
Killzone 2 release less than stellar, Underground Hype 11

This week, Michael, Quentyn, Adrian, Jason, and Keem gets on the mic to converse about the latest in the gaming world. We all speculate on Killzone 2's opening, give our opinions on the sudden hike in prices on Xbox Live Arcade games, and Adrian gives us the low down on Left 4 Head... yea you're going to have to listen to the show to see what's up with that one. Hit the play button below for episode 11 of Underground Hype.

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Pein5570d ago

wow that was some accomplishment from that member. i wanna challenge him on live. add me destructor85.

killzone 2 was a flop cause of sony's marketing problems. i havent seen a single advert on tv from this

Jamegohanssj55570d ago

I don't know what you're talking aboot. I saw many Killzone 2 commercials. Especially during wrestling. They whored them out, but I think Sony should have gotten the commercials out the first week of February. It would have made more sense.


Black Maverick5570d ago

"killzone 2 was a flop...."

"Stupid" doesn't even begin to describe your statement....

Sackdude5570d ago

its published by SCEE, the game has more ads in europe, here KZ2 ads are everywhere, in my country you see KZ2 ad on buses and big walls....

i think sony wants to move more units in EU...

and let Uncharted 2 and GOW 3 move unit in US.

Ghoul5570d ago

1,5 milion preorders alone in europe over 500.000 registered online players todate.

where is this a flop ?
get a life
or even better get killzone :)

Awesome Possum5570d ago

So now when vgcharts reports 750000 sold its a flop. That's just silly.

Information Minister5570d ago

I would facepalm, but my hands are frozen in disbelief.

Alcon5570d ago

I live in Europe as well, and I haven't seen a single ad. Well we barely see any here (the only ones where LBP (after it was allready released) and Motorstor 2 (after release as well)). They surely prioritize where they put ads (basicly where there are more consumers (France, Germany, England,...), I live in belgium (small country), so maybe they don't really want to spend a lot of money on marketing (although, Wii and Xbox are very well represented in ads on tv, in the streets (only sony doesn't seem to want to spend money in marketing), It's really a shame, I sure more people would at least know about the games coming out on the Ps3 (many, if not all, my friends have never heard of Killzone 2, Uncharted, Motorstorm, and if I did not inform them they would have never known those great games where out. So yeah if you don't advertise , your games are going to go unnoticed, at least with ads the consumer is intrigued and knows that a new game is coming out (so more chances they buy it)

bassturd5570d ago

I saw the commercial for it 2 times on TV. That is all. I've seen the Halo Wars commercial like 20 times.

I agree, where was the advertising for the game? Plus the advert didn't even show gameplay. When you have the prettiest looking game ever made thus far (I believe...I've been playing it and I've played Gears and Crysis) why the hell not show the gameplay during the commercial?

I wondered this before and a bunch of people disagreed with me but gave no response to why. I definitely don't understand how you can disagree with it.

Now, I dunno if the game sold badly tho. Some people say it did good while others say it did bad. All I know is when I went to grab my preorder copy...I was the only one there....

Bowzabub5570d ago

Killzone 2 would never get the sames sales as a Halo game. This is just common sense because of rating. Also let me direct your attention to Nintendogs!! See what i did there? Common sense Brandboys! How old are you people?

el_bandito5570d ago

"was" a "flop". Seems like the game released years ago.
Everything you can't play on your system seems a "flop" nowadays.

yanikins1115570d ago

"Killzone 2 was a flop"






Baba19065570d ago

who cares anyway, it wll sell enough for sony and GG to make money and the game is pure awesome. such a cool multiplayer. so the people who wanna enjoy the game they can. the rest who want to look at flopping games should do it with games that really floppt and not with games that are selling as good as k2. play war, dont make war.

XxZxX5570d ago

AnalogHype is a flop, that one is 100% confirmed.

Why?? Because they can't sleep at night.

MicroSony4Life5570d ago

But still have to wait and see what Alan Wake brings to the table.

I think must people were expecting Kill Zone 2 to sell like Halo,gears,MGS4.

