
Medal Of Honor Review - CVG

From the Call of Duty side of the gene pool, Medal of Honor has inherited the volume. Explosions are loud and proud and you can practically feel the splash damage gushing into your living room, meaning you're constantly surging around the course on a wave of adrenaline.

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DelbertGrady4982d ago

At last! I usually prefer Gameinformers reviews but in this case this'll have to do. *preordering*

BubbleSystemSuck4982d ago

for this game...
already 300hours on BadComapany 2, now i want this game, and Next month, Call of Duty Black Ops...

BTW... check my Slim Mod for Black ops


SoSLy4982d ago

thats a sweet looking mod and it looks very well crafted, good job man

On topic: looking forward to playing MoH but I hope it has its own unique feel to it rather than just a clone but Im still buying it on first day.

The_Count4982d ago

Can't wait to see the Twisted Metal one. A dead space 2 one would be awesome if Issues helmet lit up.

arjman4982d ago

How can people disagree to this guy's opinion?

Karum4982d ago

That is an awesome looking mod my friend.

Great work indeed!

tacosRcool4982d ago

Battlefield > call of duty

MrAwesome4982d ago

Cool mod where can i get one?


maybe because it's his opinion and they dont agree with it. Do you agree with what everyone says, No you dont. So I disagree with your opinion about his opinion for people disagreeing with his opinion.

arjman4975d ago

Did you actually read his comment, it said that he had played a lot of bad company 2 and couldn't wait for black ops, how can you disagree with that?

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4975d ago
Andronix4982d ago (Edited 4982d ago )

The single player set in a real world conflict is enticing, but I haven't been overawed into thinking I NEED this game. As it is now the start of the busy season there are too many other good things, so I might wait to get it when the price falls.

One thing I do know is I will go for the PlayStation 3 version as it also has Medal of Honor frontlines. I'm definitely not a trophy whore but two games in one is great value.

I do hope Medal of Honor sells well because it means a sequel in which the developers will be more confident to develop a bigger experience.

tacosRcool4981d ago

And if you get the limited edition, you get the HD remake of Medal of Honor Frontlines

foss34981d ago

I was on the fence on this one. After playing the beta which I was in, it was a clear "no". I got more interested the more I saw and now I'm looking forward to the single player campaign and hoping I get some joy out of the multiplayer. For reference I love BFBC2 and enjoyed the single player COD series on PS3 but only really played COD and WAW multiplayer for any length. The multiplayer for BFBC2 was just so much better.. it really is the only reason I ordered MoH.

I could care less about the platinum trophies because I can never get them any way. I'm level 9 with about 610 trophies and none are platinum. I guess I give up too easy.

LtSkittles4981d ago

What Tacos?

Isn't the remake HD already?



I believe they said LE on E3, nothing about regular version as far as I can remember.

It probably won't be that limited, but chances they charge you a prime in such version...

Anyway I'll wait the release and see the regular version for myself, it's not like I haven't been wrong before.

LtSkittles4981d ago

All I saw was the LE on gamestop >.>, no regular version

ReservoirDog3164981d ago

The regular PS3 version is the LE. All of them. All PS3 versions come with Frontlines.

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alien6264981d ago

i got to give it to EA and the creaters of this game its an awesome game story might be short but keeps u playing ill rate this a 9 imo

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frankymv4982d ago


I expect 8.5 to 9 across the board.

chak_4982d ago

How the hell did they test the multiplayer?

Elvfam5114982d ago

Rubbing two rubber ducks on a rubber boat...

BulletToothtony4981d ago

not fanboy at all here but MoH absolutely sucks.. i'm level 7 and the maps are absolute horseshit!! i know that if i would've read this i wouldn't had believed whoever wrote it but damn..

12 campers and no way to advance nor flank because there will be a camper on each way.. the only thing left to do is well camp as well... or snipe.. i don't like neither.. save your money.. TRUST ME, this game is a rental.. i'm a freaking idiot for buying it.. i'm so mad at myself..

spawn run and get sniped, re-spawn run and get sniped from who knows who because the maps are big and you can't see shit..

what a freaking let down..

HungPHATx4982d ago

I've had it pre ordered since I played it at E3 ! Day one

Venatus-Deus4982d ago (Edited 4982d ago )

What, you only play games that somebody else rates 9+?

I'm glad your not on my friends list.

Hands Up For Games4982d ago

Not at all. I wouldnt have cared if MoH got a 6 or a perfect 10. The game is just not for me, tried the beta and Id rather play Reach just now and then catch up with Bulletstorm and KZ3 early next year.

