
Alan Wake: 30 FPS, 4xAA, 720p

Alan Wake could set a new benchmark in Xbox 360 graphics: According to a moderator of the official Remedy forum, Alan Wake runs in constant 30 FPS. Some menus and manuscript pages will locked to 60 FPS. And: The Xbox 360 hardware gives them the ability to apply 4xAA on trees and bushes.

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5210d ago Replies(21)
Geralt5210d ago

I think I'd prefer to run it with 16xAA, 1080P at 60FPS. :(

Gimped Hardware5210d ago

We all would i presume.............

Perhaps the next gen of consoles but not yet.

Dutch Boogie5210d ago

Well then, direct your hate letter to M$ head quarters.

nix5210d ago

oh no.. they won't. they still think it's sony and sony fanboys' mistake.

Veneno5210d ago

but I wonder if anyone here will spoil the ending like they did for HR. Hmmm......

raztad5210d ago


Hey dude, judging for your comments about KZ2 is pretty much obvious you havent played the game. Anyone saying KZ2 is small corridor shooter is plain ignorant about everything in the game.

KZ2 multiplayer has exactly the same visuals than SP with huge maps and 32 players on it. The scope of KZ2 is midblowing for a game with those visuals. There is no Blur trying to cover bad textures, what you call light saturation is multiple sources of lightning, this technique will be used in Halo:Reach if I remember correctly.

gaffyh5210d ago

@raztad - I 100% agree, nothing on console looks as good as Killzone 2 still. The only thing that comes close is Uncharted 2, and even that doesn't look as good as Killzone 2 in terms of atmospheric effects.

Killzone 2 is not a "corridor" shooter, there are lots of maps that have open environments, dynamic objects, smoke and realistic wind effects. Seriously, anyone that complains that KZ2 doesn't look good, hasn't played the game.

maxcer5210d ago

KZ2 is a corridor shooter, same as GeoW2. when killzone has environments like farcry2 then you can say it has an open world. Your right about one thing, KZ2 has good visuals, but that doesn't make up for the controls (imo)

ProjectVulcan5210d ago (Edited 5210d ago )

1080/60 is just the preserve of the PC. The article says something about a constant 30 frames to avoid tearing, but doesnt exactly confirm vsync because every video i have seen has tearing issues, honestly it cant constantly be encoding issues every single time. Keeping a constant 30 frames does not guarantee no tearing, only vsync and triple buffering can do that.

As for the method of AA its probably a dynamic method which is governed by the framerate and load at any one time. Resi 5 for example claims 4 x MSAA on 360, but it comes on and off depending on how much other stuff is going on. Indeed a LOT of console games use a dynamic type of AA, or a very selective filter for only some edges, not the whole deely. In this case as mentioned no doubt a whole bunch of alpha to coverage for the semi transparent foliage. So again, we will see when its here and done and in my hands to decide if it is a game to meet Uncharted 2, which is vsynced and triple buffered, implements SSAO, Good AA quality and anisotropic filtering quality etc etc

solidt125210d ago

Sounds good. It's good that they can run 4xAA and I know the game looks great because I have seen direct footage, But these are just numbers and remember that. Some games look better because of other techniques and just having a better dev team.

raztad5210d ago


I didnt say KZ2 was open world game, just wanted to state game has huge maps. Obviously there is not free roaming and the game is absolutely linear but that doesnt translate to small maps and corridors everywhere.

xTruthx5210d ago

I have to agree with raztad, It seems like you really haven't played the game and are judging by the same pics that have been over the internet since kz2 came out. To say that Alan Awake has a bigger scope than Uncharted 2 is saying a lot without even having the game to compare it too, IMO Alan awake doesn't touch uncharted 2 in any way on the graphical department and if you think Uncharted 2 doesn't have a huge scale then I really dk whats huge for you. You just have to play the part of the train to see how far Uncharted 2 goes in scale and graphical quality without getting blur's or low fps(frames per second)

KingME5210d ago (Edited 5210d ago )

The haters never take a day off.

Why does every xbxo 360 article result in negative comments, what is it about good 360 news that boils the blood of the PS3 fanboy. Every 360 graphics article ends in some lame a$$ comparison to KZ2 or UC2. Why can't we just read the article give a hem and a ha and move on.

You haters are just relentless, it's amazing the amount of energy you guys burn simply just hating on stuff. AW is going to be a good game and some of you guys just can't deal with it.

JasonPC360PS3Wii5210d ago

Alan Wake and Metro 2033 are simply the best looking games on console to date.

cyborg69715210d ago

And you've played through and finished them when? I would love to know where you got those games from so I could try em. AW looks good but let's get real why haven't we seen any game play at daytime with many enemies on screen at the same time. And kingme quit your crying as soon as the bots in this world back off I'm sure the droids will to. Your tear filled rant isn't even worthy of a daytime Emmy.

