
PS3 Lineup For '09 Was Too Good To Be True

Don @ Gamingvice.net writes:

"In case you didn't read my article from two months ago called "PS3's Lineup for '09 Too Good To Be True?", check it out as this article will pretty much be an E3 checkpoint explaining how thankful my wallet will be for 2009. The prior article was pretty much going over how every year Sony lists about eight or nine AAA titles at the beginning of each year, only to end up releasing about three or four of them."

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Why dis5464d ago (Edited 5464d ago )

You always have to wait for Sony to show their cards in the presence of the world media around mid year. You can't go by the forced cheerleading that starts off every year. GT5 not in 2009. A sugar coated 2009 lineup for PS3 in the end. I'm getting Uncharted 2 can't wait.

You Already Know5464d ago

well, I think it should be obvious at this point that about 50% of the games slated for release in each year actually live up to their release date....while the other 50% get pushed off into the following year..

other than god of war 3 and FFXIII, there are a few shockers that caught me off guard that were pushed off into 2010 at this point...

mario2man5464d ago

why are you here this is a PS3 artical you are a xbox fanboy go in the xbox area or go play your amazing 360 please

Why dis5464d ago

Its human nature to cheer for underdogs thats why after every holiday the media actually creates these myths, I don't just blame Sony only fans.

mario2man5464d ago

please please please go away go talk about how awesome microsoft is in the 360 area please

mario2man5464d ago

why am i getting disagrees i just asked the 360 fanboy to leave nicely because this is a ps3 article. How can you disagree to that. please tell me

xabmol5464d ago

Did someone hijack Why dis's account? Or did he pull a "Giant Enemy Crab" and finally buy a PS3?

Are you neutral now Why dis? Has your PS3 trolling finally come to an end?

mario2man5464d ago

This is getting ridiculous cant you at least respond to me in words and no the disagree button what are you guys cowards

Pistolero5464d ago

Sony tend to announce many of their games so far in advance that their lineup is always deceptive and gives the illusion of being bigger than it really is. When you look at the games that actually come out within a certain time frame the ps3 and 360 are usually pretty even...although I would say that I think the 360 actually has a better lineup for the rest of the year.

n4gno5464d ago

But finally, even with some games not released, since 2 years there is more great titles on Ps3 : 2009 even more.

funny MS blogs and fans.

mario2man5464d ago

you know what i give up. disagree as much as you want. I hope you feel good inside.

chrisnick5464d ago

How many AAA's have we had this year so far? and how many more are coming? come on ppl, I can honestly say that as of June 2008 I've had too many ps3 games (especially through the fall) to play. i don't mind them pushing some back, it gives me time to play all, and its alot of a hell easier on my wallet, not to mention the games are by far the most polished i've ever seen.

5464d ago
Kleptic5464d ago

haha why dis...cheer for the underdogs?...gtfo...

why do you think the media starts hyping up sony's stuff before they even announced it...and why its completely acceptable when MS goes from having not ONE announced game for the year...to just a few...and then seeing 'they are back in it now' plastered everywhere...

Sony is no underdog...and because of that...they have had the roughest generation so far of any other console...some of that is their fault...some of it isn't...but when a company selling upwards of 300 million units of hardware has a slow start to a generation, they are hardly the little guy...

ask almost any person on earth what a "playstation" is...and chances are you will get some sort of understanding as to what its related to in return...ask them what an Xbox is...and you'll get a blank face and awkward 'what you are you talking about'...just because MS has managed to stay about 7 million units ahead...in a race to 100+ million...does not an underdog make...

TheBand1t5464d ago (Edited 5464d ago )

Why Dis should be allowed to post in any article he wants provided it's in the Open Zone.

RememberThe3575464d ago

All we knew was that Uncharted 2, R&CF2, and MAG were coming out for the holiday. everything else was speculation from the fans. Most of the talk of GoW3 and GT5 coming out in 2009 was just wishful thinking. But I have to say that WKC not coming out this holiday was really disappointing.

Over all the PS3's line-up is still slightly better then the competition and that is including multi-plats and exclusives.

ZuperAmazingCooKie5464d ago (Edited 5464d ago )

"You can't go by the forced cheerleading that starts off every year"

As opposed to the non-forced, somehow involuntary cheerleading? You get dumber by the second.

Oh, and lol, you're not getting uncharted 2 because you have no PS3.

@Pistolero below:

You know what's the biggest hypocrisy of them all? Pretending that it doesn't go both ways. *rolls eyes*


@Why dis below:

I'm tired of you not knowing anything about the english language except the word "forced". You're evidently lacking in education as you keep using the same words over and over, get a college degree, inbred.

And LOL @ disagrees.

Pistolero5464d ago

It's hypocritical the way many ps3 loyalists self righteously complain about 360 fans in a ps3 article but yet there they are in every 360 article writing their typical anti-360 drivel....at least most 360 fans will stick to points that are at least a little bit sensible...unlike the utter nonsense many ps3 fans write.

mario2man5464d ago

Ban me I respect your opinion but i just find it stupid to go into articles about something you hate and make everyone who likes said thing know about it. Im not a fan of the 360 so i dont go into the 360 sections and make everyone know about it.

TheBand1t5464d ago

And it's exceptionally hypocritical the way Xbox fanboys complain about PS3 fanboys in Xbox articles yet do a 180 and troll Sony articles.

Don't play one side as a Saint when neither is as good as the other.