By all means get excited about another FPS, set, wait for it . . . . . . . . . . . in modern times. This just isnt for me, review scores are irrelevant.

Jinxstar4982d ago

"get excited about another FPS, set, wait for it . . . . . . . . . . . in modern times."

While I agree this theme is played out so is just about every other thing I can think of. WWII better for you? How about space marines fighting aliens? Other then that I can't think of any other settings for FPS's.... KZ2 is a little different. So is TF2 but outside of a few games that mostly all revolve around these 3 settings... I guess thats why I am so excited for bulletstorm. Something that looks very different and not dumb.

redDevil874982d ago

Your comment is meh, 8.5 is a good score. Anything with an 8.5 is worth playing.

Ares84PS34982d ago

Also you base your purchases on others opinions???

You are NOT a gamer.

I feel sorry for you!

Hands Up For Games4982d ago


I am not saying that an 8.5 is a meh score what I am saying is that MoH itself TO ME is a meh game. Is that OK or do I need to go along with whatever you guys say and we can all pat each other on the back and say what a good job weve done?

Cant wait for MoH, its been way too long since I last played a FPS set in a modern conflict, with a short campaign and glitchy MP and grpahics that could be taken from a dozen or so games, it my most anticipated game this year!!

Is that better?

Jinxstar4982d ago

I can agree that 8.5 does not mean "Meh" but

"Also you base your purchases on others opinions???"

I have to. I do not have the luxury of just going out and buying every single game that has the "Potential" of being good. I feel that I am however a true gamer. I own a PS3, PS3, PSP, Wii, DS, Gaming PC and have tons of games for each. I have probably 25+ games for my PS3 alone and probably 25+ more on PC. I have been gaming since intellivision. Just because I am trying to save for a wedding and a house and can't buy everything out there that even looks like it might be good to "Find out for myself instead of listening to what everyone else says" does not make me any less of a gamer then someone who buys every single game released and probably gets burned on a regular. I can tell you I don't need to buy "Naruto" to know I wont like it... I don't need to buy Fallout New Vegas to know I wont like it as I hated Fallout 3... Not my thing. So how about you just STFU about calling people who wait for reviews non gamers.

Also if 8.5 turns out to be the "High end" of the reviews with the rest being in the 7-8 range I probably wont buy it because I'll wait on TFU2 and see how that goes. If this is the "low end" with the rest being 9-9.5 or so I'll be getting it for sure because I love Dice and BF and am excited to see what someone else can do with the modern soldier feel.

Moragami4981d ago (Edited 4981d ago )

You played the MP beta. Some people actually have an interest in games for more than just multiplayer. Obviously that's not you, but the game's SP campaign is definitely not meh.

wissam4981d ago

if you don't care about this game why do even post. just to annoy people ?

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appleseedexm4982d ago

Thanks to you I haven't lost all my faith in gaming communities.
Only because it is a 8.5 it doesn't mean its going to be THE game of the decade.
I played the beta and it was so damn boring, a very soulless game IMHO. I don't care what they say, I think the beta was a waste of time so Ill stay with Reach, with BC2, and many other fun games out there. I don't play games only because someone told me to ;-)

visualb4982d ago (Edited 4982d ago )

wow...you are going to be one demanding dad if your kids come home with 85% and you spit on their face.

tbh, anything above 8 is a very solid purchase.

anything above a 7 is a very playable game

anything above a 5 isn't broken.

these kids these days are spoilt they don't even know whats good anymore

@ your little psycho rant about how you meant meh at the game not the score -


Hands Up For Games4982d ago

"Meh . . . is meh, im afraid."

Where do I mention the review score? I dont.

I stand by my initial comment, im not here slating people who want to purchase the game, im just slating the game, again, not the review.

I felt my comment was clear to be honest, if others miscontued it, thats not my problem.

Karum4982d ago

Your comment was not clear by any means.

I get what you're saying as you've since explained it since that comment, which is fine if you don't like MOH as you're entitled to an opinion.

But surely you're not ignorant enough that you're unable to see why people thought the "meh" was aimed at the review/score rather than the game?

Had your comment said MOH....is meh I'm afraid then that would have been crystal clear.

It's not clear though when you are the sole person who knows what that comment actually meant.

It's fine you don't like MOH, I won't touch COD. Your opinion on MOH is fine by me to be honest. Your comment was far from clear though and it's almost worrying that you haven't been able to grasp why exactly people were getting at you.

