
Microsoft working on 'new experience in the Halo universe'

CC: We've been searching through the job listings again (after we found that Rainbow Studios arecurrently developing for next-generation consoles) and we now believe that another Halo title is in development other than Halo: Reach.

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mj2465297d ago

I wouldn't mind Bungie doing another one, though i would prefer Epic taking a break after Gears 3 then smashing the Halo experience!

Icyhot5297d ago (Edited 5297d ago )

Epic doing Halo would kill the online multiplayer as I have lost trust in them after the Gears 2 online fiasco. Epic are better of doing Gears as they don't know sh!t about how to make a good story.

I knew Bungie would break and go crawling back to M$ for a Halo title sometime, but they cracked even before the launch of Reach LMFAO. Bungie should accept the fact that they are a one trick pony and do what they do best... Make Halo games.

Tony P5297d ago

343? Of course.

Bungie? Don't see it.

Probably taking it far too literally. Just mentioning Halo in a Bungie listing isn't proof in itself. It's their most famous game and in fact mentioned at least once in all their listings on Gamasutra.

mjolliffe5297d ago

I think it's the fact that the Bungie listing asks if someone has "10 ideas on how to make Halo’s player interface better" makes it quite clear that they're working on a new Halo title.

Kushan5297d ago

@Icyhot that would be true if everything else Bungie made crashed and bombed, but since they've only made Halo Games for the past decade, how can you honestly say it's all they are good at? See what happens when they release something new and different before saying something like that.

Nihilism5297d ago

'new experience' clearly means natal halo game. How very very lame.

Shadow Flare5297d ago

I wonder how many halo games we'll see this generation. We've already seen 3 with a 4th on the way. Now it sounds like there'll be a 5th. Within one generation. Got milk?

Tony P5297d ago

@mjolliffe: Yeah, but that's one question among many asked in the introduction. All you have to do is read it and you'd know it's not conclusively proving anything about a new *Bungie* Halo. The link to the listing is right there in the article. It just needs to be read.

Minimox165297d ago

Halo kart? Halo Party? Halo dance dance marine revolution? or maybe halo hero, they said "new experience" :\

just saying....

Shepherd 2145296d ago

to be fair, Hideo Kojima has not worked on anything significant outside of Metal Gear Solid for many years, so anyone bashing Bungie for sticking with Halo would be a bit out of line.

Consoldtobots5296d ago

someone actually had the cojones to use the word new in connection with the Halo franchise?


+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 5296d ago
dpdvxkpizbnwg5297d ago

Nah i'd hate epic to doa nything other than Gears, unless it's their original game.

Nac5297d ago (Edited 5297d ago )

"It" only does trolling.

commodore645297d ago (Edited 5297d ago )


It only does superior multiplats.

It only does not.

AuToFiRE5296d ago

Microsoft Xbox 360:
It only does milk

Rocco Siffredi5297d ago

PS3 - It only patches everything!

back to topic: REACH will be the best halo game ever! Better graphics as in KZ2 were already confirmed. And the gameplay is always the best in a Halo game..

Nac5297d ago

What evidence do you have to back any of your claims?

5297d ago
lh_swe5297d ago (Edited 5297d ago )

Really? Are you that stupid? You base that opinion of a couple of HHG claims and those shaky cam pics from not too long ago?
Considering that no-one apart from Bungie has access to the game there is no verifying that claim.

If Halo Reach did match KZ2 graphically I'd be surprised and happy because as of yet I have had no proof it and I would like to see some 360 devs up their game to the level of ND and GG and considering they are working on "more complex hardware" and it being "soo much harder to develop for the PS3" I am surprised 360 devs haven't capitalised on their "easy to develop for hardware".

champ215297d ago


microsoft are working on "new experiences in the halo universe"


galo kart
galo party
galo tennis
galo painting

as they are aware the bot fanbase will stop at nothing to support this franchise..

also nothing else they do will sell.

Nac5297d ago

Bet your feeling pretty proud of yourself. Turning Halo into Galo. Which looks more like it reads "Gallow" instead of "Gaylo"(which I am sure is the desired effect). Not going to lie, it doesnt really work without the Y, maybe next time champ...

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purple10129d ago (Edited 29d ago )

Twitter is blowing up right now

All games coming to PlayStation
Next Xbox will have steam
Next Xbox niche and only for “gamers who want it” (it’s a really powerful pc or a steam deck type portable, or both)

29d ago

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Kaii102d ago

Well, 4-Infinite dropped the ball massively so don't worry.

Sgt_Slaughter102d ago (Edited 102d ago )

Not really. 4, 5, MCC, and Infinite are only remembered for their shortcomings and failures when the franchise was purely known for being a system seller and an all-time great. There's a reason 1, 2, 3, and Reach are looked back on fondly, and it's not because of nostalgia.

FinalFantasyFanatic102d ago

I don't know of anyone that speaks fondly of the later Halo games, I would like to play 5, but I know it's not good, and I'm just waiting on Infinite to hit my strike price. I played MCC a lot later after it came out, so must of those bugs/issues were gone by the time I played it.

102d ago
PhillyDonJawn101d ago (Edited 101d ago )

To say it dropped the massively is just not true. Many in the community hold H5 as the best mp mechanics in the entire series and say its what 4 should've been. Its campaign was trash but the MP is Fantastic and many faces of the community still play today and it only made 500mill in the matter of months but sure it dropped the ball massively. 4 was hated due to all the changes at once. And CoD like feature and rightful get hate but it's campaign story was liked by a majority of ppl. 343 hasn't nailed ot 100% but they get 1 thing perfect but F up in other places. Infinite had a good campaign and design but the story was a mess. The MP improves upon what Halo 3 was and is what many ppl wanted to go back to but it lacked content severely. So massively aint the word. Dropping the ball massively is when it's pure trash and unplay/unenjoyable. Most ppl blind by nostalgia so soon as 1 thing aint the same its hated cause Halo set the bar so high
FYI reach was not that good.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 101d ago
Vengeance1138102d ago

Dead IP, time to invent something new.

kaos89102d ago

Maybe they can have ID or one of the COD studios help 343 with this series.

jznrpg102d ago

Halo-Pop like Gears Pop. Halo bowling. Halo Cooking Mama. There’s a reason why you won’t hear about them

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