
IGN: Resident Evil 5 Review

Ryan Geddes of IGN writes: "With Resident Evil 5, Capcom has broken away from many of the survival horror conventions it pioneered. The creepy suspense of the earlier games has been replaced with an action-packed intensity that will instantly appeal to some gamers and disappoint others. As an action game, RE5 is a success, and there's a wealth of replayability through item collection, weapon upgrades, score chasing and the unlockable Mercenaries mode. But this is no gentle nudge to the formula of the previous main RE games; it's an evolution. And if you can accept it as that, you just might love Resident Evil 5."

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s8anicslayer5565d ago

I can't wait till friday the 13th!

nbsmatambo5565d ago

a 9 is a pretty good score =D

might be picking this up after all...

Cwalat5565d ago

all i can say is, whoever doesn't pick this up... toooooooooooooo bad for yooouuuuu!!

i will enjoy the heck out of this !! :D

RE til the day i die

Mikerra175565d ago

Im goona take a pass after I seen and played the demo I am definantly not picking this up

Bnet3435565d ago

Great score. People here need to STFU about the "last gen" controls. I mean there is nothing wrong with them. It's just like RE4. Capcom is the best and shows why once again.

pippoppow5565d ago

When I first saw screen shots of the game I was hoping the zombies shadowed in the background were going to be the slow moving shambling type or at least have a mix of zombies/infected. It's disappointing that nowadays the series is more action than horror. Also since it's more of an action shooter they should have implemented a control scheme that allowed for some slow to fast movement for some run and gun action to compliment the game better. I didn't get 4 and will not get 5. Maybe the next installment will have what I want, slow moving zombies with a great horror atmosphere.

ape0075565d ago

buy,the demo was awesome,I don't care about haters saying controlles are bad,maybe the first 5 minutes,resi 5 controlles are solid

can't imagine the full game,story,bosses,UPGRADES,dif ferent places

oh man I want this game so BAD

9 seems a bit underrated

iamtehpwn5565d ago

It's not exactly possible to run and shoot at the same time.
At most you can barely walk along.

You guys realize there's a Physics Phenomenon known as "recoil"

YonasJonas5565d ago (Edited 5565d ago )

Anyone who was scared by RE might have had the game mixed up with Silent Hill. Holy cow, the infected villagers who are still being infected by a shadowy organization move a bit fasters so they is less like zombiez! Someone call the irrelevant police! Guess what? Chris Redfield is back to shoot more infected. Which is exactly what RE has always been, an action game with horror elements much like it still is today. The only difference is they got rid of the outdated camera system. I mean the outdated camera system certainly wasn't going to make the fans miss out on one of the best experiences that generation. I guess people have become more finicky since then. Well all I can say is it's your loss buddy.

ThanatosDMC5565d ago

Fine, i'll still *itch about the control WHILE playing the game!

Pr0ject-Cha0s5565d ago

an seriously true gamers dont b1!tch about controls i didnt see to many people complaining about killzone 2 controls in this website(i only own a ps3 so dont conclude im a fanboy and yes killzone 2 i da best fps this gen)

legendkilla5565d ago

First day buy for me= confirmed!!

DarkArima5565d ago

You can shoot a slowly back up and keep your aim.

The Peoples ARMPIT5565d ago

Anyone who buys this overrated pos will surely regret it mark my words. The name is what got it a high score and why aren't we hearing that it doesn't reinvent the genre? anyone? that's what i thought, double standards at it's finest.

To me Dead Space is the new survival horror king. The game alone gets all the methods of a survival horror game right. Resident Evil 5 has nothing going for it and again the fact that you can't shoot while at least walking is beyond retarded. Tell me, after you complete the unsatisfyingly short SP what else is there to do?

Don't waste your hard earned cash on this pos. Trust me you are better of waiting for RE6 for real.

Now! have a whiff of me.

DarkArima5565d ago

I wont be picking it up.
Gameplay is too slow.

gamesmaster5565d ago

i like the look of the game and its art direction but it doesnt have the suspense of the other games, its just that resident evil stopped being scary when they released 4. i enjoyed the first 2 because they scared the sh!t out of me, nowadays they throw so many infected at you its just become a slaughter, i might give it a try when the price comes down.

pixelsword5565d ago (Edited 5565d ago )

Everyone's always whining about controls and lack of innovation when it comes to other games and dings them harshly, but when a "fan favorite" comes out (especially when they go multiplatform) those rules just gets thrown under the bus. I don't mind the whole wannabe zombie thing again, but this game even uses the same types of specific characters (chainsaw-wielding zombies, for example) which really turned me off on top of the crappy controls... innovation is subjective, as we see.