TheHater5464d ago

I am guessing you was not here in 2006/2007? I am just going to leave it at that.

Why dis5464d ago (Edited 5464d ago )

SDF commence... Why can't you guys admit Sony fools the industry ever year and the media and fanboys sustain these forced perceptions.

Ok resume the personal attacks.


@Pistolero - 1.24 Good comment.

PSN ID: whydis1

Saigon5464d ago

do you realize, when sony gives game release information its always in regards to their fiscal year...even though GOW3 comes out in 2010 it still goes in sony's pockets as the end of fiscal year 2009...

Plus sony did not sugar coat their 2009 release so far weve had 5-6 AAA exclusive release world wide so far...and at the end of this year we will see more exclusives each month until April 2010 (don't know what is coming that month)...

Pistolero5464d ago


No, I wasn't around here back then...I am just going off what I have seen since I have been visiting this site. I think Why dis made a reasonable point about Sony showing their cards early...and I don't get why some people think if a person prefers one console that they don't have the other console. Many of us nowadays have two consoles and even if we favor one we still have a right to comment about things pertaining to the other one.

hamburgerhill5464d ago (Edited 5464d ago )

"Im not a fan of the 360 so i dont go into the 360 sections and make everyone know about it."

It's ok not to like the 360, but what's wrong with liking it's games? Why do I get the impression your taking this stuff way to personal? Your sitting up here calling Why Dis a fanboy, and then you turn around and denounce anything just because it's on 360. That's not a gamer my friend,and it actually puts you in the fanboy category. Why dis who clearly said "I'm getting Uncharted 2 can't wait" does not or did not sound like a fanboy. Take easy people seriously. Why can't we all be able to respond to one another in a mature sensible manner instead this vendetta stuff?

Edit below: @ hater
Well That's good you get to experience everything unlike most of the people on this site. Thanks for the reply bubbles

TheHater5464d ago

I am also guessing neither of you guys know Why Dis history?

I did at one point this console generation own the Nintendo Wii, Sony PS3 and MS Xbox 360. However, I sold me Wii and as of now I only own an Xbox 360 and Playstation 3. I get to experience gaming from both side and enjoy it.

Death5464d ago

Let's say that all Xbox fans are removed from this discussion. What exactly would the comments look like? Would the PS3 fans rejoice knowing less big name games will be released this year? I would think atleast a few of them would express some form of disappointment. Would they be cast out as Xbox fans for voicing their opinion if it was less than positive? I honestly don't get it. What is the reaction you guys are looking for to a news article like this?


xwabbit5464d ago (Edited 5464d ago )

This article is filled with 360 fan boys(multiple account disagrees) lol. Why this if sony fools people i dk what MS does lol, over hypes, rip offs' lies about games being 1080p, jasper fixing RROD which it didn't, talking about games which come how many years l8r ? If Sony is bad then MS is the devil lol. They one that makes Sony look bad is the media which over hypes everything

JL5464d ago

"It's ok not to like the 360, but what's wrong with liking it's games?"

This is the perfect comment to sum up my beliefs on the whole "console war" thing really. I hate Microsoft, with a passion. And i'm not going to apologize for it even the slightest. Hell, i think if most people actually read up on them and remember their history, they should rightfully hate them too. But that aside, just because i hate MS and thus don't give a crap about xbox360 (because it's a MS product, and being such it's really just a big piece of crappy shoddy hardware), but i'm at least not blind enough to realize that some of the games on that side are good. That's the work of other developers, not MS (cause MS sucks at their job other than marketing). i think that's a big problem though: people can't separate the software from the hardware. MS sucks yes, but some of the developers who use the xbox as a medium for their work make good games and aren't as bad as MS in any way. i do say some though cause it seems several people who get wrapped up in the xbox and MS side of things soon start turning and follow suit with MS behavior and tactics **cough**Gabe Newell and Turn10**cough**

MEsoJD5464d ago

Why do you people keep on encouraging Why Dis???

Just ignore him.

The guy obviously gets off on all the attention.

ExgamerLegends25464d ago

You can't just be saying fanboy dribble all the time and then just up and buy a PS3 and not expect people to be confused lol.

On Topic @1.3:

Has Sony ever entered a generation where they weren't the underdog? I remember the ps1 was met with a lot of doubts. Ps2 had to overcome dreamcast. Ps3 has to overcome 360 (and in some eyes the wii but i think it's pointless). It's like Sony LIKES to be doubted. And it would make sense cuz when they do finally beat the comp and overcome the odds its always seen as a major comeback.

xTruthx5464d ago

Those are multiple accounts btw

Death5464d ago

Nobody really thought they would make the impact that they did. Their second outing they had a 100 million plus fan base behind them. Their victory over the Dreamcast was won before the system even launched. Sega did not have the financial backing to even come close to cracking the Playstation fanbase. It's sad because the Dreamcast had an incredible library. By the time the Xbox and Gamecube launched it was an incredible uphill battle for second place with neither competitior making much of a dent in the Playstation 2's marketshare.

The underdog this generation was the Wii. People laughed at the specs of the Nintendo Revolution and knew it would fail. Peter Moore even promoted the Wii60 hoping to further slow down Sony's momentum. People are still calling the Wii a fad this late in the game which is more than funny. Sony did not enter this gen the underdog. They arrived late and designed and marketed a console that was very expensive to build and sell. Are they the underdog today? Yeah, but that was by design.


hamburgerhill5464d ago

Spoken like a champ my friend. Developers have nothing to do with these big corporations other than trying to make a living. If people could get past the whole console of choice argument and get back to talking about games we would all get along just fine. There's just to many good games coming out this year then to worry about console wars people. From UC2 to Conviction there all great games on the way we should all be happy about.

