
Devil May Cry Reboot: Ninja Theory’s Chosen Path for Dante

Matt Randisi writes, "Easily one of the most talked about trailers revealed at this year’s Tokyo Game Show had to have been the controversial next installment into the Devil May Cry series. But wait, IS this the next installment? Something undeniably different seems to be up with this trailer. It appears to feature yet another newly designed character that players will be able to assume control of. We watch with great anticipation to see what this punk rock inspired potential protagonist brings to the table to deem him worthy to take over where Dante and Nero left off."

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Baltis4993d ago

My chosen path when buying a game -- Simple, if it says Ninja Theory anywhere on the box I don't buy it.

StanLee4993d ago

My thing is, why reboot a franchise that has already seen a next gen iteration? Just go back to what DMC and DMC3 did well, look at how God of War 3 and Bayonetta have evolved the genre, build a better narrative than DMC4 and make fucking DMC5. How fucking hard can that be Capcom? And what happened to Capcom's NT framework engine that powered RE5? Why are they using UE3?!

DemiseofPandas4993d ago

Capcom doesn't let developers outside of their internal studios use their engine. So given that NT is just using UE3 since they used it for enslaved. This of course does not sound good for the gameplay...

Redempteur4993d ago

tsk there was no need for a reboot that i can agree ..if you needed another direction , you could take the "nero" path and change it a little ...

or they could just stay with the DANTE

DANTE past was beautifully explained in DMC3 ... i don't need this "dmc" there is nothing DMC in it

raztad4992d ago

I actually dont care about the new Dante, but it is the gameplay/UE3 usage what got me totally worried. StanLee is making some good points. I'm wondering exactly the same: WHY UE3? GOD NOOOO. There go the chances of the game to play at 60fps.

I dunno if this was a Capcom -wise decision (seeing they are making another H'n S based off Asian mythology), or was NT who decided to go that path. Either way I easily can see the game playing nothing like the smooth and crazy DMC.

gaffyh4992d ago

I don't have a problem with Ninja Theory personally. Heavenly Sword was great, especially in the story telling department, and Enslaved also looks good. However, DmC looks bad. I've been a big fan of DMC over the years and I've loved every game, even the ones that others hate, and then Capcom go ahead and Twilightify the main character!?!

Graphically it looks worse than DMC4 and the character looks nothing like Dante. So this might be the one DMC game that I do not play. In some ways I wish it fails so that Capcom and Ninja Theory eat some humble pie, but in other ways I hope it is successful because I don't want DMC to vanish from consoles.

Capcom makes some good games damnit, don' ruin your main character, where is Onimusha as well???

rockleex4992d ago (Edited 4992d ago )

Not some stuck up kid who thinks he's so cool because he smokes, and because his parents named him after the almighty Dante.

Street Fighter 4 was so successful because it went back to the roots.

Yet somehow the rest of Capcom still believes "westernizing" will save them instead. -_-"

It will be the death of the Japanese gaming industry! A new wave of developers and studios will have to step up their game and offer unique experiences in order to thrive.

Darrius Cole4992d ago

They said Reboot, and that is exactly what they are doing a complete and total reboot.

For them to give Dante black hair is an act of Ninja Theory taking ownership of the character,..so much so that if you are an old fan then you don't know if you will like the series. Ninja Theory is clearly changing everything completely from the ground up.

Redempteur4992d ago

black air is the start ... they said they want to tell you why he had silver hair .

ExplosionSauce4992d ago (Edited 4992d ago )

Are they not aware that we already know why he has silver hair?
His father had silver/white hair. And his mother had blonde hair.

Where did the black come from? Dyed it? Lame.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4992d ago
Godmars2904993d ago

I only agree with you because they sound so damn pretentious.

jc485734993d ago

I ain't buying any of their products.

