
Microsoft: Alan Wake will no longer be coming to the PC

It was previously thought that the PC version of Alan Wake would be worked on after the release of its Xbox 360 version in May, but Microsoft has shattered hopes by confirming to Strategy Informer that Alan Wake will no longer be coming to PC.

"Some games are more suited for the intimacy of the PC, and others are best played from the couch in front of a larger TV screen. We ultimately realised that the most compelling way to experience "Alan Wake" was on the Xbox 360 platform, so we focused on making it an Xbox 360 exclusive. Both Microsoft and Remedy have long histories in PC game development. This decision was about matching this specific game to the right platform." said a Microsoft spokesperson.

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BigKev455223d ago

I guess the PC gets the middle finger again.

lelo2play5223d ago

This is old news. It was confirmed months ago that it would only come to the X360 and not the PC.

Perjoss5223d ago

@ frank,

its pretty much an endless cycle, the 'giants' move over to consoles, But there are almost infinite smaller dev teams working on PC titles. It just makes things easier for them to sell their games on the PC. The PC has more exclusives than any other platform in history, they are just not from giant well known devs / publishers.

Kain815223d ago

i like the PC, but what is the point to have a Gaming PC when there is no Game to play, than i can live with all other open source OSs like Unbuntu and the likes.

I hope this Google os brings some fresh wind to the Industry...

M$ digs its own grave...
i see some lost marketshare on M$ side

Natsu X FairyTail5223d ago (Edited 5223d ago )

your comment isnt making any real sense.

When a Game like ME2 is available on both Vista and xbox people say why MS doesnt have any Exclusives on 360 and when they get a game only on xbox poeple ask why isnt it on PC? c'mon now.

And How is MS digging their own grave by letting 1 game being only on xbox360?

Do you Really think this will have an effect on the world Wide Sales of Windows Computer OS? I guess you think that every windows OS owner play Video games. C'mon now.

SL1M DADDY5223d ago

And they have simply solidified my thoughts of their own idiocity with a single statement. Last I checked, my PC has HDMI out and is connected to a 42" HDTV. Sorry, but to pass up the PC because is does not offer an intimate setting for a game like this? That's sad.

heroprotagonist5223d ago

It sucks for PC gamers but it makes sense why Microsoft would want some of their games on both the PC and 360 and some only on the 360.

I agree with the guy above me that no matter what MS does, some people are going to complain.

Rush5223d ago (Edited 5223d ago )

The fact people are actually agreeing with your tripe shows how bias this site is.

Your just disappointed you can't call this a non exclusive any more. Even though the PC market and console market have never messed with each others sales.

Its funny how the PS3 fanboy's here like to bring the PC up when talking about exclusives, but totally disregard it when talking about graphics.

SilentNegotiator5223d ago

I hope we start seeing game support for other OSes more often, because Microsoft doesn't even want their own OS being used for gaming, at least not so long as they have a fee-rifled console for you to waste money on.

krisq5223d ago

Looks like they're afraid of Sony. They want to push consoles with Alan Wake exclusivity. The game must be pretty good then.

chak_5223d ago

I'd say the whole fist, but that's just my point of view

Cold 20005223d ago (Edited 5223d ago )

I'm a PS3 only owner and I just bought a new 900$ rig for this game ! ;)

A Cupcake for Gabe5223d ago

MS would take a loss from Games for Windows just to throw it in Sony's face that this game is really an exclusive...

Got to admire that retarded view of thinking, since they really aren't effecting the PS3 gamers more or less, like MS is screwing over the PC gamers. Sorry PC kronies....You again get the shaft.

BTW the new Alan Wake trailer looks gay...The demo was really impressive until this FIGHT WITH LIGHT crap came out. I just hope it has a lot of puzzles with light and isn't just like the traveling from burning car to oil drum for 10 hours, like the one scene in Gears 1, where you need to stay in the light and that's it. Substance is the key.

mastiffchild5223d ago

Avoiding any of the fanboy nonsense that gets spoken around here the thing that's wrong about Alan Wake(as I predicted way, way back)not making it onto PC is the time frame we've all suffered with AW.

How peeved would 360 only gamers be if it was the other way round? You wait five years for a game, in that time all the footage shown(til recently anyway it was all PC)is from "your" version, you put up with worries over whether the games features are being reduced and then , when it looks like you may finally get to play the game it's whipped out from under your feet! HGaven't PC gamers got every right to be pi55ed off with MS/Remedy here? If it was 360 exclusive from the start noone, noone in the world wuld mind one bit-vconsoles need exclusives, but the way it happened here is really crappy, imo.