ExgamerLegends25464d ago (Edited 5464d ago )

I still say they entered as the underdog this gen. When the ps3 went on market it had to deal with the fact that it was highly expensive and that the 360 was taking over the market due to its year head start. Many people doubted it could succeed. The Wii wasn't the underdog to me cuz I still say they aren't competing with MS and Sony.

Edit: Oh and most of Sony's launch titles didn't get high scores. And the multiplats performed better on 360.

JL5464d ago

very true. in fact, for me, i think the two games coming this year (that we know are coming) that appear like they'd be the most fun for me are Uncharted 2 and Conviction. unfortunately though i won't be playing Conviction (as i refuse to buy MS products to voice my opinion as a consumer), though i do think at some point down the line we'll be getting Conviction over on the PS3 side too. next year sometime. but yea those two looked to me like the two i'd most like to play that i know are coming this year. i won't fret over Conviction too much though being as how already there are more games coming just that i can play on PS3 alone than i have the time or money for. but yea, come on as much as i hate (and i tell you i LOATHE microsoft) at least i can give those developers their props. Mass Effect2 will probably be good, and one of the handful i'd really like from that side. i'd love to get on some Conviction. and while Turn 10 is starting to get too big for their pants and starting to garner my hatred, their game does look pretty good as far as gameplay and all (though i'm starting to think i'd never buy it even if i had an xbox, just for the fact of their attitude as of late). just like on the PS side has UC2, R&C:ACIT, Demon's Souls, GOW3, etc etc.

XDF5464d ago

you said "Why Dis should be allowed to post in any article he wants provided it's in the Open Zone. "

LOL, tell that to Morganfail, CaseyRyback, and the millions upon millons of PS3 fanboys on x360 related articles..

Sitdown5464d ago (Edited 5464d ago )

"Ban me I respect your opinion but i just find it stupid to go into articles about something you hate and make everyone who likes said thing know about it. Im not a fan of the 360 so i dont go into the 360 sections and make everyone know about it."


Hmmmm......I think your recent post disagree with you.

Traveler5464d ago

Hmm well, the PS3's exclusive lineup isn't quite as good as I was expecting, but I am still happy with it.

Omegasyde5464d ago

Lineup's are estimates not really intended for gamers but to boost stockholder and stakeholder's confidence.

Microsoft,Sony, and Nintendo are all guilty of having games get past release dates.

I was really looking forward to Gran Tourismo 5, however its a half truth of it actually coming out in 2009 (Japan Only).

JasonPC360PS3Wii5464d ago

Sony has done this every year since the PS3 launch, and then at the end of the year it ends up going to the 360 and Wii. This year is the exact same as the last two, promises at the begining of the year and delays at the end of the year.

SaberEdge5464d ago

I've learned to take reported PS3 lineups with a grain of salt. Most of the time they are overinflated with a bunch of games that won't see the light of day for quite a while.

I prefer Microsoft's approach of announcing games closer to their release dates so that there is still an element of surprise and gamers can be more confident that the games will actually make their release dates.

IdleLeeSiuLung5464d ago

Sony has a history of showing their cards way too early. This might have helped them in the Dreamcast days and to slow down the initial 360 momentum, but as soon as it was clear that Sony was charging $600 for the PS3 when it was released the 360 took off in sales.

My issue with Sony is these early promises that just continues to be promises for a long time. By the time it actually releases, the damn hype has died and I'm not that excited to get the game anymore. The only exception was KZ2, which I didn't remember the fact that they released a CGI trailer years earlier. Ironically, if I did I probably wouldn't have bought the game.

So I recon releasing information too early can slow down the momentum of the competitor, but will potentially kill your own sales.

mario2man5464d ago

you know what screw this site. This site was suposed to be about friendly debate/conversations no full fledge war. I am never coming back here ever. I hope ever single fanboy is happy for ruining another good site for me.

Chuk_Chuk5464d ago

why is the filter not working

SuperM5464d ago

"The prior article was pretty much going over how every year Sony lists about eight or nine AAA titles at the beginning of each year, only to end up releasing about three or four of them."

Hey if you are gonna brag about how your predictions came true they better atleast be true.

Killzone2, Infamous, MLB09, MAG, Uncharted 2, R&C, Demon Souls. I count 7. I thought you said 3 or 4? Oh i guess you were wrong all along then smartass.

Marquis_de_Sade5464d ago

Chrisnick, if we go by N4G protocol and assume metacritic of 90+ = "AAA", that's one "AAA" game on the PS3, the great Killzone 2 of course. With God of War 3 and GT5 both seemingly set to hit stores in 2010 now, the PS3 and 360 line ups for the remainder of the year are more or less even.

Syronicus5464d ago (Edited 5464d ago )

That nearly half od the Sony 2009 lineup was pushed to 2010. Now we can actually afford all the games at release rather than having to pick only the ones we can afford. I would rather have half the lineup of Sony games than nothing at all...

And to the user that said:

"I prefer Microsoft's approach of announcing games closer to their release dates so that there is still an element of surprise and gamers can be more confident that the games will actually make their release dates."