Old Greg5210d ago (Edited 5210d ago )

The sony kids who dont like the game, wont like ANYTHING on 360, period, so theres no use in arguing.

I really REALLY want a Fallout MMO. I dont play MMOs b/c they seem a tad bit nerdy, but Fallout would do so well as an MMO. Fallout 3 was all about walking around a HUGE wasteland, an discovering things, places, and people. I know this was offtopic, but it would be so awesome.

bnaked5210d ago (Edited 5210d ago )

"Every 360 graphics article ends in some lame a$$ comparison to KZ2 or UC2"

I can tell you why! Because from 2007 to 2009 all 360 fanboys bashed against the PS3, told us that "the 360 is much better in terms of grafics" and "the Cell is a Joke"! It's just the ultimative rage now..

pixelsword5210d ago

motion blur is used to give a realistic look to things moving at varaible speeds. It's the same technique they call 'go-mo' for the movie Dragonslayer that was made in the 80's, but for computer animation and now rendered real-time in videogames.

Please don't be ignorant in film/game rendering techniques and try to pass them off as facts, Shaman.

beans5210d ago

"I can tell you why! Because from 2007 to 2009 all 360 fanboys bashed against the PS3"

And I can tell you now your full of it! PS3 fanboys have been bashing 360 ever since PS3 was announced with it's 4 times the power marketing campaign. The only difference now is there trying to hold on to the graphics crown which has already been taken if the vids of Metro and AW are any indication of whats to come. Both sides are equally guilty so quit with the 360 fanboys started crap. All the off topic UC2 and KZ2 talk is just pointless when you have games that appear to already have passed them graphically. I know it's hard to face the truth but still not the end of the world. PS3 will eventually outdo 360 again and vice versa so hush already.

UnwanteDreamz5210d ago (Edited 5210d ago )

Metro and Alan Wake best console graphics? You have got to be fuc*in kidding me. Best console graphics if you only own an XBOX360.

Anyone should be able to tell it looks like it's gonna be great and I am even surprised by its polish but the best? What doesn't come out on XBOX360 that you fans don't call the best?

BuZzz Killington5210d ago

but whatever this game looks good on the 360 im sure itll be awesome just play it or dont play it but seriously fanboys on both sides stop camparing everything to everything, leave your insecurities at the door, act like gamers for once and just enjoy games. like yeah i only own a ps3 but he i might borrow a 360 from a buddy to play this game. just cuz you dont own a console doesnt mean you have to smear every single game for it. 2 wrongs dont make a right. the fact that your smearing alan wake just means you actually like it and want to play it. goes all the way back to liking a girl or a guy, even if you say you hate someone but you constantly mention them all the time even though your saying you hate them you actually like them. ps3 fanboys you like alan wake cuz you cant stop thinkin about it and talkin about it, and xbox fanboys you like uncharted 2 and gow 3 because you talk about it and mention it all the time.....the only game omit from that theory is any halo game and forza motorsport.......decent specs 30 fps 4 AA 720p for consoles.

IHateYouFanboys5209d ago

Killzone 2 uses every trick in the bag to make it look good. motion blur? check. grainy filter? check. drab colour palette? check. over-abundance of lens-flares and light bleeding? check. Killzone 2 has some of the worst, most low quality texture work in an AAA game this generation. everything is blurry and low res. but they HIDE it WELL. good on them for using tricks, as why would you care if they use 'tricks' as long as the game looks good? you shouldnt. (and yes, i own killzone 2 and have completed it)

i do have to correct some people though - killzone 2s multiplayer graphics do have their drawbacks. things often just pop-up into view as they get loaded up on the bigger maps, and it doesnt look quite as good as single player overall.

on to Uncharted 2 - when people are saying that Wake has bigger scope than Uncharted 2, there really is no way they can be wrong. Uncharted 2, as big as the environments LOOKED, only actually had tiny, tiny playable areas. its pretty much crash bandicoot for the PS3 - it looks like you have absolute freedom in these huge environments, but the second you try and move from the little corridor youre in, youre blocked by invisible walls, non-opening doors, or trees. the environments we've seen in Alan Wake so far already show more explorable areas than any area i can remember in Uncharted 2 (and yes, i also own it and have completed it). the train level might look good, but it doesnt hide the fact that the only playable area is essentially a hallway that is disguised as a train. everything thats going on in the background is just window-dressing.

anyway, i cant wait for Alan Wake, it looks incredible and if its anything like Remedys other games it will be fantastic. im just glad that i get to play it instead of pretending i dont want to play it and bagging it websites like the sony brigade on here.

FACTUAL evidence5209d ago

Hmm....You must haven't played HR...i couldn't find this "trick" you were stating about in heavy rain....those textures are FAR from low res pal...