That's everything that's wrong with this gen: the double standard and favoritism from gaming "media" is disgusting.

and @ DominusRebellis:

lol I see what you did there! Journal of security guard (I think) from Resident Evil 2, I think?

DominusRebellis5565d ago (Edited 5565d ago )

^^^ haha yup! From RE1, right after you read that part of the journal, a little something bursts out of the closet doors hahaha...classic!

Same sort of thing in the journal in RE2 in the room where you get the magnum clip fromt eh guys who's "throat appears to be torn out"...wow I shouldn't know that much haha

rpgenius4205565d ago

This game is great! I have been playing it since last month and it is tight! Get it.


Rick AstIey5564d ago

Dead Space is better than RE5. The only thing RE5 does better than Dead Space are cut-scenes, nothing else. Nada.

pixelsword5564d ago (Edited 5564d ago )

lol yeah, no wonder I got them mixed-up; I LOVE the RE series, it's been a part of me since the first one (I think I still have all discs even from the PS1).

I dunno; maybe I'll get it, maybe I won't; I love the story so far, and from what I'm hearing, this will be the 'MGS4' of the series so I don't want to miss that.

I just wish the character was a bit more mobile because standing still doesn't really fit for this game like it did for RE4...

*thinks about playing RE4 again... :)

Maybe I'll look at some reviews or something.

@ Rick AstIey;

I've heard about good things about Dead Space. I'm thinking about getting Dead Space. I actually held back on Dead Space and Bioshock because I was waiting on RE5; but now after playing the demo, I don't know what to do... er, flip a coin?

Hellsvacancy5564d ago

I havnt played Res5 (except the demo) bUt it doesnt appeal 2 me that much (ive said it a 100 times but "ZOMBIES WITH WEAPONS WOT WERE THEY THINKIN")

I really really liked Dead Space and i would recommend it 2 any1 who likes the survival horror genre

+ Show (20) more repliesLast reply 5564d ago
Jack Bauer5565d ago

kinda disappointed they say that you lose that edge of always feeling like on the edge of death, i liked that about RE, still looks good though.

Arsenic135565d ago

He said for the standard difficulty. I dont mind playing on he hardest difficulty.

YonasJonas5565d ago

A fantastic score from the most respected site in gaming history.

qface645565d ago

this review is too generous

after finding out that there is now a cover system and that its essential for survival i just think what the

ESPECIALLY the fact that the enemies now use ak's and grenade launchers also flash bangs and then some

that doesn't sound or look like RE seems like rainbow six or gears

N4PS3G5565d ago

real nice! will pick up on friday! Haters won't be happy

II Necroplasm II5565d ago

Capcom Haters do not deserve to be happy.

DarkArima5565d ago

psh.. Silent hill keeps me happy(1-4 anyway)

p.s you can move and shoot in Sh

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Resident Evil 5 - 15 Years of Being the Most Misunderstood Resident Evil

Resident Evil 5 launched 15 years ago today - and it continues to stand as a stepping stone from the good to the bad.

TheBrainZ86d ago

One of my favourites because of the co-op. Then Resi 6 arrived and the series nosedived further.

Knightofelemia86d ago

I enjoyed the game co-oping with a friend I know the game in solo the AI can be an idiot but RE5 is way better then RE6. I played RE6 with a friend if it wasn't cheap when I got I would have avoided RE6.

thesoftware73086d ago (Edited 86d ago )

5 was excellent, still play Mercs with my brother.
I would love a fully remastered RE:5, with some added, reworked content. The DLC for 5 was also excellent.

6 was awful.

CrimsonWing6986d ago

I never understood why the game was misunderstood. It was a fantastic game at launch and is still fun today to play. It’s as action packed as Resident Evil 4 was, yet that’s regarded a masterpiece 🤷‍♂️

chobit_A5HL3Y86d ago

it was "misunderstood" because they introduced co-op into the franchise at a time when people loved to have fake rage about co-op. like, you could play the game as a solo experience, but people chose to have their bandwagon rage because it was cool at the time lol

-Foxtrot86d ago (Edited 86d ago )

What the hell are you talking about? Fake Rage? Bandwagon? Come on.

You can play it solo but you are forced to carry around a shitty AI partner you have to micro manage. It wasn't as fun solo.

Co-op sucked all the horror, tension and suspense from the game because having a partner covering you was like a safety net. Enemy trying to sneak up on you? No sweat the AI will just automatically lock on, alert you while they shoot first telling you where they are basically.