Tikicobra4993d ago

If you're a DMC fan, then you are. Say what you want, but this happens all the time. You say you're not going to buy it now, but you are. And you know it.

alphakennybody4993d ago

would you be saying the same if in the near future nin gives mario to a western dev and suddenly change him into fake italian-american and while they're at it shave his mustache?

x5exotic4992d ago

This shit isnt DMC...they just make it western style to get more money...raping the whole franchise...fuck capcom...they are really gay now...good luck with making fighting games and stuff...

fossilfern4992d ago

This happened with Metroid Prime everyone, including me, lashed out saying it wasnt a true Metroid game, its gonna turn into a shooter etc but when people get hold of this im sure their opinions will change. Me personally I dont mind this reboot.

-Judge_Fudge4992d ago

no if you are a DMC fan then you wouldnt touch this game for what there doing to our beloved baddass DANTE...this british pansy is not DANTE

Tikicobra4992d ago

Again, you say you won't buy it, but just wait and see. It's going to sell. And you're going to buy it. Deny it all you want, but it's true. And that's why I hate you all complaining this much.

Remember the Left 4 Dead 2 boycott?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4992d ago
FwanK4993d ago

neither do i

And i was planning to get Enslaved...

user8586214992d ago

If you saw their interviews you'd know that capcom made them change the look of dante

Shoko4993d ago

"C'mon Bella let's go slay some monsters!"

Rybakov4993d ago

change Dante back and give him rebellion back and i might consider

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Resident Evil Zero and Code Veronica Remakes are reportedly in the works, not Resident Evil 1

Industry insider Dusk Golem reveals that there is no Resident Evil 1 Remake in the works. Instead, Capcom are reportedly in active development of Resident Evil Zero and Code Veronica.

-Foxtrot5d ago

RE Zero would be better to do first over RE1 because they can tie the story into RE1 more.

The original RE Remake was weird because Rebecca never mentioned anything about what happened in Zero and it felt so disjointed because Zero was developed during the Remake and they clearly didn't share any notes with one another.

Cacabunga3d ago

Wise decision. 2 of my favorites!

repsahj3d ago

RE Zero is one of my favorite game on gamecube!

Knightofelemia4d ago

Give me Dino Crisis dammit Capcom

TGG_overlord4d ago

And all it took was +24 years + a phone call from me lol.

GotGame8183d ago

LOL! A phone call from you? ROFL! They have been remaking RE games for YEARS! It was a matter of time!

3d ago
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Stellar Blade has sold more physical copies than Dragon's Dogma 2 in Japan, despite PS5 exclusivity

By the looks of it, PlayStation 5 exclusivity does not hurt the sales of Stellar Blade in Japan as the game has passed 90,000 sold physical copies.

Hugodastrevas8d ago

Stellar Blade really deserves way more praise than it got, devs have been adding more and more content, for free, since release and the game already was great to begin with!

BrettAwesome7d ago

More than it got? It got tons, by everyone except the sad wankers who's idea of a sex life, is pulling on their dicks while watching big fake cgi titties 😂

gerbintosh7d ago

Don't see the difference between cgi titties and fake boobs. Also no difference to wanking it to either one of them since both aren't physically there

RiseNShine7d ago

Salty that the game is doing well hm? ;) I suggest some cheese with your whine.

Skuletor7d ago

So you're saying the people that like watching CGI tits didn't praise the game? An educated guess is you meant the opposite.

BrettAwesome7d ago (Edited 7d ago )

What the fuck are you talking about? I think it looks like an awesome game. I don't get the sentiment that it didn't get as much praise as it deserved. The only ones who's been shit talking it, are sad wankers with no sex life. Am I whining? How? 😂

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 7d ago
Cacabunga7d ago

I think we can safely claim that Stellar Blade 2 is confirmed!
I got it day one, i have some backlog due to RDR2 i just platinumed.. i will get to Stellar Blade in the near future

shinoff21837d ago

Same but I'm hitting yakuza right now. Stellar blade looks cool though.