Alan Wake says hi. Sorry, but both companies do this for the hype, especially since Halo: ODST was announced last year and is not scheduled for release until this fall... Yeah, that was announced right around release... NOT!

Fanboys need to quit this silly arguing, especially if you haven't got your facts right. What kind of world would this be if the fanboys would simply agree to be fans of games and not fans of consoles? I can only dream...

Naucious5464d ago

I read almost everyones comments some of them funny and some made valid points,.....

people are going to be people wether they are fanboys are not, and they are entitled to their own opinnion after all its their own thoughts about the articles they read, or else whats the point of even having a comment section.

So just like i do, it should go for the same as everyone else, that not everyone is going to agree wit you and they are not entitled to give there reason why, after all I am not your father and nether are you but i guess as a respect level it would be nice but we cant expect everyone to be on the same page, even i am victim of this but back on subject....

Sony has made some claims 09' from what ive counted they were wrong on 4, GOW3, Heavy rain, FF13, and WKC, WKC and HR was the only shocker for me, everything else was delivered so "IN MY OPINNION" Sony delivered "FOR ME".

Uzesgelen_Goo5464d ago

that peoples are multiconsole owners.unlike xbox only owner.
but i agree there is many amatur PS3 fanboys visting and talking nonsense in xbox articles but same time xbox owners are keep flaming and talking trash in ps3 articles too so don't be jackass dude....fact is fact you can't change it (even you died world will never change)...

terrandragon5464d ago

Why Dis got a PS3? Funny, I'm getting a PS3 too.

Light Yagami5464d ago

So much for 2009 year of PS3.

eagle215464d ago

Even titles like Demon Souls (Eurogamer 9/10) are still releasing plus Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 in 2009. I didn't know those two were coming till early this year. And my anticipation for God of War III is always in March and will be huge for buyers this fall knowing it hits March. White Knight is January when I still have holiday games unopened so it's fine. Bioshock 2 is coming day and date with 360 after many xbox fans swore it wouldn`t in 09'. :)

u got owned5464d ago

Funny how PS3 fans mention NG2 sigma part of their line up when X360 had that game already, because you guys know is the same game with some extra features, right?

On topic, Sony has a great 2009 line up if you include the ones already released (K2 and Infamous).

n4f5464d ago

please please shut the f*ckup
this is those comment that useally put oil on flamebait
i got the right to post on a comment if i want to if that bother then take ur fanboy heart to the open zone
this is the type of fanboy i hate

DaTruth5464d ago

Why did 360 fans get to list NG2 as exclusive? NG2 sigma will at least have something the 360 version doesn't have.... that you don't have to pay extra for! By your logic 360 has no exclusives every year!

@Whydis:L Do you have as many PSN accounts as you have multiple N4G accounts...?

u got owned5463d ago (Edited 5463d ago )

@ DaTruth

I was making a comment based on "eagle21" comment, because it's funny how the PS3 fans downplayed NG2 on X360 and now because is on their console of choice and have some added features they're proclaiming the game as a AAA tittle.

Personally i could careless about exclusives since I have both consoles and i enjoy both. BTW i have NG2 for X360 and is an awesome game.

cherrypie5463d ago

2008!1! Year of PS3!1! Oh no? Darn.
2009!1! Year of PS3!1! Oh no? Darn.
2010!1! Year of PS3!1! You guess.

+ Show (55) more repliesLast reply 5463d ago
PirateThom5464d ago

Considering Sony already released Killzone 2, MLB 09: The Show and inFamous this year with Uncharted 2, MAG and Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 Ratchet and Clank guaranteed to come in 2009, I don't think Sony did too badly. The only game that didn't make 2009, that I thought would, was Heavy Rain.

You Already Know5464d ago

oh, the lineup is and will definitely be strong...but one of the games I thought would make 09 was White Knight Chronicles....and many people were sold on God of War III being released in 2009...

as a PS3 owner...I am more than happy with the lineup, but out of the 9 games mentioned, it appears that 5 of them won't make it this year...


All god of war games come out in march.

Anon19745464d ago

I've still got games from Christmas on the PS3 I haven't had a chance to play yet, but I can't seem to tear myself away from Infamous at the moment.

My 360, on the other hand, hasn't been switched on since I finished Fable 2. Probably won't be played on until Alan Wake. I though E3 was were Microsoft was supposed to unveil their 2009 lineup we'd been waiting for. I'm still waiting, and guess what? It ain't for an overpriced 4 hour Halo expansion. MS let me down this year.

Serg5464d ago

Regarding God of War:

Quote Wikipedia:

"The name of March comes from ancient Rome, when March was the first month of the year and named Martius after Mars, the Roman god of war."

The God of War series are based on greek mythology/history but since Ares has no month, they had to go with the month of the Roman god of war.

Knowing that you could predict that it would be released in March, even if you didn't know that, going by the first 2 games of the series, which both were released in March, you could tell the third game will follow.

Regarding the other titles. I can barely find the time to play the games I already own, and the coming months bring more great games that are just too good to miss out on. Honestly? I am relieved they pushed the titles further away, I can handle waiting some more, playing Resistance 2 MP, Killzone 2 MP, inFamous, Uncharted 2, maybe M.A.G., that game alone would take up a lot of time if I would buy it, not sure yet. Ratchet and Clank Future 2. How can a PS3 owner complain about this? I am sure a lot of people are waiting for White Knight Chronicles or Heavy Rain or God of War or Gran Turismo, doesn't mean you can't enjoy what has and will be served in the near future while waiting for that must have game of yours.