It was the start of Capcoms fall with the Resident Evil series where it basically become an over the top generic action game which betrayed it's own survival horror roots. Least RE4 had a good blend of both but Capcom just went the wrong way with RE5, especially going off what they were going to do during the RE4.5 beta phase before co-op was added.

franwex86d ago

At least the game was a ton of fun tho. If the game was bad, the outrage would’ve been justified. They simply pivoted for a couple of games. At this point it’s bad because it’s called Resident evil 5? But if was called something else it would’ve been good? Please.

chobit_A5HL3Y85d ago

like i said: fake baby rage and bandwagon hate. res4 wasn't really that scary, either, and was already taking the series into more of an action-oriented direction at the time. 5 was a good game that people fake-hated because of co-op that you didn't even have to play lol hence the fake rage and bandwagon hate. i mean, it obviously did well enough for capcom to go ahead and make 6 the way they did, right? if 5 was so bad, they would have changed what 6 was during development. the difference is that 6 was actually just bad.

people "hate" 5 because res4 was so good, and 5 was just unfortunate enough to be its successor. like i said, 4 wasn't scary, either, and relied more on tension than horror, but it was already more of an action game. if you don't wanna like 5 because it's not scary or whatever- that's fine, but it wasn't meant to be strictly a horror game anymore at that point anyways. the gameplay was a lot faster-paced than 4, so saying that the ai helping you by potentially shooting someone that was sneaking up behind you is a moot point. there were more enemies that were more aggressive, along with newer threats.

5 isn't as good as 4, but it's not a bad game by any stretch.

RNTody61d ago (Edited 61d ago )

What? I always thought RE5 had fake controversy because it was set in South Africa and you shot a bunch of black zombies. I live in South Africa and thought the game was absolutely awesome, played the whole thing co-op with my brother.

@Foxtrot I think you're confusing the garbage Dead Space 3 with Resident Evil 5. Resident Evil 4 was already a hyper action game and had zero fear factor other than the grotesque appearance of some enemies.

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Complete Global Saturation! Is Resident Evil 5 Really the Best Choice for the Next Remake?

An exploration of whether RE5 is truly the most logical next step for a remake, or whether there are others in line who deserve their day in the sun.

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ocelot07246d ago

Remake of Resident evil outbreak as well as file 2. Same gameplay as the recent remakes. Choose what ever character you want to play as. With online co op.

DarXyde245d ago

I've been dying to see Outbreak come back for years.

Even RE Zero and Code Veronica would be excellent.

But for the love of God, not RE5 or RE6.

One they get around to the aforementioned games, why not remake the original Devil May Cry trilogy? That would be a much better use of time. At the very least, the first two games.

justsomeoffdude246d ago (Edited 246d ago )

code veronica should be the nest remake

neutralgamer1992245d ago

CV is good candidate for a remake but requires way more work for today’s standard. People look at CV through their tinted glasses. I think capcom wants to remake every game up till 6 and fix the plot holes so they can continue the series in one straight story path

Also not sure why only RE have to get remade when there are other capcom games that would be better suited for remakes like oninusha

DVAcme245d ago

That's PRECISELY the reason Code Veronica needs a remake. All the other RE games aged pretty well, considering the limitations of the time, but Code Veronica is the game that would be served the best bybremaking it because it feels so archaic these days.

neutralgamer1992245d ago


But it depends if capcom wants a big project or a quick remake. CV will require a lot more work than RE5

IMO they should remake other games before doing RE5

TheEnigma313246d ago

how many times do we have to say CV is the next best one?

CrimsonWing69246d ago

Nooooo! Why the hell can’t they do Code Veronica? I just don’t understand.

1Victor246d ago

RE5 is the closest to the bottom of the pot(a little smoky flavor but passable in a emergency) before we get to the burned crust that is 6 that not even the pigs would eat

CrimsonWing69246d ago (Edited 246d ago )

Unpopular opinion here, but I enjoyed 5 and 6. I just think, in terms of Remakes, the classics are the one that should get the treatment above the modern takes of the franchise.

Don’t get wrong, RE4 definitely was an outstanding Remake, but RE5… I just get less excited about a Remake for that over something like Code Veronica.

RaidenBlack246d ago

Rather remake other past Capcom & non-mainline RE games ... IF they have to continue churning out Remakes.
I'd rather want a new 3rd person RE spin-off
Dino Crisis and Onimusha Reboot
New IPs after Pragmata ships

jeromeface245d ago

show this man the door... he overserved himself.

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