no clue what they are doing with it.

Pozzle4737d ago (Edited 4737d ago )

True, it's an alternate take on Dante's younger years and doesn't necessarily fit into the current canon timeline (at least from what's we've heard)... But it still begs the question: Why? The series isn't all that old and there is still plenty that could be explored in the current DMC world. So why bother rebooting?

It makes no sense to reboot it, especially when most fans just want DMC5.

Hatiko4737d ago (Edited 4737d ago )

Well the main thing to remember is that Inafune was the head of capcom at the time. He kept saying tha japanese devs were 5 years behind western ones and he, in the end, picked the final design of Dante. It's all his way of trying to make it "more appealing to the western audience. But now he's gone but they are still doing it.

jc485734737d ago (Edited 4737d ago )

really don't care anymore. They can do whatever they want with the reboot as long as they don't mess around with the main franchise. They do their own thing, while we just go back and play the real DMC again. The hell with those people that defend DmC. The hell with Capcom too and keep Inafune out of this, Hatiko.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4737d ago
Kamikaze1354737d ago

Stop whining and the whiners. WHINERS GON' WHINE!

xPhearR3dx4737d ago

He looks like a crack head in my opinion.

INehalemEXI4737d ago

Crack heads > dude who stole dantes Identity.

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Resident Evil Zero and Code Veronica Remakes are reportedly in the works, not Resident Evil 1

Industry insider Dusk Golem reveals that there is no Resident Evil 1 Remake in the works. Instead, Capcom are reportedly in active development of Resident Evil Zero and Code Veronica.

-Foxtrot5d ago

RE Zero would be better to do first over RE1 because they can tie the story into RE1 more.

The original RE Remake was weird because Rebecca never mentioned anything about what happened in Zero and it felt so disjointed because Zero was developed during the Remake and they clearly didn't share any notes with one another.

Cacabunga4d ago

Wise decision. 2 of my favorites!

repsahj3d ago

RE Zero is one of my favorite game on gamecube!

Knightofelemia5d ago

Give me Dino Crisis dammit Capcom

TGG_overlord4d ago

And all it took was +24 years + a phone call from me lol.

GotGame8184d ago

LOL! A phone call from you? ROFL! They have been remaking RE games for YEARS! It was a matter of time!

4d ago
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Stellar Blade has sold more physical copies than Dragon's Dogma 2 in Japan, despite PS5 exclusivity

By the looks of it, PlayStation 5 exclusivity does not hurt the sales of Stellar Blade in Japan as the game has passed 90,000 sold physical copies.

Hugodastrevas8d ago

Stellar Blade really deserves way more praise than it got, devs have been adding more and more content, for free, since release and the game already was great to begin with!

BrettAwesome8d ago

More than it got? It got tons, by everyone except the sad wankers who's idea of a sex life, is pulling on their dicks while watching big fake cgi titties 😂

gerbintosh7d ago

Don't see the difference between cgi titties and fake boobs. Also no difference to wanking it to either one of them since both aren't physically there

RiseNShine7d ago

Salty that the game is doing well hm? ;) I suggest some cheese with your whine.

Skuletor7d ago

So you're saying the people that like watching CGI tits didn't praise the game? An educated guess is you meant the opposite.

BrettAwesome7d ago (Edited 7d ago )

What the fuck are you talking about? I think it looks like an awesome game. I don't get the sentiment that it didn't get as much praise as it deserved. The only ones who's been shit talking it, are sad wankers with no sex life. Am I whining? How? 😂

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 7d ago
Cacabunga8d ago

I think we can safely claim that Stellar Blade 2 is confirmed!
I got it day one, i have some backlog due to RDR2 i just platinumed.. i will get to Stellar Blade in the near future

shinoff21838d ago

Same but I'm hitting yakuza right now. Stellar blade looks cool though.

neutralgamer19928d ago

Capcom really dropped the ball with DG2. They had easy success on their hand but instead with their stupid decisions ruined the games success

Stellar blade is an amazing game and deserves all the success. For all the artificial hate it got from people who had no interest in the game to begin with this shows if you make a good game it will sell. The so called 1st party drought from PlayStation has meant 4 exclusives in 2024 so far. Other companies need to learn how to run a business and plan for the future

H98d ago

Stellar blade is performing very impressively there, DD2 didn't do well because word of mouth destroyed it's reputation and not about the Microtransactions or performance, bad word of mouth about how the game lacks so many things that were in the first one

Redemption-648d ago

DS2 sold 2.5M in a little over a week, what the hell are you talking about?

H98d ago

"there", that's Japan, this article is about Japan, the bad word of mouth is about Japan

Hereandthere8d ago

Exclusives matter. No matter what bumbling phil and bond try to say, exclusives is why you buy a console.