Omegasyde5464d ago

GJ Serg. Hopefully that question will come up when I go on Jeopardy! .

Marquis_de_Sade5464d ago

Afrika? Oh please, is that the next game to be tossed mercilessly onto the fanboy hype train?

Uzesgelen_Goo5464d ago

*Demon's Soul* it's in october (-^_^-)

ZuperAmazingCooKie5464d ago

Afrika IS coming, how is that throwing it into the hype train? It's another game, period.

Oh, and there's Eyepet too.

Light Yagami5464d ago

Eyepet? Afrika? Lol! How sad.

Persistantthug5464d ago (Edited 5464d ago )

Whether you like or buy the game personally, it promises to display some very nice visuals and deliver good family fun. I know most of us like "hardcore" stuff, but there's room for a title like this.

I'm glad it will be available.

DaTruth5464d ago

Some of us here have children, you know! Playing LBP with my stepson is a blast! I'll hold on to that game for when my daughter is old enough!

Marquis_de_Sade5462d ago

Don't get me wrong, Afrika looks interesting, but it doesn't deserve to be mentioned with MAG, R&C, Uncharted 2 etc.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 5462d ago
Stryfeno25464d ago

Did the "Year of the PS3" postponed again?

mario2man5464d ago

please go away from the ps3 sections with Why Dis you can talk about how the ps3 is dead in the 360 section please just go away

Gue15464d ago

The funny thing was jason360man or whatever is his name saying that bots don't troll in PS3 articles...

mario2man5464d ago

wow 10 disagrees for asking a 360 fanboy to leave a 360 article. Bring them on how high can it go!

dustgavin5464d ago

Here you are again....still mad that Microsoft duped you into buying an Hd-dvd add on?

I understand you are mad that you cannot afford a Ps3.It is not our fault that you chose an inferior system. Go play your Halo map pack and let the rest of us enjoy the superior Ps3 exclusive titles.

mxdan5464d ago (Edited 5464d ago )

Why all the disagree's? Is someone creating multiple accounts again >_>.

Regardless, MGS4 > everything else


badbond15464d ago

I will be playing Uncharted 2 unlike you, which of course will be a GOTY for 2009. No other 360 game will win against that top of the line exclusive for the ps3. Oh, and if GT5 comes out around the same time that forza 3 comes out, forget about even trying to compare it to GT5!

In early 2010, what does the 360 have to compete against GOD of War III? Absolutely nothing! What will you have to say after March of 2010 when I am playing God of War and Heavy Rain, while you are playing Halo? You need to leave the arena little boy, before you get pounced!

el zorro5464d ago

You PS3 fans and your arrogance. Forza 3 is strong competition for GT5, don't fool yourself. Uncharted 2 might get game of the year, because it looks like a great game, but there are a lot of really high quality exclusives on the 360 side, not to mention all the fantastic multi-platform games coming out this year.

What does the 360 have in early 2010 to compete with God of War III? Um, only two little games called Mass Effect 2 and Alan Wake. Sheesh, wake up.

mxdan5464d ago (Edited 5464d ago )

First of all, Mass Effect 2 makes me wish I had a 360, but it's no GoW... You can't rip heads off in mass effect lol. Nor can you in Alan Wake.


Forza 3 barely had 2 years of development. While Gran Turismo 5 has almost been in development for 4 years. This speaks volumes about each companies development philosophies.

Turn 10 is trying to push sales. Claiming things like "The definitive Racer." And bragging about how Polyphony was taking notes at their showcase.

Meanwhile Polyphony Digital is perfecting their craft. Being adults. Not bribing people to vote for them. And creating what will be nothing short of their previous games. They take their time on each car and track. Sony, has given them the ability and freedom to perfect their games and unlike Microsoft, they don't have a rush philosophy.

Whats funny is that forza 3 and prologue are almost equals. And prologue has been out for two years. GT5 will be far superior to Forza if you ask me. The creative direction proves it.

Plus from a content perspective... Gran Turismo PSP has more cars then Forza 3 lol... Gran Turismo 5 is supposed to have at least double that.

el zorro5464d ago

What? Did you just say Forza 3 and GT5 Prologue are equals?

Nevermind, you are a lost cause.

KingKionic 5464d ago

Forza 3 will be amazing. Gt 5 might make it out this year.
You shouldn't discredit turn 10. They think they have made a pretty good game.

The Master Chief5464d ago

Are you Droids seriously saying Uncharted 2 will be GOTY?

Keep talking droids, all you do is humiliate yourselves over and over and over.

Keep it up.

JasonPC360PS3Wii5464d ago

Don't put words in my mouth Wiimaniac. They only thing I have ever said was that there are more Sony trolls in the 360 section than there are MS trolls in the PS3 section. If your going to try and call someone out, do some damn research so you don't end up looking so stupid.

Kill Crow5464d ago

the driods dropped KZ2 as game of the year ..... lol .... I bet Uncharted doesn't even make it in 2009 ... watch this space :-)

Sir Ken_Kutaragi5464d ago (Edited 5464d ago )

Some ChatBot had a Hissy-Fit on this bit!!! ;-D

So this year it will be -

PS3(ONLY!!!) -

MLB 09'
Uncharted 2
Fat Princess[Gabe Newell]
+ Other stuff


ChatBox 360(ONLY!!!) -

Forza 3
Erm...Alan Wait??? NOPE!!! P.C Sorry...SC:C??? NOPE!!! P.C Sorry!!!...
F-ALL Left!!! ;-D

talltony5464d ago (Edited 5464d ago )

You forgot 3 disc based exclusives for ps3 ken.