Think of the things that wind gamers up the most and thing like this and others where the goalposts get moved are always near the top of the list this gen. If a game is advertised as a multi for years it's wrong to change it last minute, if a game is timed exclusive it's wrng to pretend it's fully exclusive and it's also wrong to take a game and advertise it for years as exclusive, allow people to buy systems on the strength of those ads and THEN change it to multiplat.

This has nothing to do with any platform preference but more to do with us gamers being treeated like crap yet again and only the staunchest of MS supporters could possibly suggest that the way Alan Wake has been handled, with regard to the PC gamer, is anything other than totally unfair. I still get to play what looks to be a very good game as I have a 360 but I really feel for those who were looking forward to this on their PC and if MS wanted, which is fair enough, another true exclusive reason to buy a 360 they should have done it a long, long time ago-that's all there is to it, imo.

What I will say, however, is the "intimacy" argument is the biggest load of bollox I've heard in a while-including what Zipper and T10 say!

Cold 20005223d ago

I understand your point of view but...it's only a game.

Moreover it's not like it was already commercialized and MS all of a sudden canceled further PC copies. It's not even out yet and didnt even have a release date till E3 2008.

chak_5223d ago

good writing mastiff, though I disagree on your last point.

It's not time to buy a 360 to play an exclusive game, but more hate microsoft for what they did to PC during they greedy rage (which isn't over it seems).

I'll never buy a 360 for one, or more exclusive, there are just so many things to play

Immortal3215223d ago


I'm sorry but I just saw the God of war3 trailer and, My God! that game is looking out this world.

That alan wake trailer was soo? dull?, I'm sorry again but, that trailer was so lack luster. "ok I'll write!"

I know half the 360clan don't like heavy rain, and to think they would like this game! forget about it.(story wise)

Christopher5223d ago

Yeah, known a while ago. This is Microsoft's way of inflating their exclusive line up while saying FU to the PC users.

WIIIS15223d ago

PS3 fanboys are suddenly so sympathetic towards PC gamers... I have to wonder why they never criticized Sony for not bringing games to the PC? Maybe they also mistakenly believe that the PC can't handle Sony exclusives lol!

Immortal3215223d ago

a PC cant handle a ps3 exclusive.

ps3 exclusives fills in the screen while pc/360 games stretches to meet standards.

just like mag, take away the eye candy visuals and add a sense of action happening around you.

D4RkNIKON5223d ago

They just lost a sale because this game will not be enough for me to buy a 360.

starchild5223d ago

This is old news. I was upset when I first found out about it, but I feel like I am moving more towards the consoles nowadays anyway. I still love the PC for certain exclusives and some multiplatform games, but I also enjoy what the consoles have to offer.

I think making it completely exclusive to the 360 has allowed them to put more time and effort into the 360 version, which in the end will result in a more polished game for 360 owners.

There are still plenty of good games to look forward to on the PC.

snp5223d ago (Edited 5223d ago )

PS3 fanboys are suddenly so sympathetic towards PC gamers... I have to wonder why they never criticized Sony for not bringing games to the PC? Maybe they also mistakenly believe that the PC can't handle Sony exclusives lol!

I think you've conflated a few things in a bit of a muddled way.

This isn't about MS 'not bringing' a game to the PC, it's about them harvesting games 'off of the PC' - that are already destined for and well into development (and publically demoed/announced) on the PC - and then having those versions cut off at the knees before release to benefit the Xbox.

If MS wants to develop/fund games (and some studios) ground up, and give a chance to indies to become second party providers with budgets/conditions they couldn't otherwise enjoy (ie. Sony's situation you've alluded to), then that'd be absolutely great. I for one would be cheering them.

I don't think you'd see any PC user complain either, since that wouldn't be a situation where they're being (cynically and quite publically) exploited and then late in, shafted.

Though i don't think you actually confuse the situation this badly. You're being deliberately dense/obtuse, yeah?

Anon19745223d ago

That worries me. Alan Wake is a bit of a niche title, not one to light up the sales charts like a Gears of War or Halo. Microsoft knows that. So why would they can the PC version at this stage, especially considering how seamless it is to develop for both the PC and 360 simultaneously. Do they not think that they'll make enough off the PC version to even bother shipping one or is there something else amiss.

I've been hyped about Alan Wake since I first heard about the concept and started seeing the screenshots years ago, and I've never hidden how excited I was for this game but this has me concerned.

IdleLeeSiuLung5223d ago (Edited 5223d ago )

All the Sony fanboys are now coming out in droves with their hatchet since Alan Wake is now a "TRUE" exclusive. I guess the Sony fanboys got what they wanted, a platform exclusive game!

Isn't that what you all were yelling for! Complaining about how the 360 didn't have exclusives because it came out on the PC as well. Well MS answered you!