neutralgamer19927d ago

Capcom really dropped the ball with DG2. They had easy success on their hand but instead with their stupid decisions ruined the games success

Stellar blade is an amazing game and deserves all the success. For all the artificial hate it got from people who had no interest in the game to begin with this shows if you make a good game it will sell. The so called 1st party drought from PlayStation has meant 4 exclusives in 2024 so far. Other companies need to learn how to run a business and plan for the future

H98d ago

Stellar blade is performing very impressively there, DD2 didn't do well because word of mouth destroyed it's reputation and not about the Microtransactions or performance, bad word of mouth about how the game lacks so many things that were in the first one

Redemption-647d ago

DS2 sold 2.5M in a little over a week, what the hell are you talking about?

H97d ago

"there", that's Japan, this article is about Japan, the bad word of mouth is about Japan

Hereandthere7d ago

Exclusives matter. No matter what bumbling phil and bond try to say, exclusives is why you buy a console.

The_Hooligan7d ago

How dare you speak common sense!!??

jznrpg7d ago

It would if they added a lot more combat and didn’t focus on graphics

XiNatsuDragnel7d ago

Stellar blade is great excited for 2

anast7d ago

They dropped the ball with dogma. SB is a solid game, it just had to weather the social storm.

shinoff21837d ago (Edited 7d ago )

Said that dd2 was missing things the first one did,like mass effect 2? I haven't played it so I'm really asking.

spss117d ago

I've played both and I have no idea what people say when they claim it's "incomplete". I've only noticed new things in comparison to DD1 (I would give a list but spoilers). Sometimes I wonder if some people actually played DD1 or maybe they remember it differently. Anyways, if you liked the first one and want more of that, you'll probably like DD2.

anast6d ago

Yeah, the content, combat movement is slower, less vocations, the armor system, it's more simplified, and dungeons are lacking. It's like they rushed it out or something, but didn't forget to add in youtuber pawns and micros. At least ME 2 upped the content.

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Resident Evil 1 Remake To Have Slower Pace; Will Further Expand On The Game's Lore

Many details for the upcoming rumored Resident Evil 1 remake have already leaked online. Capcom appears to have huge ambitions for it.

XiNatsuDragnel13d ago

Sounds interesting I'll be interested in the second remake of re1

Cacabunga13d ago

They game cube remake was mind blowing.. another remake would be nice but i was really hoping for Code Veronica first

-Foxtrot13d ago

If it's true they are probably leading up to RE5 with the Chris vs Wesker story

RE1, CV and then RE5

Terry_B13d ago

Their REmake is still one of the best 3 video game remakes ever made.

Cacabunga13d ago


Zero was not a remake but an amazing game as well. I hope they remake that one one day with some coop play.. great great game

maelstromb12d ago

The whole Lisa Trevor side-story was an incredible addition and really fleshed out more of the lore. It could have easily felt tacked on to artificially extend the length of the game, but it felt 'right' like it should have been in there from the beginning. I'm hoping they include that in the Re-remake.

Yui_Suzumiya12d ago

Code Veronica definitely needs it the most!

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 12d ago
fsfsxii13d ago

Cant wait until they cut the basement section and replace it with something worse.

Becuzisaid13d ago

While I want another modern remake of 1, I think code Veronica should be first. The first re1 remake holds up amazingly well. Give CV it's due.

Scissorman13d ago

As long as the Crimson Heads are back.

Nerdmaster12d ago (Edited 12d ago )

I hope they don't. They were created mainly to justify Wesker not really dying, and they do create more tension, but they don't make much sense.
Re-reviving things that were twice dead? Why would the virus stop there and not keep reviving them forever (until the head gets destroyed)?
And also the characters knowing that destroying their heads keep them from becoming crimson heads, while having a combat knife and lots of heavy objects around to do it while they're down, but having to rely on lucky shots or burning them with oil?
They can create other stuff that serves the same purpose of creating tension but that makes more sense.

Levii_9213d ago

Come on State of Play already!!!

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