
First screenshot of Microsoft's Kumo

Cnet writes:

"As I noted earlier on Monday, Microsoft plans to start internal testing later this week of Kumo, the rebranded version of Live Search. Now I have a screenshot to share."

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billez5569d ago

picture reminds me from naruto (akatsuki)

Lord Anubis5569d ago

My apologies but because N4G does not support .bmp formats i had to google for Kumo and that's one of the pictures i got for it but it's completely unrelated to the search engine. heh :(

terrandragon5569d ago

So, is this just an organized Google? Sorry, I didn't bother reading it.

Lord Anubis5569d ago

this will summarize their intents:

"In spite of the progress made by search engines, 40 percent of queries go unanswered; half of queries are about searchers returning to previous tasks; and 46 percent of search sessions are longer than 20 minutes. These and many other learnings suggest that customers often don't find what they need from search today."

soul-sama5569d ago

google > everything else.

Sorry MS. You're out of your league.

TheIneffableBob5569d ago

Microsoft Live's image search is actually very good. Better than Google's.

YoMeViet5569d ago

hey if it better or somewhat rival google then bring it on, but if it lags behind then you developers better go back to your cubicles and start over!

Argento-Nox5569d ago

They should just focus on Windows 7, their search engine has sucked since forever.


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