Reality is that I could care less if another platform gets the game even if it is the Wii or PS3 as long as it is on the platform of my choice.

darthv725223d ago

I was getting tired of ps3 fans saying this game is not exclusive when it was...all along. If you want to play you got to pay (for a 360). I accepted the fact MGS4 was never coming to 360 and got a ps3. Turn about is fair play.

There is a benefit to owning both...you miss out on nothing. HR for ps3...AW for 360. Win win for multiconsole gamers!

dragunrising5223d ago

Too bad the PS3 fanboys can't play Alan Wake on their high end PC's now (sarcasm).

Before anyone gets upset realize that all of PS3's exclusives never come to the PC either. Which company is doing a larger disservice to gamers as a whole?

There are guaranteed to be articles in the future titled: "PC gamers get screwed, blah blah." Why isn't Heavy Rain, Infamous, Killzone 2, etc, etc coming to the PC then?

Perhaps Microsoft has realized they need compelling exclusives to sell their console.

snp5223d ago (Edited 5223d ago )

I was getting tired of ps3 fans saying this game is not exclusive when it was...all along.

Even when it was being demonstrated on quad pc's as 'the' game that would show off/take advantage of the newest pc technology?

If you want to play you got to pay (for a 360). I accepted the fact MGS4 was never coming to 360 and got a ps3. Turn about is fair play.

'Turn about'? I'm confused. How has MGS4 - which was developed ground up for the PS3 and never anything else - got anything to do with the PC market being exploited, harvested, and then dumped (to no-one but MS's gain)?

I'm trying to imagine the equivalency... There simply is none.

There is a benefit to owning both...you miss out on nothing. HR for ps3...AW for 360. Win win for multiconsole gamers!

There's a benefit to owning everything, of course - you're covered whatever happens. But there was no 'gaming' win to anyone today (apart from for a few excitable trolls). The highest speced version of a game with a long development time, and numerous public showings (just about exclusively on that very system) has just been dumped - along with that section of it's audience (which would include a number on non-console owners) for cynical reasons.

snp5223d ago (Edited 5223d ago )

Before anyone gets upset realize that all of PS3's exclusives never come to the PC either. Which company is doing a larger disservice to gamers as a whole?

And they're never intended for the PC, are never announced for the PC, and are funded, ground up, by Sony. Without Sony they wouldn't exist... I fail to see the comparison.

There are guaranteed to be articles in the future titled: "PC gamers get screwed, blah blah." Why isn't Heavy Rain, Infamous, Killzone 2, etc, etc coming to the PC then?

Simple. Again, they're not intended for the PC, they're not announced for the PC, and they're privately funded in a way that has nothing to do with the PC (or another platform). Funding without which, they wouldn't exist in any form - exclusivity is a lesser evil than nonexistence to 'gamers as a whole', i would have thought.

Perhaps Microsoft has realized they need compelling exclusives to sell their console.

I'm absolutely sure of it. Now, hopefully they'll start to go about it the right way - maybe actually open up a few studios, and give some funding to some indies who couldn't pursue their ideas without them. Rather than harvesting other platforms and adding nothing of their own to gaming (with, of course, the odd exception)

Hopefully you and your ilk will figure out the difference by then as well...

WIIIS15223d ago

Lol! Snp, so a self-serving company that decided never to develop games on a pc in order to protect their own console's sales is less culpable (from a pc gamer's perspective) than a company that has always developed games on both console and pc but now decided that 1 game is not going to the pc? Just get off your high horse there, you're just trying too hard to make your fanboyism sound clever!

FACTUAL evidence5223d ago

can it be....? An actual 360 exclusive!?!

snp5223d ago (Edited 5223d ago )

Lol! Snp, so a self-serving company that decided never to develop games on a pc in order to protect their own console's sales is less culpable (from a pc gamer's perspective) than a company that has always developed games on both console and pc but now decided that 1 game is not going to the pc? Just get off your high horse there, you're just trying too hard to make your fanboyism sound clever!


You know, Pepsi has never made PC games either... But they're also not harvesting existing pc games/development. I don't believe Kraft does, either - but nor are they, to my knowledge, harvesting existing pc games/development...

Games exist to sell systems. You can do it the right way in terms of creating 'more' games overall - and showing you're serious about the medium and not using it as a trojan horse - or you can do it the cynical way.

The right way is opening studios and partnering with companies to get ideas that never were off the ground (doing something with a long term perspective). The cynical way - which adds nothing - is to give big gobs of cash to get delays and prevent dlc on your competitors products, and to gut the markets that you think are vulnerable (PC) swanning in at the late stage.