The_Hooligan8d ago

How dare you speak common sense!!??

jznrpg7d ago

It would if they added a lot more combat and didn’t focus on graphics

XiNatsuDragnel8d ago

Stellar blade is great excited for 2

anast8d ago

They dropped the ball with dogma. SB is a solid game, it just had to weather the social storm.

shinoff21838d ago (Edited 8d ago )

Said that dd2 was missing things the first one did,like mass effect 2? I haven't played it so I'm really asking.

spss118d ago

I've played both and I have no idea what people say when they claim it's "incomplete". I've only noticed new things in comparison to DD1 (I would give a list but spoilers). Sometimes I wonder if some people actually played DD1 or maybe they remember it differently. Anyways, if you liked the first one and want more of that, you'll probably like DD2.

anast7d ago

Yeah, the content, combat movement is slower, less vocations, the armor system, it's more simplified, and dungeons are lacking. It's like they rushed it out or something, but didn't forget to add in youtuber pawns and micros. At least ME 2 upped the content.

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Unfortunately, Ninja Theory Isn't Actually Safe From Microsoft

Ninja Theory might have games in the pipeline, but that doesn't mean Xbox won't close it for no reason

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rlow110d ago

Alot of speculation on their part. Ninja Theory has two games that have been green lighted and are in the works. Yes it’s always a possibility they could be closed but no matter how you feel about the Senua games. They do make a quality game. I personally think MS is going lay low for a bit, after the firestorm they experienced last week.

darthv7210d ago

I really hope one of them is a long awaited sequel of heavenly sword or enslaved. Both are good games that deserve a 2nd chance... or at least a reboot.

blackblades10d ago

I'm 100% doubt its heavenly sword for obvious reason and Enslave 99% doubt it.

romulus2310d ago

"Sony Computer Entertainment retains the intellectual property of Heavenly Sword", so that's not happening. Sony should let Santa Monica Studios make a Heavenly Sword sequel.

Rynxie10d ago

Santa Monica is a great studio, but I would rather the minds behind the original make it (ninja theory). I never liked sequels that were done by someone else, they are usually never as good as the original.

rlow110d ago

Enslaved would be awesome. If they did a remaster, then the next game in the series…..one can hope.

Yui_Suzumiya10d ago

Hopefully they'd get Evan Wells back for a sequel to Enslaved. After the original Enslaved he went on to Naughty Dog and did The Last of Us.

neutralgamer19929d ago


HS IP is owned by sony and enslaved sold so poorly that you want a sequel now? let's say a sequel is made and sells like the first than this studio is for sure shut down. Their next game needs to be a big hit(if there is a next game)


that's not how business works, if a studio needs to go it will go whether ot not that will come with negative PR. They just spent 100 billion and now they are in the phase to find out which studios will survive and which needs to go to cut costs. NT let a huge opportunity slip away, they had the backing of MS and the sequel has even less gameplay, that makes zero sense

Chevalier9d ago

How?! Sony owns one IP and Bandai owns the other one

Plague-Doctor279d ago

Heavenly Sword IP is owned by Sony and Enslaved IP is owned by Namco Bandai

Hellblade was the only IP that Ninja Theory themselves owned when MS acquired them

Sonic18819d ago

Heavenly Sword or Enslaved didn't sell that well

Cacabunga9d ago

NT completely lost it since dmc, their
last good game to date! And has been a long time since.
An average studio at best, got lured by MS money and forgot to improve

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 9d ago
Rynxie10d ago

They make quality games, but they're usually hit or miss. Either they are average, or they are awesome. However, besides heavenly sword and DMC, they aren't big sellers either. Ms is as big of a corporation as it gets. If ninja theory isn't making them money, they will shut them down. Simple as that.

MrDead10d ago

Studio survival no matter who is reliant on MS's quarterly reports, if MS is looking to save money then studios like Ninja Theory are gone as we've seen with Tango and others. MS has their IP's, the devs mean nothing to them but a handy tool to balance the books with layoffs.

DarXyde10d ago

Eh, maybe. Microsoft seems like a phenomenally wealthy company that's (generally) wise with how they handle their finances. What they're not wise with is how they spend social capital. As soon as they get it, they spend it by doing something nefarious. Can't say they're the only ones of course.

Will they get rid of Ninja Theory? No earthly idea. Honestly, I have a hard time even speculating about it because we don't have any details on performance metrics. If I had to guess... And really, this is is a guess... It's just about engagement. It's the only thing that makes sense to me. If you've got a popular mobile game or MTX-heavy multiplayer game, you're safe. King and Activision aren't going anywhere. Even if player count tapers off, MTX keep them in the game as a form of engagement.

But then you've got single player games. I suspect that's a losing battle because single player games, unfortunately don't get long term engagement broadly. So games launching half baked is perhaps a strategy for the studios themselves to get people coming back to their games? It would make some sense, but it doesn't match with studios being surprised at the closures.

All of this to say, we'll just have to wait and see. The simplest explanation with the most streamlined thinking on the matter is just that they're getting rid of studios they see as dead weight in the long run. HFR was quite well received, but I guess it doesn't translate into happy investors because it's critical acclaim and not commercial success exactly. Bethesda isn't going anywhere. Making very long RPGs kind of saves you automatically in terms of engagement.