Montrealien5570d ago (Edited 5570d ago )

Killzone 2 sold really well here, we actually did not order anough and I feel bad that I underistimated it so much. We sold 44 in less then a day, which is alot for us, not our largest launch, but a big one nontheless.

as for people saying there are no commercials, do you watch Spike? ComdeyNetwork? There is that awesome slow mo bullet spot going on atm, great commercial. I just think it should of been on the superbowl, it is a good enough commercial for the superbowl.

Just so you know we sold 8 on our midnight release though, which is not a lot, was worried for a sec, since this was our last midnight release...I`ll let you guys guess the game


and yes, that line went around to corner another 80 feet or so.

SiLeNt KNighT5570d ago

the only time ive seen a commercial for KZ is when i come back from the bars at 3 in the morning. its always the same one too, with the bullet moving in slow motion through the helghast and finally hitting the one in the back in the head. ive seen it about 10 times now, but thats it. no sponsors, no gameplay commercials. imo sony needs to step it up in the ad department. this is the best game ive ever played we need some commercials to show it. the hype is with gamers not the general public. when halo's are released 2 year old kids to 80 year old women have seen something on tv about it.

popup5570d ago

The funny thing is that I got it and I don't like FPS that much any more (not very good at them and not interested in multi-player) but of my list of 15 or so buddies on PSN from work, only one of them has got this game. None of them are mad PS3 fanboys, none of them follow PS3 news with any degree of passion but all of them got a PS3 cos they had a PS2 and all of them are still playing COD4 like there is no tomorrow!!

Many got the demo but it is like they don't understand that playing COD4 for months is going to make them feel confident, comfortable and is going to massage their ego's because of their accumulated skill with it and any new game is going to feel 'different' at first but that does not seem to matter. They still feel that COD4 has plenty of life left and anything else is simply 'not COD4'

Then there is me, Mr. non-FPS man, loving every minute of it and although I own all the platforms, I am glad that someone proved that the PS3 really can provide something to truly drop your jaw in graphical and immersive terms and raise the bar. In fact, the demo really does nothing to prepare you for the stages that follow and noone will be left in any doubt that this really is quite something!

I have never even played any of the COD's and although I still suck as bad at console FPS as I always have, it makes me sick to see all the babyish control-wingers when I am knee deep in a totally convincing warzone and loving every minute of it!!


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ASTAROTH5570d ago (Edited 5570d ago )

..the hell is this doing on the 360 news?

The "flop" of KILLZONE 2 is now news to you 360 fans??

Why dont you search the internet looking for the 100 plus exclusives AAA that the 360 will get on 2009?

How pathetic...anyway I must say that only the fanatics can deny the awesomeness of KZ2. Im deep into the game and Im really amazed by the PS3 graphics in this one and I have high hopes to the upcoming exclusives. I think that it will be a very hard task for multiplatform FPS to take KZ2 overall achievment.

Also I cant believe that this game get reviws (just 3) in the 70. What were they reviewing the demo?? This game deserves no lower than a 9/10. It doesnt deserves a 10, but which game is worth it??

EDIT: Ohh its in the PS3 news also. But anyway. Cant find more KZ2 FLOP NEWS??


KeemJ5570d ago

Its in the 360 section cause there are parts of the podcast that have to do wth the 360 dumb @$$. i swear you N4G fools just read titles and comment without knowing what ppl are talking about.

ChampIDC5570d ago

That's generally how it goes on this site. I wasn't going to comment, because I didn't feel like listening to it, but I just had to agree with you on this one. Uninformed comments are terribly rampant on this site.

hatchimatchi5570d ago

and there was like 20 people there. doesnt mean the game isnt awesome though, anyone who is a fan of shooters and games with cover systems need to play this game at least once.

KeemJ5570d ago (Edited 5570d ago )

I want to play KZ2. I called up 3 Gamestops and a Play N Trade and they told me that there were literally a hand full of ppl that came in to get the game. I'm disappointed in the fan for not bumb rushing these places like when 360 fans did for Halo 3 and Gears 2. To me it seems like all the fan-boyish talk on N4G and other sites were for nothing.

poindat5570d ago

Has there ever been a Playstation exclusive that drew out massive launch numbers such as Halo 3? I can't think of any.