I never owned a Snes - i had a Megadrive. Didn't resent Mario. Nintendo funded it; wouldn't have existed without them. Always curious about it, but life entails choices.

I never resented a range of PS1/PS2 games - i owned a Dreamcast and Gamecube. As much as i'd have loved to play Ico, it's was Sony's game, ground up, to do what they liked with. My choice.

Likewise a small range of MS products that were funded ground up, not owning a xbox360 so far (though i may well get one if push comes to shove on enough games). And indeed for the PS3 as well, up until purchasing one a bit under year and a half ago (i've owned a Wii/high spec PC/DS 'this gen' much longer than i've had a ps3, point of fact).

As much as you're a troll/brat, you're not stupid mate. I know you know the difference. And this 'it's just 1 game!' bit screams of defensiveness.

Kazu0 Hirai5223d ago

The PC simply cannot match the power of the Xbox 360. Alan Wake will be the best looking game of all time. Suck it PS3 fantards.

vhero5223d ago (Edited 5223d ago )

Wasn't this like totally old news?? Who cares if Jamie and his magic torch ain't coming to PC? It ain't no Mass Effect is it? @above You really need councilling mate PC can't match power of 360??? I don't think 1 person on here will agree with you. Your totally deluded. PC surpassed 360 and PS3 soon as the technical specs are locked down.

Moragami5223d ago

I'll probably still be playing Bad Company 2 long after this game has been hyped, overhyped, underhyped and then forgotten about. If not, I can always play Bioshock 2, or Assassin's Creed 2, or Borderlands, or Mass Effect 2. Yeah you're right we PC gamers are completely out of options.
What's the real story? Got processor envy? Hate that our games cost $10 less? Hate us because we have no loyalty to a giant corporation? (Most of us use Microsoft products because we have to, not because we're their cheerleaders). Because we're not as enthusiastic about having our wallets raped? Yay Sony! You are my favorite multinational conglomerate corporation! Whoopee! Thanks for allowing me to spend way more than I need to on your awesome products, so I can feel "EXCLUSIVE".

Old Greg5223d ago

will not decide the future of PC gaming.
Until consoles decide to offer everything PCs do, and match the graphic and customization capabilities(essentially making them PCs, irony)---PCs will always be dominate to consoles.
But by allowing certain games to be exclusive to console----it lets consoles secure their futures.

Darkstorn5223d ago

This is B.S.
Then again, I probably wouldn't be able to run it with my mediocre 256mb graphics card...

-SIXAXIS-5223d ago

WIIIS1: PS3 fanboys are suddenly so sympathetic towards PC gamers... I have to wonder why they never criticized Sony for not bringing games to the PC? Maybe they also mistakenly believe that the PC can't handle Sony exclusives lol!

Nobody criticizes Sony for not bringing games to the PC because they never promised it in the first place! Sony was always known for keeping their games to themselves, and they never turned around and changed that policy last minute.

pixelsword5223d ago

1. Am I wrong, or Maybe it was a rumor first, but I thought this was announced already.

2. This is now an exclusive and may properly be called so; if you wanna play Alan Wake, get a 360: that's just the way it is. I just want to know why 360 fanboys (not 360 fans, there's a difference) are gloating that it's now an actual exclusive? You can't have it both ways: either Alan Wake never was or still is an exclusive.

I wanted to wait and see if the graphics on the PC were better than the 360, but given that Mass Effect 2 on the 360 was good enough to get on the 360 or PC without missing very much at all (unlike Gears 1 with the Brumak battle) I think Alan Wake might have fell in the category that it didn't make a difference graphic-wise, so they concentrated on the 360 and dropped or delayed the PC version *(I think they delayed it, but time will tell)

3. How many people think it's a timed exclusive, given the GTA4 DLC announcement?

4. Did this game switch over because it's episodic? Do episodic games even exist on the PC? If so, how do they do sales-wise? Thanks in advance for anyone who can answer.

IaMs125223d ago


You gotta remember that not everybody owns a computer that has a HDMI output connected to a 42" HD TV, let alone a computer can run the game at max settings.

Im not saying it was wise decision but i call hypocrites on tons of people. Like stated above, when a game is coming out on PC and 360 its not exclusive but when it just goes 360 people complain its not on the PC. Make up your minds people... damn

snp5223d ago (Edited 5223d ago )

Im not saying it was wise decision but i call hypocrites on tons of people. Like stated above, when a game is coming out on PC and 360 its not exclusive but when it just goes 360 people complain its not on the PC. Make up your minds people... damn

One last, then i'm done... (have another bubble left, but can't be a-ssed).