But on the other side of this, while studios don't close per se, nothing stops them or any other company from just cutting the work force within each studio.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 9d ago
Einhander197210d ago

It's not for no reason.

The reason is they made two games that were underwhelming (Bleeding Edge) and didn't/aren't going to grow the user base for game pass.

They spent 5-7 years and this was what they produced, it's easy to see how they would be on the short list for termination at this point.

Sciurus_vulgaris10d ago

One thing to point out was that all the recently closed studios were under Bethesda. Before being purchased by MS, Bethesda had a slew of poor or under performing titles (Evil Within 2, Prey (2017), Wolfenstein: The New Colossus, Young Blood, and initially Fallout 76 ). I don’t think, Ghost Wire Tokyo, Deathloop, Redfall and sadly even High-Fi: Rush performed well after the buyout.

Einhander197210d ago (Edited 10d ago )

I bet this game with a 5-7 year dev cycle being launched directly onto game pass is going to generate less tangible cash profit than any of those games.

I'm sure Microsoft will brag about players or sword swings or some other pointless statistic, but those don't make cash money.

Chevalier9d ago

You do realize it took 3 platforms and like 2 years to sell 1 million for Hellblade 1 right? Added in 3 more platforms and it didn't move much.

Now cut our 4 platforms. How many copies do you think this will sell?! Not just played on Gamepass

Lightning7710d ago (Edited 10d ago )

Apparently Ninja Theory is safe From being closed down https://www.gamespot.com/ar...

Already working on a new game. They are a 80 person team and relatively inexpensive I suppose to any other publisher


Yeaah sorry this is MS, I don't believe anything MS says. They have to be joking if they think anyone will believe them besides gullible Xbox fanboys. Once again MS needs to earn my trust back. Just when they earn some trust back, they always seem to destroy it and have to work to get it back. I still think they're getting shut down and canceling whatever game they're making because the game won't sell, again MS fault for not advertising it.. This company man...


the article talks about that to i recommend checking it out when you get a chance.

romulus2310d ago

Tango was probably working on something new as well.

outsider162410d ago

The problem with this game probably not selling will be because of Gamepass. Every comment i see from xbox players are "dude, no need to buy this amazing game, just get it on gamepass"

Will it sell well based on word of mouth? Will they release it on ps5? Will ps players buy this game vs free on gamepass? Time will tell.

JBlaze22610d ago

Look at what happened to Hi Fi Rush.The game was sold on PS5 and didn't sell well.

JBlaze22610d ago

I mean Sony has done worst and no one speaks up about it.

outsider162410d ago (Edited 10d ago )

Well i dont know about hi fi rush..as i didnt buy it. I mean others are getting it on gamepass..so ill just wait it for psplus. Im guessing others are doing the same..soo..

Sure Sony has done it too..and people are vocal about it. Look at the helldivers fiasco for example..they got called out.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 10d ago
Knightofelemia10d ago

I don't see Microsoft shutting off the lights to Ninja Theory. As a studio they actually have talent and have released some decent games. I love Enslaved maybe a sleeper hit but it's one of my favorites. Only way I see Microsoft shutting off the lights is if Ninja Theory releases games that sink faster then a lead weight. And there are fans of Ninja Theory one thing I would hate to see is Ninja Theory ending up like Bioware. Loosing all their talent and being a former shell of what they use to be.

Elda10d ago

Never say never. Tango Gameswork were just as talented as Ninja Theory & they were shut down.

darthv729d ago

And they were also under Bethesda... Ninja Theory is not.

Profchaos9d ago

I honestly blame starfeild and Microsoft for the closure of arkane and tango it didn't turn a profit like other huge Bethesda games. If it .are fallout 4 money Bethesda would have had the capital to share among the other studios. Microsoft should of also had the ability to step in and save the studio but decided to kill them instead likely because of Bethesda's financial failure with starfield and Microsoft's stupid goal of turning gaming into a subscription that everyone and their grandmas subscribe to

shaenoide10d ago

To be honest for Microsoft (not Microsoft gaming) it's all about making for the 70 billion purchase of AKB. No matter how good the games are. If they don't generate sales or new gamepass subs the studios can be shutted down.

Rynxie10d ago (Edited 10d ago )

Yes, they make decent games, but do they sell? Unfortunately, no. Heavenly sword sold 1.5 million, even when the ps3 had a much lower install base than the 360. However, it's not a ninja theory ip. Enslaved sold poorly. DMC, sold well, but that's also not a ninja theory ip. Hellblade was a hit, but in my opinion, barely. Hellblade 2, unfortunately, might be a flop. There's no bigger corporation than Ms, they are as corporate as they come. If ninja theory isn't making them money, they will get shut down and their ips giving to another studio.

Elda10d ago

It was just announced that MS gave NT the greenlight for its next game. I just hope it's not another Hellblade. https://www.yahoo.com/tech/...

shaenoide10d ago

Tango was working on a new game.

jznrpg9d ago

Xbox - Green light
MS - Red light

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