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 5464d ago
iDystopia5464d ago (Edited 5464d ago )

Don't worry droids...Uncharted, Ratchet and MAG are still gonna destroy everything this holiday season!!

They're such massive, Epic franchises....nothing can compete.

Halo ODST = Pwned

Splinter Cell: Conviction = Pwned

Forza 3 = Pwned

Left 4 Dead 2 = Pwned

Shadow Complex = Pwned

Grand Theft Auto Expansion = Pwned

As a matter of fact....Ratchet and Uncharted are such ...OMG MASSIVE franchises that Mass Effect 2, Halo: Reach, Alan Wake, Gears of War 3 and Crackdown 2 will already be owned and might as well not release next year....they might get humiliated by Uncharted and Ratchets amazing sales numbers and ratings.

PS3 will win with these amazing games, like it always does.

Right droids? :)

PirateThom5464d ago

Funny enough, there's only one game from Microsoft's epic list of 2009 ownage I plan on buying, Splinter Cell: Conviction... in fact, it will be the only 360 game I do buy this year DUE TO THE LACK OF DAMN GAMES!

You Already Know5464d ago

Forza and Splinter Cell do look pretty good...but they don't really pertain to me since I don't own a 360...

...not by choice...I just don't have the funds ahaha...


All Time Greatness5464d ago (Edited 5464d ago )

Thats only your problem Pirate Thom. I've already bought this year:

Resident Evil 5
Halo Wars
Star Ocean 4
GTA: Lost and Damned
Street Fighter 4
Red Faction Guerilla

6 months ago:

Gears of War 2
Left 4 Dead
Fable 2
Infinite Undiscovery
Fallout 3
...and a few more I can't remember

and this holiday season:

Splinter Cell
Forza 3
Tony is Gay in GTA
....and much more

Just because you got Killzone 2(that no one bought), a baseball game, Infamous(which no one bought) and a bunch of inferior multiplatform games....doesn't mean Xbox 360 had no games. Xbox 360 has literally 300 more games to choose from than PS3.

Not being able to find games to play on Xbox 360 because PS3 got one 91% rated shooter and another 85% rated game is your problem only.

But we know you don't mean it.

Gue15464d ago (Edited 5464d ago )

-Halo ODST looks like crap. It gonna fail on its own. lol

-Grand Theft Auto Expansion is not a game. When will bots understand that expansions aren't games?

-Left4Dead 2? What's that? A mod for L4D?

-Shadow Complex? I don't even know what's that...

Forza 3 and Conviction are the only games worth mention.

While you play those crappy unknown games Sony is cooking some amazing games that really use the PS3 strength and are real eXclusives. Uncharted 2 won most of the E3 awards from practically every site you can name of. A lot of sites are already nominating it as GOTY 2009 and the game is not even out yet. Sales? Who cares about sales? Give me scores instead. We'll see that very soon anyway. =)

Killzone 2 already proved which is the most powerful console! aka, the Playstation3.

You Already Know5464d ago (Edited 5464d ago )

I dunno...

that baseball game is the best that any console has to offer...and you can't judge Killzone 2's game quality based on the sales...

sales don't equal quality....that's like saying when a music artist has a record that goes platinum...it's a great record....

that's just ridiculous...

I won't say the 360 has no games...let alone begin drawing comparisons because both consoles are good...but you're trying to take a dump on quality titles because someone else took a dump on your favorite console..

lol@the disagree fairy...weee

DNAgent5464d ago (Edited 5464d ago )

Halo ODST = Basically DLC that is on a disc & is also now priced higher (when they said it wouldn't cost as much as a regular game). It's just Halo 3 with a new single player campaign as the multiplayer will be the same but with added maps (most which you've probably already payed for).

Splinter Cell: Conviction = Coming to PC (and likely PS3 after a few months with extras)

Forza 3 = Hey, you actually listed a real 360 exclusive that time. I'm much more interested in the superior GT5 though and I have GT5P to hold me until then. Need for Speed: Shift will beat Forza 3 for the year though.

Left 4 Dead 2 = Coming to PC (with mods, you know...The things that make you feel like you didn't get ripped off as much).

Shadow Complex = A glitchy XBLA game in 2D. No thanks. lol

Grand Theft Auto Expansion = I guess the 360 really doesn't have any games if you're listing even more DLC. I guess the last DLC & this new DLC really had their target audience in mind as both of the DLC packs are gay (literally) and i'm sure the people who enjoy them are too.

No need for me to list Uncharted 2, Ratchet & Clank, Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2, MAG, Demon's Souls, and Fat Princess (that's right. I put down a PSN downloadable exclusive out of the many that are coming this year even though I don't need it in this list to prove that the 360 has no games).

I'm also sure that you want to overlook the games that came out earlier this year such as Killzone 2 & Infamous (and don't worry, I still remember the 360's Ninja Blade as well lol). You can also import other AAA games like WKC & Yakuza 3 now if you wanted to. If FF13 comes out in Japan in 2009 then you can import that too (since most people will anyways).