If a game is coming out on both, it's not exclusive - though it may be called 'console exclusive'. I think MS needs to fund more games that fit the bill of 'exclusive', sans any qualifiers, to attract those who already own PC's (or PC/PS3's). I don't think the most ethical way of going about that, though, is to cancel games that are already being developed (and have been previously announced) for the PC, that have been almost exclusively demonstrated using the PC version, and which have been in development on the PC for four or five years.

And i don't see any hypocrisy - or inconsistency even - in that position (undistorted).

Saying they need exclusives doesn't automatically mean two thumbs up to any and every way they go about getting them.

IdleLeeSiuLung5223d ago (Edited 5223d ago )

Games in development get canceled all the time. I was rather disappointed when Starcraft Ghost was cancelled, but it is no different when a PC version of a game get's cancelled.

Maybe the expected sales versus piracy isn't worth continuing development? Maybe it affects development of the more important (to sales) 360 version?

There are a variety of reasons why and if you must blame, then perhaps you should blame MS/Remedy for announcing it too early before a PC product is ready. However, I think they already learned their lesson and now for the most part only announce games that are within 12 months to release.

MGSR THE HD VERSION5223d ago (Edited 5223d ago )

yawn, yawn, yawn.

it was said exclusive long ago. what they are saying now is "haven't you been listing to the first time it was said?." so i wouldn't be shouting left and right.

and i wouldn't be all innocent and say Ms is the bad guys, cause you know what i would be hearig if sony some how bought the rights to FF13 long ago and scrapped the 360 version completely?

............................. .............................. . ............i think i would be hearing a lot of cheering right about now :)

so don't be poring any of that BS in my drink.

Sarcasm5222d ago

"so we focused on making it an Xbox 360 exclusive"

Straight from the horses mouth. Even MS themselves acknowledges that the PC is a platform. So you 360 folks need to stop beating the bush with that "console exclusive" nonsense. However, with that said Alan Wake is now a TRUE 360 exclusive.


@Cold 2000
lol that must be the dumbest move iv'e ever heard of. You spent 900$ when you could've just spent 139$ for a refurbished xbox360 and brought the hard drive separate for 50$. you could have saved over 700$ but instead you want to support a fanboy thesis and play xbox360 games on PC, sad =/

RedPawn5222d ago (Edited 5222d ago )

I bought my CE of Mass 2, but I don't believe this game is exclusive, just like I don't believe Splinter Cell is exclusive, but I'm not gonna cry. This was announced a while ago, and this game is taking too damn long.


I just watched the Reach Vid Doc and I have to say that $hit looks very organic, and cinematic. I'm glad ODST put the emphasis on actually telling more story into the HALO. It also looks like Bungie's time w/ Naughty Dog on Uncharted 2, transistioned very well with the whole stealth kill tech.

mephixto5222d ago (Edited 5222d ago )

What's the purpose of Games for Windows? I can't understand Microsoft

reaferfore205222d ago

It seems to me that they're trying to compete with Heavy Rain in the sense that you can only play these games on their respective console.

frostypants5222d ago

"We ultimately realised that the most compelling way to experience "Alan Wake" was on the Xbox 360 platform"

Translation: We realized that we were getting our asses handed to us on the exclusives front by Sony, so we had to create one artificially by canceling one of the platforms for Alan Wake.

I mean really, does anyone NOT see through this?

frostypants5222d ago (Edited 5222d ago )

"All the Sony fanboys are now coming out in droves with their hatchet since Alan Wake is now a "TRUE" exclusive."

Except it's NOT a "true" exclusive. It's a multi-platform that had it's legs chopped out from under it for corporate reasons. It stinks of desperation.

I own a 360 AND a PS3 AND a PC, and this is garbage. The PC version would have been the better one graphically, and adventure games are always better on the PC, but now I have to settle for the watered down 360 version just because some Microsoft marketing analyst determined it was a good idea? F*CK THAT.

This is pathetic. Yeah, nice "exclusive", Microsoft. Jesus...

Karum5222d ago

Microsoft won't lose much if any market share because gaming on Windows dies unless start making their games on other operating systems.

Besides, Windows is vastly used in business places around the world, it is the ubiquitous operating system for the majority of office spaces in the world and also for general home users for evedryday tasks.

although I am kinda with you here, if I didn't use my PC for playing games on I'd probably roll with either just a PC running Ubuntu or switch to being a Mac user.

As for MS losing market share because gaming is having a hard time on PC? I highly doubt that, the PC gaming community is still massive.

+ Show (50) more repliesLast reply 5222d ago
sukru5223d ago

There goes my bubbles, but finally an exclusive which will not come to other platforms.