This isn't the movie industry, folks. Launch day sales aren't everything. I'm going to use LittleBigPlanet as an example here and say that games can continue to sell (and sell well) long into the future, regardless of launch numbers.

DragonWarrior465345570d ago

Yea right,, everyone I know has been looking for a copy of this game and they cant find one. Good job trying to be a troll though.

Nonsense 4 Gamers5570d ago (Edited 5570d ago )

"they told me that there were LITERALLY A HANDFUL OF PPL that came in to get the game"

Where do you live? Somewhere with REALLY small people, or with huge fvcking GIANTS?

velaxun5570d ago

the eb games in my area as well as the Walmart and Zellers (canadian wal-mart) all sold out of killzone. I picked mine up at 10 am on launch day and there's was quite a bit at eb, it sold out later that day when my friend went looking for a copy

orange-skittle5570d ago

I went at 12:30am and their were 2 other ppl there with 5 GameStop employees. They were expecting a rush like Halo 3 and Gears 2 when people were literally camping out at noon that same day. The manager sent 3 of the employees home because it was so bad. I liked the game, but it's never going to be a Halo or Gears Killer. BTW, I played the MP for about 4 hours and I am just not impressed. I went back to Socom and COD4/WW because it wasn't that great. 50 cent was more fun.

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ogwilson5570d ago

I wanted to get this game but i think ill rent now.

Storm235570d ago

Definitely get it. It is amazing.

Saigon5570d ago

if your not getting it for that reason...then return your PS3...because that comment made no sense...its a AAA game that has received nothing but 8, 9s, and 10s...and you wont get it because a 360 site says its a flop...wow...

Death5570d ago

Rent it and see if you like it. If you don't own an Xbox 360 and are a fps fan, you can't go wrong. If you own both consoles, try it before you buy it. It's not like you can't buy it once you've rented it.


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All Call of Duty Black Ops Games Ranked

The Nerd Stash: "Developed by Treyarch Studios, Call of Duty: Black Ops games are some of the best in the series in terms of gameplay, story, and -- of course -- Zombies."

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Rynxie3h ago(Edited 3h ago)

Black ops 4, because it was the last cod of duty I was able to dominate with a +2 k/d ratio. Before all the freaking cheating started to happen. It was nice catching people off guard and shooting at them first and getting the kill. Unlike now, where I shoot people first, but they gun me down with less hits, less time, literally feels like they can kill me in a split second. At times, they are able to run away after me shooting them way more than necessary, yet, the second I'm spotted, I'm dead, there's no me running away to cover. They can do cartwheels, summersaults, backflips and gun you down perfectly. They can shoot you across the map with perfect accuracy. They can jump around like morons and gun you down without even having to correct their aim. They have superman split second perfect reactions. That's the best way to describe it, everything they do is spot on perfect. They can spam and spray (no praying) their gun from far away, because they have no recoil or bullet spread. It always feels like I have to aim and also correct my aim when moving around, while these pricks don't have to do the same.

And yes, I know how to play fps games. I dominated many fps games like: Resistance 1&2, kz 2&3, Socom, MAG, Crysis, Gotham City Impostors, blitz brigade etc. all with 2-4 k/d ratio. Kz2 (lag input controls) and resistance (no aim assist in resistance) being the hardest and were the games I reached either close to a 3 k/d ratio or above.

I truly got to enjoy blacks ops 4 and got my money's worth out of it. Afterwords, I would either stop playing cod games after a while, because of the cheating, or would skip buying cod games for a year or two before buying another.


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DarXyde1d 10h ago

Numbers 6-9 were some of my absolute favorite early gen PS3 games. I'm still bitter about Incognito and Japan Studio.

Goodguy011d 2h ago

The white knight chronicles and infamous games really need to come to modern platforms. MAG I really miss...poor zipper. The ps3 was definitely a unique console despite it being the worst home console of PlayStation.


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DefenderOfDoom21d 20h ago

Would love to see a sequel to the 7th gen FPS campaign SINGULARITY from RAVEN Software..