PirateThom5464d ago

Funny enough, I bought a lot more games than that. Doesn't change the fact the 360 had no games in 2009 and won't until the end of the year.

It's convient to forget the PS3 already had games in 2009 (should I point out 6 months ago was still 2009?), point out the metacritic scores of said games and then list games like Halo Wars (82), Star Ocean (72), Resident Evil 5 (85/86 - higher on PS3) and Red Faction Guerilla (85/86 - again, higher on PS3) which scores the same or lower, isn't it?

I'm not able to find games because, well, the 360, again, had nothing this year worth buying and I bought the last good 360 games when they were released, in 2008.

Do you see how this works?

All Time Greatness5464d ago (Edited 5464d ago )

Here's what Pirate Thom said:

"it will be the only 360 game I do buy this year DUE TO THE LACK OF DAMN GAMES! "

And here's what I say:

Xbox 360 has 641 games to choose from

PS3 has 348 games to choose from

It doesn't matter if your talking AAA, AA , 80%+ rated, 70%+ rated, DLC..........Xbox 360 has more.

I don't get what's so uneasy to comprehend about that... if you have a problem finding games on the console with DOUBLE the amount.....maybe you're just running your own little PS3-rules-the-world show. It's still not reality.

On top of it, of PS3's 348 games, they almost all run better on Xbox 360 with a better multiplayer Experience through Xbox Live. You choose not to pay, its your choice. I choose XBL.

You Already Know5464d ago

maybe there just aren't enough games that he likes on the 360..

I personally chose the PS3 because i personally like more of the games for that console...

I didn't say "360 sucks pwnd facepalm etc etc!"....because I'd own both consoles if I had the time and funds to do so...

both consoles have really shined this generation and that's why these arguments get so heated...

if someone says the PS3 lineup sucks...I'm like...whatever it's a matter of preference, but I saw you hating on the PS3 pretty much because he hated on the 360...

...I say just let it go and enjoy the games..

I wrote this article because I wanted to recap a previous article that I did, plus to show gamers to temper their expectations for when they do the pissing contest about which console has more games than the other...

good stuff though...keep the responses coming ahaha..

Pistolero5464d ago (Edited 5464d ago )

Why does it not surprise me that PirateTom doesn't find the 360 lineup appealing?...um yeah, sure, big surprise there.

Regardless of your personal...ahem, fanboy taste...I think anybody can see that the 360 lineup includes more big hitters than the ps3 lineup. Uncharted is a great game and has made a name for itself and I think it will do pretty well, but games like MAG are not that impressive and I doubt they will do as well as some of the other big games.

I've already been enjoying Halo Wars and Star Ocean on the 360, not to mention I have a huge backlog of 360 games I haven't beat....so don't worry about us 360 owners having games to play.

5464d ago
mxdan5464d ago

Nor is it the year of the 360...

It's the year of the gamer man ;).

el zorro5464d ago


"Halo ODST looks like crap. It gonna fail on its own. lol"

Halo ODST is going to fail? Really? *smacks forehead*
When Halo ODST is as big as Halo 3 and has an all new "firefight" co-op mode and a ton of multi-player maps, forge, etc and is a new HALO game, how can anybody in their right mind think that Halo 3 ODST will be anything but a success?

-"Grand Theft Auto Expansion is not a game. When will bots understand that expansions aren't games?"

When a so called expansion is sold on disc at retail and can be played without having purchased GTA4 and is as long as most other games, then no, it is not an expansion in the normal sense of the word. More like a full game that just happens to be a side story to one of the most successful games this generation.

-"Left4Dead 2? What's that? A mod for L4D?"

You can pretend you haven't heard of it, but nevertheless the sequel to one of last years biggest games is indeed a big deal.

Your attempts at trying to downplay the 360's lineup have failed.

food865464d ago

that list of yours is good but wanna bet i can top that with my ps3 list alone? ill just let you know that I bought over 18 games for my ps3 last year alone and my library has over 52 games since i bought my ps3 xbox on the other hand only gets used for their exclusives. just because you don't like killzone or infamous and possibly only own a 360 doesn't mean ps3 doesn't have their good games and seriously ur going to play those 300 plus games that the xbox has over the ps3? even the kiddie ones? hey we gotta whore out our gamerscore right? btw most of those game don't make it to the ps3 because they belong on the ps2, seriously do some research man.

SaberEdge5464d ago

Just the fact that you buy your multi-platform games for the PS3 makes me seriously doubt your judgment. Most multi-platform games I have compared look noticeably better on the 360. Anyway, it sounds like you are just finding reasons not to use your 360.

I own both consoles and I buy most of my multi-platform games for the 360, for obvious reasons. The 360 also tends to have more exclusives that interest me. But I do buy the good exclusives for the PS3, like Uncharted and MGS4. Needless to say, I have more games for my 360 than for my PS3.

A lot of the PS3 exclusives that PS3 fanboys hype up often end up disappointing me when I play them and find out they weren't as good as they were made out to be.

da720izcumin5464d ago

i like what you did sir....
let the ps3 fanboys bathe in rage, since the 1st of june....
n4g has changed, the mass exodus of sony fanboys is just beginning, as they realized that the year of the ps3 was but a mirage. you see when the mind is desperate, it starts imagining things and distorting reality....
unfortunately, i know them well....they'll be back march 2010, yelling about GOW3 and year of the ps3 yet again...