MS should've started investing in real exclusives long ago.

toaster5223d ago (Edited 5223d ago )

Yeah, Xbox360 doesn't get many true exclusives does it. No worries, us PC gamers have our hands full.

I'll still be buying Alan Wake for 360 though. Maybe not first day, it looks promising but I'll wait a little bit and get some feedback from friends.

Guido5223d ago (Edited 5223d ago )

Instead of claiming multiplatform games as exclusive.

Kurylo3d5223d ago

wow i gotta say microsoft if full of sh*t on this one. You can just as easily plug up a 360 controller to your pc and your pc to an hd television or monitor... hell i do it... They could have had a better lookn version on the pc...kinda sux....

1nOnly5223d ago

Exactly my point! MS has been blindly ignoring that almost every PS3 owner have a gaming PC (just an assumption) and therefore giving them no reason at all to buy a 360. The PC already has MANY exclusives.
Just think of how much the 360 would have sold last month if ME2 went 360 exclusive? Instead of investing in stupid DLC timed exclusive they should have payed EA and Bioware to drop the PC version (from a business point). Many people would pissed (obviously) but in the end it wouldnt matter THAT much, how many people didnt talk about not buying MW2 because of the dedicated servers? and how many did buy the freaking game?

Windows is going to sell as it usually does no matter if games are being released on it or not..most people I know just pirate the damn thing anyway since Windows XP

vhero5223d ago

They shouldn't have invested in 3rd party exclusives at all and instead built more of there own studios and made top AAA games themselves like Sony did.

pixelsword5223d ago

I don't know whether to put this as survival horror or maybe in it's own gene, though.

Conando5223d ago

It's very doubtful that more than 10% of PS3 owners would have a PC capable of running these games as well as the 360. What fantasy world are you living in?

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5223d ago
Omega45223d ago

Well this wont sit well with PS3 owners and their super powered PCs

Hellsvacancy5223d ago (Edited 5223d ago )

Y would PS3 owners give a damn? did u not c the new God Of War trailer?, Alan Wake looks like Alone In The Dark, id rent it IF it was on the PS3, CERTAINLY wouldnt buy it

Natsu X FairyTail5223d ago

Hellsvacancy acting as if some PS3 fanboys here dont pull the I'll buy Alan wake on PC when it comes out card all the time.

how cute.

xabmol5223d ago (Edited 5223d ago )

Thanks for striking the first match, Omega!! /s

Shaman5223d ago

Yea sure if AW looks like Alone in Dark,then your beloved GOW III looks like Bayonetta...see what i did here?

Active Reload5223d ago

good observation it shows that you care. I'm sorry, but what I said wasn't with a straight face.

Back on topic, can anyone honestly say if they were in MS's shoes that they would release this on the PC. The 360 is were the money is at.

green5223d ago (Edited 5223d ago )

God of war is my favorite Sony franchise and i will be buying a pS3 next month because of that game.Seriously excited and can't wait to play it but to be honest, in the graphics department God of War 3 is nothing special.Alan Wakes trailer released yesterday showed a game that was graphically superior to that of GOW3 and to top it up Alan Wake has the most impressive lighting system i have ever seen on consoles.

@ Fox01: I was supposed to buy a ps3 a year ago but put it on hold because my flatmates got one.But decided to get one now because he never buys anything good. All he plays day in and day out is MW2 and Fifa 10 so i got to force him to rent Killzone 2,MGS4 and Uncharted 2 so that i could play them.

Fox015223d ago

What happened to your former PS3, did you sell it?

heroprotagonist5223d ago

I agree, green. I found the Alan Wake trailer more impressive than the God of War 3 trailer.

I love God of War and I have played through both of the previous games on the PS2. I guess that's why I am not overly impressed by things like the scale, because I have seen what large scale SSM did in the previous God of War games on the weak little PS2. Sure, the scale is amped up for the new game, but you would of course expect that. When I look at the basic look of the game during gameplay it doesn't look like that vast of an improvement over the previous amazing God of War games. A big part of what has always made the God of War games so nice to look at was the mythical Greek setting and the art that drives it.

I also agree with you with regard to Alan Wake's lighting. It is truly exceptional.

LastDays5223d ago

Umm...God of war came out before bayonetta. And alone in the dark came out before alan wake. So no I don't really see what you did.

Guido5223d ago

Yeah I see what you did there. You made yourself look like an a$$ by saying GOWIII looks like Bayonetta. Everybody knows Bayonetta looks like butt compared to GOWIII. Your eye's are out of focus.

Bluemaster775223d ago

LMAO thats exactly what i was thinking , since the not true exclusive argument for this game has been buried i wondered what they will come with next.