Hopefully you don't draw up contracts or legal agreements, there'd be loopholes everywhere if you consider your original comment as being clear.

Light Yagami4982d ago

The first scores are always the highest. MOH is not that good.

Karum4982d ago

Coming from your extensive experience with this as yet unreleased game I assume?

SeanScythe4982d ago

The problem is you are judging a game based off of the beta. Which the game has greatly improved on.

internalbit4981d ago

Y is it meh?

If this game is similar to cod mw isn't it a great opportunity to stick it up activation and bobby nod!(k? Unless u work/worship for activision or bobby n0d!(k

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Remembering Medal Of Honor: The Forgotten Master Of WW2 Games

Ibrahim from eXputer: "The Medal of Honor franchise was once the crown jewel of FPS war games, later defeated by the tides of time and poor development."

banger8841d ago

They tried to turn it into Call of Duty and it killed it off. They should reboot it and go back to it's roots. But they'd ruin it with online-only/multiplayer style bullshit so why bother? I have very fond memories of these games, but this series can stay dead as far as I'm concerned.

FPS_D3TH39d ago

Was literally just thinking of this game the other week with the secret nut cracker mission and the shooting Bismarck dog lmao. Loved these games as a kid

PrecursorOrb39d ago (Edited 39d ago )

I wish they’d remake warfighter

Strictly for the campaign

The_Hooligan39d ago

I have fond memories of playing the Medal of Honor Breakthrough MP Demo. It had two maps and custom servers. Living on campus, I had it downloaded on one of the PC Lab servers so I could access it on any computer at the university. Joined a clan and made friends that I still keep in touch with today.

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The Medal of Honor Franchise Deserves a Comeback

Game Rant Writes "It's been over a decade since fans have seen the Medal of Honor franchise on consoles in any capacity, and it's about time EA brought it back."

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porkChop536d ago

Medal of Honor 2010 was a good start for a modern reboot. The campaign was fantastic. Multiplayer wasn't great but that's DICE's fault. I'd love if they went back to that game and gave it a proper sequel.

SlothLordPootus536d ago

I actually really liked the multiplayer in MoH 2010. Battlefield gunplay on small maps. I would love to see a Rising sun remake, the opening scene would be amazing to see.

SonyStyled536d ago

I enjoyed the multiplayer of MoH 2010. It felt like battlefield 3 in a way. The multiplayer in Warfighter was also pretty good but the campaigns single player story was not appealing with the whole family cutscene thing. Gameplay was fun though. MoH to me is the PS1/2 titles and I don’t expect to see a WW2 MoH after the last Call of Duty’s

Levii_92536d ago

PS1 MOH 1999 and 2000 (Underground) and Allied Assault PC is my childhood.. it's still soo good and it holds up. Not to mention Michael Giacchino's soundtrack is one of the best video game soundtracks ever made. Even if you weren't born in early to mid 90's go listen to the main theme of Allied Assault and you will be overloaded from nostalgia.

I miss this franchise a lot.

Iceball2000536d ago

I’ve always thought that MOH and Battlefield should be separate…

Have MOH as the full fledged single player with an amazing store and whatnot. And a basic multiplayer just to have multiplayer. Sorta like how the MOH reboot was.

And then have BF as the full fledged multiplayer with all effort put into that and ditch the single player. Maybe add Commander back in.

Only in a perfect world.

HeliosHex536d ago (Edited 536d ago )

Oh man medal of honor on pc was awesome back in the day. Multi-player was fun. Joined my first clan on medal of honor. Definitely deserves a comeback. But needs to be on the same level or surpass COD. Since it came out before that ip in 1999 to avoid embarrassment.


The guys who did Allied assault are the one who created call of duty. They're back at EA, Vince something

MadLad536d ago

I'll be the weird guy in the room and say I actually loved Warfighter. I thought the squad mechanics made it stand out a bit and thought the shooting felt good. Put a lot of time into the multiplayer.


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PlayStation (PS1) game prices are beginning to get a little weird. The pandemic, renewed interest from collectors, and growing scarcity have all impacted PS1 game prices. CIB and New games can cost thousands for some titles. Use this list to snag some amazing old games to play or improve your collection without spending a fortune.

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Jiub856d ago

I really wish the Legacy of Kain series would come back

856d ago
Nintentional856d ago

Still have my original PS1 my family got at Sam’s Club back in 1999 :) it still works and I have it hooked up to a 32” Sony Wega Trinitron that supports S Video and Component 👌🏼 PS1 games in S Video POP on there 🤩

856d ago