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Shaman5210d ago

LOL trees and bushes wont be only with 4xaa,he just said that frame buffer in 360 which has alpha to coverage feature gives them ability to apply 4xaa on trees and bushes also,because its a bit harder to anti aliase more complexed "geometry" like trees and bushes,thats what Crysis didnt really have until mods.BTW AW is technically very impressive.

"We like 4xAA. Due to the alpha-to-coverage feature on the Xbox 360 GPU, it's one of the key reasons we can render a lot of "alpha test" foliage like trees and bushes without them starting to shimmer or dither (as alpha-to-coverage with 4xAA effectively gives us 5 samples of alpha "blend" without actually using alpha blend). Of course that leads into a lot of interesting ways how to get the the other "standard" z-buffer based rendering schemes to not alias, but let's not get into that discussion right now."

Ju5210d ago (Edited 5210d ago )

And then people wonder why it's only used on leaves, huh ? Not much more mem left than using small geometry pre-backing textures in edram, huh ? Nice idea, though.

megacheak5210d ago

Absolutely agree with you, Shaman
Raiinstorm81 writing (1.15):
"What about GOW3 and U2? Both have forest environment and as far as scale GOW3 will be king in that department."
What kind of scale exist in these games? ... They are both linear, GOW3 generally with a fixed camera. Large-scale scenes in GOW3, forests? - This type of pictures of trees floating away!

-to raztad 2.5: "Hey dude, judging for your comments about KZ2 is pretty much obvious you havent played the game."
I finished the game not once, and spent a couple of weeks in the multiplayer, but still agree with Shaman. Do not want to go into technical details, but for example, baked light in KZ2 is clearly losing the dynamic Occlusion filter in GeOW2 ... many other things I say nothing.
But judging for your comments, you understand little about the technical aspects of 3D graphics ...

raztad5210d ago

Thanks for your wisdom megacheck. I'm so sorry to disappoint you but I'm just a gamer, not a game developer nor 3D artist/modeller. I'm guessing however your script comes from this article


What I find funny bro is that KZ2 blows GeOW2 out of the water, dont you think? not to mention game is already a year old and KZ3 is around the corner.

BTW, regarding AW, why not to wait the game to be released before comparing it? Released games vs hype and speculations is not fair at all.

megacheak5210d ago (Edited 5210d ago )

raztad, I'm sorry if I offended you by my last statement. Did not want, but you just argued that S did not play in KZ2. In your opinion, if someone criticizes the game - it means he did not play into it?
And what I wrote is my personal findings, to undertake some analysis I did not need to read some articles on the Internet. I did not say that KZ2 bad game, it is generally better, but they both have strengths and weaknesses ...

beans5210d ago

It doesn't blow Gears 2 out the water. As credible as you sound at times I really am starting to wonder if your just talking out of poop shooter. I prefer the look KZ2 over Geow2 but will admit Gears have some amazing lighting and clay looking characters which was cool.

raztad5210d ago (Edited 5210d ago )


Come on bro, you really believe GeoW2 is in the same league? I have the game on my PC (the original, the textures are really good and lightning is cool) but KZ2 looks much better. Unless the second is a massive leap over the first I stand my position.

Just a question which one is better looking Batman:AA or Gears2?


It's all cool man. I see your point, I admit for example that not every light in KZ2 cast a shadow, or the textures are not that good when you are behind cover, but the game got huge maps with a lot of buildings, wreckages etc etc it got recognition for something.

beans5210d ago

I wouldn't say the same league but in certain areas I would say it does look rather impressive over part 1.

"Just a question which one is better looking Batman:AA or Gears2?"

I haven't played the full game of Batman:AA yet so I couldn't answer that. The demo was pretty cool but GEOW2 just had a lot of wow moments for me. The Batman demo didn't really wow me (it was only the demo)like GEOW2 but I've heard it's a pretty amazing looking game. Speaking of that I might have to go and pick it up this weekend.

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belal5210d ago

waiting for this, gow3( relax fanboys this is my most anticipated game :P) and Agent.

why more ps3 games than 360 games? because i am more of an ps3 guy, but that dosen't mean that 360 dosen't have bad games!

both platforms has some really great games coming out.

360: crackdown 2, alan wake, splinter cell and halo reach!

ps3: GOW3,GT5,Agent,Last guardian, FFvs13,Modnation Racers, yakuza 3, maybe the agency, maybe Dc univers online!

if this hits the ps3 this year my list grows much bigger then!: Infamous 2 ( hel yeah!!!), resistance 3 ( hell yeah!), twisted metal and offffffcouuuuurse killzone 3 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

psp: mgs: peace walker!
Multiplatforms: Dead space 2, crysis 2, red dead redemption, true crime 3 ( maybe), Metal gear: rising, star wars: force unleashed 2 and LA Noir!

if i get all these games : i am one HAPPPPYYYY GAMER!!!!

still not even opened: dragon age: orgins, darksider, borderlines, bayonetta, fairytale fights and the sabotour! ( so actuaLLY I AM ALLREADY ONE HAPPY GAMER!

feelintheflow5210d ago

I am the same, I love both of the consoles. I play the 360 a bit more, a touch of a gamerscore geek, and most of my friends are on the 360. I buy all the exclusives pretty much for both machines. It is an awesome time to be a gamer. So many haters on both sides of this console war. This gen is so much better than last gen. So many exclusives.