Shaman5223d ago

I didnt say it looks like Bayonetta but rather that you kill random enemies with similar weapons and gameplay is very similar,GOW III looks miles better,its not even debatable.

But Alan Wake was in development before Alone in Dark,its also original game,its thriller not horror.And just like GOW III to Bayonetta,AW to Alone in Dark looks miles better.Its common that fanboys say that AW sucks because of having flashlight just like Alone in Dark,so i said GOW III is like Bayonetta killing enemies with similar weapons and in similar style...

mastiffchild5223d ago

That's the comment of a tool Omega-what about people legitmately upset after waiting five years to play th game on their PC? They deserve your scorn I suppose? And then to be told it's because of "intimacy" when most of us(though I, sadly, can't)have our rig connected to our TV is a load of cack, is it not?

Seriously, it may be that MS want more exclusive 360 games which is fine but what they shouldn't do is allow people who game primarily on PC to look forward to a game for so long before taking it exclusive. Maybe MS wanted to take it exclusively to the 360 because of a few PS3 fanboys saying they will play it on PC-I doubt it but they might-but even so it's no reason to tjhink this is anything other than a massively out of order move towards PC gamers. PS3 gamers don't come into the discussion here.

However, to act smug and make this about the PS360 divide when a group of gamers are genuinely bewing treated like crap shows just what a great asset you are to the gaming community. Seriously, mate, grow up and imagine if you'd been looking forward to it for that long , seen your version(the superior one too)running for years to promote the game only to have it pulled out from under you last minute? I suppose you'd enjoy seeing someone trying, feebly, to score fanboy points on the subject wouldn't you? Shhesh.

snp5223d ago (Edited 5223d ago )

Mixed response.

Smart from MS in one sense - as a PC/PS3 owner they're going to need some genuine exclusives if they want to force me into buying their console. I've had my eye on this for the PC; i'll continue to see how it plays out on the Xbox360, and with a few other games not available elsewhere, it 'might' provide the lure.. (albeit with a kernel of resentment, being that the technically better/preferred version has been deliberately left on the shelf three quarters done).

On the other hand, though, i wish they'd actually start doing something for the 'sum total of gaming'. You know, open up some studios. Bring something of their 'own' to the table that wouldn't be there 'without them', rather than simply harvesting PC games (and in the process disillusioning pc gamers) and throwing money bags to move (traditionally) Sony platform products across (or delay release dates/dlc).

Something actually new. Their 'own', ground up (rather long after this or that game has already begun without them as a multiple platform title, with multiple platform promotion/announcements).

Perhaps Natal might start them on that road. Hope so - though it'd be nice if Natal came in conjunction with actually opening a few studios/starting something up looking at gaming's long term, rather than just seeing the Xbox as a trojan horse.

Christopher5223d ago

Make jokes all you want about PS3 owners buying for the PC, but I own all 3 (PS3, 360, and PC) and I buy for PC over 360 solely for the fact that I know my hardware won't crap out AND, most importantly, it doesn't sound like my disc drive is trying to escape into space based on RPMs alone.

aaron58295223d ago

alan wake not on pc anymore.. i guess i'll look forward to splinter cell now... that game looks really good.


Splinter cell is till scheduled to release on pc right ?

vhero5223d ago (Edited 5223d ago )

I never really cared about this game I don't think a lot of people will either as nobody knows what to expect of this game yet with the limited footage from this game and considering how long it has took to make. Lets be fair here are people really looking forward to PLAYING this game are are fanboys just happy because its exclusive? I think its the latter. Only 360 games I would love on my PS3 are gears 2, castle crashers (coming to ps3 at last woohoo) and worms Armageddon. That's an honest fact. Loved Gears 1 on my 360 before my 3rd one smoked on me :(. Refuse to buy another after that.

IdleLeeSiuLung5223d ago (Edited 5223d ago )

... and even more LOL at the OP comment.

Karum5222d ago

Sits well with PS3+Powerful PC owner and I'll tell you why.

I also own a 360.

I'm actually glad MS are making sure that a game is CONSOLE EXCLUSIVE for a change. I'm very glad about that because it helps justify my decision to buy a 360 because I love games that are exclusive to only one specific platform because they tend to take advantage of the machine and result in an overall better game because only 1 set of hardware and player base is being catered to.

More of it please MS, more new IP's that are console exclusive and I'll be a happy 360 owner.

+ Show (18) more repliesLast reply 5222d ago
azazin5223d ago (Edited 5223d ago )

wow, finally the bots get a exclusive!! Enjoy it whilst it lasts poor bots, I will give it a year before it's announced on PC.

Murder trolls look at


Oh wow, no Gears Of War for PC then look a few months down the line:


-MD-5223d ago

It's Microsoft's game, and Microsoft is saying it's not coming.

