
8 Unforgettable Video Game Sex Scenes [Super-NSFW]

Check out eight of the most notorious, graphic sex scenes to appear in video games. Obviously filled with nudity and adult content, duh.

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facelike4926d ago

Any list like this that doesn't include the sex scene from Indigo Prophecy is a half assed list. Serious, the sex scenes in that game take the cake, mainly because they didn't edit anything.
One even has Heavy Rain style trusting in it.

First one: http://youtu.be/EafNYw7US4U

Second one: http://youtu.be/iFyqLM-cBoM

Acquiescence4926d ago

never even knew about it. So I got a bit of a shock when I played the game a second time and did things a little differently. Instead of diving in the deep end and leaning in for a snog with the ex straight away, I tried my hand at some seductive guitar soloing instead. Before I knew it...BAM! Elongated sex scene complete with interactive thrusting. At least the dude wasn't a zombie this time.

DORMIN4925d ago (Edited 4925d ago )

lmao I like the website title. Very fitting for this article =P

I'm at work so I can't click, but if the Fear Effect lesbian kiss isn't it there this list is phail!

Ducky4926d ago

That's what I missed by going straight for a kiss?

Damn. =(

GuruStarr784925d ago

I had such a hard time (no pun intended) mashing the damn L and R buttons to try and get past that point where you have to lift weights with the one black detective, that I gave up on that game.....I'll come back (again, no pun intended) to it someday.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4925d ago
The Matrix4926d ago

God of War Ghost of Sparta. Epic.

TheLastGuardian4926d ago (Edited 4926d ago )

I always make a seperate save file right before the sex mini games.

CandyCaptain4926d ago

Don't you find it hard to fap while entering all the button commands? I mean really Fap Fap Fap TRIANGLE SQUARE FAP DAMMMIT L1 R1 WTF!?!?!?!?!

MadMax4926d ago

Still have Fear Effect 2, in perfect condition too! Awesome PS1 game that should not be missed!

Acquiescence4926d ago

Yeah I've still got both Fear Effect games and I absolutely cherish them to bits. Especially the first one, which blew my mind the very first time I played it (which was the release date come to think of it). Development on the third game was scrapped, just as it was near completion. That still pisses me off to this day.

MadMax4925d ago

Yea, i remember that as well. Cant believe they scrapped it like that, especially considering it was almost done! Was going to be on the PS2 wasnt it? I love the Fear Effect games. Will have to pick up the first one again, as i sold it some years ago on ebay. Love the animation, graphics and story. Was a pretty trippy world with bizarre characters. Always loved in the second game where you were at that big party and had to find that guy. Been too long, might have to throw it on again for a play. Wonder if backwards compatible PS3 will read it. Will have to give it a shot, hehe!

CrzyFooL4926d ago

They still aren't doing it right.

Convas4926d ago

Incomplete list or not. That Massive Effect Parody was absolutely priceless. I LOL'd.

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Ex-Rockstar Dev Finally Explains Why Small Planes Randomly Crashed in GTA San Andreas

Former Rockstar Games Technical Director Obbe Vermeij has finally revealed why some planes would randomly crash in GTA: San Andreas.

Profchaos56d ago

This fly by feature was on the cutting room floor due to the random plane crashes and it's one of those things I'm so thankful made it into the final version as these random fly by and crashes make the world seem more alive on the extremely limited PS2 hardware you needed everything you could possibly get in a open world to convey that feeling.

And accross hundreds of hours of gameplay I probably died around 3 times as a result of these fly by failures but I loved every time it happened

isarai56d ago (Edited 56d ago )

It made the world feel more human, and honestly kinda insane that even today with all these open world games, almost no one can capture that like R* even when compared to their ps2 games

Skuletor55d ago

Lol, I remember those. I vaguely remember dying from one crashing into my car once too.


BioWare Could be Working on More than Just Dragon Age Dreadwolf and Mass Effect 4

Earlier this year, BioWare was hit with layoffs as part of a downsizing of parent company Electronic Arts, but fans have been reassured that the next Mass Effect game hasn’t been impacted. Likewise, Dragon Age: Dreadwolf’s development is still churning along, with BioWare putting it at the forefront of its focus and rumors suggesting that it could launch sometime later this year. Fans might be getting another look at the long-in-development Dragon Age: Dreadwolf at the Summer Game Fest in June.

If the recently posted job offering for a temporary development manager is any indication, BioWare could have yet another surprise up its sleeve for when Mass Effect 4 and Dragon Age: Dreadwolf are nearing completion. This mystery BioWare video game could truly be anything, from another spin-off of its two major properties to something entirely new. All there is to go on at the moment is a vague mention in the job posting, and it might still be some time before BioWare is ready to confirm any new games in its pipeline.

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just_looken60d ago

So a studio that spent years on anthem then this dragon age thing is now also working on another ip along with mass effect,

You think they would be worried that there brand has been on 3 major screw ups

Dragon age 3 launched broken with the frostbite engine yes its a good game but you can see in the late game how rough it was


Mass effect 4 well that dev team was fired so yeah.....

They should make sure this new dragon age is a goat instead of putting more work on the table

bababooiy60d ago

Bioware today is like 150 poeple i dont see how they are seemingly working on all these projects at the same time.

Michiel198960d ago

Inquisition wasn't broken, it just had some flaws and on the contrary it also had some strengths. If you call inquisition a major screw up then idk what to say.

That said with what happened to the study since then and now, I'm not really confident that their next game will be any good.

just_looken59d ago

If you played it fully to get plat like me back in its novemeber launch window you had that castle with empty area's endgame missions not there or working and a mp that was made around loot box grind like the mass effect mp.

Its hard to explain to those that played it years later after they tossed out the dlc/patch's

Michiel198959d ago

entitled much? I played it at launch too. Why you even platted it if it was a "major screw up"?
It was good enough for you to sink 100 hours in but also a complete fuckup at the same time, make up your mind.
So either you like shitty games or you're just talking out of your ass.

RaidenBlack59d ago

Well just wanna say, Archetype Entertainment is the new BioWare, composed of mainly ex-BioWare vets.
And they're developing Exodus (starring Matthew McConaughey), a new sci-fi RPG (spiritual successor to Mass Effect, dare I say?)

CantThinkOfAUsername60d ago

I hope it's a single player game with Anthem's gameplay mechanics.

Becuzisaid60d ago

They're owned by EA. What makes you think that they wouldn't publish for PS5? Shoot, if your fridge could connect to your bank account EA would try to release it for that if they could!

Double_O_Revan60d ago

How about they focus on those games and not over extend themselves? We don't need another Anthem.

Becuzisaid60d ago

Bioware died after Inquisition (some would even argue after ME3). They are no longer the same company.

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