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 5464d ago
Forrest Gump5464d ago

I love it."Let's blame Sony for not meeting our fictional release dates".

You Already Know5464d ago

who is blaming Sony?....it looks like you just read the snip and din't actually read the article itself...

...shame on you, ahaha...

but in all seriousness...there was rumors flying around from the developers themselves about these games and also check the section of the article about White Knight Chronicles and why that will be released 15 months after the Japanese release...

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The 7 Best Final Fantasy Characters: Unveiling the Legends

While FFVII ranks highly, there's more to the series than one game. Here's Chit Hot's picks for the seven best Final Fantasy characters.


The older it gets, the more I respect Final Fantasy XIII

Alex Donaldson: "Hindsight is a hell of a thing, however, and in the years since Final Fantasy XIII, my respect for the decisions its developers made has skyrocketed. In the two Final Fantasy titles since we see both the brilliance and the folly in alternative approaches - and in Final Fantasy VII Remake, we get a more nuanced understanding of what FF13 was trying to accomplish from many of the same development leads."

Einhander1972161d ago

FFXIII is actually one of the best Final Fantasy games.

I also sort of was disappointed at the time, never as much as the bandwagon. But really all the fantastic 3D rendered cutscenes and I actually liked the characters and the story though convoluted was actually fantastic and the ending was extremely emotional. So much budget and time were put into that game Square had such big plans, I actually have always felt kind of bad for how things played out.

I have been thinking for years how great it would be to get all three games on one disk for PS4 or 5.

Nyxus161d ago

I always liked this game, and I agree, a rerelease for current gen would be nice.

Shane Kim160d ago (Edited 160d ago )

Gotta take off the nostalgia glasses. It's the worst FF. Shiva as a bike, I mean come on.

Elda160d ago

Shiva as a bike is strange but saying FFXIII is the worst FF is not at all a fact, that's simply your opinion.

Terry_B159d ago

*One of the 3 equally bad FF's

DivineHand125160d ago (Edited 160d ago )

When I got my series X a year ago, I bought FF13 for nostalgia reasons but ended up being disappointed. When I first played it around the time it launched, I didn't have a lot of experience with final fantasy games, so I enjoyed it. Fast forward to when I played it again, I found that the game had many unnecessary filler moments instead of just giving us meaningful content.

The game is also very linear and a quote on the article said it best. "It is like a sewage pipe that leads to the ocean until it opens up on Grand Pulse."

The story didn't make much sense either and I believe it is my mistake as I played the FF7 remake on PS5 prior which is a night and day difference in terms of pacing, storytelling and likeable characters even though cloud is aloof.

FinalFantasyFanatic160d ago (Edited 160d ago )

Probably was a mistake to play any of the golden era FFs first (e.g. FF6 through FF10), it makes it harder to enjoy some of the FFs that aren't as good. I think FF12 was where major issues with the series started becoming apparent, and it just got worse from there.

FinalFantasyFanatic160d ago (Edited 160d ago )

I didn't really care for it that much, the only saving grace was that it had a better story than 15 (overall it was better than 15) and possibly 12, and even then, you had to read some of it through primers, like reading a book. Plus the battle system was reasonably fun for what it was, even if it was more the spectacle that was exciting for me (e.g. summoning). And to be fair, the 13 trilogy got better with every games, I still don't like Snow though.

Gamingsince1981160d ago

Ff13 is only good if you haven't played a ff before, or any other games that are decent for that matter.

-Foxtrot160d ago

It is in fact no way the best Final Fantasy game, it's one of the worst

Linear corridors, Cutscene, Fight, Cutscene...rinse and repeat

Dialogue and characters are pretty bad, especially Lightning as the main FF hero, they literally said they tried to make a "Female Cloud" and they failed.

Story was pretty awful

I could go on

I think the only alright thing that came from the game was the music.

Elda159d ago

That's not a fact that's your personal opinion. The game sold 11 million copies between its 2009 release up until 2014 including critically reviewed as an 8 out of 10 or an 80 out of 100. The game does have some issues but it's not at all a fact as one of the worst FF games.

-Foxtrot159d ago


Not just mine mate

A large majority


Traecy159d ago

N4G commenters such as yourself aren't the majority. The game was well received.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 159d ago
+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 159d ago
gold_drake161d ago (Edited 161d ago )

i liked the game alot but i didnt like how they handled the terminology.

i dont mind reading data logs but it had soo many.

but i always loved the music and how it looked. the battle system wasnt too bad either.

but i like 13-2 more :)

i still dont understand why we never got a remaster of the trilogy

Eonjay160d ago

Xbox kinda did. Besides the video files of course which are still best on PS3 due to bluray.

Snookies12161d ago

XIII is a pretty solid game, but XIII-2 is WAY better. XIII-2 was one of the few games I decided to go for a Platinum trophy in, early on. Had so much fun the entire way through getting it too!

Eonjay160d ago

Totally agree. FF 13 was okay but 13-2 is my favorite FF game ever.

shinoff2183161d ago (Edited 161d ago )

I hated this to when it released. I haven't much liked a ff game since ff10 as much , aside from ff7remake. I decided to give it another shot on my series x since it's not on a current ps and was liking it quite a bit(just takes me some time to get over things ) until star ocean 2 remake came out I was all over that.

Square should definitely remaster it or something for ps4 ps5

KillerB160d ago

my favorite jrpg trilogy ever

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