Hold onto that hope little guy.

JasonPC360PS3Wii5223d ago

Poor droids "but but teh Windows ain't Microsoft" or "but but teh shortages" it must suck going from first to last.

heroprotagonist5223d ago (Edited 5223d ago )

I love how we can play Fable 2, Gears of War 2, Halo 3, Halo 3 ODST, Forza 2, Project Gotham Racing 4 and Forza 3 on the PC too... oh wait.

nightelfmohawk5223d ago

ha, yeah right. Just like Episodes from Liberty City, Dead Space, Star Ocean: The Last Hope, Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2, etc.

hoops5223d ago

Thats why Gears 2 is not on the PC or Halo3

Trebius5223d ago

The bots are so happy for all the wrong reasons. They're all pounding their chests saying, "Great! Now the ps3 owners cant play it on their PCs!" lol.

Insecure much cause ALL PS3 exclusives are ACTUALLY exclusive? :)


you ps3 fangirls!

You guys can still play ME2 on your $5,000 gaming computer!

Oh and you guys still have heavy button!

AliTheBrit195223d ago

"Oh wow, no Gears Of War for PC then look a few months down the line: "

And no Gears of War 2 for the PC then look, 2 YEARS down the line and still no Gears 2 :)

What's your point?

EvilBlackCat5223d ago

Fnck1ng hypocrites!!!

"If the game is on PC and Xbox 360 is not an exclusive"

now they decide to just release it on Xbox 360 they comment

"I guess PC gamers get the middle finger"

PS3 gamers worst fanboys ever!!! CHECK!!!

insomnium5223d ago (Edited 5223d ago )

So you actually are happy about MSs 50/50 tactics? There are WAY more "exclusives" that are available for other platforms also than there are true exclusives no matter how much they were not supposed to end up on other platforms. Are you happy about the (usually) blatantly lying "only on x360" sticker? Really?

You tools really never admit anything do you? No matter what.

quadalupeupe5223d ago

Microsoft killed PC gaming, took away game titles, delayed game titles and made it more difficult to game on PC

Guitarded5222d ago (Edited 5222d ago )

which one of the PS3tards said they just upgraded their PC to play this. Then I would know exactly who to point at and laugh.

I would also like to send a point and laugh out to all the dumbas$es crying about Microsoft killing PC gaming. Like all the PS3tards are so quick to point out, Microsoft makes no money off of games published on PC. Why should they care if it lives or dies? They should buy out all games on PC and make them 360 exclusive. N4G servers would melt from all the droid/PC tears.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 5222d ago
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Gamer buys 4,000 copies of Alan Wake, none of them work

Alan Wake, from Max Payne and Control creator Remedy, is a horror classic, prompting one player to buy 4,000 copies that don’t even work.

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roadkillers46d ago

Kind of a goody story...

On a serious note, that is why I try activating gift cards asap. It's happened to me where the store didnt scan it right where the card was unusuable. Happened at Wally World.

gigoran846d ago

wait, that place is real? national lampoon wasn't kidding?

Tacoboto45d ago

I just bought two of the MonsterVerse Godzilla movies on 4K - both had digital copies expiring in 2023. Both were actually expired.

I'd be surprised but it's WB, of course they'd actually expire them

Knightofelemia46d ago

Usually most of those redemption card have an expiry date on them. If they expired all buyer did was buy recycled paper. And some of those codes are country locked to certain countries. I buy a card from the States I can't use it in Canada.

Chocoburger46d ago

Dumb and silly story. She wasted her money for no reason.

Is it really that hard to go to Steam or GOG. She spent $240, when its currently 70% off on GOG, and only costs $4.49.

Gee, I wonder, should I spend $240 on eBay, or $4.49 on GOG? 🙄

Rynxie46d ago

Most likely she wanted to resell a few or most of them. However, it was a too good to be true situation.

46d ago
Profchaos46d ago

So in short she paid $240.00 assuming usd for a bunch on unactivated game codes.

I still don't understand why I guess cause there's not a physical version and she wanted something for a collection or art project.

Rynxie46d ago

No, most likely to resell. However, she ended up getting screwed.

Asplundh46d ago

This is Alan Wake 1, it had physical copies.

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Previously On... Alan Wake

Alan Wake 2 continues the writer's story, 13 years later.


A thermos is upending the Alan Wake community

Remedy has Alan Wake merch on sale, including a pretty blue thermos. Unfortunately, things haven’t gone according to plan, and many players who want a thermos find themselves without one, though it does appear that Remedy is attempting to fix things. Nevertheless, it has resulted in a lot of upset, illustrating just how much the thermos means to Alan Wake fans.

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