I have only been on N4G for about a month. I found it funny at first the amount of fanboys bickering back and forth. Now I find it a bit sad. Unless you are a young kid, I don't see why you wouldn't own both consoles and just be happy with everything. I know, some people say they don't have them money. Well get off of N4G and pick up a part time job and earn some extra cash and buy the freaking other console. Of course, I believe most of the fanboys on both sides are young people. Being a 38 year old gamer, first console was the magnavox odyssey, it does take me back a bit to my coleco vs intelevision vs atari and my snes vs genesis days. I never remember so much hate though, we would talk a bit of smack, but we wouldn't act like we were far superior than the other guy mentally because we chose one console over the other. I think thats what turns me off so much on this site is the elitism I see on one side or the other. Like if you love your 360 and don't like the ps3 you must be retarded or feebleminded, and vice versa if you like the ps3 over the 360.

Just my 2 cents.

XDF5210d ago

I am the complete opposite. I owned over 70 X360 games and around 14 PS3 games.

I have all the big Microsoft exclusives and all the Big Sony exclusives. I get 95% of my Third party games on X360 because of Live, Friends, most of the time better ports, and achievements. I got a few 3rd party port like Batman: AA and Dante's inFerno PS3 because they have more content in them.

I think the console exclusive X360 lineup for in 2010 is better than the PS3 and fits my gaming taste. That is why I have or will get ME2, Splinter Cell, Metro 2033, Alan Wake, Crackdown, Fable 3, and Reach. The only Sony exclusive that I have on my shopping list so far is GOW3. But of course if KZ3 or Agent is announced for this year, then I will get those as well.

The Wood5210d ago (Edited 5210d ago )

cause we'll all be broke....lol

but yeah....having all consoles is the cake and eat it scenario BUT some dont have OR want that choice. 2 of the 3 seems to be the norm whilst 2 of them are very similar so having one of the HD consoles isnt such a bad thing ......I've just about got enough time to play the games on the 2 consoles i own.

MrBuffalo5210d ago

Totally agree... I can't believe that there are four people who disagree. Wheres the logic?

ape0075209d ago (Edited 5209d ago )

agreed 100%

we need more great guys like you in n4g

bubbles to all :)

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5210d ago
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Gamer buys 4,000 copies of Alan Wake, none of them work

Alan Wake, from Max Payne and Control creator Remedy, is a horror classic, prompting one player to buy 4,000 copies that don’t even work.

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roadkillers46d ago

Kind of a goody story...

On a serious note, that is why I try activating gift cards asap. It's happened to me where the store didnt scan it right where the card was unusuable. Happened at Wally World.

gigoran846d ago

wait, that place is real? national lampoon wasn't kidding?

Tacoboto45d ago

I just bought two of the MonsterVerse Godzilla movies on 4K - both had digital copies expiring in 2023. Both were actually expired.

I'd be surprised but it's WB, of course they'd actually expire them

Knightofelemia46d ago

Usually most of those redemption card have an expiry date on them. If they expired all buyer did was buy recycled paper. And some of those codes are country locked to certain countries. I buy a card from the States I can't use it in Canada.

Chocoburger46d ago

Dumb and silly story. She wasted her money for no reason.

Is it really that hard to go to Steam or GOG. She spent $240, when its currently 70% off on GOG, and only costs $4.49.

Gee, I wonder, should I spend $240 on eBay, or $4.49 on GOG? 🙄

Rynxie46d ago

Most likely she wanted to resell a few or most of them. However, it was a too good to be true situation.

46d ago
Profchaos46d ago

So in short she paid $240.00 assuming usd for a bunch on unactivated game codes.

I still don't understand why I guess cause there's not a physical version and she wanted something for a collection or art project.

Rynxie46d ago

No, most likely to resell. However, she ended up getting screwed.

Asplundh46d ago

This is Alan Wake 1, it had physical copies.

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Previously On... Alan Wake

Alan Wake 2 continues the writer's story, 13 years later.


A thermos is upending the Alan Wake community

Remedy has Alan Wake merch on sale, including a pretty blue thermos. Unfortunately, things haven’t gone according to plan, and many players who want a thermos find themselves without one, though it does appear that Remedy is attempting to fix things. Nevertheless, it has resulted in a lot of upset, illustrating just how much the thermos means to Alan Wake fans.

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